Chapter 3

Unconditional Love



Minho dragged Sulli out from the mess which he just created. He didn’t even bother to say anything to Sulli as well as Sulli, she still couldn’t believe her ear what he said just now either. It was too sudden for her to accept it.


When they got out from the elevator, Sulli began to gain her conscious. She composed mentis and glued her foot which made Minho stopped his track and looked back at her.


“What’s wrong?” asked Minho. His face obviously still had a mark of humorless.


“You’re too irascible. Why did you tell them about my fake pregnancy?” Sulli managed to ask casually.


Minho immediately was irked by her speech, he then liberated her wrist to put his both hands on his hip. “Didn’t we talk about it already? Or you’re numb enough and want me to repeat it again?”


“I know but don’t you think that you’re too overreacted just now? I didn’t see there was no other possible way for us to choose. You said we will do that unless the circumst-”


“Are you blind or what? Don’t you see how my dad reacted when he learnt for what I said? You’re too dumb Jinri that wasn’t aware how my parent revoltingly when I introduced you as my girlfriend to them.” Minho ruffling elevated his voice but he hadn’t stopped there. “I clearly know about my parent and only this way will stop them pushing me into that damn marriage. Do your brain can convert for what I said now?”


Sulli shrunk in her place totally tense of his so louder voice. He was breaking loose in anger right now. She could even see his vein was popped out from his neck. Her heart was racing in fear while viewing how scary Minho was. She thought, did her word just now boost his anger to rise up, but somehow she was well aware that it wasn’t because of her but couldn’t help to recall the tangle issue which they just confronted. Minho totally changed when that woman appeared.


“But.......But can’t we have another way?” Sulli asked with her low breaking tone while hung her head down, trying to not look at him.


Minho instantly alerted his sense that his tempered was way too much to control and ended up tossed out on her. He then loosened up by breathing. He knew it wasn’t her who made him this untemperable.


“Look Jinri! Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you, but we certainly can’t back off now. Exactly right now it’s not the time to talk about finding another way anymore. We already passed it. Like what we had discussed......” Minho halted and drew his deep breath. “We must carry on the pregnancy plan.”


Sulli immediately lifted up her face and looked at him in surprise. Obviously her pair of eye already crimsoned red now. But Minho tried his best to ignore her. Sympathy couldn’t shake up his mentality in such situation now.


“Don’t put that face to me. The plan will still continue as you agreed since the first place. I don’t want to say this............but just think about your mom.” Finished it Minho dashed up his step to far away from her.


Sulli silently followed him from behind until they reached his car. When he was about to enter the car, his eyes sensitively laid on her. He saw her had no intention to ride his car.


“What are you waiting for? Get in, I’ll drop you at the hospital.” Minho said bit sarcasm.


Sulli was about to reply but all of sudden a person walked in between them. Sulli opened her eyes when she remembered who she was. The lady who supposedly Minho’s future wife, she is Kim Jiwon, if her brain still stored that name when Minho called her when they were inside.


“Minho!! You can’t leave like that. The least you should give us little time to talk.” Kim Jiwon said. Her action clearly considered Sulli was invisible there.


To unknown reason Sulli felt something a bit sour inside her heart when her eyes needed to catch the girl was cling her arm on Minho’s. Sulli immediately ran her eyes away. Even she didn’t know what relationship that these two have but it was still couldn’t wipe out the obvious shadow of romantic aura sparkled around them when they were looking at each other.


Suddenly she was taken aback when an arm out of nowhere hugged her shoulder. Sulli immediately jerked her head to the side and saw him, the man who just stood beside Kim jiwon a minute ago but right now already stuck his body with her.


“I think there’s no need for us to have any talk anymore since I guess you already get every meaning for what I said just now.” Minho coldly said while Sulli stayed mum and let his arm tightened around her shoulder, pressed hard on each other bodies.


This was the very first time that they had such this intimate skinship, to her surprise she didn’t felt any of awkwardness toward this stranger guy whom supposedly just met for a few days ago, instead it was placed by an indescribable feeling that made her felt so warm yet giddy inside. Even her heart was palpitated in irregular state when her eyes flied to the side of his so close feature.


“Excuse me, Miss!! I think you wouldn’t mind if I borrow you boyfriend a brief time?” Jiwon stared sharply to Sulli along with her unfriendly tone.


Sulli didn’t know what to answer as she looked up at the man beside her.


“What do you want? I said already that we no need to have any conversation anymore. We are already end.” Minho gruffly said to her. “So please stop disturbs us.”


“Minho!!!” Jiwon uttered his name with her eyes already well up with tears. “I’m begging you, please.”


His hand which was on Sulli’s shoulder started to loosen till it dropped down. He looked away from Jiwon and even back faced Sulli.


To Sulli, she was clever enough to learn about these two relationships. She wanted to hit herself badly why right now she felt her chest was so tighten as soon as she somewhat realized about the truth of them. What’s wrong with her exactly? A moment ago was like in cloud nine but right now the disappointment was intruded her mentally. Sulli then tried her best to build up a small smile but only god knew that it actually was a fake one but sincerely to pull it out. After plugged up her courage she started to talk.


“Err....I think you should talk with her.” Minho immediately turned to look at Sulli. “I can go to the hospital by myself. You two just go.”


“Jinri! But you-”


“Thank you for understanding.” Jiwon cut off Minho’s word and replied to Sulli.


“So......I........I’ll go ahead.” Sulli pointed her thump to the back. She smiled for the last time to Minho and bowed to Jiwon before took her fast step away from them.




She felt her heart was skipped a beat when Minho called her name. She quickly looked back with her ungainly smile, she saw him walked toward her.


“Oh? What?” Suddenly she felt her face flushed with a heat of blood ran up to color her cheeks when Minho leaned down to her ear.


“Tomorrow evening at my apartment, I’ll text you my address. Make sure that you’ll go. I just want to remind you, the plan need to take place as soon as possible.” He finished it with a light kiss placed on her cheek.


“Eh? The plan?” Sulli felt her stomach build up with a pang of fear as she repeated his word mindlessly but it was too late since Minho already left his spot and walked back to Jiwon who had grumpy face while looking at her. But she was careless to charge about that when the other thing was cropped up her chest.


It was like the sky was collapsed on her without warning as soon as Minho aptly nudged her about their agreement. The plan? So it meant it’s time for her to do her duty, to pay back the money that he responsibly supports for her mom’s surgery. And to the one thing that she couldn’t make herself to admit but she still need to face it no matter what. Sulli couldn’t believe that she’s going to lose her ity to Minho, a man who totally a stranger, to create a small life inside her womb. To bring another life up to this world.


Oh no why her life is going to mess up with the problem like this? What should she do when her mom learn about that? Where should she face when the people start to give her the ill-treated? And especially what’s about her future?



+    +    +    +



Sulli was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed of her mom was lying. She smiled in gladdening but tinged with the sadness across on her face. She then took her mom’s hand and cared it gently.


“Soon, we will go back to the intense joy that we ever had in the past. The way mom and daughter could share bliss and pain, the chance for me to see your smile ever again.” Sulli then felt her eyes began to warm, a lump stuck in . She immediately rolled her eyes up to white ceiling and sniffed to arrange her emotion.


“Nah! I’m so happy till my eyes are impatient and want to spill some tears of the joy right now.” Sulli said to her sleeping mom, but deep inside her she wanted to console herself from the sadness she contained inside.


“I love you, Umma.”



+    +    +    +



“Mr. Lee, you can discharge from the hospital today. But I advise you to do not return to work yet as well as drive your car, it must forbid until your forehead completely recover.” Dr. Kim held his report in his hand and said smiley to Lee Jonghyun who supposedly his patient for a week now due to he was involved with the car accident 2 days ago.


“Ah yeah.....” Jonghyun unenergetically replied.


“Why your reply seemed too disappointed when knowing that you can leave today?” The doctor asked as he sensed Jonghyun wasn’t delight with the news.


“Am I?” He said and chuckled. “Well...I don’t know either why I feel like that.”


“Don’t tell me you interest with one of our hospital’s nurse here? That is why you feel sad?” His question made Jonghyun stuck his tongue tie which made the doctor smiled. “Okay I get it. And for the last time Mr. Lee, please have a plenty of rest and remember do not take any drugs which not come from the recommendation of the doctor.”


“Yes I get it.” He said before heaved a deep sigh which made his doctor shook his head before he decided to leave his room.




Jonghyun walked out the hospital’s entrance while Mr. Kim, named to be his family driver carried his belonging followed from behind. He then took out his phone from the pocket. He browsed the data in his phone, his lips then laid out a gentle smile while viewing the photos inside it.


“Right now, it is afternoon right?” He asked Mr. Kim but his eyes never left his phone.


“Yes young master. Waeyo? Do you want to drop by anywhere while we on the way to mansion?”


He didn’t answer but immediately stood still which made the older almost bumped to him from behind.


“Mr. Kim, you go ahead. I have something to take care of first.” With this speech, he quickly dashed back into the hospital which made Mr. Kim shook his head and smiled in understanding of his deed and purpose.




Jonghyun was running to the hospital garden. When he arrived his eyes searched for a silhouette figure. He smiled widely when the one he intended to make contact to today meet his eyes.


“I thought I was late and you might already left.” He said to himself when took out his phone. It was already became his habit to come here every afternoon since he hospitalized.


For 2 days at this exact time he apparently always standing here while viewing and admiring a girl’s beauty who invariably sat down on the bench under the big tree, but hopelessly he was never tried to approach her for even once. He lifted up his phone was about to capture her picture again when he saw her shoulder was shaking while hung her head down with her both hands covered her beautiful face.


“Is she crying?” He mumbled by himself. “What should I do?” He took his step forward but then stopped. “Aish....Lee Jonghyun, if you go now, she would be really embarrassed, she’s crying and damn you’re a stranger. How will she react when you suddenly approach her?” He slump his shoulder. “But this is the last day also the last time I see her, if I slip this chance and not converse with her even for a word, I’m afraid that I will regret.” He tapped his foot while staring at her without her notice. “I should wait until she stops crying then.”



+    +    +    +



After visited her mom already, Sulli always spent her time at the garden behind the hospital building to breathe the fresh air. At least it could help her to reduce some sadness feeling away. But today was way too different, the same place but the sadness not subsided but it even more increased.


She was sitting silently on the bench while staring blankly forward. She felt her eyes burnt until they were blurred. Sulli didn’t bother to control or even fixed it, she let all her emotion broke out until it was no longer uncontrollable. She faced palm and cried out all of her heart contented.


“Mianhae Umma! I really cannot find any other way to help you aside from that. I don’t want, I really don’t want to accept it but...........but at this situation how could I choose? It’s only him can save you. But as long as you are okay, I don’t care what will happen to me.”


Many minutes later after spilled those tears that she kept when she was with her mom, she could cool off now. She smiled while wiping her tears stain from her cheek away, have known that her mom is going to have the surgery soon. And she believed Minho’s words, he always give her strength about her mom’s condition after she go through the surgery, she gonna be back to normal person who’s healthy.


“Yes everything will be alright, especially Umma. Choi Jinri Fighting!!!! You can pass through it.” Finally she could smile again.


“Excuse me Miss, can I sit there?” Sulli startled when suddenly a voice across her ears. She directly looked up to that source of voice and saw a handsome guy smiled at her with his hand pointed to the available space of the bench she was sitting.


“O-oh y-you can.” Sulli stammered a bit due to his sudden existence as well as his stunning figure. She instantly looked away from him when was aware that he also staring straightly toward her. She then adjusted her seat to the end side of the bench and left a big space for him.


“Thank you. But it’s not like I’m going to eat you, right? No need to gone that far.” He said.


“Eh?? No it’s not like that.” Sulli lowered her voice and looked down at her hands which made him chuckled. She confused and looked at him, why all of nowhere he laughed at her.


“You’re cute.” He stated which made Sulli gave him a deep look. But second later she smiled.


“Do guys always praise the girl with that ‘Cute’ word for the first time when they met?” Sulli asked him when his word drew her mind of Minho’s image. He also said that at their first meet.


“I don’t know for the other guys. But for me I said that because I feel like. Your action just now was mesmerized me, you’re indeed cute, Miss.” His word made Sulli faded her smile. She quickly looked away which made the lad was aware the awkwardness between them. So he immediately changed the topic. “Anyway I always see you sitting here alone, is your relative being hospitalize in this hospital?” Actually he craved for her voice so he broke the ice between them. But later he wanted to hit himself when viewing how gloomy she turned into when this question of his popped out.


“Uh. She is my mom.” Answered Sulli. He could sense the sadness in her tone.


“Mianhae.” He said which made Sulli looked at him.


“Why you said that? It’s okay.” She smiled at him.


“But still, you must be down considering the situation.” He said but suddenly had the urge to change the topic again. “Btw I’m Lee Jonghyun and you?”


“Oh yes, Mr. Lee. I’m Choi Sulli.” She introduced her back a long with her charming smile and didn’t ever realize how she melted Jonghyun’s heart with that sweet flash.


“Such a beautiful name like the owner. And don’t be polite I’m not used when whoever called me, Mr. Lee. It’s a bit too old compare to my young look here.” He jokingly which made Sulli let out her small chuckling. “Just call me by my name.” He halted and tapped his nape. “Sulli-shi.”


“Ne! Jonghyun-shi.”


They laughed to each other and continued the conversation about the random things for more many minutes.



“I think I should go now. I still have class at the college in the next hour.” Sulli said and stood up.


“Oh alright.” He immediately stood up as well and extended his hand out to her. “Nice to meet you, Sulli-shi. I hope that we can run into each other again in someday.”


Sulli gladly took his hand. “Ne, the same. Nice to meet you. And yes we might be can meet again, see you next time.” Sulli replied and then wanted to take her hand back but she felt his grip was so tight around her palm. She quickly excused herself. “Erm...Jonghyun-shi.” She gestured to their hugging hands.


“Oh Mianhae.” He quickly released hers and smiled ungainly to her.


“It’s okay. So I gotta go now.” Finished it Sulli bowed at him and started to walk away.




She stopped immediately when he called her again, she quickly looked back at him.


“Mind if I give you a lift?”



+    +    +    +



Minho stopped his car when they reached the Han River. He quickly stepped out and walked to face the River. Jiwon on another hand followed him and without warning when Minho stopped his foot she slowly wrapped her arm around him from behind. The lad was so shocked and harshly pulled them away.


“What are you doing, Kim Jiwon?” He yawped at her.


“I miss you Minho. For these 3 years while being away, I found my self was containing nothing and my heart was yearning for you days and nights.”


“What?” Minho exclaimed totally in furious and then chuckled mockingly. “Miss me? Does my ear was became deaf or it really came out from your mouth? After you stepped on my heart and fooled around with me 3 years ago, right now you still have gut to come back and claim that you missed me?”


“But it’s true. I really miss you an-”


“Shut up, Kim Jiwon.” He raised his hand up. “I don’t want to hear those lies from you. We end already and since 3 years ago. Let me remind you, it was you and only you who chose to break that relationship by your own hand.” Minho said and looked at her in intense glare. “You chose to escape and in the ended it was still Kang Haneul, your only first love who you will never forget forever.”


“I know, let’s say that time I was too young and mature-less. I admitted that my feeling not cleared enough back then for which one who I really love. But please Minho believe me, I don’t lie to you!! All of these year, I realized that you’re the one who I love not him anymore. I really regret, why I was such that silly to let go of your hand. And you know how many times that I want to quite my study there and come back to your arm?” She said and almost broke in tears.


“But you didn’t. And you will never scarify that also, of course. Why do you suddenly came back or you was tired as a studyholic and then interested on fooling me again, and after that get rid of me out of your way when you feel weary?”


“No you’re wrong. I come back because I realized how much you are important to me. I’m really sorry, Minho I knew our broke up made you hurt and struck you miserably but guilt also shattered me mentally since then. That wrongdoing still hunts me until today.” She then stretched her hand to hold Minho.


“Yes you must feel so awful about that but you’ve still never tasted how grief-stricken I faced, Jiwon.” He raspingly swept her hand away then smiled tartly. “Thinking again, I terribly regretted for how foolish I was when pleading you like an idiot to please don’t leave, don’t disperse our love, even I’ve already known that you’ll still choose your decision over my begging.” He then looked straightly in her face. “But what was hurt me the most is, I only played the role as a substitute, the replacement of Kang Haneul.” His voice was shaking due to the hints full of hurt while saying. “I tell you, if only I can reverse the time, I wish that we wouldn’t ever meet. Or if we still do but I also swear that I won’t ever let myself to fall for you again, Kim Jiwon.”


“No No Minho, it’s not true. Your position was never a replacement but exactly you were my perfect boyfriend. And please don’t say like that. I know clearly that you still love me, right? Your heart still contains our memories, don’t be in denial. I can feel it Minho, feel how soft and affectionate gaze when you look at me in the eyes. You obviously still love me as well as I still love you, Minho.”


Jiwon dropped out her tears while staring at him but for what she said, made Minho was out of word. Yes his feeling for this girl is still there and he couldn’t understand himself too, why after 3 years he couldn’t move on from her? Aren’t there any other girls out there who have capableness enough to replace Jiwon in his heart?


But true to be told that since their broke up, he has never let himself to get near the other woman since he’s afraid that he would be fell on the old path again. But everything was never in his thought until the news of this arrangement marriage out of nowhere popped out from his parent, it really made him so angry and moreover it turned out that his dad was the one who behind this, who doesn’t know how worst relationship between their father and son’s connection. And that’s where the root was planted and he had no choice but to force created a faked relationship with the third person and that when Sulli was born to be part in his plan.


“Look at me, Minho!” Jiwon held his both cheeks to face her. “Do you know how much I’m happy when my parent told me about our marriage? That time I realized that it exactly my time for me to pay back my sin that I owe you, the God gave me this wonderful chance to compensate everything which I’ve done to you in the past and let us be together again. I promise, if you give our love for another chance, I would definitely hold it tight for the rest of my life, to treasure and value our future happiness till my eternity. So please Minho, please give us another chance to complete each other again.”


Finished it, she didn’t let Minho answered first as she quickly pulled his face closer to her and captured his mouth. Minho widened his eyes in surprise, his hands were in the verge about to push her away but another side of his restrained him. He confessed, that’s what he was yearning for years now.


In a split second, his hand made its way to her nape and pushed her to depend on his body, intended to make the kiss was more comfortable. At the same time Jiwon smirked between their kiss when she knew he still couldn’t resist her.


But strangely to Minho, even how much he missed her and especially their kiss but somehow he felt that it’s no longer that excited anymore, the pleasure feeling that he had expected ever since he gave in to kiss her back also hasn't reached his desire.


What’s wrong, totally what’s happening with him now? He knew, he hasn’t sorted out his feeling from her yet, but why his consciousness is reacting like that? Or it came from that his wound still hasn’t heal yet?


After this thought created such a fuss inside his mind, Minho immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her away. He intensely looked at her and waiting for his breath came back to normal first.


“Whatever it is Kim Jiwon, I can’t. We will never back together again, for sure. My heart no longer belongs to you anymore and it was ever since the day you decided to give it back to me.”


“Listen to me again, I finally found the suitable woman who perfectly takes care of my heart now. And please don’t ever to intrude or even bother me anymore, because.......... because I no longer love you anymore."


"My love and my future life are only for Choi Jinri and our future baby.”





To be continued......

End of the Chapter 3!! Sorry for any mistakes I've made there. Anyway thank so much for subscribing and upvoting.

And send my very big big thank to all my dear readers and who dropped your precious comments, I'm really happy and appreciate so much :D

Please do participate for the next chapter altogether :-) Well the MinSul moment.

Thank again and so much :D




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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho