Arron and Yuna

Can You Hear Me ?

The rain came hard that night and it seems like it is not going to stop as the island was drenched with good enough rainfalls for the season.Yuna looked out at the window.She can't go out again tomorrow.She was wondering if it is also rainig in Korea right now.It has been raining since this afternoon.The people on the tour must have caught it,earlyly on.She wondered if Ahbu's family was also there.There is nothing to do now but sleep as she went to bed.....until sleep came....

Yuna woke up in the morning with a totally different weather from last night.The sun was up and already shining.The island is back to life again.The trees seems to be greener and the flowers of crysanthemum and azalaeas has different hues of red,yellow and bright pink.Yuna smiled as she got out of bed.She went to check her Mom who is awake now,but still in her robe watching TV.

"Good morning Mom.How are you feeling today?" Yuna asked.

"A lot better than yesterday.But I think I will just stay here for now.I hope you don't mind." she said.

"It is alright Mom,maybe I will just hang out in the beach for now.The weather look so nice outside and hopefully there is no more rain for now." Yuna said.

:You don't mind going alone?" her Mom asked.

"I think I will be fine.Nobody has recognized me yet so far.They think that I am like one of the Korean girls out there.Maybe i'll meet out with the girl that I met on the tour,Amy and then we can hang out together." she said and she added on her wishful thinking...and maybe I can take a glimpse of her cute brother ,as she smiled at the thought.

Yuna put on her two piece bikini as she looked at herself in the mirror.Most of the people here wear a two piece bikin,but somehow she felt embarassed seeing herself in a skimpy outfit,as she put a jean shorts short at the top and a big white shirt.She looked at herself at the mirror and she was satisfied after covering herself up.

Her Mom stared at her and looked at her outfit."Don't you think it is too much? What if somebody recognized you and took pictures of you in your bikini?" her Mom said.

"There is nothing wrong in what I am wearing.All the girls in the beach wear this Mom." Yuma said with a sighed.

"Alright,as you say.Just be careful.Are you sure you gonna be alright on your own?" she asked.

"Mom it is a private beach.I don't think there will be  a lot of people  there.I will be fine.I'll bring my cell phone just in case." she said as she kissed her Mom on the cheeks and left.

Arron decided to stay foot today after the misfortunes yesterday.No Yuna and a lot of rainfall.Just my luck, Arron thought as he smiled.The Gods must be really playing tricks on him ,or his luck is misplaced somewhere.His Mom and sister went for whale watching as planned,rain or no rain.As he walked on the beach to find a nice spot,and his eyes looked for a certan face.....and yes out of nowhere,he found the face that he was looking for.She was sitting on the loungue chair all  by herself.There was a vacant loungue chair by her side as Arron walked towards her....

"Hi,How are you?You didn't go on tour today?" Arron asked ,as Yuna lifted her face from her book.She smiled at him and yes this time,he is also smilng at her.And her hearts felt warm with his smile.

"No,we have to stay cause my Mom is not feeling good." she answered."How about you?"

" I decided to stay,so the people can have a good time.So there won't be any rain anymore." as he smiled at his own cold joke."So you are alone here?"

"Yeah,sort of.You are here now." she said.

"Yeah,I might as well stay with you,if you don't mind.?" he said as he looked at her.His looked confused Yuna,as she blushed.

"No ,of course not." she said.She went back to her book trying to cover up,her anxious feelings.

Arron lay down on the lounge chair,with the Ipod on and his sunglasses,he closed his eyes,as he went to his world of music.He is still aware of the girl next to him.Somehow,even with his eyes close,he can picture her as if he can see her.He was surprised when he hear her voice....

"Are you also on vacation?Are you done with school?" Yuna asked.

"Not quite.I still have few units needed to graduate.And yes I am on vacation." as he answered her with eyes closed.

"Isn't it school time In Taiwan now?" she asked again.Arron wondered how come she knows what country he is from and then remembered that she was talking to his sister the other day,He wondered if she told her about his status.

"I am in sort of a break right now.Maybe I'll take it next semester." Arron said."How about you?How come you are on vacation?Isn't it it is also schooltime in Korea." he asked.

"Yeah,but I don't go to school there.And I am home schooled for now." she said.

"So you can take off whenever you want to?" Arron said."That is pretty convenient for you.It is nice that some people have choices in their life,and they can do things in their own whims."

Yuna frown at his remarks.He thinks that he is one of those girls that are spoiled and do things whenever they want to.She is hardly any of those girls.In fact she worked hard to what she become now.It means total disciplined and lot of sacrifices.But he doesn't knows that and she doesn't have any plans of telling him of who she really is.But it annoyed her that he can think of her that way.

"How about,you are also the same.You just took off whenever you want to." she said.

"No it is quite different.But then what possibly you could have  known.You are still innocent and inexperienced.,I am sure you have never been in a tight spot or in any difficulty, in your life.You probably don't have any responsibilities on your shoulder." Arron said as he got up and sat up,as he looked at her.His eyes meeting her eyes frightened her and confused her,as she felt her heartbeat beats faster and her cheeks colored.

"I have more responsibilities on my shoulder more that you could have known.: Yuna said as she pulled her eyes away from him and looked at the ocean....if only he knew that she have the whole nation on her shoulders everytime she performed on the ice.

Arron continue to stared at her unable to fathom what she is saying at the moment.So young and so beautiful,she wondered if there is anybody who have kissed her lips,as he realized what he is thinking,He also looked at the ocean,his face is also red,but doesn't know if it is from the sun or from his own thoughts about her,as he shook his head trying to erase and forget the thoughts.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Totaly goung yo read thus
Visiting old fics!