Chapter 13

I come for you

Chapter 13



We wake up the next morning in each other’s arms. Everything feels great and I don’t want him to leave. He wants to leave before my dad and Tiffany wake up. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and a long hug before he leaves. When the door closes, a part of me starts to get sad. I thought we would be together by now but nothing yet and it . I know that he is taking things slow because of me and I get it. But a part of me is so mad. I want him to lift me up in his arms and take me away, away from myself and away from the memories of the darkness. Maybe I should just make the first move? I don’t want him to think I am being pushy. I run my hand through my hair and decide to take a shower.

I spend a lot of time with my family as the next few days go by. Dad took us shopping and out to dinner one night. It felt so good to catch up with them and for us to be a family. Tiffany and I shop up a storm. We have been at the mall buying last minute items and of course things for ourselves. One night, we decide It’s time for some quality sister time. We go out to dinner and talk about everything. It’s nice to spend some alone time with her. I feel bad that she still hasn’t found someone for herself. My dad has kept her busy with making arrangements about new clinics. I keep telling her to make sure she has time for herself.

After dinner, we go out to Sunrise's Bar. It’s busy tonight, I see a few friends from high school and I freeze. I haven’t talked to them in years but when they see me, all the hugs and kisses come as well. Apparently Kris told people in town I was back to “normal.” We talk about what we have been up to the last few years. I did feel normal again and I am having so much fun. We dance and laugh the whole night. There are a few guys who try to get our attention, but all I can think about is Sehun. I think about what he is doing and who he is with right now. I want to text him but Tiffany wants to spend time with just me.

This was exactly what I needed a break. Jessica texts me every day, she’s having fun back home in LA but wants to be with us. She wants us to come up for LA, but I am not sure what we are going to do. I told her I would let her know when I find out from Tiffany and the guys.

Its Christmas Eve night and I really don’t know why Sehun hasn’t texted me. I roll my eyes and figure he is out partying it up with Kris. It makes me really sad and I start to think he has changed his mind about me.

I look over at the box and envelope that Sehun gave to me and wonder what is inside. I’m about to get up and open the gift when all of a sudden I feel him. The power of his presence is overwhelming. I can’t believe how my body reacts whenever he is near. I have fantasies about him kissing me all over and us making love. My skin begins to burn up as my mind drifts to my deepest desires.

“You promised you wouldn’t open the gift until Christmas, Tae.” Sehun walks over to my bed and sits down, 

“You know it’s not nice to break promises.”

I close my eyes and turn around, “Well you know me, and I don’t like waiting.” I roll my eyes, 

“Plus you’ve been ignoring me since the other night.”

A sly smile comes across his face, “Did you miss me?” 

He gets up and touches my arms. “You know, I did think about you. You’re always on my mind pretty girl. I keep thinking about ways I can make you feel special. I want to be the one who makes you smile.” 

He kisses my forehead and I wrap my arms around him. I never felt this way before. He is the only one who has touched my heart and soul. I hope that I can be enough for him. I hope that I’m the only one in his heart and mind.

I pout, “Why didn’t you text me or call?”

“My parents, Kris and I have been busy to be honest. Dad has us moving things around since he renovated the whole basement for us when we’re done with school,” his body shifts over to me and before I know it, his face is inches from mine, 

“I thought about you the whole time though.”

He picks me up into a hug. I think about being in his arms forever. He is the only place I want to be. 

“I missed you.”

He runs his nose by my cheek, “I missed you too pretty girl. God, you smell so good.”

The honesty and love in his tone makes me melt. I don’t think I will ever get tired of him or what he says to me. I love how honest and open he is.  All I can do is nod and smile. Each time my heart beats, it beats for him. Every breath I take, I take for him. He is my life and he means everything to me. I close my eyes and feel his breath on my face. I want to take my hands and run them through his hair.

“How about we go ice skating tonight?”

My face is still against his chest. I close my eyes and we stand there before I answer. 

“I’d love that.”

“Be ready in thirty, okay?”

I nod. He gives me a quick kiss on my cheek and leaves my room. I get ready fast and make sure I look good. I curl my hair into soft curls. I run down the stairs and look outside. It’s lightly snowing out and I am excited, I can’t wait to spend time with Sehun tonight.

Right at six o’clock I hear the door open. I run to the front door and see him standing there in his jacket, hat and gloves. He looks absolutely adorable. I jump in his arms and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

“You just saw me pretty girl. Miss me already?”

“Yes!” I wish I could tell him I miss him whenever he is not around me.

“I missed you too. Are you ready?” I nod. 

“Then let’s go.” Sehun grabs my ice skates and we head out to his car. 

His parents bought him a new black Lamborghini. It’s an awesome car and I can’t wait to get in. Sehun opens the door for me and I get right in. Inside is just as beautiful. I see Sehun’s wallet in the console and wonder what he has inside of it. I grab it and when I open it, I see a picture of me inside. I don’t remember where this was taken. It looks recent. I’m wearing a black dress and my hair is blonde. The last time I wore that dress was when Jessica and I went out to celebrate our grades.

“You’re so nosy.” Sehun gets in and closes the door. He starts laughing and it fills the night air. I love to hear him laugh.

I turn to him and point to my picture in his wallet. “You have my picture, from when?"

“Mmm...I stole it from Jessica.” I see his face blushing and I feel bad that I’m embarrassing him. I take his hand and smile.

“You’re too much.” I take out my Iphone and get right next to him, 

“Smile.” I take the picture with my phone and look at it. The picture came out great. Anyone can see the happiness between us, and the love we both share for each other. I am not sure how much longer I can wait, but I know I want to be his girlfriend.

“Alright, ready to go?”


It’s a short drive to the ice rink. There aren’t that many people out which is great because I want to spend time with Sehun. 

“Where’s Kris?”

“He is helping mom with some things. He says hi and to not punch me.” I punch him in the arm and giggle. 

“There is that laugh I miss.” He takes my hand and kisses it. “Promise me you’ll always laugh when we’re together?”

“Always,” I promise.

We get to the rink and find a spot to put on our skates. It has been ages since I went skating and I am scared. Sehun takes my hand and leads us out onto the ice. At first it’s hard but after a few moments we are both going at a good speed.

Hand in hand we skate around the rink and the feeling is unforgettable. I want to ask him when we can become official, but I don’t want to scare him off. Just this feeling of being with him makes everything feel amazing. Everything makes sense with him. Everything in life is clearer. I put aside my fears and let myself go with him.  I know that this is the feeling of true love and I hope he feels the same way. We skate for a little while longer before collapsing on the ground. The skies are clear tonight and the stars are out. It’s beautiful outside. We hear carolers in the distance and I get excited for Christmas. Sehun gets up and pulls me into his arms. I will never get tired of being with him. He looks down at me and smiles, 

“Do you know how much I care about you?”

“Nope, I don’t!” I hold him tighter and feel his chin resting on my head. He lets me go and I look at him with question in my eyes. I know he is thinking and I wonder what he is thinking about.

“I know we said to take it slow, but I can’t anymore.” Sehun brings his lips to mine as we share a sweet kiss. This feeling is incredible and I never want it to end. The kiss is gentle and I love how his lips feel on mine. I put my arms around his neck and pull him down to me. I part my lips and let his tongue in. At first, it’s slow and gentle but when I start to moan, I feel him pull me in closer. His kisses are full of want and urgency. He pulls away leaving me breathless. 

“I don’t want to scare you away and you know I’m not going to turn my back on you. I just don’t want to be your friend anymore.” 

I gasp and cover my mouth. A part of me is ready to be with him but the other part still feels damaged. He looks down into my eyes. 

“Taeyeon you are all I think about. When we aren’t together, I miss you. I count down the minutes until I get to see you again. Do you know how hard it was to stay away from you? Or how hard it was to see you with GD? I wanted to punch him every time I saw you two together.”

I take his hands. “Sehun you know I feel the same way, but I have so many issues and I don’t want to drag you down with my issues.” 

I look down and feel ashamed. This is what I want but for some reason I can’t accept him or his feelings. I look up and see hurt in his eyes. 

“I’m sorry Sehun but I don’t want to ruin you.”

“Taeyeon,” he starts to say, “I don’t care if you have a lot going on in your life. I will be here to help you.” 

He cradles my face and kisses me again. “I want to be here for you. I came back for you. I couldn’t stay away from you any longer.”

“Yeah but you turned your back when my mom died and when I got angry.” I start to cry. “You never even tried to come back even after I saved you after your accident.” 

I wipe the tears away and turn my back toward him. I don’t want him to see me cry.

“I know I messed up and I’m sorry. I will do everything I can to make it up to you Taeyeon. Please just give us a chance.” 

A part of me is jumping for joy but the other part is crying in the dark corner. I’m nervous that if I let him in again, I’ll just get hurt. 

“I love you. I think I’ve always loved you. You are the only one for me pretty girl, and I want to be with you. Please be mine forever.”

I pull away from his arms. I don’t know what to do. Should I run? Should I just take this chance?

“I’m scared Sehun.” I feel like a child. He slowly walks toward me and when he is standing in front of me, I close my eyes and feel everything around me; the quietness of the night and the cold breeze going through us. His lips brush mine as his hands my back. I push forward a little and intensify the kiss. I want him now and forever. Something in me breaks and I know that Sehun is the one for me. I cradle his face and smile. 

“I love you too Sehun and I’ve always been yours.” He picks me up laughing and spins me around. When he slowly brings me back down, we kiss again and my heart beats uncontrollably.

This is the best Christmas Eve and I know my life will be much better now that Sehun is officially mine.

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Chapter 24: Omg gadddddd!!! I love it very much. U should continue it . I've been waiting for great SeYeon fanfics like this. And GD really freaking scary in this ff.. I hope time reveal everything especially what sehun hide from taeng.. Please update this ff,author him.. (⌒▽⌒)O(≧∇≦)O
Love_sone #2
Chapter 24: update please
Me like this muchhhh!! We hope u finish this story, author-nim. Hwaiting!
prinzginger #4
Chapter 24: Oh my gosh! This is a very good fanfic.. pls update!!!
Baekyeonshippers #5
Chapter 24: You had no idea how long i've been waiting for this author-nim
erahmaliati21 #6
Chapter 24: Omg omg omg i can't breath, that's so hawt o/////o
thanks for fast and long update author-nim, love yah*chuuu~ :****
Hope you can update soon again hehe fighting author-nim :))
Ryeobo #7
Chapter 24: Gomawo authornim;D
erahmaliati21 #8
Chapter 23: Yay youre back!! But.. but..
so shooooooort author-nim T.T
hope you can make it longer next update and please update soon hehe
bronzenimbus108 #9
Chapter 23: Yay!!! U finally updated again!!! I miss this story so much!!
yoonhun07 #10
Chapter 23: Yehet! You update! Thanks, I really miss this