
Stolen Love

Soojung was walking through the hallway to exit the school entrance until she felt someone tapped on her back. She turned her head around and saw Jongin as he wave. "alone?" he ask, she nod, "why? where is your friend?" she just looked at the ground. "i dont want to talk to her" she said sadly.  Jongin nodded and looked around. suddenly, Soojung started walking faster than Jongin "sorry...i dont talk to guys" "wait! im not a" Jongin taught deeply for what what Baekhyun said about Soojung while he sleeps "" Jongin lied.

He bite his bottom lip as Soojung stop infront of him, she raised her brow, he nod. "fine~" he smiled at her, "are you gay with...Baekhyun?" he felt pity for Baekhyun if he siad his not gay bacause if Baekhyun is not gay she will never get to talk Baekhyun and Baekhyun is dying to talk to her. He nodded, lied again, Soojung widen her eyes and nod, she looked sad.

"do you love him?" he ask as he start walking out of the school, "dont ask.." she said gloomily. she took a deep breath and blinked the tears back, "that night was my worst nightmare" she murmured, this is the first time she opened up to a guy." you dont need to tell me about it" he smiled at her.

At Baekhyun's Room...

"so...i need to tell you something"  he gave Baekhyun a guilty look. "what is it?" he ask while dry his wet hair using a blue towel, "i met Soojung", "mmm-hmm" he nod while shaking his head to get rid of the water on his hair. "we were talking and i sort of..." Jongin felt nervous "told her...that y-you" He siad the gay word like he was whispering. 

"what? i cant hear you if you are whispering to yourself" he said curiously. "i said gay" this time he sounded like he is talking to the bed. "a-gain please, louder" Jongin took a deep breath and yelled "I SAID YOU ARE GAY!" Baekhyun started choking and coughing like he is about to die. "what?" "you have problem with you ear, Baekhyun"

"No! why did you tell her that?" Jongin rolled his eyes, trying not to make eye contact. "i know you love her....and she doesnt talk to guys-" " do you know she doesnt talk to guys?" He stood up and bite his lips "you talk while you sleep...". Baekhyun just made a puzzled face. "Okay! Okay! what did she respond?" 

"she just nod, thats all..." Baekhyun just facepalmed his face and grunts.

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ill update at least three chapters on the weekends....thats a promise~!


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Chapter 14: Hahaha poor baekhyun, he agree with jongin crazy idea :D
Keep update authornim hehe