Being With You

Can You Hear Me ?

The sun rose to it's majestic heights.Arron can feel the heat around him as he open his eyes.Yuna is still in the lounge chair next to him with her eyes close.He doesn't know if she is sleeping or dozing or she just wants to completely ignore him.Is she mad at him for pointing to her,the follies of the youth? And yes his bitterness has shown it's side,and he was sorry after spitting out the words from his mouth.

Yuna closed her eyes and just want to ignore,Arron's presence.It bothers her and made quite miffed about him,when he said those words to her.He thinks she is some sort of spoiled kids who doesn't know any better .She is far from it.She knew hard work and sacrifices for the things that she wants.And it is not that easy,she never has an easy life.She was surprised when she hears Arron's voice again after being quiet for quite some time.

"I am sorry for what I have said earlier.What do I know about you.? I should have never said that." Arron said,as he looked at her.

Yuna tried to stare back at him but she found herself,pulling away from his look.She can feel her face hot and her heartbeat racing.Somehow when he looked at her,there is something ,that make her afraid and unsure about herself..

"Apology accepted,but .." Yuna said as she tried looking back at him.This time Arron was looking back at the sea in front of them.And as she stared at him.She noted how good ,he really looked ,as it sends shiver and tingly feeling all over her.

Arron looked back at her and as she grasp for words to say to him."But you have to treat me for lunch." she added.

"Lunch ?sure what and where do you want?" Arron asked.

"How about a burger and a fries." Yuna said.She was not allowed to have that but since she is on vacation maybe I can indulge myself to such luxuries,as she smiled at Arron sweetly.Arron has seen her smile and somehow the sweet smile on her face seems to give him some sort of happiness too.

"The Burger joint in the lobby is good enough for you?" Arron asked."Or do you want to go somewhere else.?"

"Uhmm,do you know another place from here,aside from the lobby?" Yuna asked.

"Yes,the a block from here,we can walk over there if you want to." Arron said.

"Can I changed first?" Yuna said.

"Sure,let me changed also,so I will see you in the lobby then?" Arron said.

Yuna nodded her head and left to go their room and changed.She excitedly rummaged her closet to look for jean skirt and blouse.
She went for a quick shoer and changed.She was surprised to see her Mom on the door,when she was on her way out.

"And where are you going all dressed up?" her mom asked with a smile in her face.

"Just going out to grab a burger with a friend." Yuna said.

"And you got a friend.already?"her Mom asked.

"Yes Mom i made a friend already.So I'll see you later." as she went out.

"Be careful alright." her Mom said.

Arron was waiting for her in the lobby dressed in his bermuda shorts and teeshirt.He looked like he also took a quick shower just like her.

He took her hand as they went out of the hotel.They walked and Yuna never felt so happy and carefree until now.Finally she is doing things that a normal girl usually do,meeting a handsome guy among the crowd and getting to know him and going to lunch and sharing stories like a normal girl of her age...

Going out with Yuna is like going out with a girl for the first time.There is a feeling of excitement and anxiety,and yes quite a happy feeling all he smiled at her.

They order burger and fries and have root beer.Yuna ate her fires and burger with gusto as Arron looked at her.She savored it like she is tasting it for the first time,as she smiled at hi after finishing it with such a triump in her face.Arron laughed at her expression.

"Why have you never seen a girl like me who can eat the whole thing." Yuna asked.

"Not quite.,but I like my date who eats the food on the table,You are quite something else." Arron said still with a grin on his face.

Yuna has notice the term he use on her.She is his date? She never dated before with an opposite .She smiled to now this is her first ever date.In a burger joint with a cute,handsome guy.She looked at Arron and then looked at the place around her.Somehow this will the memory of her first ever date.

After finishing the burger,Arron took her to the adjoing amusement center,where they have video game.There they played to their hearts delight.As they laughed and shared so much laughter together,laughter that will last a lifetime....

They walked in the beach after ,as the sun went down.They wrote their name in the sand.They wrote it in Korean and Chinese,as the waves wiped them away.They built sand castles,together,throwing sands at each other in the they splashed themselves in the water and the waves.It was almost dark when they parted,both of them wet from playing and frolicking in the water.

"Can  I see you again tomorrow?I have fun today." Arron said,as he looked at her straight in her eyes.

"Yeah,I'll see you again.I have fun too." Yuna said as she looked at his eyes too.As they stared at each other,and moved their face closer to each other and their lips met.Somehow the kiss is as light ,as his lips gently brush away her lips as both of them close their eyes in the act.He can feel the quiver of her lips,and the coldness of her hands that he was holding and the tremble in her body.Arron gently pulled away from her and smiled.He wondered if he was her first ever kiss.

"Good night, I will be thinking of you tonight,Yuna." he said as he let her go.Yuna can only touched her lips and stared in the space.Yes she will be thinking of him a lot...lot more tonight.....




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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Totaly goung yo read thus
Visiting old fics!