Chapter Twelve

The Person You Left Behind

"Suhyun?" He distract me while I was planning his death. "Can you answer me honestly." I nodded my head yes. "So what happened between you and Jimin?"

I was shocked at this question because honestly, what really did happen between Jimin and I? But whatever it was, I was getting real tired of it. Not telling my friends about my past and building a lie over and over again. If this continues and they find you, they'll definitely be upset at me.

"I-I don't know." My voice was shaky and I looked down. I could feel his gaze on me and he looked concerned.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I mean, I don't want to force you or anything but I just wanted to ask." I couldn't tell if he was honest or not and that was something that always made me upset. Not being able to read other people's feelings by their voice.

"I mean, well I know but I don't know." I wanted to tell him. "Like I only know my side." I am going to tell him. "I don't know Jimin's."

"I still want to know." I can't believe I'm doing this.

"I don't know where to start." I began and it was the truth. Where do I even begin? "Jimin and I have always been good friends. We've known each other since elementary school." I paused and thought about what to say next. "Over a year ago a close friend of Jimin and I passed away. I don't really remember what happened afterwards to be honest. Jimin blames me for the cause of his death and I guess he wanted to get rid of me from his memories." I took a deep breath as I felt my eyes begin to water.

"Was the guy who passed you past lover?" I heard Jungkook ask me. I couldn't answer him as I was was trying hard not to cry so I just nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Jimin doesn't know what really happened." That's when I couldn't stop my tears and they started to roll down my cheeks. "Junhwe and I met a few weeks before the accident and told me that he's been seeing some other girl. A noona. He broke up with me but there were times were where he will call me and tell me that he misses me. We decided to meet once again and we went out to eat. I knew that he was still with that one noona." I looked up at Jungkook who was staring right back at me. When our eyes met I looked back down. "The noona that he was seeing and her friends picked him up but they were intoxicated. I remember her getting out of the car and threw some alcohol at me. Junhwe didn't even say or do anything." I took a few deep breaths in before continuing. "I turned around and before I knew it there was a loud noise and I heard sirens and there were red and blue lights every where. No one wanted to be my friend. Everyone I met, everyone I saw, they always walked away from me." I couldn't continue with the story since it pretty much ended there. Jungkook didn't say anything and he was the one who was looking down now.

"Let's eat." While I was busying telling him my past I didn't even notice that our food was already here. Jungkook didn't look at me once while we were eating and it was absolute silent. It sounded like there was no one outside the booth but it was still packed in the alley.

After we were done eating we left and just like before, it was completely silent. My pace began to slow down every once in awhile and before I knew it, I was walking right behind him. He didn't say anything like how he used to. I wonder what he was thinking of. I looked at the view of his back and stared at it for a long time and noticed him taking deep breaths every now and then. My heart ached and I didn't even know why. The view of his back made it me feel protected. What am I thinking right now? Stop it Suhyun!

While I was forcing myself to start thinking crazy things Jungkook had stopped and I bumped into him. "I'll see you tomorrow." I looked up and realized that we were already at my house. That was quick, or was I zoning out for a long time?

"Bye. Have a safe walk home." I said my goodbye to him for the night and he waved to me. I stood by the entrance waiting for him to disappear before enterring my house.

The next day at school was very awkward for me. I still feel really bad for not letting Aji and them know where I was. Not only that but I just let Jungkook know probably my biggest secret ever. I rested my head on my desk and got lost into my own world without actually falling asleep.

"Suhyun are you not feeling well again?" Without lifting my head, I already knew it was Taehyung. I felt so bad for telling Jungkook about my past and not anyone else. What made him so special that he got to knew instead of the rest of the guys.

"No I'm feeling better." I replied back in a cheerful tone, but not too cheerful incase it sounded fake. "But my tummy hurts because of the food I ate in the alley yesterday with Jungkook." That part was true.

"Ah, speaking of Jungkook. He was looking for you." My eyes widen just a little bit. "I think he said that Suga hyung needed you."

I decided to just look for Suga during lunch because class was starting soon. I wonder if he had a plan or anything, even if he didn't I should probably let him know of the plan Jungkook as thought of. When the bell for lunch finally rung everyone rushed out to the canteen besides Rap Monster, Taehyung and I.

"I'm gonna go first and look for Aji." Taehyung got up and left.

"I think I'm just going to stay here and take a nap." Rap Monster leaned back in his chair.

"You sure?" He nodded his head yes. "Okay, I'll see you after lunch is done." I told him and left the class room.

I started walking in the direction where Jungkook's class was and saw him walking towards me. Well, at least that's what I thought. He just walked passed me and he didn't even look at me. I stopped for a few seconds until I realized that I was holding something in my hands. It was Jungkook's wrist, I must have grabbed it while he walked passed me as a reflex.

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating in such a long time! Author-nim hasn't been feeling well. I was debating if I should write a flashback or if I should write Suhyun explaining it. Hope you guys are okay with her just explaining it to him. Enjoy, like always. I'll try to update as much as possible now. I'm leaving you guys with another cliff hanger.

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( tpylb : 14040712 ) long time no update. my apologiessss!


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Aww I'm still waiting for an update even after 6 years :)
-DaeButt #2
Chapter 14: wAHHH JUNGKOOKIE WHATTA MAN although i loves jungkook i still want her to be with jimin tho but he being rn o cant-
AlexandraLee19 #3
Chapter 14: I am starting to get feels for Jungkook xD I mean I wanted her to end up with Jimin (who is my bias after all) but in this fic, I love Jungkook's character so much >\< ♡
Chapter 14: i thought this was a jimin and oc fic?? ×.× wuht~~~?
Chapter 14: This story is so good!!
SongHaBin #6
Chapter 14: Congratulation Authnornim,it's a lovely chapter.. And i was waiting for this like forever,hehehe.Plz update soon.. Authornim hwaiting!!
this is a great idea keep it up
Chapter 13: Aww jealous suga is so cute for some reason xD
Is it weird if i'm more curious of what suhyun and jungkook were talking about than what suga wants to tell jungkook? Hehe ><
seolleongtang #9
im so excited for the next update :D so curiousss
Chapter 12: Im so curious yea haha im really curious now!!