Chapter Five

The Person You Left Behind

"Suhyun are you doing anything after school?" Rap Monster asked me and sat on the chair of the desk infront of me.

"Umm, no. But I need to catch my bus." Why couldn't I just say that I was busy? Am I really too innocent?

"We're going out to eat at Jimin's grandma's noodle shop. You should come with us." Rap Monster kept trying to persuade me. Jimin? No thanks.

"Sorry I can't. I wouldn't know my way home from there. I'm sorry but I should get going before I miss it." I continued to deny the request.

"Her noodles are the best Suhyun!" Taehyung joined Rap Monster, I know I've had them plenty of times before. "If anything we should always help you find your way home."

After what seemed like a long back and forth denying and persuading conversation I ended up following them to Jimin's grandmother's noodle shops.

I walked behind the crowd with Aji, I think she was trying to make me feel comfortable. Jimin has been throwing glares at me and he was definitely not happy that I was tagging along. Trust me Jimin, I didn't want to come as much as you didn't want me to come. Taeeun, Suga, Rap Monster, Jungkook, Aji, Taehyung and Jimin all tagged along and Hoseok and Jin went home.

"Sorry for before." Aji suddenly spoke to me but kept her eyes locked infront of her.

"For what?" I couldn't help but stutter. Why was she apologizing to me all of a suddenly? She hasn't done anything wrong, well at least nothing that I have noticed.

"For leaving you to walk with Jungkook." She replied. "I know that you're probably closest and most comfortable with Taehyung so far but he's quite used to always walking me to class."

"Oh no, it's okay. It was quite awkward but I guess I have to be more comfortable with the other guys, too." I spoke without thinking. Why was I giving her a reason? Gosh, it wasn't the situation that was awkward, it was me myself that was awkward. "Since it seems like they want be to hang out with them and be friends, I guess." My voice got quieter as I finished my sentence and I heard Jimin let out a loud sigh.

After walking a few more blocks, we finally reached Jimin's grandmother's noodle shop. I made so many memories in this noodle shop with both Junhwe and Jimin. I haven't been in this shop for more than a year and it feels so wrong to be there with Jimin. I wonder how his grandmother is doing. She's quite old but she's so energetic, I myself call her grandma.

"Yasss!" "Finally!" "I walked for these noodles!" The boys were soo excited to eat noodles that they cheered as they entered the noodle shop.

"Omo! My grandsons, welcome welcome!" I heard Jimin's grandmother's voice and I started to regret coming with them. "Come sit her." I saw her point to a large round table and all the boys sat. "Taeeun, Aji welcome. Oh who's this?"

"Grandma, that's Suhyun." Jungkook replied to her and she looked at me again. "She's a new student in Namjoo and Taehyung's class."

"Omo! My Suhyun!" She finally notices and reconginzes me. "You've gotten so pretty and skinny!"

"Grandma!" Jimin yelled to her and startled everyone, including myself. "Can you stop? You'll make her feel uncomfortable." His voice softened.

I uncomfortable went to my seat next to Jungkook and Aji and Jungkook wore a big smile on his face. I did nothing but give him a straight blank expression and his face hardened.

"Wow, Suhyun do you know Jimin's grandma? You guys seem close." Suga asked me.

"She used to come eat here all the time while she was in middle school." Before I could reply my own answer, Jimin spoke up. He's a great liar. I'm not even surprised that he decided to answer for me.

"Oh, is that how you guys know each other?" Jungkook asked me. I have realized that he's quite curious about others.

"We don't know each other." Jimin once again answered for me. I was getting really tired of his attitude and I have to deal with it for the rest of the school year.

After a few minutes or noodles finally arrived at our table. I was having mixed feelings about being there. I am having a hard time admitting to myself that I do want to be friends with Taehyung and them, but Jimin is stopping me. I shouldn't be blaming him but what can I do when he's always opening his mouth. I decided not to think too much on this awakrd situation and decided to just enjoy my noodles with, I guess, my new group of friends.

"Yummmmmmmmmy!" Taehyung said after he finished his bowl. I wasn't even half way done yet. These boys are pigs!

"I want more." Jungkook spoke after he finished drinking the very last drop of his broth.

After a few more minutes the boys one-by-one finished their bowls of noodles. I looked at Aji's bowl and then Taeeun's and we had just about the same left. Thank goodness, that must mean that I'm not a slow eater. But I was getting really full right now, I usually don't have an appetite after school. But I felt so bad for coming here so I pushed all my energy and tried to finish the bowl. I was the first to finish comparing to Aji and Taeeun. Hopefully I didn't look like a pig to them.

"Ugh, Taehyung I can't finish this." I heard Aji complaining next to me. "Can you finish this?" Luckily for her she has a boyfriend who would eat her leftovers.

"Yasss!" Taehyung cheered and gladly took her bowl.

After waiting for Taehyung and Taeeun to finish their bowl we headed out the door and was getting ready to leave. I needed to figure out where I was so I can head home. I do not want to walk with anyone to be honest. I don't want anyone to know where I live, even if we were friends. But it was getting dark outside and once it gets dark outside, the creepers comes out.

"Suhyun where's your house? We'll walk you home." Rap Monster stopped and asked me and everyone agreed besides, of course Jimin.

Author's Note: Okay four chapters dedicated to one whole entire day. I should shorten this story a bit. But thanks for all the new subbies and comments! I loveeeeeeee it! Gifs are found here.


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( tpylb : 14040712 ) long time no update. my apologiessss!


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Aww I'm still waiting for an update even after 6 years :)
-DaeButt #2
Chapter 14: wAHHH JUNGKOOKIE WHATTA MAN although i loves jungkook i still want her to be with jimin tho but he being rn o cant-
AlexandraLee19 #3
Chapter 14: I am starting to get feels for Jungkook xD I mean I wanted her to end up with Jimin (who is my bias after all) but in this fic, I love Jungkook's character so much >\< ♡
Chapter 14: i thought this was a jimin and oc fic?? ×.× wuht~~~?
Chapter 14: This story is so good!!
SongHaBin #6
Chapter 14: Congratulation Authnornim,it's a lovely chapter.. And i was waiting for this like forever,hehehe.Plz update soon.. Authornim hwaiting!!
this is a great idea keep it up
Chapter 13: Aww jealous suga is so cute for some reason xD
Is it weird if i'm more curious of what suhyun and jungkook were talking about than what suga wants to tell jungkook? Hehe ><
seolleongtang #9
im so excited for the next update :D so curiousss
Chapter 12: Im so curious yea haha im really curious now!!