Chapter 2

Unconditional Love



“Choi Sulli.” Minho murmured her name while smiling, he was driving his car to his apartment. “Soon we will meet, Ms. Choi. I bet you won’t turn me down since right now you’re in such cornered situation.”



Minho dropped himself on his couch, didn’t want to rest but instead he held the white envelope which was Key gave him. He smiled smugly before fished the papers out. The very first interesting thing that he caught was her picture.


“So plain!!” He commented. But to unknown, he eyes glued to her photo for many seconds barely to blink. “But you’re not bad either.” He nodded his head and smiled unconsciously.


After that he started to read all of her background information and memorized it all. Didn’t know why but the more he read the more he got himself so interesting in her life story, especially his curiosity started to develop.


“Bachelor of Science in Nursing! So she takes the nursing degree?” He said to himself. “What?? 3 part times job along with studying?? What’s a tough girl you are?” He stopped smiling and shook his head but after finished it all, his lips stretched out in amusement. “I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow, Ms. Choi. But wait! I hope Key can convince her to come.”


He then stood up and stretched his body. “Well! It’s time for take a bath and then sleep.”



+    +    +    +



“So how is Auntie, Sulli?” Amber asked her while they were walking out from the college, since their sessions were end already.


“The risk is still high in such critical condition. And the problem is I still cannot find the way to get money that fast yet. But I’ll do my best to find them as fast as possible. I have a far relative who lives in Busan and I’ll try to ask for their help.” Sulli heaved her heavy sigh in sadness. “But still I don’t have a high expectation from them either.”


“Sorry Ssul. I couldn’t help you since my saving.......well like you know I always spent them on this tomboy’s stuffs. If I know it earlier I would keep it and lend them to you now.”


“Ani Unnie! You help me a lot already. Even if you have the money for me to borrow, I still choose to not. I don’t want to bother you with my own problem.”


“But still I-” Amber hung her word in when she heard a voice was calling her. “Hey boo!!” She squared as soon as her boyfriend’s existence popped out.


“How was studying today?” Key asked the lasses.


“Aish!! Don’t ever ask. It was still so boring.” Amber complained as Sulli just smiled faintly.


“Emm...So I think I get going now, see you again Unnie, Oppa.” Sulli bid her goodbye and was about to left when Key suddenly stopped her.


“Err Wait Sulli!” She stopped and questioned look at him. “I heard it from Amber about your mom’s condition, I’m sorry to hear that.”


“Ahh! Thank you Oppa.” Sulli answered still plastered her sweet smile even though it was so hard for her to express when it came to her mom’s sickness.


“Sulli! Sorry to say this, but do you want to earn the money for your mom’s surgery?” Key smiled awkwardly when he saw Sulli poured out with her hopeful smile. He somewhat felt bad to get involve with this plan of the best friend of his, even though he really had no idea what behind Minho’s purpose, but he somehow afraid that Minho might be planning on target something by using Sulli. But anyway another side of his told him that he should trust Minho and especially it’s only him, can be able to help her pull through this hard situation.


“You really found a way to help Sulli, Oppa?” Amber was the first one exclaimed in excited because she was also the one who kept bugging Key to help her friend.


“Well sort of. But it depends on Sulli. Is she going to accept it or not?” Key replied and massaged his nape while running his eyes to see Sulli’s reaction.


“Of course I will, Oppa. Whatever the job is, I can do it without complaint as long as I can earn those much amount of moneys by my own hands.” Sulli replied Key extremely happy.


“Well! So.....” Key halted his speech as he took out a small paper from his coat’s pocket. “Here Sulli, just go to meet him at this address. Actually he is the one is going to help you. All I do is, carried out this news from him to you.”


Sulli smiled and gladly took it from his hand.


“Aniyo Oppa, you’re helping me a lot. It’s such a dream for me when I finally found a way to support my mom’s surgery.” But later her smile somehow faded a little when she viewed where the address was which wrote down on the paper. “Seoul Hotel?! Room 99???” She then looked up back to Key but soon she smiled wider again. “Sheesh!! Pabo me!! He might be offered me a job in this hotel, right?”


“Huh? Oh....Well....I don’t know either. He just said that he will tell you the actual detail about the job once you meet him at this evening.” Key replied ungainly but he still earned a thankful look from Sulli.


“Thank you so much, Oppa. Really, really thank you.”


Later on the couple just bid her a goodbye and left. Sulli was really happy, finally she could find a way to make her mom live in normal life again. She swears to herself, whatever the jobs it is, she will grab it tightly. And whoever it is that she is going to meet later, she was really grateful that he is so kindly to offer her a job with the high payment. To her, he is like an angel who is going to paint her life full of bright color again.



+    +    +    +



Sulli laid her foot down from the bus to stand on the ground. She was smiling so greatly while viewing the beautiful hotel which located at the top of Mount Namsan. “Okay! I guess I came on time now.” She said while flipped her wristwatch before began to take her step inside.


A few minutes later she was already standing in front of the exact room number that was written down on the paper that Key gave her. “Room 99.” Sulli murmured to herself and then she released her tension first before lifted her fist to knock the door.


The door was opened and a middle age of woman in neat uniform appeared along with her smile flashed on Sulli. On another hand, Sulli was a little dumbfounded and confused. She thought that the person who she was going to meet is a guy but came out as a woman. But soon she realized it later that, she actually is hotel maid due to what she was wearing.


“Oh! Annyeonghaseyo.” Sulli quickly bowed to her in polite gesture while gave her a beautiful smile.


“Yes, you must be Ms. Choi Sulli, right? Our young master is waiting for you inside. Please come in, I’ll excuse myself to continue my work then.” The maid said before she left Sulli there and walked away out from the room.


“Young master?” Sulli repeated in her low tone while took her step inside. “Yes, this kind-hearted guy must be the son of the owner of this hotel.” She murmured again before closed the door but suddenly


“You are so sharp, Ms. Choi.” Instantaneously a male voice was approached right behind her.


Sulli was almost out of breath because of surprise. She quickly turned around. The very first thing she captured was his eyes, those big round eyes of his also fell on hers. It was like a curse that for many seconds they had locked their gazes with each other without breaking. But Sulli was the one who was so fast to recover. She quickly bowed at him and rolled her eyes down to the floor immediately.


“A-Annyeonghaseyo, I’m S-Sulli.” Stutter dominated her tongue as she quickly took a quick peek back to him. She saw him still kept his eyes on her, waiting for her to continue. “M-My f-full name is C-Choi Sulli.” Again!! She shut her eyes, totally embarrassed. “Actually I....I came here by Key Op-” Sulli shook her head abruptly. “Ani Ani!! I meant Mr. Kim Kibum introduce that you will offer me a job.” She finally finished the introduction the purpose of her existence here but it was way so hard to speak, realizing how a dashing man stood right in front of her and well a hotel room. She then heard him chuckled as naturally her eyes went back on the handsome lad.


“You’re cute.” He stated shortly.


“Huh?? N-Ne??” Sulli flustered with his word.


“Okay! I’ve been waiting for you for almost 1 hour now. So just step inside and sit down on the couch.” He stopped smiling and talked in serious tone. Finished it he turned around and leaded Sulli to the couch. His smile drew up again when his face turned away from her.


‘Key has such a good taste. Well...She’s still look pretty with that simple outfit. Also her face is much more so far from the photo, plain....just a little bit if compare the actual person with that photo.’ He thought while settled himself down in front of her. His eyes then were observing Sulli from head to toe without any blink.


Sulli felt so uncomfortable with his staring. She admitted that he is really handsome. His splendid feature almost cut her breath away but still that intense stare of his only made her had the urge want to run away. Somehow she was kind of afraid that he might be having kind of bad intention on her due to that hungry gaze were shot intently on her. Sulli gulped and fixed her coat more even tightly closed, intention to keep herself dressed fully. Minho saw that he chuckled again before speaking.


“Sorry, I just realized that I was staring at you too much.”


“G-Gwenchanayo.” Sulli forced a smile and replied.


“So I should introduce myself to you, I’m Choi Minho. Well like you said earlier, my parent is the owner of this hotel. And about ‘the kind-hearted guy’ you said just now, well! Thank you for praising me. I like it a lot, since birth I have never heard someone call me like that at all. You’re the very first person.”


“Ahhh Ne. Because you’re such a good person, sir.” She still smiled out of her best to him. “So....Umm....I...I mean about the job. Thank you so much, I’m really grateful for your good deed, Mr. Choi. Just please say anything for me to do I’d willingly to perform without hesitation and surely I won’t make you disappointed, Mr. Choi.” Sulli shyly said which Minho found it so charming yet cute.


“Yes before that, I would like us to have the conversation in informal way first. Just call me Minho, so as well as me I will call you.....wait!! Should I call you Jinri or Sulli?”


Sulli was kind of shock when she heard what he said. “Oh?! Mr. Choi...Oh no! I mean M-Minho-shi.” She lowered her voice almost inaudible when she called him by his name, shyness could consider as a reason. “How did you know my name and also my birth’s name?”


“Ahh that!” Minho fixed his position, totally wrong move. How could he blurted out her real name by remembered her background? “Err...Key...Yes it’s him who was the one told me.”


Sulli nodded her head slightly. Actually Key didn’t know about her birth’s name either, only Amber who knew it. But she just shrugged it off since she thought Amber might be told it to her boyfriend. “Yes I see. So just call me Sulli.”


“Sulli.” He tested to mouth her name immediately and silenced about many seconds. “So what if I want to call you Jinri, because I think I like it than ‘Sulli’.”


“Ne. It’s okay. Whatever you are comfortable with.” Sulli smiled.


“Okay so let’s go back to your job. But I just want you to know that the job which I offer you isn’t easy as what you’re thinking, Jinri. It does really far from what you have imagined.”


“Oh No! It’s okay. Like I said, whatever it is, I can do it, because right now I’m in the rush of needing money. So just say it, what will you want me to do, I’ll still accept it no matter what.”


Her word made Minho grinned more widely. But somehow he had not much of expectation from her to accept it either.


“So I’ll say it now?” He asked and Sulli nodded. Minho then stood up and placed his both palm on the table which was in the middle, considered as the barrier between their seats. He then was nearer his face to hers. “What I want is........YOU, Choi Jinri.”


“N-n-ne????” Sulli was totally in confusion. What was with his action and also with the word that he wanted her?


“Listen to me again, Jinri.” He said as his face didn’t even move an inch, his conveyed his gaze deeply into hers. “I need you to be my wife as a disguise and to be my child’s mother as the real one.”


“W-WHAT??” Her face became redder as it was mixture with anger and somewhat her shyness. She stood up immediately. “Do you realize of what are you saying right now, Mr. Choi?” Sulli shut her eyes tried to calm down herself. “Ohhh! That’s why you said it is not easy as I imagined. Since Key Oppa told me about that I kept asking myself that what on the earth that I would find a job that can have a high payment and that fast?” Sulli smiled embittered. “Naive, stupid, thoughtless, that I laid my foot in here right now. Sorry I can’t accept that ridiculous job, you should find another person. I think I should get going now.”


“I just saw your bravery just now. But now where is it, your self-confidence?” Sulli stopped her foot when she heard Minho was speaking. “Even whatever the job it is, you will still accept it. It was so easy for you to say but you cannot put your word into an action.”


Sulli didn’t answer as she continued to walk but ended her process when he dropped out another word.


“So what is about your mom? If you step your foot out of here, this great opportunity will slip from your hand. I won’t give you the second chance, Ms. Jinri. I’m not forcing you to accept it either since there are 2 choices for you to choose. First, if you don’t want to accept this job, the door is wide open and waiting for you.”


Sulli stood still at the same time she was aware his presence was coming nearer her. And in a split second she felt his warm breath was brushing her ear.


“Second, if you care about your mom, being a grateful daughter, so just accept this job.”


Sulli didn’t move as Minho already went back to the couch and waiting for her decision. She fisted her hand to control her emotion. Her mom!!! She is really in danger now. She no longer can wait as to herself she also couldn’t delay the time in order to find the money anymore. And right now the opportunity was right in front of her, if she didn’t grasp it, in the future she might be regret. But how could she accept it knowing that it’s so hard for a 21 years old girl to do. Out of nowhere become a stranger’s wife and more even worst when she needs to give him a child. Sulli closed her eyed, she was thinking again and over again. She tried all of her best to fight for the tears by pursing her lip. After standing for many minutes she finally decided, Sulli clutched her bag tightly and slowly turned around, she looked at Minho.


“Okay, I’ll accept this job.”


Minho then formed his greatest smile ever to her.


“Good girl.”



They both were now sitting and facing each other again, Minho told her about his whole plan that he need her to perform.


“So let me remind this plan to you again, we need to get married for sure no matter what. And about the baby, we might drop it down but it does only depend on the circumstance. But I still want you to prepare ahead in time because when the situation cannot go smoothly, we can’t help.........but to have one as soon as possible.”


Minho saw Sulli’s hands were trembling, he knew that in such a pure girl, how could she didn’t scare, how could she take it that fast without any flinch, knowing that risking her future life with this job, especially she might be lost her to a stranger like him in her fragile youth. He then took his deep breath and changed the topic.


“And don’t worry about your mom’s surgery. I’ll make sure the operation will occur as soon as possible. She will be okay once the surgery smoothly done.”


Sulli nodded her head slightly, she then closed her eyes and tried to release her breath to ease her tension. “ said the divorce will arise once the time come because since it depend on the situation.”


Minho nodded.


“But about.......about the pregnancy......Does we need to go through that? I meant.....if we become a parent, the responsibility over him/her is so heavy, don’t you think our divorce would be affected his/her future?”


“I know, that’s why we have two choices there. I hope that we no need to further it, considering for what you said just now. But I will still have my way to settle it, if we still need to step on that path. We have no choice but must do that.”


Sulli didn’t reply but heaved her deep sigh again. Even though she doesn’t scarify for nothing, she does that for her mom, her life. As long as her mom is going to be okay, it’s all enough for her.



+    +    +    +



Finally the weekend is coming. It’s the time for the families meeting as well as Minho apply his plan in order to call off the wedding.


“Are you okay?” Minho asked Sulli when they arrived in the elevator up to the private room of the meeting.


“Oh, I am.” Sulli replied as Minho could sense how quivering her voice was. He smiled before grabbed her hand and held it.


“We need to do this in front of the elders. Put the plan into the action from now.” He said which made Sulli nodded and gulped mindlessly. “Don’t be scare; all you need to do is standing beside me.”


In a few second finally they arrived. It was such a nerve-wrecking for Sulli to endure it. She really didn’t know what will happen in the next minute after their fake relationship disguise to the real one and reveal it in front of the elders. She couldn’t help but praying hard that them both is going to pass it smoothly.


“Are you ready?” Minho asked her again where they stood before the door.


Sulli nodded in gave him a sign that she was brave enough to face it now. Minho squeezed her hand more even tighter, his other hand used to push the door opened.


As soon as it was wide opened, he could see the both families were presence. He pulled out his tiny smirk when seeing the bright smile on his dad face turned to gloomy immediately when he saw him appeared with a girl who wasn’t familiar to him beside his son.


Minho looked at Sulli, gestured her that they needed to go inside. Sulli stunned for a moment but soon recovered, then she quickly bowed to all the elders inside.


“Minho!! What are you doing? And who is that girl?” His mom asked when she captured them was holding each other’s hands as his dad shot him a furious glare.


“Oh Minho you’ve arrived.” His dad’s friend who would supposedly to be his future father-in-law welcomed him.


“Ne Uncle!” Minho replied and bowed to him with his wife who sat beside him. “Actually I came here, purposely not to present myself as your daughter’s future groom but to oppose with the idea of this arrangement marriage.” He confidently said and faced straightened to them.


“Minho! What th-” His dad began to utter but stopped when suddenly a voice was approach them.


“Sorry I’m late. There was something up while I’m on the way here.”


A female loudly voice echoed all around the whole room. As soon as Minho heard that voice, his body became stiff all of sudden. Sulli who was standing beside him was perfectly aware of his quick changing. She sensed his grip became firmly on her hand at the same time she felt his nails was deepened on her flesh. He hurt her without realized it.


“Oh hi Minho.” The girl just noticed Minho’s presence, she then put up her smile and greeted him. “Long time no see. How have you been?”


“Oh yeah! I’m doing great.” Minho answered with shrugging his shoulder. “So since we are all together now, I’d like to declare the news.” He then fixed his gaze on her. “Kim Jiwon! Sorry to say this but I cannot marry you.”


Jiwon’s face expression dropped down as she heard what Minho said. But because of her ego, she still tried her best to build up her smile again. “I actually don’t understand what you said, Minho? What d-” She stopped herself when Minho looked away from her and put his hand over the shoulder of the girl beside him.


“You no need to understand, just knowing that I already have a girlfriend, and I love her so much, that enough. I can’t hurt her by leaving and marry another girl aside from her. Because I surely know better how painful that we face after our only love is leaving us.” Minho said but to his intention he wanted to stab Jiwon with his sharp word.


“What the heck are you talking about Minho?” This time it was his dad who yelled at him.


“Calm down, Appa. Why create such a big deal? You want me to marry right? So easy, I will marry to fulfill your wish.” He then looked at Sulli. “But only with her, this girl and not the other than her.”


“What?? What’s a street girl that you’ve chosen, Minho? Don’t you have a brain or such a dummy to in love with that girl and refuse to realize that to her intention loving you because she might be up for something?” His dad pretended to chuckle but totally in rage, he then shot a fire glare at Sulli which made her cringed in her place. “Whoever the girl you are Miss but don’t ever imagine that I will accept you as my daughter-in-law because there is no that day I let a street girl like you enter my family.”


“Don’t you know how to respect the other, Appa? How could you accuse her with that nonsense of your filthy word?” Minho couldn’t help but to fight against his dad over Sulli. He actually got so angry when his dad insulted her. He was about to continue but stopped when he felt his sleeve was being pulled by Sulli. He understood her that she didn’t want him to argue with his dad because of her. Minho then took a deep breath.


“I’m telling you for the last time, so everybody here please listens to me clearly. I won’t....NO...I’m not going to marry Jiwon, absolutely. And nothing will gonna change my mind to oppose this marriage either, because......” He then conveyed his gentle gaze to Sulli. “We both are going to become a parent soon." He then went back to look at his parent's direction.


"And you.....Umma and months, you will also become a grandparent.”





To be continued........


End of the Chapter!!

Thank again for subscribing and upvoting. Sorry if I've made many mistakes there.

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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho