Chapter 1

Unconditional Love



Minho slammed his car door shut. He stood straight and looked up to the mansion right in front of his eyes.


“Hell time!!!” He cursed under his breath before annoyingly stepped his foot inside.




“Marriage???” Minho exclaimed totally furious with his parent proclaimed the news about his arrangement marriage. He stood up immediately and laughed jeeringly. “What’s the heck that you two are talking about? Umma! You called me all the way here intended to force me falls into that crazy matter. Don’t waste your time. I’ll never agree with that damn arrangement.”


“What an ungrateful son that you behave, Minho?” Choi Daejun, his dad scolded him.


“Ungrateful?? Yes, what if I’m being like that? Thinking again whose blood is flooding inside me, it’s yours, right Appa? I already moved out from this damn house because I still thinking about you that you might be end up hospitalize whenever you see this ungrateful son of yours.” Minho mockingly said.


Suddenly a loud slap was heard through around the house.


“Yeobo!!” Mrs. Choi yelled at her husband and hastily went to her son.


“Let him be, Umma. However he has never treated me as his son.” Minho glared deadly to his dad before he dropped out his word. “And don’t ever imagine that I’m going to marry with her, which so called the daughter of your bestfriend. Because it will be never happen, I swear as hell.” He turned around and was about to left but stopped when his dad talked in his maximum voice.


“You dare to disobey us, Minho!!! Just keep my word, I will never allow your hand to touch my wealth even for a cent. We brought you to this world and have enjoyed this luxurious living, so I can also make you down to the hell without those standards of living either.”


Minho clenched his fist in anger but never turned around to look at his dad.


“Yes the same in me. Even if you gave me this existence but that doesn’t mean you can dominate my future life to whatever you want, Appa. It’s my own life so don’t ever want to scratch it with your hand.”


He then furiously walked in fast pace from his parent, even his mom trying to call him but he didn’t bother to turned around. Until he reached his car and out of his dad’s sight, Minho just then stopped and waited for his mom.


“Minho please! Let Umma begging you, just agree with it okay? I know that it’s really got you so angry because we didn’t even discuss it with you and decided it without your acknowledgment, but it all because we love you. We want you to stop with that useless life. You’re already 24 years old but still there’s no exact direction in your future yet.”


“Even you also being like this? Give Appa a hand to convince me? What an absurd reason you’re talking about? Setting my life with whatever you want even it despite from my will, is it calling that you love me? NO! It’s totally wrong with the way you act right now. I know why he wants me to get married because he thinks that using me over this marriage would help him to control the business fluently without problem, knowing that having an in-law stand at the same path, right?” Minho raised his voice and threw the anger all of his might.


“Minho! I don’t understand why you oppose with this marriage? You also know her right? Well...It much more even better than we are though. Or if I’m not wrong, you even like her right?”


Minho shook up with his mom word. He then bit his lip and looked elsewhere.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Umma. I’m going now.” Minho said, obviously avoided his mom continued her word and hopped in his car.


“Eh? That fast? But I’m not done with you yet, son.” Mrs. Choi grinned widely when sensed that she was just tickled her son’s heart. She then knocked the glass door of his car. Minho annoyingly rolled it down. “Just want to inform you, Minho. The family official meeting is in this weekend. Umma hope that you will show up.”


Minho didn’t answer as he slumped his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He ignored his mom just to take his long breath before drove off.




Minho was driving on the road as his mind still set on Mrs. Choi’s word earlier. He chuckled bitterly when remembered Her.


“Does she come back already? And marriage?? No guess Minho, she is going to turn it down for sure. She forgot you already since 3 years ago.” He then remembered his dad’s word. “Well...Let’s see Appa, do you want to force me into that painful hole again. Of course I’ll never let that happen.”


The small smirk showed on his lips while his hand searched for his mobile phone.


“Yeoboseyo, Key? I have a favor to ask you.” His voice was full of plan inside it.


“Huh? What’s it?” Key, another line replied.


“Well.....I want you to find me a girl and include all her informational background. Whoever you find but she need to have a clean background especially ‘SINGLE’. I need it before the weekend come. And make sure this is just you and me know about it.”



+    +    +    +



In the college, Sulli ran fast as she could from her classroom directed to the road and tried to find a Taxi. She was just informed by Seoul hospital that her mom was in a danger right now. She wiped all the tears that keep on flowing away but it was still streaming like no tomorrow till she got tired to fix it.


Sulli arrived so fast and sat down in the doctor’s room in front of her mom’s doctor. She was still panting due to run all the way there.


“I’m sorry to say this, Sulli. But your mom cannot wait any longer, cardiac tumor has begun to growing inside her heart now. I mean we need to do the surgery as soon as possible.” Dr. Lee Ara stated sadly.


“S-s-surgery?” Her voice was still trembling, her teary eyes viewed the doctor who nodded her head. “But....I.....I can’t support it now. How....can in this short period of time I can find that huge amount of money. Even a few of my part time jobs, the amount of the daily payments is much more so far from what I need.”


Sulli cried more even harder. She right now was so depressed between her mom’s condition and the money. What should she do? And where should she find the money so easily and that fast to help her mom?




Sulli entered her room while her eyes was staring at her mom was lying on the bed. She was sleeping but looked like almost lifelessly. Her face was so pale, really poor of color. Sulli couldn’t help but cried again. Seeing her mom being helpless in this state, it was really hurt. How many times she wishes that she could be the one who replace her mom right now.


“Umma!! Don’t worry. Even how much it’s so hard for me. I’ll still find a way to help you. Just hang in there a little more, I promise you will become normal and healthy again. Soon we will set those delight smile on our face again.” Sulli kissed her forehead. “I love you, Umma.”



+    +    +    +



Key took a white envelop out from his car out before he made his way to a convenient bar. He sighed while looking at it.


“Hmm....What am I doing right now?” He paused. “That brat Minho, why he wanted me to do this for him? Aish....He would better tell me later, or else he will be a dead meat for sure.”


After enough of whining, he then entered the bar.


“Yah!!!” Key shouted at Minho as he recognized his broad back since from afar.


“Oh! Sit down dude.” Minho smiled widely as soon as Key appeared. “Where is what I need?”


“Here!” Key slammed the envelope on the table in front of his eyes. When Minho was about to touch, Key put his palm on it and staring at Minho. “Wait! Everything in this world is not for free. Tell me!!!! Why suddenly you need a girl? For what?”


Minho didn’t answer instead he chuckled and snatched the envelope away from his dear friend’s palm.


“You will know it later. But not now, my dear Kibum” Minho answered and then he opened the envelope. But he was too fast when he sensed that Key was about to snatch it back.


“YAH FROGGY!!” Key annoyingly shouted. “Do you think it was so easy before I handed all the information which containing inside it?”


“Yes.” Minho answered shortly while his hand was holding the envelope and hung in the air, avoided Key to steal it back. “If not why you just needed only 1 day to get it? It’s only the almighty Key could do that.” He said and winked at the lad who was still gave him a dead glare but subsided down later when Minho’s word somehow like praising him.


“Well! Of course I am.” He conceitedly said and drank his drink. He finally gave up argued with Minho. “I warn you, Choi Minho. You would better tell me later for what you’re doing right now also what is your plan for that you’re up to.”


“Yes, I will.” Minho replied and placed the envelope back on the table. “And are you sure that all her information are correct?”


“And you don’t believe me?” Key asked along with his glare.


“No! But I just want to confirm. Avoid that I will be regret later if the information are wrong or it’s even fake.” Minho answered which earned a curious look from Key.


“Regret? What do you mean?” Key asked and Minho looked at him. His face totally showed a glimpse of sad. “Wae? Just answer me now.”


Minho blew out his heavy breath before saying.


“She comes back, Key.”


“Who??” Key winkled his browed but later widened his eyes after he realized who Minho was referred to. “Your girlfriend?”


“It was Ex. How many times that I correct you? Or I would better sew your mouth shut?” Minho said in annoyance before he took his drink in one shot.


“Arasseo Arasseo. So what about her? Don’t tell me that you still have feeling for her?”


“So what’s wrong if I still do?” Minho chuckled. “After 3 years, I thought that I already move on. But yesterday I realized that I was wrong. You know what, our parent set us for an arrangement marriage.” Minho heaved his deep sigh. “What a funny fate that is playing with my life. She chose to end our relationship that year and right now fate brought us back.” He stopped and looked at Key. “And do you think I can let that happen? Let those painful memories come back and hurt me again?” He smiled evilly and continued to say determined. “Of course not! I will make sure as hell that my heart won’t be damaged again as well as my dad, I will let him taste for what I am going to show him.”


He drank his wine in one go again with his eyes glittering in fire. Key gulped. Choi Minho, his dear friend for years now. But this was the very first time that he found him so scary with that look. He was a little taken aback when suddenly Minho turned to him and asked.


“So what’s her name?”


“Huh? Who?”


“Who else? This!” Minho pointed at the envelope. “Just summarize about her briefly now.”


“Oh her! Actually she’s friend with Amber. No correct that, very close friend. They are like sisters. And I also know her by Amber introduced her to me for months ago.”


“Mwo?? Are you kidding me, Key? I thought you found a stranger for me but-”


“Aish!!! What the heck you expected me to find a stranger knowing that you want it before the weekend? And if you don’t like her, I can’t help you dude. I’m not that free to lend you my hand anymore.” Key said and almost snatched the envelope but Minho was fast again.


“Okay Okay! As if I have another choice. So continue now.”


Key just rolled his eyes.


“Well her name is......wait!! She actually doesn’t have a dad, being raised under a single mom. Are you okay with it?”


“That’s not a problem.” Minho answered shortly while listening.


“Okay then. Hmm....but poor her, heard that right now she is so depressed. Her mom is having a heart disease, because of that she is urgent in need of the money in order to proceeds the surgery, totally in emergent circumstance.”


“Great!!!” Minho out of nowhere exclaimed.


“What?? Do you have a heart Minho? You don’t pity her but instead so happy over her struggle situation. She’s only 21 years old but already faced that compact life. Having many part times jobs to pay for her mom’s hospitalization and her own tuition. Hmm....What an unfair life in this world?”


“Aigoo! Did I see it right? You have that soft heart, Kim Kibum.” His word made Key shot him a sharp glare, he chuckled. “Well! I guess soon she will pass that. Her problem will be solving. And of course once after she meets me later.”


“What do you mean? Gosh! Look at your expression now, Choi. I really can’t predict what’s behind it.”


Minho just shrugged by his word.


“So what’s her name?”


“Choi Sulli.”




To be continued.......


End of the first chapter, hope you still enjoyed it :-) Anyway sorry for any mistakes I've made there. And thank so much for my 25 Subbies and 3 Upvoters. And all my dear readers, very very big thank :D


I’ll update soon.




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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho