Chapter 7

Unconditional Love



“Linda! Come to my office right now before you go to have lunch.” Jonghyung called his secretary thru the telephone system. In a second, a knock was heard and he permitted her to come in.


“Yes, boss?”


“What is my schedule in the next half day?” Jonghyun asked as his eyes never left what he was doing with his work.


She creased her brows before she pulled out a notebook. She thought why out of nowhere he was eager to know them all. “After lunch break there will be a small proposal that present by Mr. Lee. At 3:00pm you need to finish the tasks which you assign and give to the management team to allocate. After that the meeting in this department will be held to discuss about the new project for the next product line. And-”


“Okay Okay...Enough!!!” Jonghyun stopped her from continuing. “Just cancel it all for today.”




“Do you want me to repeat it again?” Jonghyun seriously uplifted his face to her direction and then stood up. “Just do what I have said. Okay! That’s all for what I want to say. You can go to enjoy your lunch now.” Jonghyun said causally and flashed Linda with his smile before he took his suit jacket and wore it. He was ready to get out from his office as well.


“But boss-” She wanted to stopped him from doing what he just commanded. But he swayed around and cut her off.


“Ah yeah right!! I might be won’t come back this afternoon. No! Apparently I’m not going to come back. So I will take my leave now.”


Finished it he immediately walked out from his office and left his secretary in super dumbstruck after he gave her a terrible headache.



+    +    +    +



Sulli was sitting by herself on the bench without bugging. It has been 3 hours now since the surgical procedure was started. She was staring at the red lamp above the door way of operating theater in rapid breathing. Her fear hasn’t subsided down; contrastingly it more even increased for every minute the surgery took. Her puffy eyes kept on running back and forth to view every possible walkway around her. And whenever she heard the footstep, she constantly gained a wee strength inside to charge her hopefulness that it must be him finally, but only dismay later when it turned out it was the mere hopeless. But she still has a very high expectation that Minho will appear soon. And she still believes that he will come. Because he was the one who understand her that she really needs him right now. He won’t stand her alone. He won’t.


Sulli shut her eyes and mentally kept on praying for her Mom and at the same time she strived to conquer her mind from the fear that kept on increasing. But it was still never easy for her to struggle this horrible anxiety by herself, especially alone. At the moment she heard a footstep again and it sounded more even clearer ranging into her ears but this time she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to have any false hope again, it was extremely hurt her. She was afraid that everything was just the consolatory words which she frequently told herself that he will come.


When Sulli was being down herself in the despairing, instantaneously she felt a lightweight burdened on her shoulder. It was a hand. It was indeed a hand which was on her shoulder right now. She quickly grabbed it and lifted up her face to the owner of it.


“Min-” His name was stuck in when she realized that it wasn’t him. It wasn’t Minho whom she has been waiting for.




“Jonghyun-shi!!” Sulli surprisingly uttered. “What are you doing here?”


“I come to see you, Sulli.” He then got a hold of Sulli’s hand which she grabbed his earlier, he then sat down beside her.


“Sorry, I’m late.”


“B-But how did you know?”


“Do you remember the day after yesterday we met?” He asked and Sulli nodded. “Actually that time I came to the hospital for a reason, and that was because of you.”


“Me? Why?” Sulli creased her brows asked. She wasn’t even aware that her hand was squeezing by his. But to her right now, somehow a mini scale of alive feeling that she needs the most was born.


“I met the director of this hospital and asked him about your Mom’s condition. Actually he’s my Uncle and so he told me everything about her. That’s why I’m here right now.” He smiled at her. “I’m sorry, Sulli.”


She looked at him in confused. “No, there’s no need to be sorry, Jonghyun-shi. But why did you do that?”


“I don’t know. It was just that I want to do that.” He said and tapped her hand. “Don’t worry, Sulli. I already asked for the full help from Uncle. He said that he will try his best to make the surgery succeed.”


Sulli was so delighted with his word. She smiled in hopeful to him. “Thank you so much, Jonghyun-shi.”


Even though the person she needs right now is Minho, but it is okay for her now. Jonghyun’s existence not just made her subsided down her fear a little but at least it could bring the confidence in her knowing that she wasn’t alone anymore. After 3 hours like hell, she finally could be able to set a small smile on her face now. Her Mom, she’s gonna be okay. Of course she will come back to normal after the surgery is well done.


“Sulli! Have you eaten yet?” Jonghyun asked in concern tone.


“I actually have no appetite now.” She tonelessly answered. “I don’t feel like to eat anything. Whatever it is, my worry is still there.” Sulli took her deep breath and stared to the operating room door.


“You wait me here. I will bring something for you to eat.” He said and stood up. When Sulli was about to speak he cut her off. “No but Sulli. You will pass out any time soon if you continue to skip on feeding. I will be quick.”


He then left Sulli on the bench as he quickly vanished from Sulli’s sight.


When Jonghyun was left about 5min, suddenly the door was opened and revealed a surgical nurse came out. Her eyes were very frightened and desperate even despite from what that she was covered by the face mask. Sulli saw that she immediately stood up and stopped her from walking.


“Excuse me! What happen inside? How is the surgery going?” Sulli asked in panic even her voice was quivering.


“Sorry Miss, I cannot say anything right now.” The nurse released Sulli’s hand from her hand and hastily walked away without sharing any update about how condition her Mom was in.


Her knees swiftly started to shake as her tears started to well up again now. How could her Mom was okay realizing how bad of the nurse expression just now? A few minutes later the nurse earlier came back and Sulli used this chance to plead her again.


“Please, tell me about her condition. I might be crazy if you don’t tell me how is she right now. Please!!” Sulli resistively entreated.


The nurse took a deep breath. “I just only say that right now the patient is in the critical condition, she even keep on losing her blood when the surgery is undergoing.”


Her knees suddenly became limp and almost fell down on the floor but the nurse was about to held her on time. “Miss, are you okay?” “Please...Please do help my Mom. I’m begging you. Please help her. I only have her as my family. Only her I have left.” Sulli began pleading at the same time her tears already wet her both cheeks now. She desperately gripped the sleeves of the nurse’s uniform.


“We will try our best Miss. Just calm yourself down first. I’m sorry but I need to go back inside.”


When she made sure that Sulli was able to stand up straightly now, she immediately went back inside. Sulli then started to sob more even harder and in no time she dropped her weak body on the floor.


“Umma..... Umma!! Please hang in there a little more, the doctors inside will absolutely help you. Just bear with that pain a little more, Umma.” Sulli cried silently, her hand was squeezing her chest tightly while sitting on the floor.


“OMG! Sulli, what happen?” Jonghyun ran toward her and kneed down.


Sulli unconsciously moved her head to him and held his arms. “Otteoke? Otteoke Jonghyun-shi?? I’m scare.....I’m really scare to death now.”


He immediately hugged her. “Sshhh.... Sulli! It’s okay. Auntie, of course she will be okay. Don’t cry.” He soothed her while her back lightly.


“She’s going to pass through it right? She promised me already. We still have lots of things to do together after she gets well.”


“Yes right, she will. The doctors are all in there and they’re trying to help her, Sulli. They will give you a healthy Mom once the surgery is done. Everything is will be alright. So stop crying, hmm!”


Sulli nodded her head abruptly inside his chest. But her tears still streaming like no tomorrow and wet his shirt as Jonghyun tightened his hug to keep her calm and gave her some soothing words into her ears.



+    +    +    +



Minho arrived right in front of Jiwon’s Unit. He immediately banged the door and shouted out her name but only dismay founding that the door wasn’t opened. He miserably sighed in hopeless, he guessed there must be something wrong inside which surely happened on her for sure. His hand then reached out for the door lock, he came up the wild guess and tried many of passwords but all of them were wrong. But soon later the old memory flashed back in his mind. The date of their first dating. She used to tell him that she will never forget about that special day forever as well as himself and they had made a promise to each other as well. Minho took his deep breath before he pressed it.


Tin. . . He was shock at the sudden rushed up of his heartbeat when the door was unlocked. Jiwon.....She still remembered that special day. She still does and even set it as her Unit’s password. He somehow was swayed a little with the realization.


Minho then just shook it off and released all every nonsense thought away from his mind, he rashly opened the door and hastily ran to inside. He widened his eyes at the view of Jiwon were laying unconsciously on the floor. He panically ran toward her.


“Jiwon..... Jiwon!!!” He tapped lightly on her face to wake her up but there was no response, so he quickly carried her toward her bedroom. He noticed that she was having a high fever. That’s why she was passed out like that.


Minho found himself was so panic. He knew that he could ignore her but the he couldn’t bring himself to do so. The worriedness was extremely gave him way to anxiety ever since she called him and the line was cut off out of blue. And it was such a big relief that he came on time if so he couldn’t imagine what will happen on her without him by herself.


He gave her some medicine by slowly fed her while she was still in unconsciousness; he carefully took care of her out of his best. After spent time with her about several hours, Minho found her fever was subsided down now. He smiled faintly and sighed in relief. He then took the chair and sat down beside her bed while studying her sleeping face.


“Why are you being like this, Jiwon? We had already ended for too long and I reasoned out cleared enough that we can’t anymore. But why you need to torture yourself like this?”


Minho heaved his deep breath when he knowing there was no answer of his question. And he was clever enough to know, who was the reason which made her ended up like this? Since their encounter that day, Jiwon always gave him uncountable calls even frequently sending him many messages but he intentionally refused to put his attention one her. He was trying his best to contain himself from doing any interaction with her anymore. But until today, he accidentally received her phone call and learnt about what horrible state she was in. He must admit that Jiwon is still important to him after he gone through how worried he was when seeing her miserable like that. A small guilt secretly took shape inside him that he kept on ignoring her for the pass days.


After gone through many some of his though, he then stood up from the chair and was about to make a move but only stopped when he found Jiwon’s hand held his wrist.


“Please don’t leave...... Don’t leave me alone Minho.” Jiwon sounded in pleading with her weak voice.


“I’m not going anywhere. Just go back to sleep, I’m just going to make something for you to eat later.” Minho calmly replied and then he took her hand to place on the bed. “How is your feeling now?”


She formed a small smile to him. “Thank you, Minho. I thought that you will never come for me but seeing you right now, I’m really happy.”


“Stop talking and sleep now. I’m going to make you the porridge.” He then bended down and fixed up her comforter. “I’ll go now.”


When Minho was about to stand back straight, Jiwon held his hand again and even squeezed it tight.


“Can you go after I fall asleep? And can you please don’t leave me alone until I wake up? Please don’t go anywhere yet until I open my eyes.”




“Please Minho, let me begging you. I need you, Minho. I need you.” She was in the verge of crying.


Minho just shut his eyes and released his hand from her. He took the deep breath. “Okay! So you should sleep now. I won’t go anywhere.” He said and settled himself back on the chair.


Jiwon smile in contentment before she closed her eyes and drifted off to her peaceful dream.


After 15min, Minho found her was already asleep. So he stood up and went out from her room silently. He entered the kitchen and prepared to make the porridge for her. It took him almost an hour to finish for what he was doing and got it ready for her when she woke up.


But at the moment, the sudden sharp memory hit straight on his mind and dug a big hole of the guilt in his chest. He stopped his action immediately.


“!! Jinri.” His hands then searched for his phone intentionally to call her right away. “Oh gosh! It’s already 2:00pm.” His one hand held his phone on the ear and another hand was on his waist. He kept pacing back and forth anxiously. “Please Jinri, pick it up.” He kept trying to call her for many times but there was no one received them. “Otteoke?” He mumbled and put his palms leaned on the kitchen counter. “How are they now? I hope everything is gonna be okay. Damn you, Choi Minho. How could you completely forget about Jinri?” He ran his hand through his hair in frustrated.


Minho looked at Jiwon’s bedroom and running his chaotic thought to make his decision, should he left or stay?


“No! Jinri must be alone now.” Ready with his final decision, Minho decided to go to hospital instead of continuing to stay. He knew Jiwon was okay now and who he badly worried about right now is Jinri.


“Where is my coat?” Minho sighed. “It must be in her room.” He then made his light steps to enter her room, he carefully grabbed his coat which was on the chair without making some noise. When he was about to turn around and got out, something inside him prevented his foot to took his step. His eyes wanted to catch her sleeping face for the last time. “Sorry Jiwon, I don’t think I can stay. Sleep well and don’t forget to eat the porridge when you wake up. I don’t want to hear any news that you’re sick anymore.” He murmured under his breath before deciding to leave her.



+    +    +    +



After 4 hours had pass, the red lamp which was above the door way of operating theater finally turned off. Sulli’s body trembled immediately at the realization of the surgery is done. Her swollen eyes then looked at Jonghyun, he nodded his head and assuredly smiled at her.


Sulli swiftly stood up and ran toward the doctors when they came out. Sulli squeezed her chest tightly at the view of the bad expression all over the doctor’s face when he took off the mask. Her heartbeat strongly leaped in fear and it more even constantly increased, she felt her body was standing at the cliff of the mountain.


“D-Doctor! How is my Mom? The surgery is succeeded right? Where is she? And when will she wake up?” Sulli asked eagerly and trying to smile a long with her tears. She somehow could sense it already but she would choose to die rather than to admit the cruel reality.


The doctor then looked at Jonghyun who was standing beside her before he turned to face Sulli again. Jonghyun understood as he quickly got a hold of her hand and squeezed it tight.


“I’m sorry, Ms. Choi. We really tried our best but the suddenly occurred while the surgery was undergoing and the patient was too weak to fight for it. I’m really sorry.”


Sulli lightly laughed and shaking her head, her tears was already uncontrollable and streaming like no tomorrow. “No, you must be lying. Umma, she doesn’t leave me. This morning she still opened her eyes and talked to me. She promised me already that she will fight for it.”


“I’m sorry Miss. Mrs. Choi, she was gone now.”


Sulli burst out her emotion and started to cry more even harder while gripping the doctor arms. “You must be mistaken. She isn’t going anywhere, just go back inside doctor. My Mom must be still having her breath, her heart is still beating. Please I’m begging you, go back inside and help her doctor.”


“Sulli!! Sulli!! Please calm down. Auntie, she was gone to her peaceful place now.” Jonghyun hugged her shoulder and tried to release her grip from the doctor.


Doctor apologized again for the last time before he walked away from them.


Sulli swiftly fell on the floor and cried out all her heart. She extremely miserable now, her Mom, her last family, her everything was gone now. She was gone and left her alone in this world now.


“Umma..... Please come back, please I’m begging you, please come back.” She shook her head repeatedly. “I’m not allowing you go anywhere. Do you hear me? Please come back Umma. Where is your promise you had made? Where are they? How can you’re so cruel and left me alone? I need you, Umma. I promise I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I am obedient to every your wish Umma. So please come back.”


“Sulli!” Jonghyun whispered her name and tried to hold her tremble body into his arm.


“Appa!! Please don’t take Umma from me. She is only a family who I have left. Give Umma back, Appa.”


Sulli cried and cried in jonghyun’s arm while shouting for her Mom to come back.




Minho ran as fast as he could into the hospital and directed to the operating theatre. His heart started to beat in a mess motion when his ears heard the sound of Sulli was crying so badly. His foot began to increase the speed in order to reach Sulli as soon as possible. The view of Sulli was wailing on the floor miserably finally appeared. He widened his eyes and speechless with what happened in front of him now. His heart instantaneously was aching when he finally caught up with the situation and at the same time he saw Sulli was being in someone’s embrace. He understood that the guy wanted to console her but why he felt a bit strange inside him. Something that was so familiar to him.


He silently made his way toward them. Jonghyun was aware his presence at the same time he looked up at Minho. The two recognized each other once their eyes met. They nodded at each other before Minho kneed down beside them.


“Jinri!” Minho softly called her name.


Sulli quickly turned to the voice and found Minho was beside her. She immediately released herself from Jonghyun and turned her full attention to Minho. She sat on her both knees and held on his wrists.


“Minho, you’ve came. I’ve waited for you for too long, you know that?” Sulli smiled with her tears still running down from her swollen eyes.


Minho swiftly felt his chest was so tight and difficult to breathe with the sight of her painful eyes looked straight into his. Guilt filled so full inside his chest. His Jinri, in just two days he hadn’t seen her, why she became so miserable like this? He should come to her sooner, he should keep his promise. But he didn’t eventually. He hurt her.


“Jinri! I’m sorry.”


Sulli shook her head. “It’s okay. It’s okay, Minho. But did you see my Mom? Have you met her? I think she must go to meet you because this morning she asked about you, Minho. Please tell her that I miss her, tell her that she should come back now. It’s time to come back now.”


“Jinri!!!” Minho grabbed her shoulder and raised his voice which made Jonghyun looked at him in surprise but he didn’t care as long as he made Sulli came back to her sense. “Listen to me! You’re not alone. You see! I’m here right. Let take it Jinri, she was gone. Your Mom was already gone to the heaven now.”


“Ani....Aniyo!” Sulli continued to cry but in a calm way. She shook her head and even covered her both ears, she didn’t want listen to Minho. “She wasn’t...... She wasn’t gone. She didn’t leave me.”


Minho quickly pulled the poor girl into his tight embrace. “Please stay strong, Jinri. Your Mom wouldn’t want to see you like this at all.” He then kissed her hair. “It’s okay.... I’m here, Jinri. You still have me. I won’t leave you. I will take care of you and stay beside you, Jinri.”


Sulli let herself drowned into Minho’s warm embrace and buried her face into his chest while crying endlessly, her hands then started to move and hugged him back.


“It’s okay....It’s okay.” Minho whispered softly while caring her back and tried to soothe her sorrow away.


Jonghyun felt like he was out of the picture at the same time his heart was kind of hurt at the sight of the two were hugging each other. No need to guess, Sulli has no brother so this guy, he must has a close relationship with her. Since he came Sulli suddenly changed a bit and in no time he could make her calm down that fast.


He then slowly stood up. He forced a small smile to Minho before he turned around and left in a heavy heart.


+    +    +    +


Minho assisted Sulli in his car and when he was about to walk at his side suddenly there was someone called him.


“Oh you’re still here?” Minho bowed his head a little to Jonghyun.


“Sulli hasn’t eaten anything yet since the morning. Even how much I forced her but she didn’t listen to me.” Jonghyun said and the two guys at the same times looked at Sulli who was sitting in Minho’s car emotionlessly.


Minho sighed. “I know she must be like that. Anyway thank you so much for today.”


“It’s okay. We’re friend after all. But sorry to ask this, are you her boyfriend?” Jonghyun stated.


“Yes, I am. Waeyo?” Minho suspiciously asked back. He could sense that Jonghyn has any interest on Sulli. And he somehow was bother with this kind of thought.


“Ani nothing.” He replied with a smile. “But please do take care of her more than this, she needs you especially in such this situation now. I don’t want to see her fight for her fear alone like today anymore. It was too much for her to endure all of those horrible fears by herself. You’re her boyfriend for the heaven sake.”


“What?” Minho uttered.


“So I’d take my leave now. Hope to see you again next time.” Jonghyun bid his good bye with a small bow and left but not before he took a very last glance at Sulli.


Minho heaved a heavy sigh again. He was angry at Jonghyun’s word; it was look like he mocked at him. But he was right after all. He himself was the one who supposedly to accompany and stayed beside Sulli since the morning but he didn’t show up and stood her alone. He looked back at Sulli.


“I’m sorry, Jinri. I’ll never do that again, I promise.”


Minho then entered the car.


“Do you want to eat anything, Jinri?” Minho gently asked and she mutely shook her head while staring blankly outside the window. “Let’s go home then. I’ll make something for you to eat.”


Minho sighed again when he received nothing from Sulli. He then just the engine and drove off from the hospital.




To be continued...........

End of Chapter 7. I'm sorry if there were many mistakes there​​ plus something related to the surgery I've described above, well.....the medical stuff, it knows me but I really have no idea about it at all. Sorry, hope you understand.

Thank you so much, my dear readers :-) I love you all......

I'll update soon.



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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho