Chapter Four

The Person You Left Behind

"So, Suhyun, do you like anyone?" Aji asked. I hope she wasn't asking this because I pretty much spent the morning following Taehyung around. "I mean, have you seen anyone that you might want to get to know or anything?"

"No, I haven't even thought about, you know, relationships and such. Why is that?" I replied back to her.

"I was just wondering. There are six single boys here but 5 of them are available. If you want to get to know any of them, I can always help you out."

"Yah, Aji." Jungkook who was standing my the ropes yelled to her. "It's her first day here. Don't be throwing her out to guys. The boys at our school are really something."

"Including you smart one." Aji yelled back at him. Jungkook laughed and turned around and was met face-to-face with Jimin.

"Don't talk to her guys." He said and glared at me.

"Wow Jimin, you're such an ." I could feel like there was tension in the air now and I began to feel uncomfortable being there.

"Yah, Park Jimin." Rap Monster yelled to Jimin. "Either stop being so rude or get out. Be nice to others for once."

Jimin stopped talking and the bell ring. Everyone was getting ready to grab their bags and head to class. I felt like I was their friend but then I felt like they were only going to tolerate with me for now. I can't help but think that since I'm so used to it. And the fact that Jimin is one of those people too.

"Yoooh, Suhyun." I heard Jungkook call my name while we were walking to class in a group. "What class are you in?"

"Oh, I'm in Taehyung's class." I replied to him and we both ended up walking behind the group.

"Oh really? My class is right next to yours."

"Is it?" I tried my best to sound interested but I really wasn't. Maybe this is why I have no friends.

"Yeah but my class is right before yours."

"Jeon Jungkook, walk with Suhyun to class please. I'm going to walk with Aji to her's."  Taehyung told him as we were walking up the stairs.

"Okay okay." Jungkook replied as we both watched Taehyung put his arms around Aji and walked in the opposite direction.

It was quiet most of the time while we were walking. It was weird, I'm not used to other people besides Taehyung. He opened up to me quickly and he was very nice, even though he is quite weird. Jungkook was different, he had a colder image comparing to Taehyung but too cold as well. He looked laid back and he seemed like he was those who didn't care about his surroundings or remember things that occurs around him.

"I hope you weren't falling for Taehyung." Jungkook broke the silence.

"Excuse me?" I asked him to repeat it but I heard him clearly.

"Well you spent your whole morning with him didn't you?" He replied back with a confident smile.

"I'm not interested in relationships." I bluntly replied back to him. "I guess one person can change your views on people for the rest of your life." I continued to speak without noticing what I was saying.

"Bad break up?"

"No," I didn't want to tell him but my idiot self just couldn't help it. "It's too complicated actually. I don't even understand it myself." My voice soften.

"Does it involve Jimin?" He leaned down a little bit closer to be and I stepped back as quickly as possible.

"What? No, of course not. Why?" I stuttered in reply.

"Ahahah, okay." Jungkook moved back and chuckled. "You guys made it too obvious. There's either something going on between you two, or there used to be."

I didn't know what to say. Yes, it did involve Jimin. Yes, there was something going on between us but not in that way. I didn't make it obvious, I tried to avoid Jimin during the whole entire time. But he just kept on opening his mouth and making things obvious. It hasn't even been one school day yet and Jimin was already ruining my senior year for me. Even if I have to apologize to him for the rest of my life, I know he'll die without ever forgiving me.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook once again broke the silence and my train of thoughts. Of course not. I don't think I ever will be. "I'm sorry if I asked you personal questions. You could have refused to answer them you know."

"Oh, no it's okay." I tried to sound as nice as possible.

"Well I'll see you later. Hopefully you remembered your way around by now."

Jungkook dropped me off at my class and before entering it I watched the view of his back enter his class room. Wow, I was such an to him and he was actually pretty nice to me. But I shouldn't befriend him so quickly right, the devil was once an angel. Once Jungkook entered his classroom I turned around and entered mine. Rap Monster was already in there and when I was heading to my seat there was a group of girls glaring at me. As much as I didn't want to believe it but don't tell me they're those girls who starts like those girls in Korean dramas. Because if they are I'm done with this school. It's only been one day.

After four long hours of learning, school has finally ended for the day. I was rushing to leave because I have to get the bus and my father didn't put in any other ways to get home if I was to miss it. Not only that but it's not like I had anything to do, I rather go home early and do nothing at home than at school or some place else. Right when I finished packing my school stuff into my backpack those similar boys came and approached me again.

"Suhyun are you doing anything after school?" Rap Monster asked me and sat on the chair of the desk infront of me.

"Umm, no. But I need to catch my bus." Why couldn't I just say that I was busy? Am I really too innocent?

"We're going out to eat at Jimin's grandma's noodle shop. You should come with us." Rap Monster kept trying to persuade me. Jimin? No thanks.

"Sorry I can't. I wouldn't know my way home from there. I'm sorry but I should get going before I miss it." I continued to deny the request.

"Her noodles are the best Suhyun!" Taehyung joined Rap Monster, I know I've had them plenty of times before. "If anything we should always help you find your way home."

After what seemed like a long back and forth denying and persuading conversation I ended up following them to Jimin's grandmother's noodle shops.

Author's Note: 20 subbies! Thank you so so much! I'm sorry for not updating in awhile even though I said I would. I just got off of spring break and I was surprisingly busy but I'm back at school so I think I would have more time updating. Remember to leave your comments because I love themmm! Sorry I don't have a gif for this chapter, I'm at school.

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( tpylb : 14040712 ) long time no update. my apologiessss!


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Aww I'm still waiting for an update even after 6 years :)
-DaeButt #2
Chapter 14: wAHHH JUNGKOOKIE WHATTA MAN although i loves jungkook i still want her to be with jimin tho but he being rn o cant-
AlexandraLee19 #3
Chapter 14: I am starting to get feels for Jungkook xD I mean I wanted her to end up with Jimin (who is my bias after all) but in this fic, I love Jungkook's character so much >\< ♡
Chapter 14: i thought this was a jimin and oc fic?? ×.× wuht~~~?
Chapter 14: This story is so good!!
SongHaBin #6
Chapter 14: Congratulation Authnornim,it's a lovely chapter.. And i was waiting for this like forever,hehehe.Plz update soon.. Authornim hwaiting!!
this is a great idea keep it up
Chapter 13: Aww jealous suga is so cute for some reason xD
Is it weird if i'm more curious of what suhyun and jungkook were talking about than what suga wants to tell jungkook? Hehe ><
seolleongtang #9
im so excited for the next update :D so curiousss
Chapter 12: Im so curious yea haha im really curious now!!