Chapter Ten

The Person You Left Behind

"Suga wants to get permission from Taehyung to date Taeeun but he says that he knows Taehyung will never agree." I bluntly told him the situation that Suga was in, and kind of hinted that I needed help as well.

"That's true. Taehyung will never accept Suga hyung." Jungkook replies back. What are we going to do with Jungkook? He was no help at all. I'm hopeless right now. "I guess the best thing Suga hyung can do is just ask Taehyung for permission and make a whole bunch of promises."

I didn't talk to Jungkook for the rest of the whole to class because I was annoyed with him. But then his last sentence he told be actually got me thinking. It wasn't a bad idea to be honest, maybe Jungkook was helpful. Maybe I'm not hopeless anymore.

When I entered class I saw Taehyung already sitting in his seat. I wonder if he'll ever approve of anyone dating his sister. Wouldn't he rather have a friend who he knows very well to be his sister's lover? I wonder if Taeeun even likes Suga back. This was frustrating to be honest, and it's not even my relationship. The things I do for my friends. Boy did it feel good to say that now.

After long hours of learning and a break for lunch, school was finally over with for the day. I have made up my mind and decided to approach Jimin and finally congratulate him on advancing to champions for boxing. I hope he accepts it, he's too unpredictable. I walked over the the west side of our school where all of our school lockers were, hopefully he'll be over there. He never goes to the boxing room right away so I assumed that he'll be over here. And I guessed right. When I opened the door I saw Jimin gathering his school books and was putting them in his backpack. I'm guessing he didn't hear me because he was focused on his own thing. I took little steps towards him.

"Jimin?" I spoke with thinking. He looked up at me showing no interest at all and turned back to doing whatever he was before. "Congrats on advancing to champions. I'm proud of you."

"Don't act like you care about me." He glared at me while piercing my heart with those words. I've made a mistake, I shouldn't have come here. He slammed his locker shut and walked passed me without looking at me. I froze in spot and I wanted to yell at him, and that's really all I could do right now because I have had about enough with his grudge.

"What have I done to you that makes you hate me so much?" I yelled without looking at him. I turned around and I saw him just standing there. "Why are you holding a grudge against me? Because I want to know why."

"Don't act like you don't know." He bluntly replied back without looking at me. "Don't act like you had nothing to do with it." I wanted to yell at him at the top of my lungs, but what good could that do? He turned around and faced me and the look he had on his face was the worst thing I have ever seen that my eyes began to water.

"Jimin, you and I are in the same position. We were the only two people there for him and we lost him. We're the same-" Before I could finish my sentence he interrupted me.

"We? We were the only people? You mean I was the only one there for him." He began to take footsteps closer to me until he was finally face-to-face with me. "If we were the only people there for him, he wouldn't have died." His voice was serious and I put my head down. He walked away but I wasn't done with this conversation, or argument.

"What do I have to do to get rid of this stupid grudge you have against me?"

"Bring Junhwe back!" He yelled and turned back around.

"Y-you know that I can.'t" My voice was shaky and tears finally started to role down my cheeks.

"Now you know why I still have my grudge." He opened the door and left the room.

I couldn't move at all and I felt like running away and disappear forever. Honestly Jimin is the only person I need to be there for right now and I'm the only person he needs but maybe the timing was wrong. I tried hard to stop crying but I just couldn't stop them. It was okay if I wasn't Taehyung's friend, it's okay if I wasn't Taeeun's, or Suga's, or any of them. I just wanted to be Jimin's friend.

After my tears finally stopped I was able to move again. I didn't know where to go. Jimin was obviously in the boxing room with everyone else. I walked through the hallways on the first, second and third floors until I decided to just go to class and sit there until it was 6 PM, because we usually left around that time.

I rested my head on the desk when I came into my class. My mind was going crazy right now and all I could think about my past. All I could think about was the first two weeks after Junhwe's death. Jimin knew nothing, he KNOWS NOTHING. All the saddness that I was feeling before quickly turned into anger. Jimin wasn't there when Junhwe died, why does he think he was always there for him. Jimin knew nothing and he's holding a grudge against me. I hate him, even after everything I have gone through without him I still want to be his friend.

"Suhyun?" I heard a voice and I quickly sat up and wiped my still-wet face from the tears. It was just Rap Monster. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just thinking." Great like that would convinced him.

"Suhyun we all were worried about you and tried looking for you. Why didn't you tell us you where in here?" His voice was serious. Did they worry about me that much? "No one has seen you at all after school. We all were really worried about you."

But Jimin... he's such a liar.

Author's Note: I made Jimin a again... I'm sorry but he's going to be like that for most of the time. Anyways I've reached 65+ subbies! I am so thankful for all the love. I spy many silent readers. Don't be shy & remember to post comments. I love comments.


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( tpylb : 14040712 ) long time no update. my apologiessss!


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Aww I'm still waiting for an update even after 6 years :)
-DaeButt #2
Chapter 14: wAHHH JUNGKOOKIE WHATTA MAN although i loves jungkook i still want her to be with jimin tho but he being rn o cant-
AlexandraLee19 #3
Chapter 14: I am starting to get feels for Jungkook xD I mean I wanted her to end up with Jimin (who is my bias after all) but in this fic, I love Jungkook's character so much >\< ♡
Chapter 14: i thought this was a jimin and oc fic?? ×.× wuht~~~?
Chapter 14: This story is so good!!
SongHaBin #6
Chapter 14: Congratulation Authnornim,it's a lovely chapter.. And i was waiting for this like forever,hehehe.Plz update soon.. Authornim hwaiting!!
this is a great idea keep it up
Chapter 13: Aww jealous suga is so cute for some reason xD
Is it weird if i'm more curious of what suhyun and jungkook were talking about than what suga wants to tell jungkook? Hehe ><
seolleongtang #9
im so excited for the next update :D so curiousss
Chapter 12: Im so curious yea haha im really curious now!!