Chapter 20

Unconditional Love



For every word of Sulli unbosomed herself to Mrs. Choi was started from the relationship between her and Choi Jongho, to reveal even her ashamed past although it was so traumatic to bring back that embittered memory but she was willing to open it. The bitter story continued until where was Minho knowing about it and tried to protect her against that man. That was where the root that Jongho sought for revenge, driving him to lose his own sanity and ended up hurting Minho that day.


Mrs. Choi broke in her tears, almost couldn’t keep herself from standing without falling. Her son was guiltless but now he was winded up in this situation.


Sulli wholeheartedly accepted all the blame as she went down on her both knees, crying while keeping on saying the word ‘sorry’ endlessly. For herself, she never deserved a right to ask for forgiveness, worst when she tried to keep it away. She was so guilty and ashamed to her own self at the same time. Like Jiwon had said, she was so scary.


“Leave.” Mrs. Choi muttered calmly, not minding to give a glance down on the young mother who had her knees on the floor. “I don’t want to see your face now. And if you can ….. just avoid me when we meet next time because I don’t think I’m fine enough to stay tranquil if I see you without outburst after what had happened to my son and the main reason is come from you.” Mrs. Choi said and was about to enter Minho’s room but she stopped. “I don’t forbid you to visit Minho but I just wish to not see you ….. at least for now. Leave!”




Mrs. Choi emitted her deep sighed. What she and Sulli had talked yesterday was still lingering on her mind. She knew that Sulli wasn’t the one who should be blamed and after learning about her past, somewhere inside her heart she took a pity on her but when she remembered her son, she couldn’t help but to put all the fault on her. As like the other mothers in the world, she didn’t care how pitiful life Sulli had because her beloved son is one of the important people she loves dearly. Protect him to stay away from getting hurt is only her prioritized wish and seeing him happy is what she greatly wants it to be everlasting. But now he got hurt in the edge of risking his life and it was because of Sulli showed up in his life. If she can be more selfish, she badly wants the girl go away from Minho’s life …. But if it happens it’s like she just destroys her own son’s happiness. And that’s the least thing that she wants to see and worst for what will his life ends up when they already had a son? Yoogeun surely will not grow up in perfection because of uncompleted family.


Thinking about this little boy, Mrs. Choi rose up from her lying position on her bed. Knowing that the young mother and son were discharged from the hospital today and definitely they will be alone at Minho’s place, a slight of fear emerged and be concerned about their safety. After learning about her insane uncle, she shouldn’t just stay in one place now. Without more thinking, she got ready to leave her house to Minho’s apartment.  She sighed at herself before closing the bedroom door behind, in the end she still needs to face Sulli again though she doesn’t want but she has to do that for her grandson’s sake.


Mrs. Choi’s step was stopped when she saw her husband’s car was in the garage inside their mansion. A slight anger was boiled and she quickly stomped back inside the house, found her way into the study room. Without knocking the door, she harshly opened it and walked in.


“You were out of work this early but instead of visiting your son in the hospital, you’re here?!” Mrs. Choi said, trying to control her anger when she saw Mr. Choi was sitting there reading some files on his bureau table. “Minho is been staying in hospital for over a month but as a father you never once show up your face there.”


“I’m busy.” He replied curtly, still his eyes on what he was doing.


“Busy?!” Mrs. Choi chuckled sarcastically, tears even threatened to fall. “How come you’re this unresponsive when Minho almost couldn’t make it for his life and till now …. We even don’t know when will he be able to pass through this unfortunate fate? Don’t you feel anything? Do you really feel nothing when your son is comatose for over a month already? Is your business affair really important than your son’s life? Does this son of yours not worst for you to sacrifice a little times for him?”


Mrs. Choi burst out her towering rage as her husband stayed composed for moment but his hand clenched hard on the pen he was holding, trying to not make it obvious that it was trembling. He took a deep breath before staring up to his crying wife.


“Have you finished? If you do, then get out, I don’t have time to comfort you.” Mr. Choi said. “I have a flight to Japan for 2 week after this.”


“You’re so heartless, Choi Daejun. I know Minho had resented you too much but I don’t see it is wrong at all why he is doing that. Why? It’s because you’re the main reason that caused this cold war of this hostility. You make Minho disappointed first, you’re the one who draw the distance between you and your son.” With that Mrs. Choi turned to leave but when she faced the door she dropped another word. “I really understand my son, though he’s hurt with all the way you always ignore him over these 20 years but if you’re in his place, absolutely he will never be this cold-hearted like you. One thing that he has no heart to cut it …. It is your blood is flowing inside his body.”


He watched his wife stomped out the room with a loud bang of the door was shut. He slumped his back on the chair and rubbing his face and then chuckled bitterly.


“Do you think that ….. I’m really okay?” Choi Dajun said as he massaged his temples. “But I don’t think I am.”



Sulli shuddered and had woken from her deep slumber after the bad dream attacked her. She sat up immediately, covering her face and that she became confused of the liquid which wetting her palm, was it tear or sweat? She breathed in and out abruptly, glancing on the clock she sighed. Only total a half an hour that she was able to take a nap. Soon she remembered her son who was now still sleeping peacefully, she quickly got off the bed and made a few step to the crib.


“Sleep well, Yoogeunnie.” Sulli whispered in smiling and leaning down to peck softly on his forehead.


Sulli then went back to bed in order to organize it. Hand slowly ran over Minho’s pillow, she sadly sniffed to distract her building of emotion which was about to fall anytime soon. With a deep sight, Sulli then went out of the room and as soon as she got herself out, the front door was opened. Firstly she thought that it was Amber but to her surprise, it turned out that Mrs. Choi was revealed in front of her.


“Auntie.” She greeted with her head bended down guiltily. But somehow there was a tiny of hope was found inside her heart when she saw Mrs. Choi was here despite yesterday she didn’t want to see her face.


“I thought that there was something happened to both of you when I rang the bell and no one opened the door that was why I decided to come in by myself. Anyway it’s relief that you’re all fine.” Mrs. Choi said.


“I’m sorry, Auntie. I didn’t hear it, maybe when I was still in the nap.” Sulli said and bowed. Sulli noticed her voice was surly, obviously she isn’t fine yet to see her. And that got Sulli puzzling, why she came here all of sudden?


“Where is Yoogeun?”


“He’s sleeping inside the room.” Sulli answered.


Mrs. Choi nodded. “Can we talk?”


They were sitting on the dinner table with face to face.


“Like you see how I look, I haven’t moved on completely about what happened yet. And seeing you, is the very last thing that I want to do right now. Inevitably, it always reminds me how Minho right now is in hospital almost lifelessly. To be frank, I can’t help but to hate you. Though it’s not as much as yesterday but I still do and still quite much when I arrived at my son’s place.” Mrs. Choi said and Sulli just kept her head down, bit her lips in guilt. “But I came here, actually for a reason. Not about you but relating to Yoogeun.”


Sulli lifted her head up to look at her.


“But before that I want to ask you. It’s about your uncle…..” Mrs. Choi trailed her question.


Sulli suddenly felt uncomfortable again when this man was brought into the conversation but she tried her best to keep it calmed. “He was already brought back into the prison and I think he won’t be able to--” Sulli was cut off by Mrs. Choi.


“Think? That’s mean the possibility of the crime he’d commit can be happened again. He was able to break the jail last time to hurt Minho and maybe he can do it again in the future as well.”


Sulli stayed speechless as Mrs. Choi was like lost control. She perfectly understands her, when that man was the one who made Minho almost lost his life.


“He’s a crazy beast Jinri and Yoogeun’s safety is what I’m worrying the most right now.” She continued and sighed. “So I have a solution. Give Yoogeun to me, I’ll take care of him from now on.”


Sulli had lost her breath for a few seconds. Eyes widened in nonplus staring at Mrs. Choi. “A-Ani Auntie. He’s my son. The responsibility is definitely on me and more over he’s barely 5 weeks.”


“That’s not important for such situation right now Jinri. You know what the topic we’re talking here. That man is dangerous and unpredictable. I can’t stay still in one place knowing that the risk of my grandchild’s life is at peak every second.” Mrs. Choi paused and exhaled deeply. “His dad is still unconscious at the hospital and you perfectly know how it feels like right? We cannot foresee what the future has laid way for us to meet and so we have to be proactive.”


“But he needs me as his mother, same goes with me that I need him dearly, Auntie.” Sulli said with a faint sob, tears already brimmed in her eyes. “He’s still a fragile baby that wants me to coddle and cosset him with my hands.”


“I understand how you feel because I, myself also have a son, but can you promise that he’ll be safe with you?” Mrs. Choi asked.


Sulli just hearted-brokenly kept mum, didn’t know what she should reply her.


“To be honest, I’m not trust Yoogeun’s safety with you, Jinri.” Mrs. Choi sighed. She was also feel bad to separate son from his mother but she has no choice. “In conclusion I won’t take your opposition. Yoogeun has to come with me today to the mansion.”


Sulli couldn’t control her tears anymore as she muffled and cried. It slashed her heart to bleed all over again. Old wound hasn’t healed yet when Minho doesn’t stay beside her and now even her son, the only one hope to keep her spirit to stay strong is about taken away from her as well. How will she gonna be fine when no one of her dearest people is with her? But considering about Mrs. Choi’s word, she was totally right about how dangerous that man is. People cannot previse the possible future. Sulli surely cannot afford another tragedy. She absolutely dies if there’s something bad happen to Yoogeun.


“Maybe just for the mean time Jinri, you two will be back together. But for now let put it in that way, for Yoogeun’s safety and our own goods you need to let your son in my care.” Mrs. Choi said and released a sigh of relief later when Sulli nodded her head. “Best choice. I promise you, nothing will harm on Yoogeun when he is living with me in the mansion. I’m his grandmother, absolutely I’ll protect him.”


“Please …. take care of him …. for me.” Sulli managed to not sob hard and said with a pleading tone.


Lastly she needed to hand her own blood to be cared under Minho’s family. Though it kinda frightens her when she remembered about Mr. Choi, the scary human one but somewhat and somewhere inside her heart she has a thought that he won’t do anything bad to Yoogeun, not when Minho is in such this condition. Sulli believes that in human life, even how much cold-heartiness they have but when it comes to their families’ relation, sentiment surely existed naturally in somewhere at a soft spot inside them.



Choi Daejun was riding in his car at the back seat. He just came back from Japan due to his business affair and because of tiredness, he decided to drop home to rest. He was leaning his back and closed his eyes for a quick nap.


“Mr. Choi, do you want to visit Mr. Minho in the hospital?”  Mr. Park, a butler of Choi’s family asked while he was driving in the front seat.


Mr. Choi snapped his eyes opened. “No, let’s drive straight home.”


“But he’s been hospitalized for two months now.” Mr. Park tried to convince his master. “At least a short of glimpse would much help sir, if you approve I’ll quickly turn the car around.”


“Park Jihun, although you’re holding the steering wheel but don’t forget that I’m your boss here.” Mr. Choi irritatingly said. “Do you want to lose your job after more than 20 years serving me?”


“No sir, but because of these long years of working with you, honestly my sentimental feeling toward your family has been growing strongly sir.” Mr. Park answered in a talked back way but full of respect. “And it’s mawkish seeing you and Mr. Minho isn’t in a good term until now even in this situation.”


Mr. Choi clicked his tongue in annoyance but the meaning of his eyes was telling other wise and then to his-self little surprise he blurted out the question that he wasn’t supposed to ask but it had been deepened in his head for the past weeks when he was in Japan. “How is he now when I was away?”


The sincere butler let out a small smile but later he replaced it with a sad one. “He’s still in coma sir. I’m praying for Mr. Minho every single day to wake up soon. It’s so sad to know the son was born to see this world finally but turned out that his dad hasn’t had a chance to see him yet.”


That got Mr. Choi narrowed his eyes and a slight of anger appeared. “What are you talking about?”


“I’m talking about your grandson, Mr. Minho’s son. He already turned 2 months. And he’s now--” Mr. Park was about to tell him about Yoogeun is now in the mansion but instead was cut off even before he bravely could finish his sentence.


“That cheap life has no ties in to me even a single string. Don’t you dare to talk about those people again, definitely I’ll fire you without hesitation.” He threateningly said and later chuckled sneeringly. “Is that the ‘great life’ he chose? It surely becomes a biggest lesson ever in life when he obstinately got himself to be involved with that woman. I knew since the first place that, that girl will bring misfortune. It’s his sinfulness when he ungratefully disobeyed me.”


Mr. Park just sighed disappointingly in silence. Can’t he just try to figure out what his son really wants? He truly loves his son but sadly he doesn’t know how to show it and making Minho is misunderstanding his deed and leading him easily became a rebel child. So stubborn and this reason couldn’t deny that the father and son are very much alike when it comes to confrontational friction.


The car finally reached the mansion and there Mr. Park saw a familiar silhouette which was standing before the gate, watching attentively into the big house. He instantly looked over the rare view mirror to see Mr. Choi. He then let out a sigh of relief that his master was taking his nap while shutting eyes and didn’t notice the presence of a person in front of his house.


‘She is here again. Poor thing, she has been gone through such the hard time a lot. Since her son was brought here, never less a day she would miss to be here and watches over the mansion secretly without go in, thinking she might catches a sight of Yoogeun.’


He saw Sulli surprisingly noticed the car arrival, she immediately left the place. Mr. Park shook his head in sympathy toward the young mother before he dropped the thought off with a heavy sigh before driving into the mansion.



Mr. Choi walked over to his bed room. He was extremely tired but didn’t fail to notice the unique thing came into his sight as soon as he closed the door, it firstly catching his attention.


A cradle.


Eyes narrowed while walking toward it and such a big surprise, he saw a baby was sleeping peacefully inside the cradle. Anger slightly was born as he suspiciously getting an idea of who is the baby. Loosened his tie in irritation, he shouted out one of the maid. And soon enough a maid came in.


“What is this?” He asked cynically almost yelling while pointing to the cradle.


The maid gulped. “H-He’s young master’s son, sir. Young master Yoogeun.”


“Who gives the permission to let this child be here?” He once again asked but this time he shouted angrily. His loud voice instantly made little Yoogeun shuddered from his deep sleep and wailing right away. Mr. Choi glared back at the crying baby but instantly his gaze turned slightly softened when catching the boy spilled the tears and desperately asking for someone help to hold him soothingly. He then shut his eyes. “Throw it away.” He commanded calmly, later just earning a gasp from his maid, he shot his sharp gaze on her. “Didn’t you hear me? I said throw this bastard child away from my mansion.”


“You shut the hell up, Daejun.” His wife came into the picture and rushed toward the poor boy. She took him with a gentle hold in her arm and her hand soothingly rubbing his body softly. She glared at her husband “It is me who brought Yoogeun here. Throw away? Watch your vulgar word, Mr. Chairman! This is a life not a thing. Remind you Daejun, he and you are having a kin, blood relation. He is your grandson and so he has full right to live here.”


“Live?” Mr. Choi repeated to his wife with knitted brows. “What the that you’re talking about Cha Miae? You mean, while I was away you grabbed the chance to bring these ignoble people to live here? Darn it!! I won’t allow that happen.”


“Not sorry! But you have no right to order me. This is my house not your empire zone. My grandson Yoogeun has to be here whether you like it or not, I don’t care.” Mrs. Choi said determinedly while staring firmly on her husband who was also in rage. “I warn you Daejun, dare to lay a finger on Yoogeun just like you did before, definitely something that you’ve never imagined will happen and then you’ll surely regret for the rest of your life. Truthfully, you’re also one of the reasons why Minho is facing this tragic situation and so I’ll try my best at all cost to protect his son from getting hurt because of you. You heard me! If Yoogeun lose a single strain of hairs, I’ll never forgive you forever, same goes to Minho.”


With that his wife carried Yoogeun stomped out of the room. He shut his eyes with hands rested on his waist. His body was trebling with outrage, not entire because of his wife is willing to acknowledge the child but the way she accused him that he was one of the reasons causing their son ended up in this plight. But it struck him, guilt slowly increased and filled inside his chest at the thought of Minho is still suffering in this bad fortune. And yes he admitted aside from that woman, as a father he also took part of the responsibility.



Another month had passed rashly as Minho was still in the same state. No improvement but big relief that it didn’t get worst. On another hand Sulli, aside from spending mostly of her time at home alone, she’s been staying in the hospital with Minho all days. Though many times she needed to escape when Mrs. Choi and Jiwon showed up but ungrudgingly that Mrs. Choi kindly understood her and she’s willing to visit Minho 3 days in a week while letting the rest of times on Sulli’s hand to take care of him. Sulli knew that she doesn’t forgive her completely yet but the indirect good deed of hers enough to ease Sulli’s heart with warm emotionality. That was more than enough for Sulli to feel content.


“Minho, do you know what today is?” Sulli asked the sleeping Minho after cleaned his face with the towel. Even if right now she was smiling after Minho’s face was brighter after she caringly cleaned it but her eyes still obviously buried with the deep sadness. “I bet that you surely know. It’s just that you can’t talk, that’s why you cannot answer me.” She paused and sat down, eyes were on him but every time she focused her straight gaze, tears will easily threaten to fall and it did happen again now. “Okay let me tell you. Yoogeun today is reached his 3 months age. Hmm! It’s so fast right? I’m wondering how big he is right now.” Sulli halted her speech and blinked her eyes to get rid of the tear which was enveloping her vision. “Wanting to know how have he been right now? Does he miss us? The last time I met him was 1 month ago, it was because of inattentiveness when I secretly stood outside the Choi’s resident and by the chance your Mom saw me. Thanks to her, I had a chance to hold him again that day. This little boy is really active and bubbly. He healthily grew a lot. To be true, I almost died in happiness when I can touch Yoogeun again placing inside my chest. I’m missing him like crazy everyday.” Sulli drew a bitter smile. “I understand your Mom. I really do. So please don’t blame her when you wake up, Minho.”


Sulli took a deep breath and wiped her fallen tear. She kissed Minho’s hand and placed it on her cheek, closed her eyes while savoring his warm temperature melting her sorrow.


“However I miss our son very much but I’m so happy that he’s all fine without me. So … what about you?” Sulli shot her eyes opened. “When will you stop torturing me? I’m begging you, 3 months like hell is enough. Can you please …. Can you please open your eyes and wake up right now, Minho? Please and when you do, our family will reunite together.” Sulli said, sobbing hard and put her head down on Minho’s arm. Never less a day she has her eyes keep dry. Crying and lonelily talking with him become her heartbreaking habit to do every day. And it’s so painful to not let those emotions breaks but even it was broken, the agony will still never run out.


Momentarily, Sulli felt something was moving inside her hand where their hands were interlacing. She quickly jerked her head up and looked at locked hands. She saw Minho’s fingers stirred. Sulli couldn’t believe her eyes and in one swift movement she rose up from her seat and shot her gaze on his face. She stunningly covered when his eyelids were also twitching, obviously signal that he’s about to open his eyes right away. Miraculously, Sulli exploded her emotion and pouring her tears of delightfulness when Minho finally shot his eyes opened.


“M-Minho!!” Sulli uttered in breath, difficultly to make her voice stiff to not tremble. “Minho!!”


Once again she called him and Minho blinking his eyes for multiple times before it rolled the source of voice. He emotionlessly blinked again while keeping his gaze on Sulli, likely studying her.


“I’ll call the doctor.” Sulli was about to press the button on the head of bed but only stopped when Minho uttered whisperingly.


“Where am I and who are you?”


Upon heard his first word, Sulli felt like her world was collapse. Both knees were trembling. It was like a sharp knife stabbed right on her heart when the first thing Minho said after he woke up was asking, who was she? Sulli then saw Minho squeezing his eyes, seemed like his head started to hurt. She quickly managed to hold his hand while calling the doctor, at the same time Jiwon arrived. She harshly pushed Sulli away and stood where Sulli was before, turning around spoke gruffly to Sulli to rush the doctor.



Mr. Choi came out from his study room only to find Yoogeun’s carriage stopped beside the sofa. He sighed disgustingly and was about to ignore when something inside him tug his sense to step closer his grandson instead. As soon as he saw him, something warming spreading inside him, he seriously studied the boy’s feature and was kind of astonishing at the boy’s face, he’s so resembled to Minho especially the eyes. He thought why he had never noticed it before while they’re living together for a month already. Looking at Yoogeun, he was reminding him so much to Minho when he was a baby. Unconsciously he broke with a small smile on his lips, seeing Yoogeun reaching out his tiny hands up to him and even made a cheerful squeals when his small round eyes saw his grandfather smiled.


“You and your dad bear much resemblance to each other.” He murmured and was about to bend down touching the boy when he heard his wife answered her phone call while coming out from their bedroom. Likely it came from the hospital. He then looked back on the boy who was now playing with his own small foots and toes. He shook his head.


“What the hell is wrong with me now? Why did I talk to this child and heck even want to touch him?”


“What are you trying to do?” Mrs. Choi asked glared at her husband when she saw him stared at Yoogeun who was in his carriage. He sighed and ignored his wife was about to leave but stopped when she told him the news. “Minho is conscious. Thanks god, our son finally passed this fortune. Do you want to come with us to the hospital right now?”


“Really? No.” He shortly replied.


“I already know it. Why I bothered to ask when I knew the answer already?” Mrs. Choi mockingly said and then she called the maid. “After you are done with your work later, dressing Yoogeun for me. I’ll take him to the hospital to meet his dad. Okay, I’ll change first.” She sounded so happy and then left to the room after gave a kiss on Yoogeun’s cheek while the maid went back to the kitchen, hastily finish her chore.


“Yes, really thanks god.” Mr. Choi said with a big relief. Smiled widely, he looked at Yoogeun. “Boy, you dad finally make it.”



The Doctor came out, carrying a big smile on his face after examining on Minho.


“It’s like a miracle that he could make it after being in coma for 3 months.” Doctor said in smiling. “Everything are all fine and we may run some tests later if there’s something out of ordinary occur in him, especially his head.”


“Doctor Kim!!” Sulli halted him. She heaved a sigh before able to ask. “His head is injuring. Does it lead him to suffer from amnesia?”


“Amnesia?” Doctor’s eyebrows met. He shook his head. “I don’t think so. When I examined him earlier, he didn’t seem to loss memory. He even remembered his name.”


Jiwon rolled her eyes at Sulli. “Thank you doctor Kim. So can I enter the room now?”


“Oh sure you can.” He replied and Jiwon bowed at him before quickly went inside. “Ah right, Ms. Sulli.”


Sulli jerked her head up when she heard him wanted to continue.


“Mr. Choi kept asking for the woman named Jinri. He seemed so desperately wants to meet her.”


“N-Neh?” Sulli said. Tears again pooled in her eyes as her heart started to beat faster. Just now he didn’t remember her but why …… Yes, the doctor said that Minho didn’t lose memory. But still … why he didn’t recognize her earlier?


“If you know the said name, just ask her to visit him. Emotional encouragement is surely needed to help the patient recover fast.”




Sulli opened the door and stepped in. Tear on by one rolled down on her cheeks when she saw Minho was smiling while talking with Jiwon. Although that smile didn’t stretch widely because he was still weak but seeing him was all fine right now, making her heart dropped the tons of burden.


Finally his eyes rested on her, making her hear fluttered when she was able to have those big round eyes of his staring tenderly at her like this again. Sulli then started to cry a little harder than before.


“Jinri!” She heard him called her name at the same time his hand was extending to her direction. “Jinri, come here.”


“Minho … you remember me?” Sulli asked shakily while making her way toward him.


“I miss you, Jinri.”


Sulli chuckled with tears were uncontrollable before she ran toward Minho and longingly gave him a deep hug.


“I miss you too, Minho. I miss you so much."


"I'm very sorry, Babe. Sorry."



To be continued…….

Updated! Minho finally woke up and didn't lose his memory :D  Hope this chapter didn't disappoint you all. And I’m really sorry if there were so many mistakes there. Thank you so much my beloved readers for always waiting and keep on reading.

Take care all my dears :D



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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho