Chapter 2

My True Self


The bullies closed in. I could feel their warm breaths down my neck, but I just stayed still, hoping to hold my tears in.

"Look what we have here", the biggest one sneered.

"Little piece of junk", another one teased, "Why don't you go and die, huh?" he continued.

My heart sank deeper and deeper into my chest. "I...... I'm....... sorry.." was all I could blurt out before i stood up and tried to walk away. Being a well half head taller than me, the bullies pushed me back down with all their might, pressing their weight on my shoulders. The biggest one grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and lifted me off the ground, until my eyes were level with his. I could feel my face turning purple from shortness of breath. 

"Come on boys, let's bring it!" He said, as he raised his hairy fist and soon with full force, it was charging toward my face.


"AAAAHHHH!!!" I jerked up out of bed, huffing and puffing, my heart beat as loud as music when in my ears. Feeling my face, I was glad there weren't any bruises. Phew, it was only a dream. A minute later, my bedroom door flew open. There my mother stood, with the same scowl etched on her face. "What do you think you're doing, screaming like that in the middle of the night?!" she growled.

"You don't understand, it was a dr....."

"No lame excuses! Now shut up before you wake everyone else up!" She shook her head and stormed out.


I leaned back on my pillow and let out a deep sigh. What is life anymore? It was only 4 am but I decided to get up and get ready for school. I ran all over the house looking for my uniform, until I realised I was still wearing it from last night. I almost laughed at my stupidity, but let my smile fade when I realised that my stupidity was what caused my family to hate me so much. It was still dark when I walked downstairs. I still had plenty of time before I had to leave for school with Kris. Walking out to the backyard, I lay down comfortably in the grass and looked to the sky. For the next two hours, I looked at constellations and watched the sun come out of the horizon.


Before I knew it, it was time for school. Kris and I usually bought breakfast on the way, but I never ate. I never felt like it. I brushed my teeth, packed my books and trudged out the door, after Kris, who had his head held up high.



As we appreached the school gates, Kris shot me a sharp glance and stopped me in my tracks. 

"Look buddy, don't even think about looking at me in school, let alone say hi when you pass by. I don't want my reputation ruined for having such a brother like you". With that, he rubbed his hair and marched off into the building, some girls running up to him, screaming his name. I could feel tears welling up, but shook them off, and put on my smile. No one, not even my friends could know that I'm like this. I followed Kris' steps and too, walked into the school. For the first few classes, I just sat at the back of the room, ignoring the few sneers that came from the 'cool' people in the class. I kept putting on my happy face, even though it actually hurt a lot to.


At lunch, I slowly made my way to the bathroom, and locked myself in the handicap stall, so I had room for myself. I silently began to cry. Thoughts of my childhood immediately came rushing back. You're a disgrace to the family name! Such junk like you doesn't deserve life! Why don't you go die huh? I lifted up my jacket and looked down. On my belly, there were some cuts and scratches,but I wasn't looking at those. In the centre, right near the belly button, was a bruise and scar. It had been there since I was 12, when I was beaten up by those footballers. Boy did that hurt. For the next 10 minutes, I sat there, letting the tears flow like a river from my eyes, then I wiped them away, rubbed my eyes and walked out, with my fake smile on. A couple of nice people who passed by waved at me and said "Wassup Happy Virus?" I smiled back, but deep inside, I knew I was never the Happy Virus.


My last class of the day was a double period of music. I loved music more than anything in the world, but that didn't mean much since I don't have much to love in this world. Music seemed to relax me and make me forget my past and look into the future. I sat at the back of the classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Meanwhile, I thought of all the songs I love and began to sing them in my head. Baby don't cry, tonight, eodumi geochigo namyeon baby don't cr... my head singing was cut off when my music teacher, Mrs. Jung, walked in, a grin on her face. "I won't say much today, but we will continue with your compositions . Let's not waste time! Off you go!" Everyone immediately stood up, and grouped together to work on their song compositions. I, however, took a guitar from the corner of the room and sat outside in the corridor, where I could be alone. Sitting down with a piece of paper, I struck some chords, until a combination sounded right one after the other. Music really was beautiful, if only somebody else I knew would feel the same way about it.......



A/N: Hey guys!This is howtotrainyourkris! Thanks for reading our story! We are forever grateful! Sorry if this chapter is a little boring, we thought that we should develop the contrast between Chanyeol's real and fake character before letting the story go deeper. Baekamazingness will write the next chapter :) enjoy the story!!! XD XD




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Chanbaek641 #1
OMG!! This is so good
_kendeuk_ #2
Chapter 1: damn right off the bat im praying this isnt actually happening to pork chanyeol
Chapter 22: update author-nim please!!!
sarapinki #4
Chapter 22: Don't make baek die plz saaave him :'''(
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 22: I knew it. When you started talking about how he was tired, by the second time, I knew he was sick. JONGIN AND CO. (Husband waeyo??) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH !!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!! This is making me frustrated. Please update soon author and your very brave to give your hairs for such a good cause!!!!!!!
Chapter 21: Please update soon :3
Chapter 21: So is this what you're doing instead of sleeping? =3
Not like I'm one to judge anyway XP
i hope you update more often now xD
LunaElle #9
Chapter 20: Wahh cliff hanger, I hope you update soon. I really want baekhyun to live, but I wanna see what you guys come up with. Good luck and good work!