Chapter 21

Unconditional Love



“I’m very sorry, babe. Sorry.” Minho whispered softly into his girl’s ear inside his arms. Hand caressed Sulli’s back to soothe her ceasing from crying. “I was conscious after a long sleeping, temporarily when I woke up I was unable to remember anything and that was why I didn’t remember you. Thanks goodness that it was a short memory loss. But still, you must be scared a lot. I’m sorry.” Minho broke the hug, he cupped Sulli’s face and wiped her tear as he smiled before spoke in hushed tone. “Sshh! I’m fine now, stops crying okay?”


Sulli mutely nodded. She held his wrist and stared at Minho’s pale face, unknowingly her tears couldn’t stop. She was stifled with the strong emotion when she almost couldn’t believe that Minho was really in front of her, containing with his sweetest smile that she was so longing to see for 3months like hell. Soon later she saw him broke their gazes and looked to the person behind her back but Sulli didn’t bother to care whoever he looked at right now, what she wanted for now was only staring at him like this, speechlessly locking her eyes on his face and it was much enough making her to swim joyfully in happiness at this right moment.


“Jiwon … Sorry but can you leave us alone for now?” Minho politely asked Jiwon, making Sulli was a bit taken aback when she remembered that Jiwon was also inside the room all along.


“Oh, fine.” A big hint of resentment could perfectly sense by Sulli. She looked at her with an apologized smile but Jiwon just gave her a piece of flinty look before dragging herself out.


Finally only them inside the room and sitting on the bed with face to face.


“Why are you sitting? C’mon let’s lie back down. You’re just conscious but not recover yet.” Sulli said and stood on her foot, ready to make Minho laid down but he caught her hand.


“I’m fine, Jinri.” Minho said and pulled Sulli to sit back down. He looked at her with a serious gaze, holding her face he used his thump to her cheek. “You look so skinny. Have you eaten properly?” He asked gently but Sulli didn’t reply, she just bit her lip and sniffed while lowering her gaze down. Minho sighed. “For the pass months, I did hurt you a lot. I’m so sorry, Jinri. Sorry for not be able staying beside you.”


“No Minho.” Sulli quickly opposed and looked up back into his eyes. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. He hurt you, you met with an accident and end up in this unfortunate situation it was all because of me. All the blame and apology should be me who is responsible not you. I’m sorry.”


“Hey what’re you talking about? Listen, none of us is at fault. It’s Choi Jongho who was the one committed the crime. He hurt us, Jinri.” Minho reasoned. “But blaming oneself or the other is only making us suffer with no end. So let’s consider this as a twist of fate that we cannot avoid in life. Jinri, what’s important for us to put our mindfulness on right now is no one or anything else but us, our family. I’ve woken up after being unconscious for months, not because it’s a miracle but it came from my mental power, it pushed me to pass through it whenever I remembered you. I kept telling myself that I have to wake up, to come back to you in order to fulfill my promise.”


Her emotion built up again as in no time, she was already crying. She hugged him again and even tighter than before as if he was going to vanish away if she didn’t squeezed him tight.


“I was very afraid. Too afraid that I might lose you in every second of times, seeing you slept in one place with your eyes closed really made me hurt like hell. At those painful moments, I really didn’t know why I breathe at all? And wondering what my heart still beat for? I was dying every day without you.” Sulli said as she cried more even harder. She even wasn’t sure did Minho hear her clearly? Sulli pursed her lip hardly, managed to make her voice unburdened with convulsive sob. “Thank you so much for coming back into my life. From now I won’t let you go anywhere. Without my permission you cannot leave me.”


Minho chuckled and pulled out the hug. “Of course I won’t go anywhere even if you keep on kicking me away. I won’t leave you ever again.”


Sulli bit her lip and smiled. Childishly, she lifted her pinky finger which made Minho let out his chuckle again. “Promise! No matter what, you have no right to step away from my life, never even if I kick you away.”


“Sure.” Minho happily intertwined his little finger with hers to signify that their promise has been made. Without warning, he sealed it with a deep kiss on Sulli’s lips. She surprisingly widened her eyes but not dare to push him away. True that she enjoyed it too and full of conscious she responded his kiss. “I really missed to kiss you like this.” Minho said in between their sweet kiss jiffy but suddenly he gasped and cut the kiss immediately.


“Why? Did I hurt you somewhere? Huh? Where does it hurt?” Sulli became panicky as she observed everywhere over Minho. She looked at his face. “Ooh I’m sorry. Aigoo! What did I just do to the weak patient when you haven’t completely recovered yet? You should rest, I’ll call the doctor asap.”


“Hey Jinri calm down, I’m okay you see! And rest? C’mon 3 months was too long enough. My whole body will be paralyzed if I lie down and don’t take any movement, so I guess like the kiss earlier would help my condition a lot. And it was initiated by me when I suddenly kissed you so you did nothing to me but I was the one who did it to you.” Minho said, holding her hand to not move anywhere.


“Are you sure that you’re fine? You still look so bad, Minho.” Sulli worriedly said. “Does your head hurt?”


Minho shook his head and smiled. “I stopped the kiss not because I feel uneasy anywhere but because I remember something so important.”


Sulli at first didn’t get what he said but soon enough she realized it. She smiled at him but Minho could see that her eyes somehow were so sad.


“What’s wrong, Jinri? Where is he? Is there something happening on him?” Minho asked, suddenly he was overwhelmed with fear.


“No. He is doing so well.” Sulli replied cheerlessly but tried to make her tone tranquilized. “He’s with Auntie.”


“Umma?” Minho asked but later he chuckled. “Oh someone let my son to Umma looks after and then she’s here with me while sulkily missing him right? Jinri, you meet him days and nights and then you’re already like this, not to mention me that 3 months I am not able to see him. Let’s call Umma to bring Yoogeun here. I’m dying to see him now.”


Sulli was speechless for seconds at the thought of Minho has no idea about Yoogeun is living at the Choi’s resident. He even doesn’t know that she also misses Yoogeun dearly.


“Who is he takes after? You or me?” Minho delightfully asked.


“Of course his daddy. He looks like you a lot.” Sulli replied with a smile when she remembered overall appearance of Yoogeun’s face. Although he is still 3 months old baby but the father and son’s resemblance was noticeable clearly.


Minho suddenly gave Sulli a hug. He kissed her hair lovingly and then deepened his face into Sulli’s neck. “I’m sorry that I didn’t stay beside you when you needed me the most. This is going to be the thing that I regret the most for the rest of my life. That was a wonderful moment that we both supposed to share. I should be there with you to kiss away your fear and pain, I should be there to hear Yoogeun’s cry for the first time, I should be there to hold him after he was born, but … at all I didn’t.”


“It’s okay because what’s important is you love us both.” Sulli said. Joyful feeling delighted her mood when Minho nodded his head.


“Yes sure. I love you both so much.” Minho said and detached their bodies apart. “As long as you’re with me, definitely another chance will happen.”


“Yah!” Sulli shyly scolded him.


While the lovers were drown into the deep of affectionate staring, suddenly their attention were distracted by the door was opened. Sulli immediately stood up when she saw Mrs. Choi arrived with a baby’s carriage. Sulli smiled widely when she saw Mrs. Choi was rolling the carriage toward them. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she quickly took the hasty step to her son. Sulli was welcomed by a warm hearted smile from her as she eagerly gave Mrs. Choi an entreating look, asking her permission to hold her son. Mrs. Choi nodded and then she left the carriage with Sulli, walking toward Minho.


“Umma.” Minho uttered as soon as Mrs. Choi stood in front of him.


“Minho-ah. Is this just a dream? Oh dear!” Mrs. Choi cupped his face to stare at before pulled him into her deep longing hug. “Thanks god. My son is back. My boy finally pulled through this.” She cried hardly as Minho rubbed her Mom’s back with a smile, she then pulled out the hug. “Alright my Minho is fine. You’re fine now. Thanks goodness.” Mrs. Choi said with a deep sigh of relief. “You know who I brought with right? Finally the father and son are reunited.”


Minho’s eyes lit up as he shot them to Sulli who was now holding a baby in her hands. Sulli smiled at him before she took her steps forward.


“Yoogeun?!” Minho uttered whisperingly. He smiled almost in tears when the little boy was facing him and even looked straight into each other eyes. Likely he knew that Minho was special to him, his tiny lips formed into a smile, hands trying to reach out to his dad. Minho immediately took his son’s hand and kissed it making the little boy babbled in response inside Sulli’s arms. “May I?” Minho asked, looking up to Sulli. But he was a little taken aback when he caught her was crying.


“Sure, you can.” Sulli replied with her broken voice as she handed little Yoogeun to Minho’s hands. He gladly took their boy but he couldn’t get over with Sulli’s condition. He knew she shed tears because of she was touched but he sensed that there was something more than that. Something in her eyes that was showing a yearning desire. Sulli continued to cry silently without taking her eyes of Yoogeun and never noticed Minho was still staring at her worriedly.


“Jinri-ah, what’s wrong?” Minho softly asked the girl as she snapped her teary eyes to him. “Why are you crying so hard?”


Sulli shook her head, wiped her tears away she spoke. “Nothing, I’m just getting too emotional. Yoogeun finally can see you. Daddy and son are reunited, I’m just too happy. Yes, I’m so happy to see you both like this.”


“Really?” Minho asked as he still looked at Sulli, still wasn’t convinced but then he heard his Mom called his name. He looked at her. “Umma! … Is there something you’re hiding from me? … Wait! You just said that you brought Yoogeun here…..” Minho halted his speech and widened his eyes, winkled his face in displeasure when he had a clue of an idea which what he didn’t like at all. “Umma……..”


“Maybe you already figured out.” Mrs. Choi spoke. “Yes, Yoogeun is living with me in the mansion and Jinri, I asked her to give him to me. So it’s been two months that they are living separately.”


Minho shut his eyes. Suddenly his head was slightly hurt, one hand held Yoogeun as another hand he palmed his throbbing head. In instance leading the two ladies were alarmed immediately. “I’m fine.” He said and slowly opened his eyes back. He looked down at his son who was so active in his arms. Minho kissed his forehead before he switched his attention to Sulli. He took a deep breath to ease the slight pain which was still lingering on his head. “You two must be so hard without me. I’m sorry. But I promise, this will be the last.”


“Minho! I knew that I was wrong to separate them but I hope you understand my intention, son.” Mrs. Choi stated sadly.


“I’ll try, Umma. For Jinri and Yoogeun, I’ll try to understand you. But now I’m here, two of them will be back to be my responsibility.” Minho said, although he was still weak but seriousness was stayed firm in his tone. He then took a hold of Sulli’s hand. “My own family. I’ll take care of them by myself.” 


3 weeks later


Sulli was busy packing Minho’s stuffs into the bag when she felt a pair of arms snaking around her waist. She smiled but still continued with what she was doing.


“What?” Sulli asked.


“Nothing, just so happy that finally I can leave the hospital and be with you and Yoogeun.” Minho said, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Let’s go straight to the mansion after this.” Minho continued making Sulli halted her activity. “We have two intentions to be there. First, to take Yoogeun back and second … it’s time for us to confront with Appa.” Minho paused and turned Sulli around. His palms held her both cheeks. “Are you ready?”


Sulli got teary eyed, her lips turned trembled as she pursed it and smiled. She nodded happily. “Yes.”

Minho smiled back at her before planted a soft quick kiss yet so sweet on the lips and whispered lovingly. “I love you.”


They both arrived to the mansion. With hand in hand, Minho leaded the way inside as Sulli enclasped tightly on Minho’s. He stopped and looked at Sulli. “Don’t be scared, I’m here. Let’s delight, we’ll see Yoogeun right away.”


Sulli forced to smile and nodded her head. She was definitely happy to see her son and finally the three of them will be back together but the thought of face-off between them and Mr. Choi made her so nervous and unsettled. Ready?! Yes she is, but still she cannot escape from the nerve-racking struck inside. Met him once since the old day that Minho introduced her as his faked girlfriend already drove her intimidated, plus one panic-stricken ordeal where he had her to almost lost Yoogeun. He was a scary man indeed and moreover he totally doesn’t like her. He greatly has an aversion to her that she came from the classless society and completely nothing compared to his family. He’d be so ashamed to have her as his daughter-in-law. It made her involuntarily doubted, will they be able succeed and be together openly in eventuality? Sulli heaved a deep sigh of the negative line of thinking running in her head. She then uplifted her head and met with Minho’s shining eyes. It somewhat really warmed all of her and eased the tension a bit. But then the huge amount of those unpleasant reverie were lifted away when she savored the minutes of staring at the man in front of her without speaking a word. His sweet yet determined smile melted her emotional strain away. His assuring gazes yet so affectionate gained her more beyond trust on this man. She came to realize that there’s nothing to be afraid of, she and Minho pulled through to this far and as long as she has him with Yoogeun is enough to keep her strong and secured hopeful that thing will definitely works out. She and Minho will be trying to fight for their love and happiness between them three to no matter what.


Mrs. Choi went down from the staircase, she walked over them.


“You’ve came?! Congrats son, you completely recover now.” She said to Minho and showing attentive welcome, she smiled at Sulli and touched her hand. “Jinri, can we have a talk?”


Sulli smilingly replied with a yes. She could read her smile that showed off only the good intention and she felt it by those warm and tender expressions flashing for her. Sulli was about to release her hand from Minho when she felt it suddenly became firmer than before.


“Umma, can I join?” Minho asked as he tightened her hold around Sulli’s hand without looking at her.


“No, you can’t.” Mrs. Choi and Sulli, both drew voice at the same time.


Minho squinted his eyes, looking back and forth to the ladies he said. “What with the chord? Are you two planning to ditch me alone now?”


Both of them laughed at Minho’s reaction.


“This is a woman to woman talk, don’t be such an overprotective boyfriend. Don’t worry I won’t murder your Jinri. Go upstairs, your son is in your old room.” Mrs. Choi and chased him to go away. “But wait! Yoogeun is just asleep a half of hour ago, don’t try to wake him up? Be careful when you want to touch him, this little boy recently has a bad habit of sleeping. He’d easily awake by just a mere sounds or surroundings.”


Minho sighed. “Wrong time! We should be here earlier than this, Jinri. Look! I can’t even play with him now.” Minho then remembered something, he turned grim all of sudden. “Then Umma, when will he back home?”


That got Mrs. Choi smiled, making Minho and Sulli puzzled of the meaning of that smile. “Maybe next hour I bet. You know what, you dad has changed a lot. He is now rarely staying at the company longer or even elsewhere beside the house. He always comes back home early and even go to work so late. I somehow wonder, if he still devotes himself to his businesses any longer.”


“He did?” Minho uttered tartly, then he gloomily looked somewhere else. “So he seems having lots of free time then?!”


Hearing his word, both Sulli and Mrs. Choi turned unsmiling. They understood perfectly why Minho reacted this way. He was so hurt inside, that since the day he had been in the hospital, his dad never showed his existence even once. Although they’re like an enemy but the fact that they’re father and son cannot be denied, at least a passing by visitation wouldn’t cost anything right? But he didn’t and that caused more pain in him. He has a dad but never feels like he’s having one.


“I’ll go up now.” Minho said before he took his step directly to the staircases but then his Mom said from behind.


“Your dad has really changed, Minho. And I’d like to say that it’s a good one.”


Minho didn’t reply anything to him Mom as he continued to walk upstairs until he disappeared from Sulli and Mrs. Choi’s sights. Sulli just stood there watching him looking dejected with her feeling was so dismal. She could perfectly feel the pain Minho was carrying. She doesn’t have a dad anymore but at least she experienced the bonding time with him a lot and those beautiful memories were engraved deeply in her heart and it’s always delighted to just remind those times once in a while whenever she missed him. To Minho is different, he has everything in his life but only one thing he couldn’t feel. It’s the father love. And it really broke her heart to see the man she loves was in the doldrums and hurt because of rejection.



Mrs. Choi brought Sulli into her room and settled down on the fancy sofa. Sulli was kind of so nervous to enter Minho’s parent master bedroom, seriously their king size bed was before her eyes. She thought how come Mrs. Choi wants to talk with her in such a private place like this? Sulli got fidgety while sitting still without even daring to move her head, her eyes only placed on Mrs. Choi who was sitting across her.


“Relax Jinri. This is just a bedroom not a castle. We cannot talk freely if you keep on nervous like this.” Mrs. Choi spoke but Sulli just gave her a courteous smile. “Or you’re timorous because we’re going to talk again? I understand if you’re feeling that way because whenever I ask you to talk, it was never a good one right?”


Sulli alarmingly fixed her seat. “No, of course not Auntie. It’s just I feel so disrespectful to be here. I don’t think I have any right to sit here at all.” Sulli said with an apologetic bow. “I’m sorry if I make you feel upset at my impolite behavior.”


Mrs. Choi smiled. “You’re very humble and deferential, Jinri. I’m so happy that Minho had found you as his partner.”


Sulli seemed to get confused at her last word. But she knew that this sentence was a compliment to her. Sulli smiled reluctantly. “Minho means a lot to me and I’m so thankful to have him. But … I’m the reason causing his family upside down and moreover he was hurt because of me. I think knowing me, maybe a wrong path ever that he chose to walk.”


“You sound like you’re going to give up on him, Jinri. So … if I ask you two to break up, would you do it?” Mrs. Choi asked, making Sulli’s jaw dropped and unable to speak as she was trying to digest the meaning. Mrs. Choi added. “If I tell you that this talk is about how I convince you to leave Minho, will you accept it?”


She felt like her blood was drained out of her body. Both hands were involuntarily trembling. Did she just hear it right? Mrs. Choi asked her to leave Minho?! No, how could this thing happen when she was the one who always with them since the beginning? Hasn’t she forgiven her yet? Many hurtful questions were fussing in her head. She just couldn’t think straight for how to reach at her question but only one thing she undoubtedly knew, she cannot afford anymore loss. She really doesn’t want to leave Minho. She won’t let him go, she has to hold him tight and locked their hands to fight for the battle together. They’re having Yoogeun and not just because of guiltiness she has to abandon him and throw away their relationship especially the love that they have for each other.


Sulli wanted to cry and let her emotion stretching loose but she won’t. There shouldn’t be any more tears to spill. She must be strong and not vulnerable in front of the opposite side. Sulli took a deep breath and lifted her face “Yes, I might be a woman who brought him misfortune last time but I’ll swear to myself that for the rest of my life being with him I will never give him heartache and mistrust. I already devote to myself for being his faithful woman until eternity. He loves me and I love him too, so as long as we have strong love and secure trust for each other, we’ll always pass every blocking way we’re facing, although this doesn’t mean that we won’t get hurt but one thing is sure to make us won’t give up and stay strong. It is him and me to be by each other side to fight for it together.” Sulli said and with a bow of her head, she continued. “I’m sorry Auntie. No matter what, I won’t leave Minho and Yoogeun. Even how much you try to separate us, we won’t be falling apart. I know, you may not be able to forgive me yet but through the time I have a strong confidence that one day I’ll melt the hatred you have for me eventually. I’ll be trying my best to give all of my heart and soul to be your dutiful daughter-in-law.”


Mrs. Choi firmly looked straight at Sulli with an expression which Sulli found it so difficult to read, but true that she didn’t feel threatened about it. Sulli turned a bit confused when Mrs. Choi broke her lips into a smile, the benevolent smile that simply alleviated the apprehension earlier.


 “I’m sure that you still remember for what I said when the first time we sat down and talked about a year ago.” Mrs. Choi said, still kept the previous smile.


Sulli gripped her hands together, placed it on her lap. Yes, how could she forget that day?


“I said that I approved your both relationship but I don’t accept you. Well … Can I take back my word?” Mrs. Choi finished, earning a bewildered look from Sulli. “You’re a nice girl, Jinri. I’m sorry that I sometimes acting so mean and cold toward you for the whole time but I hope you can understand me that for all I did was because of Minho. I was so selfish to just put all the blame on you despite the fact that I already admitted since a long time how beautiful girl you are, the perfection of in and out.”


Sulli let out a slight chuckle. The last word of Mrs. Choi somewhat reminded her to Minho, he always frequently said that a lot but somehow it felt greater that she heard it from his Mom.


“I suppose you may hear this a lot already since actually I borrowed this line from your romantic man.” Mrs. Choi said with a warm smile. She then touched Sulli’s hand and gripped it. “Let’s forget all of the unhappy things in the past and start all over again of us as a mother and daughter-in-law.”


“Auntie…” Sulli uttered. She couldn’t hold it as her eyes started to get misty.


“It’s Umma. Like Minho, from now stop with that Auntie and replace with Umma. Unless you don’t like it--”


“No no!!! I’m really happy and appreciate this valuable offer so much … Umma.” Sulli said with a single tear flew down. It was never in her dream that she dared to think about being treated this nice from Mrs. Choi. It felt as great as in a peaceful happiness, in heaven … she really didn’t know how to describe this feeling but it was filled with contentment and gratitude. She was really thankful to her that eventually accepted the ‘nobody’ person like her into her family. “Thank you very much, Umma. Really….” Sulli stopped as she broke out more tears.


When Sulli was able to cease of crying, she smiled gratefully to Mrs. Choi. She too smiled warmly at her before she spoke. “But I’ll be looking forward to my daughter-in-law’s duties then. She said that she will to perform it perfectly.” She said in teasing tone, making them two shook off with a light laughter. “Anyway I’ll be always on you both side and helping you to make Minho’s dad accepts you too. Don’t worry, he will eventually. And one more thing dear. Please always be by Minho’s side, help him to heal the wound inside.” Mrs. Choi continued with a sad face. She sighed deeply. “Actually I have a high hope that your and Yoogeun’s presences are going to end the hostility of Minho and his dad.”


Sulli determinedly nodded her head and held Mrs. Choi’s hand in assurance.



After spending for almost an hour with Mrs. Choi, Sulli then went upstairs and entered the room where Yoogeun and Minho were in. She smiled, seeing the father and son were sleeping soundly on the bed next to each other, with Minho was facing the boy. Sulli saw the cradle beside the bed and then shook her head. No guess Minho must be taken little boy out and placed him on the bed. Sulli slowly sat down on the bed at the other side of Yoogeun, trying making the two weren’t aware of her presence. She smiled down contently at the two’s perfect features, two special boys in her life. Carefully, she leaned down to kiss her little boy on his head and was about to proceed the next act on Minho, when the latter suddenly opened his eyes as their distance already too close.


“What are you trying to do, Mommy?” Minho mumbled in between their lips which about a few centimeters away.


Sulli smiled. “Of course! I’m trying to kiss you, Daddy.” With that Sulli abruptly landed her lips on his in a quick move and then pulled out.


“That’s not calling a kiss.” Minho argued in his lowest sound, afraid that Yoogeun might be awake.


Sulli just shrugged her shoulder and laid herself down on her side as Yoogeun was now in between his parent. He then whimpered and kicked his feet in his sleep as Sulli quickly fixed the blanket over him while tapping lightly on his tummy until he went back to his little world.


“How was the talk?” Minho asked as he put his hand on Sulli’s which was still tapping Yoogeun. He too tapped on Sulli’s.


“Umm…It was fun.” Sulli smilingly replied. She gained back a chuckle from Minho.


“I see. Look how someone is smiling from ear to ear since my eyes were opened. At first I thought that I might be dreaming and saw an angel.” Minho said, instantly made Sulli blushed a little and bit her lip suppressed her giddy smile. Minho smirked. “Don’t tempt me, Jinri.”


Sulli stopped and glared at him but the sound of his heartwarming chuckle was enough to draw her smile again. “Are you tired that was why you dozed off?”


Minho shook his head. “No but headache attacked me so I just closed my eyes to shut it down and it somewhat works.”


Sulli instantly worried. “So does it still hurt now?”


“It still does but it much more subsides now.” Minho replied with a nod. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine later. Maybe I still left a feeling of disinfectant smell from hospital, that’s why this thing is still bothered me.”


Sulli didn’t convince. She then went off bed after checked Yoogeun that he was sleeping peacefully. Minho was watching Sulli in no idea of what she’s going to do until she moved to his side and sat down back on the bed. She pushed his head up, removing the pillow away and made him laid his head on her lap instead. With an attentive concern, Sulli started to massage his forehead caringly.


Minho let out a smiled. He then held her hand to stop. “You don’t need to do this, Jinri. I said I’m fine.”


“Sshhh… You might wake Yoogeun. And stop moving, okay?” Without listened to him, she continued to relive his pain. While looking down, locking their eyes she mumbled. “Let’s close your eyes and sleep.”


Minho caressed Sulli’s hand for a moment before he nodded his head and slowly closed his eyes enjoyed the feeling Sulli reduced away his throbbing head. As soon as, his sight was shut, Sulli little by little faded her smile.


‘Let the entire storms that are going to destroy us is gone. After you wake up, everything will be fixed … not only ours but also yours, Minho.’ Sulli said in her heart. ‘Tell me! … Everything is gonna be okay …. right?’




To be continued…..

This story is about a few chapters left only. I’m very thankful to all my dearest readers for your continuous support. Hope you’ll be with the story’s journey till the end. And I'm sorry for many many mistakes I've made.

Thank you so much :D

Love you all and take care <3



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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho