Chapter 24

Unconditional Love



Shock yet excited, all were blend inside Minho, making his heart beat in joyfulness as soon as his eyes captured the line of the capital letters on the top of the paper he was holding.

Marriage Certificate Application Form’

Minho spun around to see his dad as he gave his son a light tap on his shoulder.



Mr. Choi gave them a small smile before he turned around and went over to his desk. “What do you think if the marriage is going to take place on next week?”

Another surprise hit them again but mostly affected on Mrs. Choi and Sulli as Minho just let out a light smile yet for what his dad just did really touched his heart. This was the first time that Minho could feel warmly of fatherly love run through his whole body. Only if he was fine enough without awkwardness to express gratitude to his dad by giving him a bear hug, he’d never think twice to do it.

“Next week? Why is it such a rush?” Mrs. Choi said but her smile never left her face. “I guess the kids can wait. We should prepare it step by step.”

Mr. Choi looked at Minho and saw him emitted a small sigh. He too heaved his heavy sigh before turned to face his wife. “Don’t worry about that, a snap of my finger everything will be done punctually.”

“But sir, are you sure? I mean we can perfectly wait if …. If there’s something still bother you about me. I’m grateful enough that you finally consent us to get married but I can actually understand if you need more time to accept me completely.” Sulli spoke out as her head a little hung down respectably but inwardly she was scolding herself to being so dumb. But she would rather wait a little more to gain a completed trust from Minho’s dad than seeing him having any regret later. Even though she was hurt by the fact that Mr. Choi still rejected her at some point but she’s sure that one day she will eliminate that.

“Jinri!” Minho called her name as Sulli snapped back from her thought. She looked up at him and witnessed his winkled brows as in displeasure. “What are you--”

“Well!” Mr. Choi blocked Minho’s word as the two of them instantly fixed their gazes on him. “If that’s a question I must honestly answer ‘yes’, I’m sure for what I’ve decided and you’re right that somewhat I still have thing against you to marry Minho. But to be honest, I cannot deny that I’ve started to like you. You changed me a quite big time. Started from your words really had a great effect on me to how you’re struggling and trying your best to show me the real you that I may wrongly judge you, throughout I always being dismissal. You're almost there Jinri and I believe you’ll be success eventually.”

Mr. Choi then planted his gaze on Sulli. He already expected what he will see in her. She was crying noiselessly with tears streamed down and her moist eyes were filled with pleasantness and gratefulness while flashing them on him. Strangely, didn’t know why he found a slight joy inside him. Switched his view to Minho, not so surprise he witnessed the same expression with Sulli. Let out a pleasant sigh, he felt himself made a right decision or maybe a perfect one. Truly the decision wasn’t for him but for Minho, and he never realized that he was able to make this family happily smiled to him so sincere with just a change of his heart especially it made him felt so light and breathed free without mental or even emotional strain like before. It suddenly brought him back to what Sulli used to tell him with an expressive phrase that he finally defined it just now.

“For what it’s worth surely it’s never too late for you to do, because if you try sincerely, you’ll see thing that startle you, feel thing that you never feel before.”



“Thank you so much, Appa.” Minho expressed his gratitude to his dad,​​​ sitting down with face to face. Only the two of them now were left inside the room.

Mr. Choi looked at his son and smiled. For the first time, he found how much he was so comfortable and especially happy to be in this peaceful state with Minho. “Actually I also couldn’t believe myself for the huge change in me by accepting her. To tell you the truth, firstly I really thought that I might express any regret later with this decision. But after I said it out, surprisingly I felt otherwise.”

“I see.” Minho replied, smiling. He then stared down his fingers as he perfectly felt something which he dad wanted to talk about later. So he thought he should better open the topic first. Minho wet his lips before gazed back to Mr. Choi, his smile was so gentle as his stared showed a mixture of emotions. “Start from this morning, I found so many things about you where I feel so great for the very first time. Very grateful because of your consent eventually but mostly to what I feel very touch was the way you understand me.”

Mr. Choi chuckled. “Don’t put too much hope in me Minho because I’m still lacking lots of thing for being a responsible father. Compare to you I’m very very bad to preside the welfare of my family. Sorry son, I disappoint you a lot.”

“So I must apologize to you as well. As a child of yours, I should behave myself at least a grateful son even if I’m such a rebellious rascal but look at what I had done, only disgracing this family. I’m sorry, Appa.” Minho said with a sad smile.

“So we’re even then.” Mr. Choi said, made Minho flashed him a smile and nodded his head but then he sighed deeply. “But everything was started from me, only if I value this family from the start. Anyway from now on I’ll be trying my best to make up for everything, especially you, Minho.”

“That was why I say that I’m so touch when my dad understands me.” Minho responded with a light laughter.

“The ‘understand’ word is too heavy for me, son. I think I haven’t deserved it yet. Simply, I just granted you a wish.”

“Grant means you care. Care is the same with love and when you love you will understand naturally.” Minho tapped his dad’s hand. “And that’s what I feel your love, Appa.”

Mr. Choi chuckled as everything inside him was melted completely by his son’s word. It truly touched his heart. He then got a hold of Minho’s hand back. “We’re even again then because this is what I’m feeling right now. You too understand me, son.”

And then father and son enjoyably shared many stories from the past with uncontrollable laughter until the one topic was brought out, eliminated the whole happy atmosphere.

“I already talked with Doctor Kim, discussed about your surgery.” Mr. Choi suddenly stated this out, instantly faded away Minho’s smile. “It’ll take place as soon as your marriage is wrapped up.”

Minho just nodded his head, unable to utter a word. He put a small smile to his dad.

“So when will you tell her? Sooner or later, she’ll still find out.” Mr. Choi continued and in instance wiped Minho’s previous smile again but this time it was difficult for him to put back another one.

“I know. I will tell her once I’m ready. Ready enough to stand seeing her pain.”



Sulli was in middle of preparing lunch when Mrs. Choi called her to the living room. The invitation cards of their wedding were already prepared and were sent to the mansion just now.

“Here take a look, Jinri. Do you like it? We can make some redesign if you don’t satisfy.” Mrs. Choi said while handing Sulli with a beautiful card.

“Ani Umma. They’re all perfect and the wedding is in next 5 days. I really appreciate your effort, thank you so much, Umma.” Sulli said with a quick hug she gave Mrs. Choi.

“I help nothing. It’s all your Appa done it for you both.”

 “Yes, Appa. I need to prepare a very tasty meal for him later.” Sulli said, smiling. Her hands then searched over the invitation finding the graved name she was looking for. Many seconds later, she took out two cards.

“Oh, the invitations are ready.” Minho who just came down from the staircases said, grabbed the attention of his two ladies to look at him. He then took a seat beside Sulli on the sofa. He looked at the two invitations in Sulli’s hand and one of them caught his eyes, it was graved by a name, Lee Jonghyun. “You invite him?”

“Can’t I?” Sulli alarmingly asked back with apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry but I think we should--”

“Of course you can, Jinri. He’s your friend right?!” Minho cut her word with a chuckle. “Today I’ll take the rest of the day off, let’s go together then.”

Sulli smiled widely and nodded before mumbled ‘thank you’ word to Minho.



Minho parked his car in front a standing building. He turned off engine and then threw his eyes toward the clinic before his car.

“Is this where you used to work before?” Minho asked Sulli and then they went out from his car together. He took her hand.

“Umm, it’s been over a year now. I found myself is still so familiar with this place.” Sulli answered as they made their way to its entrance. “It was a best part-time job I ever had that I enjoyed myself so much.”

Minho sensed some strain of a longing sadness between her voices. No need for him to realize, the answer was already obvious in his head. Her passion of becoming a helpful person was still there. She still loves what she used to do and have before. Nursing field is only her dream that she wants to pursue.

Before he snapped back to reality, Minho already felt cold as Sulli let go of his hand and rushed to a granny patient who was sitting on the waiting chair.

“Sir, you cannot stand here. What’s wrong? How can I help you?” A clinic’s nurse approached him.

“Oh I …. Well, I came with her but we’re not here for--”

Minho said while pointing toward Sulli but even before he could finish his word, the nurse already left him to Sulli. He just sighed and followed her.

“Miss.” The nurse called Sulli as she quickly turned around with a worried look on her face.

“Oh miss, can grandma meet doctor Kang now? She seems having a hard time while breathing.” Sulli said as her hand was rubbing grandma’s chest.

The nurse quickly helped grandma to stand up and brought her from Sulli’s hands toward the room after said thank you.

Minho was standing there while admiring Sulli continued doing her volunteer action by running back and forth helping the patients with many small things there.  He sat down at the corner of the wall, smiled tenderly and sometimes chuckled when hearing some good comments about Sulli from a few nurse there.

One hour had passed, seemed like Sulli completely forgot about his existence. Until the clinic was out of pack, then when Sulli came to him and kept on saying sorry. But Minho just smiled and assured her that he was fine. Actually he was so enjoy his time while watching her every move. Minho then took out his handkerchief to wipe Sulli’s sweat on her forehead. Sulli shyly looked around and quite blushed upon seeing the nurses looking at them. She mumbled to him making him stop but Minho just smirked and insistently doing it along with a line of nagging about she kept tiring herself but was sure in a very sweet way to his girl.

“Sulli?! Is it you?” A surprising voice brought their both attentions.

The couple instantly stood up as Sulli gave the person a polite bow with wide smile. “Yes, Doctor Kang. Long time no see.”  

Suddenly the clinic door was pulled opened and revealed another person. “Yah Sora! How many times do I need to repeat myself that don’t ever try to skip your lunch even if you--…. Sulli?!”

“Jonghyun-shi!” Sulli uttered with kind of surprise to see him here with plastic bag in his hand. She smiled at Minho before it landed on the pretty lady in doctor white coat. “You have known each other? Do we perhaps come in a wrong time here?”

“No no…Don’t misunderstand us, Sulli.” Jonghyun and Sora exclaimed in unison before Jonghyun shoved the lunch plastic into Sora’s hand while the latter instantly was startled at his action.



“Finally.” Jonghyun mumbled while holding the invitation in his hand. Smiled bitterly, he put it down on the table and switched his eyes on Sora who was enjoying her tea in front of him. 5 minutes ago, Sulli and Minho bid them a good bye after did some caught up and then gave them the invitations.

“What?” Sora felt burden at the male stare. Soon later, a sound of an annoying click tongue was heard. She viewed Jonhyun moved his eyes to sideward, outside the Café through the class wall. She sighed heavily, to her intention to grab Jonhyun’s attention but he still didn’t bug. “Is it her? I mean is it Sulli, you’re interested with?”

“C’mon Sora, it’s not your business.” Jonhyun replied rudely. “Tsk!! Why you’ve never told me that she used to work here before. Only if I know that--”

“What?” Sora snapped. “What the heck, Lee Jonghyun!! How on the earth I know that you know my former emplyee and even have liked her? I’m a physician not a psychic, can I see through who is the person you’re fond of and then play a role of your match maker afterward? Wake up and accept the truth, she’s already taken. Don’t ever try to make any crazy move.”

“What? Yah Kang Sora, which one of your eyes shows you that I have any bad intention on them?” Jonghyun said, a bit louder. His eyes were fierce, shooting angrily at her. “You’re my friend but you know nothing about me. For all, I’m really disappointed in you.” With that Jonhyun pushed his chair backward to stand up, snatched the invitation on the table, he walked away from her.

Sora just chuckled in unbelievable, she almost couldn’t take in with what she just confronted with Jonhyun’s attitude. Why all the hell, he was so angry at her? She clutched the hem of her skirt and unknowingly tears rolled down from her eyes. “Stupid.”



Sulli came out from the bathroom with hands held a towel to dry her wet hair. Her eyes saw a big flat box with a pink ribbon laid on the bed. She found her way to approach it and before she touched it, she looked around the room to find Minho but no glimpse of him was existed. She then turned her gaze back down on the box. Curiously, she opened it and found a dashing dress with a pair of high heels inside. Sulli pulled out her smile and not much surprise she felt a pair of arms snacked around her waist.

“Wear them for me later. And let’s go out for a date tonight.” Minho softly blew his voice into her ears and planted a kiss on her cheek. Sulli reacted at his warm breath with a blushing smile before nodding her head. They stared affectionately into each other eyes before moved to another level with the sweetest locked lips as always.



Minho brought Sulli into a fancy restaurant. He gentlemanly pulled out the chair for her before he sat himself down, facing her. The atmosphere was so romantic even there were a few tables inside were packed.

“You’re so beautiful tonight.” Minho praised Sulli with a sweet smile.

Sulli just gave him a light chuckled, ever since the first second he saw her was adorned, countless times she heard this undying word from him. And it’s always making her heart fluttering hearing this sweet phrase. “Okay, I already have a son and I don’t think I’m in such a good shape anymore.”

“What? You’re still perfect in my eyes start from head to toe, outside to inside.” Minho said while caressing Sulli’s hand on the table. He grinned. “And I’m 100% sure, even that Jonghyun guy is still found you attractive by reading his expression this afternoon.”

“So aren’t you jealous?” Sulli hissed but with a teasing tone.

“Sort of but he cannot do anything since you’re all mine plus I could sense the chemistry between him and Doctor Kang Sora.” Minho said and then he poured the wine into their glasses. “I think they looked ultra cosy as a couple.”

“Oh! You also could see that too.” Sulli said with a wide smile. “They really suit each other, I hope their relationship will be able to upgrade someday.”

“Umm…I hope so. Let’s stop talking about the others. Just only the two of us for now.” Minho said and handed Sulli a glass of her wine. “Just for tonight, I should free from ban. So now let’s cheers for our upcoming wedding.”

Sulli didn’t really get what he wanted to mean with the ‘ban’ thing but then she just shrugged it off and raised her glass up to meet with Minho’s. With the unfading smile before taking the wine to their lips, while their gazes never wanted to break away.

Sulli was the one who broke their gaze first when she heard the sound of the piano was being played. She turned sideward and instantly fell in love with the romantic song. But to her surprise, she found Minho was already standing near the piano and with a quick whisper Minho made into the guy’s ear that played it earlier, the latter quickly stood up and let Minho replaced him. Sulli saw Minho lovingly made the eyes contact with her, she chuckled and shot her confused round eyes to him. She didn’t even notice when did Minho removed his hand from hers and made his way to there. Minho just smiled sweetly at her before he mouthed the word, ‘for you’ to her. And there she understood his intention that wanting to play a song and it’s surly dedicated to her.

Minho then removed his eyes on the piano’s keyboards before closed his eyes and felt his hand on it by his light touch. One last deep breath, he snapped his eyes opened and started to run his fingers gracefully. The beautiful melody of the song Minho played, instantly pleased Sulli’s ears amorously with the song called ‘Nothing gonna change my love for you’. Minho started to sing along with his fingers were generating its beautiful melody while looking into Sulli’s eyes, trying to conveyed every single lyric came out from his mouth to interpret what his heart wants to say to the woman he loves.

For Sulli it was supposed to be  avery happy moment but why she kinda felt something wrong between those sparkled eyes. She tried her best to smile contently, although she wasn’t entirely. Unknowingly, emotion started to build up inside her chest, at the same time Minho finished the first verse of the song. Sulli blinked her eyes seeing Minho stood up and the song was continued to play by the previous man. Minho slowly approached her with a gentle smile, extended his hand out to ask her for a dance. Sulli accepted it but her heart was beating almost to burst out. Mixed emotions exploded, as she really didn’t know how to put the match expression she was supposed to plant on her face.

Their hands were placed onto each other, eyes locking passionately they begun to move and followed the slow dance step.

“This song is dedicated to you, Jinri.” Minho said as Sulli nodded her head. He smiled. “There’re some parts of the lyrics represents my heart the most, Jinri. Here it is 'I might have been in love before but it never felt this strong like when I’m with you until I don’t think I’m able to survive living without you. You oughta know by now how much I love you and you know that I'll never ask for more than your love.' ” Minho paused his confession as he admired Sulli’s angelic face under the romantic light. He almost chuckled seeing the girl, frequently nodded her head in understanding his meaning. “And what I want to tell you the most throughout this song is its tittle. Nothing gonna change my love for you, Jinri.

The song kept on playing on the piano while the two sharing their undying love through their eyes and many sincere words from Minho sweetly, they never minding to how many pair of eyes was on them now as like only the two of them were existing.

“Our beginning may begin with an inappropriate way but I’m so glad and very appreciate that it was the only way which the destiny led us together. Even the road is not easy for us since the beginning but we had been struggled and passed through it in the end and I perfectly know even for this time we will still pass it either, eventually.”

Sulli was nonplused at what Minho wanted to mean but she tried her best to pull out a smile. She shook her head. “What do you mean? We already passed beyond the storm.”

Minho shook his head back as an answer and instantly he made the woman in front of him let a single tear slid down from her confused eye. Minho removed his hand from her waist to wipe that tear. “This is what I don’t want to see. My heart really hurt right now.”

“Minho ah!” Sulli whispered and she stopped dancing. “What’s wrong?”

Minho smiled and cupped her both cheeks in his hands. “Before I tell you, let me ask you a question first. This maybe a little too late, not perfect or even not a beautiful surprise but as an important woman in my life, you really deserve it.”

He then leaned forward to plant a kiss on Sulli’s lips before he let go of his hands from her and stepped backward. Pulled out velvet box with a diamond inside, Minho went down on his one knee.

“Thank you for loving me, thank you for giving me Yoogeun and I thank you very much for your presence colors my life. Jinri, let’s grow old together, share loves, joys, sadness, all beautiful and bitter moments together until our last breath. Holding each other hand tightly while watching Yooguen grows up, finish high school, college, have job until he settles down with his own family. Not just him but same goes with our future children.”

Tears as well flowed from Minho’s eyes as he couldn’t control it anymore. They were crying while looking into each other eyes even the sights weren’t too clear for them to witness the smile on their lips. Their hearts could perfectly felt by each other emotions and loves they had shared.

“Choi Jinri, will you marry me? And then will you wait for me to do those things with you …. my wife?”

Sulli didn’t say anything aside from nodding her head nonstop. She extended her trembly hand to Minho and let him slid the ring into her finger. Minho stood up as Sulli quickly hugged him tightly.

“I will, Minho. I will undoubtedly wait for my husband.”

“I know, babe.”




Updated! Aigoo….what’s wrong with me? I predicted that this chapter should be the last chapter but look like there’re still one or two left maybe, I don’t know yet since whenever I write, things always goes out of hand. I’m really sorry for being a liar. And sorry again if this chapter didn’t satisfy you and so many mistakes with errors were existed here and there.

Anyway thank you so much for keeping on reading and waiting for the update. Take care my dearest readers.


My deepest condolences to all victims’ families who lost their loved one, Malaysia airline MH17 tragedy.



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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho