Chapter 25

Unconditional Love



Minho was standing in front of a full length mirror in dashing white tuxedo. Both hands for nth times were tucking the black bow tie which was under the tux collar and then later switched to fix the top suit. This action was repeated again and again for an hour now, he anxiously touched here and there without an end. Although smile never left his lips since the morning, knowing the wonderful day that he had been waiting for finally occurred in minutes. The wedding day of him and Sulli.

“Stop touching, you’re ruining what it was supposed to look fine from an hour ago.” Key appeared right behind Minho, also with a nice suit. He said while looking into Minho’s reflection in the mirror. “Are you nervous, dude?”

“No, I’m not.” Minho replied immediately and turned around to face his dear friend. “I just want to be sure that I’m handsome enough to look good with Jinri later. She must be so stunning out there.” Obviously, this was also a reason but not entire though, truly he was nervous as well.

“Yeah! Whatever you say.” Key responded, smirking before his hands were too itchy to not to adjust what Minho ruined on his attire earlier.

“Where’s my son?” Minho asked while standing still to let his buddy freely fixed him. He wanted to know about Yoogeun’s whereabouts since what he knew was Key is the last person who stayed with his little boy earlier but now he was here instead.

“Uncle took him from me. I guess maybe he right now is so busy to show your cutie little creature to the guests out there.” Key replied and then he brushed Minho’s shoulders as in the way to remove the dust. “Ok done. Don’t try to ruin it again.”

Minho smiled contently at the thought of his dad was entertaining their relatives and guests with Yoogeun. It really warmed his heart right now and proud at the same time.

“The ceremony will start in 20mins. Are you ready?” Key asked but then Minho gave him a sly smile. “Okay look at you now I know that you’re more than one hundred times ready.”

Minho chuckled but suddenly everything around him slightly spinning. He shook his head to clear his vision with his hand instantly grabbed the back of a chair to support his whole body.

“Hey Minho, are you okay?” Key rushed beside Minho and helped him sat down. “Does it attack you again? Is it bad?”

Minho shook his head and tried to free his hand from Key’s hold. “I’m fine, Kibum. I think a few minutes are enough for me to get much better. No worry, this is just usual actually. I get used to it already. It’s always likes this, came and then left.”

Key just nodded his head in hesitation. He was sure is worried about Minho, but he knew this friend of his is so strong, he won’t let something happen to him in such a beautiful day like today. And btw the surgery is also going to operate tomorrow when the wedding is already wrapped up, so thing might not get bad within today. But to Key unknown, Minho actually lied about said that he was fine. No, he was not, not when this severe headache was starting to get worst in just minutes and didn’t subside like what it used to be. He was trying to stay calm and still put the smile on his face.

“Wow…Who we have in here?” Mrs. Choi suddenly came in with Yoogeun in her hand. The little boy seemed so having a very good mood as his smile was so wide and giggled sound from his tiny lips enough to make the elders chuckled in adorableness. “This stunning groom is the father of whom?” Mrs. Choi asked Yoogeun as if he was able to answer her but at the fact she just wanted to own son.

Minho drew out a big smile and stood up. He bent down a bit to kiss his boy on the lips. “Well this stunning groom is adorable Yoogeun’s father. I heard that you stay awake until now, why don’t you sleep, son? A baby like you needs to take a lot of naps.”

“I guess he seemed perfectly know what this beautiful day is.” Key said with a light pinch on Yoogeun’s cheek. “I and Amber tried so hard to sleep him since this morning but only to stand with his big round eyes staring at us pleadingly as in asking us to hold him to see people rather than stayed in one place and close eyes.”

“Yes yes maybe like that, he’s so excited now and doesn’t even look like he’s sleepy either. Let him be, it’s just for today.” Mrs. Choi added on Key’s word. She then looked at her son. “So Minho, are you ready by now? Let’s get out greeting the guests before the ceremony starts.”

“Ne.” Minho replied and looked sideward at Key, he smiled and nodded his head in assurance that he was fine as the latter just let out a sigh, hoping that everything is fine like what Minho told. Minho then turned back to look at Yoogeun. “C’mon baby, daddy will carry you.”

With that Mrs. Choi gave the boy to Minho’s arms and the 3 of them together went out from the room to the venue.


As soon as Sulli was visible in Minho’s eyes, instantly he turned startstruck. His beautiful bride was in a white strapless wedding dress, her hairstyle was done matched well with the gown. Her face was glowing, indeed a gorgeous goddess who sent from above. Minho was completely stunned as his eyes were only on Sulli, who was now gracefully making her way to reach him. Sulli was so breathtaking, every each step she took was like it took his breath away, so torturing yet still strived to alive only to just look at her ravishing face.

“What should I call you, Jinri? Because now I cannot find any right words to tell you, everything about you right now are beyond the word I could find to express admiration for my bride.” Minho whispered when Sulli finally stood beside him with her hand was squeezed by Minho’s.

Sulli blushingly smiled at him before the vows started by the minister who was standing before them with a wide smile toward the nearly newlywed couple.

Started from the first line of the minister was stated, their good and bad memories were flashing back into their minds. The first encounter where they couldn’t deny how they already attracted to one another right away, to the deal they had made until they have found love within their hearts… everything was like happened yesterday. Both of them never imagined that their path was reached in this edge by standing side by side waiting to vow and tie their lives together forever. He loves her same goes she loves him dearly. Both are deeply in love with each other and promised all of their heart that it will last long forever until eternity.

Without realization, Sulli let her tear flew down from her eye when they finally had to face each other. Minho smiled tenderly as he reached his hand to touch her face and wiped it away.

“I know you’re so happy and me too, babe. Extremely, indescribable feeling.” Minho mumbled when tear also threatened his eyes to let it go.

The most common question but also the most special part for every couple made promise had finally come. The both of them emotionally made an unforgettable pledge in front of family, friends and end with a lovely glance together to their baby son in the audience place.

Minho held Sulli’s chin and stared affectionately into her eyes. He smiled tenderly even though his eyes seemed like to feel heavy and blurred, he blinked his eyes and said. “My first promise is accomplished. You’re now lawfully my wife. Start from the kiss which I’ll give you later, will become our first kiss as a married couple. From this moment we’ll start anew in everything as a husband and wife.” Minho slowly leaned toward her face. “Thank you for everything and I love you, Jinri.” He whispered against their lips that slightly touched before he pressed them gently with a slow motion yet so sweet. The loud cheers and congratulatory clapping were like a beautiful music in the couple’s ears as they smiled contently without broke off the kiss. Minho let go Sulli’s lips and pulled her into a deep hug as he buried his face in her neck.

Sulli was startled at the sudden tight embrace but before she knew it, she felt weight slowly burdened on her body. Her heartbeat increased its pace when her tears already went out of control. She shook her trembly hand on his back and uttered in cracked whisper. “M-Minho ah …. Minho…. No joking please.”

And the next thing Sulli knew was she hardly cried seeing Minho was out of her arm unconsciously and already in a ride of Key’s back. She snapped back and rushed toward Mrs. Choi, when Yoogeun started to wail hysterically.



1 Year later

Sulli was holding her son’s tiny hand, waiting for her husband anxiously in front of the Choi’s resident. After almost a half of an hour of waiting, the glimpse of his car finally came visible in her eyes.

“Papa.” Toddler Yoogeun uttered with his unclear vocabulary, released his hand from his Mom and ran on his bumpy way into his dad’s opened arm.

“Aigoo, my boy.” Minho straightened up with his son in his arms. He kissed the boy all over his face, earning a loud giggle from him. Minho then looked at Sulli, smiling sweetly. “Shall we go now?”


“You’re so late.” Jiwon exclaimed sullenly as Minho and Sulli just arrived at the airport. She stared at the youngest boy who now was in Minho’s arm, his little hand was so busy holding his sippy cup and another draped around Minho’s neck. She slapped lightly on his cutie , instantly jerked the boy spun his head to find the culprit. He stopped his milk and giggled when another slap was found. “Are you laughing huh, naughty boy? We’re here to bid our farewell but look at you, so enjoy feeding yourself.”

“Calm down, Jiwon. If you adore him so much just kiss him instead, don’t abuse my son.” Minho jokingly said.

Jiwon gave him a glare. “Oh well, sorry but I don’t like a kid. And what, abuse? Seriously, where in the world your naughty son responded me with a hard laughter instead of crying if that called abuse?!”

“Sorry Jiwon, Minho just kidding. And sorry again that we were late, Minho couldn’t take his hand off from work early and this boy fell asleep on the way here, only to wake up just now and asked for his milk.” Sulli said, smiling.

Jiwon nodded her head and smiled at Sulli back, but kinda in awkward way. Though they’re not a comfortable friend yet but their good relationship is developing so well through a few months with Jiwon’s sincerity heart apologized Sulli over her unpleasant intention from the past.

“So leaving this time, when will you come back?” Sulli asked.

Jiwon took a deep breath and looked at Minho with Yoogeun briefly, she smiled before went back to Sulli. “I’m lost. I lost this man to you. So talking about coming back, I don’t think I have plan yet or I should build my root there, maybe. I need some time, like you know.” Jiwon frankly replied. She witnessed the couple exchanged glance so she chuckled. “Don’t worry, as I promised you I’m not going to play this game anymore, never. Even if I have strength, I don’t think myself are able to take another heart break anymore.”

“I’m sorry, Jiwon.” Sulli said, her hand extended to hold Jiwon’s hand. “Maybe if it wasn’t me …. you--”

“I might be already got back together with Minho, right?” Jiwon cut Sulli, she then went to Minho’s side and linked her arms on his causing Sulli was a bit surprise but she just showed off her smile later. “Jinri, I was so crazy to slip Minho away that time, although later I wanted him back but in the end I’m willing to let him go, still just tell you, if there’s one day I learn that I still have chance, don’t blame me that something will happen dramatically, okay?!”

“Huh?!” Minho uttered, dumbfounded. He was ungainly looking at his wife, to his surprise he found her stifled her laughter.

“Sure Jiwon, I don’t mind at all.” Sulli replied and took Yoogeun from Minho’s hand.

Jiwon smiled at her and turned to Minho, she gave him a deep hug, making the latter widened his eyes at her sudden action. “Can’t I give a dear friend one last hug?” Minho again, gave a look to Sulli as she nodded her head in response that she was okay. Minho then put his hand on Jiwon’s back. “Stop frowning. What I said is not like what you’re thinking right now. I mean, stop being handsome and hot. Jinri will never get relaxed when all the women eyes are on you, at everywhere you are.”

“What?” Minho asked again. He then looked around him only to found some of women were gawking at him. Minho chuckled in understanding of what Jiwon wanted to imply. “I’m already taken, having a beautiful wife and a gorgeous son. Why do I care when I’m already perfectly completed.”

“Yeah, remember what you said today Minho. If one day I receive bad news from both of you, I won’t have any hesitation in coming back to roast you alive for making my friend gets hurt.” Jiwon said and Minho nodded his head with a pleasant chuckle. “You found a good woman, Minho. I’m happy for you but again, sorry for everything I had done senselessly to you and your wife. Especially Jinri, I hurt her quite a lot in the past but she still forgave me in the end.”

Minho smiled, his eyes went to Sulli. Her smile turned wider and so sweet toward him when their eyes were collided. The motherly side of Sulli with their son in her arms was so priceless, for nth time in day by day he would found himself was so longing to see this beautiful view. Minho admitted that he won’t survive if he won’t be able to witness it every day and even die to not having both of them in his arms. He needs them so much, every second minute and day to push on his breath.

Could he even want to ask for more? Absolutely NO. One another life from God one year ago was way perfectly enough for him. He has another survival to open his eyes, another chance to see his family again, more long years to fulfill his promises especially chance for his heart to continue beating only for the woman in his life. Only two things, he gratefully wants to thanks God, first to bring such a perfect woman for him and second for granting him to carry on this beautiful journey with his beloved ones with no more obstacles. And he knew for the rest is depended on him, how will he leads his family and reserve their happiness until eternity. No doubt, he confidently devotes himself for them, to give what is the best that Sulli and Yoogeun want from him.

Jonghyun flipped and tapped his phone up and down, frequently touched the screen, hoping for incoming call or any message. Sulli laughed.

“That won’t help anything, it’s not like it will magically ring when it glues in your hand like this.” Sulli commented teasingly. “Just call to ask her what’s going on with that blind date. If not your anxiousness or should I say ‘Jealousy’ will bug you to no end.”

Jonghyun pretended to laugh. “Oh Sulli when did you know how to crack a joke? It’s indeed funny. I’m not waiting for her call nor ridiculously I’m jealousy, I’m just holding my phone in case someone tries to reach me. T-That’s all.” He shook his head and brought his tea to sip. “Sora knows what the best for herself.” He murmured sadly the last word.

“Do you like Dr. Kang? I mean, the feeling that beyond the friendship?” Sulli asked him with a serious smile.  “Or maybe you don’t know how it feels like that’s why you seems so lost and kinda confuse right now. Okay, need me to brief that kind of feeling for you?”

Jonghyun shook a small laugh. “I know that feel Sulli and very well. How could I not when I just recovered from the heartbreak?”

“Oh.” Sulli awkwardly uttered when she felt intense under Jonghyun’s gaze.

“Yes I like Sora.” Jonghyun surprised Sulli. Actually she could see that for a long time already but she just waited for him to realize it by himself. She smiled at the man in love widely, anticipating for him to continue. “Maybe even far from the word ‘Like’ until I think … I already fall in love with my own best friend, Sulli.”

“And what is holding you back Jonghyun? Confess to her before it’s too late.” Sulli encouraged him.

“It’s not easy because it’s been a year that we found ourselves easily fell into a fight over a trivial thing and that’s what making me realized my feeling for her is more than friend but sadly I’m not brave enough only to keep on waiting around. But somewhere always makes me rethink again and again of what will happen if we end up together when we easily get into quarrel like this.” Jonghyun said and smiled bitterly.

“Your problem happens for reason. I think there must be something unpleasantly occurred that only the two of you should figure it out for like is there any misunderstanding between you two? Just try to find it and solve.” Sulli reasoned out, left the man only bent his head down staring at his hand. “Jonghyun, hearts are often confused and broken by thoughtful words left unspoken and loving deeds left undone, if you keep pushing it away and ignore thing will never get fix, more worst when you have to realize that chance is no longer in your reach, no hope for turning back anymore. Don’t mess yourself to think about future and past, only the present is matter. Follow what your heart needs, Jonghyun. That’s what my husband and I had done and until now still we do.”

A deep sigh was heard as a big smile etched on the man lips, more way enough for Sulli to realize that her word affected him. Jonghyun just stared at Sulli admirably. Almost startled, Sulli looked at him who was now stood on his feet. She chuckled when Jonghyun suddenly gave her a hug and whispered a thankful word before he bit a quick good buy, hastily ran out from the Café. Sulli left in smiling, feeling so great that she just accomplished the mission. Helping Jonghyun to find his happiness was what she really wanted to do, in order to pay this man over every good deed he had done for her in the past.



The cemetery area was very quiet but so peaceful with the 3 members of a family gathered before a grave. Sulli stared at her Mom’s picture. She always felt so pathetic every time she was here, the way she ended up broke down and crying in front of her Mom’s restful place even the situation was good or bad. But quite surprise for her and Minho right now that this time she isn’t like that anymore, right now she’s able to smile without spills a single tear.

Minho put Yoogeun down and Sulli gave him a flower, gesturing their little one to take it and place it on the grave. The boy obeyed his Mom but still needed Sulli as an assist later when the bouquet was kinda big for his little hands to handle by himself. Minho told him to bow down toward the grave in respect but the boy arched his tiny brows and gave his Dad a confused look. Sulli and Minho chuckled at their innocent son, he must be dumbfounded why on the earth he needed to bow when there was nobody in front of him?

“Yoogeun ah, you see the photo there?” Minho knelt down beside Yoogeun while pointing his finger forward, the boy responded ‘yes’ with his unclear baby tone. “She’s Mommy’s mother so it means, she’s Yoogeun’s grandma. She doesn’t show herself to us but you see, she is smiling beautifully at you right?! So give her how good boy you are, baby.”

Sulli smiled at Minho when the boy politely gave his grandma a respectable bow. She then looked back at the small picture frame.

‘I’ve missed you and still I do every day and night. It’d be so nice if you’re here with us, Umma. But it’s okay, you must be so happy up there to be reunited with Appa. I’m at ease to know that you and him are having each other. To know that you two are looking down to us living happily from above, it’s more than enough for me. I love you, Umma Appa.’


Minho was driving the car with Sulli beside him on the passenger seat, having an active and talkative Yooguen on her laps.

“Baby, can you stop talking and behave for a moment? You are distracting Daddy driving and Mommy is now having a hard time to hold you either.” Sulli talk to her 15 months old son with her gentle voice. The little boy jerked his head up at her.


Sulli rolled her eyes as Minho laughed when the boy listened to what Sulli told but then he asked for milk. Sulli shook her head before she laid Yoogeun down from his sitting position and held the sippy cup for him, the boy hungrily his milk while his round eyes made contact with Sulli. She smiled and gave him a kiss on forehead when later their little one slowly closed his eyes, leisurely driving himself to his dreamland.

“So Jinri about Appa’s suggestion, should we do it on next week?” Minho asked as Sulli smiled at him.

Remembered last night, when suddenly Mr. Choi told them to have a talk with him. They were nervous yet confused that time because out of nowhere he asked for them to have serious conversation but to their relief when it turned out he suggested them to enjoy life by considering about the honeymoon since the both of them haven’t get one yet after 1 year of marriage.

“I don’t know and btw Yoogeun is still small. Maybe we can go when he’s big enough.” Sulli answered with hand tapping lightly on the boy’s hip.

Minho pouted at her, making Sulli giggled. “I know I’m kind of desperate and a bad Daddy here but if I want Yoogeun to be under care of Umma and only the two of us will go alone. C’mon Jinri, it calls ‘honeymoon’ for Christ’s sake not a ‘family trip’ right? Please … huh … huh??”

Sulli only slightly laughed and shook her head at his childish behavior, while obviously he’s already a father of the child in her arms now. She gave him a shrug of her shoulder as Minho only to emit out a sigh. They then continued on their way home in silence, kept off the noise to let Yoogeun sleep peacefully. But to Sulli unknowing, Minho was on his way to make a big surprise for Sulli.


Minho leaded way to the door of an unfamiliar house yet a fancy one. Just the exterior is so impressive but more even star struck when the door was opened, revealed the fabulous interior. Sulli with sleeping Yoogeun in her arm, just followed Minho without able to utter a word. She felt confused, wondering why they are here. Minho smiled at Sulli and opened a room’s door, turned out that’s the master bedroom.

“Let him sleep here for a while. I’ll wait for you outside, there’re things we need to talk.” Minho said, smiling and left after even before Sulli was able to open .

After carefully placed Yoogeun on the bed, Sulli made her way out. She closed the door behind but almost the door hasn’t shut, Minho grabbed her hand to stand in the center of the house. He turned her with his hand on her shoulders.

“Look Jinri, what do you think about this house? Our dream house. It took me for a few months to prepare this, of course with Kibum and Amber gave me their helpful hands.” Minho finished his word, instantly made Sulli spun around to look at him, shocked. He held her face. “I’m sorry babe that I didn’t tell you since I wanted to make you happily surprise …….  Let’s move in.”

“But…but we can’t. Please Minho, don’t make your Dad angry. We’re happy though when we’re living there.” Sulli declined, but deep down inside her, no word was able to describe the shake of joyous feeling and of course it was one of her dream if one day they can build their little family here, but another side of her she felt bad if they suddenly left the old couple and especially separates their only grandson from them. Minho’s parent will be indignant at being left out by their son.

Minho smiled and shook his head. “He isn’t and will never either because Appa was the one who brought out this idea and such a great timing, when I also have the same thought as his and was on intention to make my move soon. Umma is also happy for us. They wholeheartedly agreed with it, Jinri.”

Once again, Sulli was surprise. Was it really true but why she had no clue about that at all when they were together days and nights? She was confused with many mixtures of emotions. What sentiments she should express? But one thing she unconsciously demonstrated because there is nothing more beautiful, than a smile that has struggled through tears.

Minho then brought an envelope, he gave it to Sulli and told her to open it. She fished the paper out curiously and another big shock hit her.

“Minho ah….” Sulli quickly switched gaze from the paper and whispered his name.

“Let’s continue your study and pursue your dream, Jinri. I want you to enjoy your career life with what you’re dreaming for. Whatever you want to do, your husband here will always support you to no end.”

Sulli was unable to say anything, only a desperate urge to give Minho a deep hug was appeared. She cried and repeatedly mumbled her thankful word.

Minho pulled out the hug and dried her tears. “These were just little things I wanted to surprise my beloved wife.”

Sulli disagreeably shook her head. “No, all everything you gave me weren’t little Minho and It’ll never either. It always makes me feel very bad that I never give you bigger enough as priceless as everything you had done for me thru these times.”

“Oh Otteoke? I want you to feel that they are little so you’ll never get tied to receive them from me.”  Minho jokingly said, sweet smile on his face. Sulli was about to open argued but then Minho stopped her and uttered in serious tone. “Don’t feel bad Jinri over the things I give you because compare to you, it’s nothing. You, Choi Jinri already gave me the whole world. The world of us that having you and Yoogeun complete my life.”

Minho almost wasn’t able to reach when Sulli threw her arms around his neck and pulled his face down to meet with hers, she then locked their lips straight away all of her might as Minho was more than willing to respond immediately with hands draped on her waist to deepen the kiss. After a few minutes, they needed to withdraw the intimate contact in order to catch the air. Sulli chuckled and pressed their forehead together.

“You know what…” Sulli breathlessly muttered. “Our honeymoon …. I think next week is a good idea.”

“Huh?” Minho uttered confusedly but his expression was told otherwise.

“I hope Yoogeun won’t give a hard time to his grandparent then.” Sulli spoke another indirect speech. “But I know, your son is an understandable baby when it comes to his Daddy and Mommy. He knew better when his parent is so hopelessly in love.”

“Oh god!! Our baby definitely does.” Minho excitingly exclaimed. He lifted Sulli from her feet and twirling her around, ignored Sulli scolding word to keep his voice down because of his so loud and cheerful voice might make the boy wakes up but it was too late when a very familiar wailing sound was heard from the boy’s sleeping room.

“I told you, here the trouble your son is.” Sulli reprimanded but then she chuckled later when Minho run off from her immediately to his son who was now throwing his tantrum.

Sulli smiled. “I’m so completed Umma, full of happiness which I’ll never asking for more.”

“And to my sweetest husband, thank you so much Minho …. for everything you have done and willing to do in the future unconditionally.”



The end.

Finally… I’m very sorry for the late update. I was very busy for my exam which was just ended last week. Very glad, I had done good so far though it wasn’t perfect :D

Anyways I’m sorry again because many many mistakes I repeatedly made ever since the beginning till the end. But I’m so grateful to have all of my beloved readers support me until now. Thank you so much. Sorry again if the ending wasn’t so good enough :(


About some of controversies lately, it surely affects me…. a lots …. But till now still two things I’m absolutely sure, although I’m so hurt but Sulli will forever my super favorite girl, beloved bias. Moreover I’ve no heart to leave my ship at all.  No I can’t and I won’t. I’m forever MinSul shipper to no matter what. They’re just too precious for me to let them go <3

I’m praying for Sulli gets well soon and back to us. She will for sure :)


Till the next story .... I hope so ....


Thank you so much and I love you all…..





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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho