Chapter 5

Unconditional Love



The sunlight was peeking through the window and poured all around the corner of the bedroom. Minho stirred before he decided to open his eyes, signaled that he finally waked up. His nose then was inhaled the sweet scent which he was very familiar with. Confessed, he totally got so addicted with this fragrance which was poking his nose.


He smiled when his eyes placed on a girl who was sleeping soundlessly while her back was facing him. Moreover his hand was hugging her from behind. Her was exposed right in front of his eyes at the same time he found himself leaned down and gave a light kiss on her bare shoulder. He suddenly was wide awake and a slight pang of dismay was dug him, when Sulli was bugging due to his kiss. But he chuckled later when actually she just changed her position of sleeping and turned around to face him while her hand was searching for the comfortable place to put. He quickly grabbed it and settled it on his waist.


He then looked at her angelic sleeping face considered as a chance to study her more. He instantly was dumbstruck with the beauty of this girl. He thought that how come she is even more this beautiful in the morning like this. Her thin brows drew perfectly with those pair of eyes along with the naturally long eyelashes. The sharp nose is matching with a tiny mole on its tip. He smiled unconsciously and lightly pinched her nose adorably.


In the end his big brown eyes were landing on her luscious lips, he gulped mindlessly and his own lips hungrily while looking at them. Even he has already tasted them but the desire of the way he got had never reached his limit. He found himself got so addicted and wanted to own them whenever he need. He felt his heartbeat was thumping again. Minho immediately shut his eyes and organized his unstable breath. But soon he opened back when he wasn’t able to control his desire. In a split second he found his lips already touched hers. He shut his eyes and moved his lips suavely on hers without permission but to his surprise he felt Sulli responded him back. He immediately opened his eyes but only still found the sleeping lady with closed eyes. After a several seconds he then pulled out and chuckled. His chuckling more even louder when as soon as he parted the kiss, her lips showed a hint of disappointment or he could say she was pouted.


“What are you dreaming of, Jinri? You naughty girl.”


Due to his loud laughter, Sulli finally stirred. She slowly opened her eyes and blinking multiple times when Minho’s face was way too close to her. She then recovered fully and was ready to move backward intended to set their extent. She immediately fixed the blanket to cover more even tighter on her body when the distance between them was enough to have now.


Sulli felt the heat rush up on her cheek again in such a raw morning even her heart uncontrollably beat like no tomorrow. She swallowed hard while she fixed her gaze back on his face before bended it down.


“Good morning, Jinri. How is your feeling now? Is your body sore?" Asked Minho.


“Huh? Oh! Gwenchanayo.” Sulli answered as her head still hung down avoiding his gaze.


She lied, how came she was okay? Her body must be aching here and there, especially between her thighs area. But true she can pass through it. But how dare she could confess him? Of course lying would be better since she was still shy after remembered about the last night.


Sulli started to feel uncomfortable in their position, but it wasn’t entire though. Sulli secretly gulped vacuously, considered what the state of thing right now as they actually exist. They both were on the same bed, sharing a blanket.


“If there is something wrong just tell me, okay?” Minho said and he received a light nod from the younger shy girl. “So can I ask what your dream was, just now?” Minho continued to ask while his body was moving to nearer her.


“D-Dream?” She shockingly raised her head up back to him and asked. Minho nodded. Sulli immediately looked away again, remembered clearly how much giddiness she was in heaven, when the dream was showed how her and him had shared a sweet kiss together romantically. But to her unknown, it actually happened in reality. “A-Aniyo. I-I d-didn’t dream.”


“Oh really? But I don’t believe you.” Minho said along with his smirk. “Well...... So let me guess.”


His word made Sulli stiffed. She was blinking while looking at him, waiting for his wild guess. It’s normal that he had known that she dreamed but how come he can guess it correctly? It’s impossible.


“Umm your dream, well maybe......... Something like this right.” He almost hadn’t finished his word as he quickly learned to her face and pecked Sulli’s lips.


She widened her eyes, bolted from the blue. There was no word could run through her tongue, even her breath she almost forgot how to take.


Minho quickly moved back a little with his confused action, realizing what the hell he did just now. Damn it!! He was swayed by those kissable lips again. But soon he faded this botheration and replaced by his laughter when he caught her so cute expression. He promptly urged the teasing mode to rise up.


“Genius right that I knew about your naughty dream?”


“Why did you know?” Sulli dumbfound asked, still shocked about the sudden morning kiss.


“Well! Tell you a secret. Actually it wasn’t your dream but it did happen, as in Real.”


“M-Mwo? Real what?”


“I stole you a kiss this morning but you know what, I had never thought that someone excitingly responded even she was still in her slumber.”


Minho’s word made Sulli put her face down totally in embarrass. She finally realized how foolish she was, why out of nowhere she could dream about such thing? Minho then smiled and held her chin up. He at first wanted to but when he met her eyes, he found himself lost his mind again. Her beauty really almost got his breath away. He must admit that even how much he needs to restrain himself but it’s really no use. Her charm is the one thing in this beautiful world that he cannot resist.


“But I’m not satisfied with what I did at all, because stealing it was something that is unfair advantage which we so called ‘illegal’.” He said and Sulli’s cheek gently. He smiled when his hand could sense how her smooth cheek was heating. “What I meant is........... I want to do it again but this time only once I get the permission from the owner first. Can you allow me?”


Sulli didn’t answer as her eyes were blinking in astonishment. But her giddiness, she really didn’t know how to hide it so well. Shortly her lip stretched out wide to reach her both cheeks and drew out a shy smile. So Minho no need to say anything as he already got her permission. In no time he leaned closer to her face and captured her lips again.


Since this wasn’t their very first kiss, Sulli naturally responded without any hesitation. She smiled and s her arms around his neck as Minho ran his hand over her and pulled her body more even closer in order to deepen the kiss.


The two were enjoying the morning kiss without having any intention to end it even the time kept on running. For more they had shared, the more they greedily unwanted to stop. And who would have thought that their second kissing in the morning soon had been upgraded into something more even deeper until they couldn’t be able to break off, eventually two bodies and souls were united in one once again.



+    +    +    +



“Are you sure that you’re okay? I’m sorry, this morning I kind of a bit rough.” Minho said to Sulli while he was driving on the way to the hospital.


“Oh? I’m okay.” She replied shortly, shyness still perfectly smelled from her to Minho.


“Hey Jinri, are you still shy now?” He chuckled seeing her cute expression as well as he remembered every moment while they did it for the second time. “We had done it for 2 times right?” Minho appeared his naughty side and began to . “So there’s no need to be shy anymore.”


“Y-Yeh??!!” Sulli uttered along with her sour face, she felt her blood rush over and pained her cheeks again. Why he needed to bring that topic to talk now. They weren’t not on the bed anymore but indeed in the car with clothes on and when we reminded of something like that to talk again, of course it won’t be the same with the environment around them now. Briskly, Sulli mentally discomforted, she swallowed hard at the sight of Minho’s gleaming eyes. Her mind suddenly flashed back to what they just did a few hours ago as well as the first time they shared.


‘OMG! What am I thinking? Get your act together, Jinri.’ She thought and hit her head frequently.


“Hey, what are you doing?” Minho noticed and laughed at how she became strange, he curiously asked her.


“Oh nothing.” Sulli answered and quickly turned her head away to view outside the car.


She then secretly smiled out of blue by herself. She even felt her heart was beating like crazy against her chest whenever she was with him. Even right now, it was way too hard to keep her heart in peace. She herself also didn’t know the reason why she was being like that. It’s the very first time she had experienced this kind of feeling.


‘Is it because of him?’ She said to herself and swiftly stopped smiling. ‘Or is it a sign that I am started to like him? NO!!! IMPOSSIBLE, how can I like him knowing that we just have known each other in this very short period of time?’ Sulli shut her eyes and bit her lip. ‘I wish this is just a mere mortal feeling. Soon it will be faded by time goes by.’


“Jinri!!!” Minho called her name when he was aware how quiet they were. “What are you thinking about?”


Sulli clumsily turned to him with an awkward stare. She fixed her position. “Nothing really.”


“Err.... Jinri!!” Minho called her once again. Sulli fixed her gaze on him. “I actually want you to move into my apartment.”


“Ehh??” Sulli instantly alarmed. “But why?”


“Well...... it’s because of......” Minho stuck his tongue; he also didn’t know the exact reason why he wanted her to do that either. But then he came up with a solid reason while grinning. “Right, I don’t want you to stay at your place alone. And soon we will still live together, it’s just that it will be early. And by the way when your mom discharges from the hospital I would like to invite her to live there also.”


“My mom??” A shock hit her again.


“Yes, so do you agree?”


“I don’t know. It’s just too sudden, why don’t you give me time to think about it first? I know that we will still live together when the marriage is wrapped up, but it’s not appropriate of the people would be able having the negative views on us. We might end up to be the topic of their gossip.” Sulli reasoned out and gave him a small smile.


“Okay, I have no choice then.” He replied with a smile but somehow in him, disappointment was already extant. He suddenly remembered something. “So do you have anything that you’d like to say to me, Jinri?”


“Oh? No, I guess.”


“Well....So I actually want to say something.” Minho said, he glanced and smiled at her but in the way of hesitation. But seriousness could sense by Sulli with the way he acted. “I’m sorry to say this, but like you know........... We did it just to make sure that the pregnancy plan is going well with the fake action we put, right?”


“Ne?” Sulli uttered, she somehow felt a pang of resentment with his word.


“What I meant is, we actually have nothing more than what I mentioned right? For example, like some sort of feeling.” He said and then glanced at Sulli again.


Sulli suddenly felt sour inside her heart. Yes he was indeed true. They are nothing, so any kind of feeling shouldn’t exist either. But why it was like a sharp word to her. And why did she feel like this? Something like hurt and dismay?? Why???


Sulli then tried her best to gain her bright face and started to find her tongue. “Of course, I understand.”


“Alright, I’m glad then. Thank you Jinri-ah.” Minho said with his relieved tone. “I hope we will still remain like this until this game end. So let put it in this way, we should be friend, what do you think?”


“It’s okay for me.” Sulli dryly replied with her puny smile. She then turned her gaze back to road on her side, obviously she wanted to avoid him.


“It’s good then. And about our marriage, it will take place once we already confirm about your pregnancy. I hope this plan is going to run smoothly.” Minho said.


“Oh.” Sulli shortly replied but she didn’t even spare him a look as she kept her eyes staring blankly on the heavy traffic. ‘I also hope so.’


‘Appa, is what I am doing right now, is it right or wrong? Am I going to commit a sin by bringing an innocent life up to this world? I’m not regret to give my ity to him, considering that it’s my thankfulness regarding for his kindness. But I’m afraid........afraid that I might be ended up live in remorsefulness after screw up my own blood life.' Thought Sulli.


Minho could feel that Sulli was gloomy all of sudden. He thought that she might be still worried about her mom’s condition so he had the urge to cheer her up.


“Jinri! About your mom-” But his word was cut off by his phone rang. “Chakaman!” He smiled at Sulli before picked up his phone. “Yoboseyo? Who is it?”


Sulli found the chance to keep her eyes on him without he noticed. She was staring at him intensely with full of meaning behind her gaze. Many of thought were running in her head.


Doesn’t he feel bad about the child’s future? Even though he’s rich and of course there’s no impossible thing that can be able to muddle his wishes, but when it comes to raise a child, it isn’t something that we can entirely depend on with those wealth which we perfectly grant them. Eventually it’s still the warm loves from the parent which they need to fulfill are demanding, it’s the most important thing that all every child’s want.


Thinking more even further, Sulli found her fear was developing, realizing there is another problem possibly approaches her. What if while the plan is in process, foolishly she found herself really has some sort of feeling for him? What if it’s going to increase till she no longer can control it? What if one day the sky collapse on her when she must admit that she finally falls in love with him knowing that they will never forever?


Her mind kept on running lots of thought while her vision was only on him but soon she woke up when she saw his face became flat, grimace and it more even gloomy suddenly. Sulli was startled when Minho ended the call immediately by cursing under his breath and even harshly hit the steering wheel in anger.


“Waeyo? Is there anything wrong?” Sulli managed to ask with her causal voice.


“Nothing.” He answered without any hint of humor.


Even though Sulli couldn’t read what was in Minho’s mind right now, but she won’t deny that she was really well aware with that expression. This was the second time already that she witnessed it, how he suddenly changed. And the reason was none other than the answer that she had in mind now. Sulli clenched her bag tightly and pursed her lip in order to build her braveness. She was in the verge of asking him again.


“Is it her right?”


Minho instantly conveyed his eyes from the road to her. “Who?”


“The phone call just now. I mean it was Miss Jiwon, right? She must have something important to say to you.” Sulli couldn’t help but to say it out even it was so hard for her to realize what their actual relationship is. She could see how Minho’s face altered, and there she knew that she got it right. “But why? Can.....Can I ask you why?”


Sulli looked at him. To her surprise, Minho suddenly turned the steering wheel sharply to the right and stopped the car on the side road.


“What do you want to know, Jinri?” He asked as his brows creased totally in piss. He put his mindfulness on her with his sharp gaze. “I don’t really understand what you’re talking about now.”


Sulli then kept her eyes on straight. “I...I meant why....... Why you chose me over her? Created such this plan in order to call off your wedding.”


“Mwo??” Minho uttered in displeases. “Isn’t it obvious enough that I don’t want it happen? I hate it, don’t you see that?”


“Even it despite from the fact that you actually being betrayed your heart?” Sulli bravely continued, her voice somewhat buried of a small twinge.


“You know nothing, Jinri. So stop acting like you understand me.” Minho snapped and turned his head away from her. He was in the state of control his anger.


“Yes like what you said, I actually don’t understand you, why you need to go through such this hard situation knowing that-” Sulli stopped her speech and looked at Minho, she totally wasn’t in any right of position to presume thing now, especially when it came to his personal matter. “I know I have no right to meddle between you two or even understand what your past was but at least you should try to fight for it. Thing can be worked out for another way after we try.” Sulli drew her breath while Minho fixed back his unreadable eyes on her. “Minho-shi, I’d like to say you should reconsider thing all over again. Let’s say there’s still possible way we can back off. Regret might be not shown up now but it doesn’t mean that it will never appear in the future though. So............what if we should stop it here before thing gets worst?”


“What did you say?” Minho tried his best to calm his word but badly he couldn’t. “Choi Jinri! You see that I’m being nice to you that’s why you threw me such a damn piece of advice? I repeat it again, you completely know nothing about me so don’t pretend like you’re one. Or it’s because you suddenly regret for what we had done this far.” He raised his voice more even louder for every each word he said. “Don’t fast forget Jinri, we already had together. So even if you want to stop right now it won’t restore everything become like before. Do you think that the possibility of pregnancy is low? Of course you’re too naive Jinri.”


“W-What?” Sulli started to well up the tear while staring at him. She felt his sharp word was being insulted her emotionally.


“Geurae!!! I won’t stop you if you insist to back off now. Because although I used to have your body once but that doesn’t mean I can control it though.” He still roared at Sulli and ignored how she was trembling at her seat due to his unstoppable furor. He mockingly chuckled. “Well I almost forget, we’re just a stranger who only spent 1 night together, okay let set it that way, because for me you’re nothing anyway.”


Minho furiously poured out his anger. He was really angry with her word just now, what right she had that she wanted to lecture him? Especially when it came to Jiwon, how much she knew about them? Of course not even a small dust. But how could she act like she is a goddamn god who understands him. His coldly looked at Sulli with his rapid breathing, even the fire could see through his intense gaze.


“I’m sorry if my word made you this furious.” Sulli voice was so quivering. She quickly wiped her tears by using the back of her hand. “But being friend, I just can’t stand to see you like this. My eyes can refuse to see, but my mind can’t resist to think. I said that to you because I don’t want you regret at last. Thinking again I also don’t understand myself either, it barely reaches 7 days or apparently complete 40 hours which we have known each other but why I feel this way to you, why the concernment tickled my sense?”


Minho eyes turned to soft over her word. His chest started to feel so tight when seeing she was crying and how she tried to hold her tears.


“And you’re wrong I’ve never wanted to back off since I desperately need your help so I greatly owe you a lot, Minho-shi.” Sulli pursed her lip to stop her tears but it was useless. Her stubborn eyes didn’t obey. “But what I’ve got is, you are being affronted me as like I’m a e. Oh right, I would be like one already in your eyes since I exchanged my body for your money.” Sulli then unbuckled her seatbelt. “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Choi. But let do forget about everything now, you no need to responsible for my mom’s surgery anymore. Yes, a cheap person like me is nothing to you so let never meet each other again. Sorry.”


Finished it Sulli immediately opened the door and got out. She left Minho was drowning in guilt after what he had said. Yes, he was overreacted just now, too overboard but really he didn’t mean it. It was just that the temporary anger heated up his nerve enormously.


Sulli walked as fast as she could out of the place. She wanted to run far away from him. He was too much by stabbing her with those filthy words without caring about her feeling. She knew that he was too angry that’s why he couldn’t control his temper but she was really hurt especially knowing that she actually nothing to him after what she gave him. But it was right, what she expects from him to consider her as valuable.


“Too naive, too dummy, Choi Jinri. Pabo!!!” She still cried endlessly while kept on reprimanded herself. His word was lingering in her mind and it struck her heart badly.


When she realized that she was far away from him now. Sulli stopped but suddenly she felt a tight grip was on her wrist. And it a split second she found her body was in an embrace. His scent, how could she forget about it?


Minho, he chased after her. She could felt his chest was panting aganist hers.


“I’m sorry, Jinri. I didn’t mean for what I had said just now, not at all. Please don’t be angry. I know I was a jerk that lashed out those immoral words to you without caring your feeling but it was just that I couldn’t control my anger after what you said. It was like you tried to push me to go back into the painful hole again. I don’t want to feel it again, Jinri.” He then pulled out and let go of Sulli.


Minho looked at her in apologetic eyes, he witnessed her tears was painted obviously on her cheeks but he didn’t make any move to fix it. He want to but doesn’t even dare, because of him she spilled the tears of hurt.


Her red eyes also looked straightly into his. Something in his eyes that she found was too complex for her to tell of. But she got one thing that, this man absolutely through such a bitter experience in the past. And that time she must admitted that how much her word could turn back his nightmare again. Somewhat she also felt bad about it.


“I’m really sorry. And about you asked me ‘Why’, I promise you when I’m ready I’ll reveal my past to you. I’ll explain all everything about why I chose this way. But right now please don’t leave me. I want us to be continued.”


“I-I...” Sulli couldn’t drop her word out.


“Please Jinri, I’m begging you.”


Sulli wanted to open but there was no word came out so she just consciously nodded her head.


“Thank you.” Minho replied with his content smile. She saw him released his breath in relief. “And please do forget all everything I’ve said before because really, I didn’t mean it at all.”


“Oh. I understand.” Sulli finally found her voice and set it free.


“But there's one more thing I would like to say.” Minho serious eyes looked at hers as his hands directed toward her shoulders and held them. “Even though we are just acquaintances but to me you’re not ‘nothing’. Please remember that, Jinri."




To be continued.......

End of Chapter 5. How was it, dear? I'm sorry, if there were so many mistakes there. And thank so much for subscribing, upvoting and commenting, all my dear readers, Thank :D


P.S : MinSullians Chingus, have you seen the very lastest pic of Etude House yet? WOW!!! Finally!!! Gosh I'm almost crazy here. <3 MinSul <3. Cant wait for Feb 28, Fri and BTS :D



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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho