Chapter Two

The Person You Left Behind

As I was heading out someone who was running fast hit me hard and I fell down to the ground. He had bright orange hair color and was panting heavily. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He helped you up and constantly looked back behind him. All of a sudden he grabbed your arm and pulled you to run with him leaving your bag of groceries behind.

"I'm sorry, but can you do me a favor and keep running?" He asked you and continued to pull your arm with great force. It's not like you had a choice, he was super strong and I was in the state of shock still.

I tried to look back a few times but every time I did he pulled my arm with more force causing me to face forward. We continued to run for a few blocks until he ran into an alley and we both hid behind a dumster. We watched the people who were chasing after us run passed us and we both ran the opposite direction. We continue to run and he took me into what looked like a run-down apartment.

"Hyung! OPEN UP!" The bright orange hair guy continue to ring the doorbell. He was getting impatient and began kocking on it with his palms.

"Uhh, excuse me." I tried to interrupt him. What was I doing here? Why did he pull me to run with him? Maybe if I tried to leave he wouldn't notice.

"I'm sorry. My hyungs are so deaf." He turned to me and began ringing the doorbell. I couldn't help but think that I am going to get gang . I wanted to run and leave but my legs were like glued to the ground.

"Taehyung you're so ing annoying." A tall silvered hair man opened the door for us. He was in a black wife beater with grey sweats and it looked like he was sleeping. The orange hair guy gestured me in and out of habit, I obeyed him and came in. "Oh, who's this?"

"I don't know." The orange hair guy replied back. I was so scared and I was praying in my head that someone will come save me.

"Taehyung," The silver hair man spoke in a serious tone. "Why the would you just drag a random girl here?" He yelled to the orange hair guy, who's name I finally know. "My name is Rap Monster by the way." He spoke nicely to me and shook my hand.

"No hyung," Taehyun began to speak, "I ran into her and knocked down her groceries. I need some money so I can pay her back." My eyes widen at his statement. I jumped up and quickly spoke.

"Oh wait! It's okay. I don't need money. Well I don't need your money. Like it's okay." I hesitated a few times but I hope they understood what I meant. "Oh nice to meet you Rap Monster, I'm Suhyun. But I really should get going."

"Wait, Taehyung you were getting chased? By who?" Rap Monster asked. I slowly felt smaller and smaller as these two continue to talk about the situation that had taken place before. "Did they hit you?" That questioned that Rap Monster asked shocked you. They're in a gang, it's no joke. I'm going to die if no one comes to save me.

After the two finished their conversation Rap Monster handed Taehyung some money and we both headed out. "I haven't formally introduced myself to you yet. I'm Kim Taehyung." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. "I'm sorry for what has happened before. It's kind of a long story. So what's your name?"

"I'm Yeon Suhyun." I introduced myself to him. I was going to come up with a fake name because this boy is a stranger but my dumb brain didn't think fast enough.

Like he promised, Taehyung rebought my groceries and I thanked him. He offered to walk me home but I was still deadly afraid of what he was capable of so I denied his request, not only that but I still needed to pick up my dry cleaning. Actually, after he bought my groceries I felt a little bit comfortable and I wasn't as afraid comparing to before. But I shouldn't befriend him so quickly, the devil was once an angel.

After I picked up my dry cleaning I headed home and all I wanted to do was sleep. It was only 4 PM but it's been such a long day and it's not like I needed to do anything either. Tomorrow is the first day of my new school and maybe I'll get some rest. At first I was quite upset about transfering schools but it's not like I have anyone to miss.

When I woke up it was already the next day. I forced myself out of bed and did the usual. I put on my new uniform that had a completely different feeling comparing to my old one. The difference between public schools and private schools. After grabbing something to eat, I headed out the door with a sheet of paper that my father given to me with instructions on how to get to school from my house.

With a few blocks to walk and one short bus ride, I made it to school. It looked like an old building and it was very dark inside. I didn't want to go exploring because the school was scary so I decided to search for the office.

"Who are you?" A staff member asked me as I entered the office.

"I'm Yeon Suhyun. I'm a new student." I bowed and gave her a reply.

"Oh, Mr. Hwang she's yours." The staff member spoke and an elderly man, who I'm guess is my teacher and Mr. Hwang, gestured me out of the office and I'm guessing he's telling me to follow him.

I followed him to class and each classroom we walked by was getting noiser and noiser. I began to get nervous when I saw him enter a room, that's going to be my classroom for the rest of the year. Everyone in that class are the people I'm graduating with. I took a deep breath in and exhaled before walking through that door, my life was going to change forever.

Author's Note: Seven subbies before chapter two was even posted. Thank you so much for subscribing! I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far. Remember to leave any messages in the comment section. I love reading them and I'll try to reply back to them.

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( tpylb : 14040712 ) long time no update. my apologiessss!


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Aww I'm still waiting for an update even after 6 years :)
-DaeButt #2
Chapter 14: wAHHH JUNGKOOKIE WHATTA MAN although i loves jungkook i still want her to be with jimin tho but he being rn o cant-
AlexandraLee19 #3
Chapter 14: I am starting to get feels for Jungkook xD I mean I wanted her to end up with Jimin (who is my bias after all) but in this fic, I love Jungkook's character so much >\< ♡
Chapter 14: i thought this was a jimin and oc fic?? ×.× wuht~~~?
Chapter 14: This story is so good!!
SongHaBin #6
Chapter 14: Congratulation Authnornim,it's a lovely chapter.. And i was waiting for this like forever,hehehe.Plz update soon.. Authornim hwaiting!!
this is a great idea keep it up
Chapter 13: Aww jealous suga is so cute for some reason xD
Is it weird if i'm more curious of what suhyun and jungkook were talking about than what suga wants to tell jungkook? Hehe ><
seolleongtang #9
im so excited for the next update :D so curiousss
Chapter 12: Im so curious yea haha im really curious now!!