The Confrontation

Can You Hear Me ?

As they reached the room , Arron and Yuna looked at each other.The things that they are afraid of,has finally come.Yuna's Mom came to them,coming in between them.

"You have a big explaining to do young lady." Mrs Kim said."What have you been doing behind my back?And you never even told me about this? You are in big trouble Yuna."

"Mom,please but can I speak to Arron by myself first, I need to talk to him." Yuna asked.

"I think you have enough time to talk to each other,all these time.Whatever you have to say to him ,has to wait,until all of this things is cleared." Mrs Kim said.

"Mom please....for the last time." Yuna said ,her eyes is pleading her.She knows that if Arron heard it from them ,then he won't be able to forgive her for not telling him the truth about her.She just needs to tell him now...

"Alright,and after these,you know what is going to happen." Mrs Kim said ,as Yuna nodded her head.Arron looked on at the Mom and the daughter.There is some things that he could not understand.Who is is this man that has been dictating them what to do and Yuna and her Mom just follows him.And Yuna calls him the manager.How come she also have a manager just like him when she is not even a celebrity?

"Arron,I need to talk to you." Yuna said as they were left alone in the room"I have a very important things to say to you."

"Are  there some things that you didn't tell me before ? Is this the secret that you are talking about?" Arron asked as he looked at her with a frown in his face.His eyes digging in to her.Suddenly she felt so afraid to say something,to say anything to him.

Yuna nodded her head."I am Kim Yuna,the real Kim Yuna,the olympic gold medalist who is quite known in Korea." Yuna said."You may not heard of me but..."

"Yes,I know who Kim Yuna is,but I never really connect the two of you.I have seen her in pictures but never really looked at her." Arron said. "And I thought,all along that I am the only one who is a celebrity here and it came that you are a bigger celebrity than I am."

Yuna saw the smirk at Arron's face.Is there some sort of sarcasm in his voice."Did you ever plan of telling me the whole truth about you or you just want to make a big secret about yourself all along ?" Arron asked with full of bitterness in his voice."I told you all about myself and it never dawn on you to tell me about yourself. You must be laughing at me when I was baring my soul to you."

Yuna was unable to answer and shook her head.."I meant to tell you one of these days." Yuna said.

"When?When we are about to say our  goodbyes and say ,oh by the way,I am Kim Yuna."Is that the way you planned it?" Arron continued."You never meant to be serious in our relationship.God ,you must be laughing at me,when I was talking to you about our relationship being serious about it and how I want us to continue after this .To you it is just a vacation holiday romance,is it? It is all a game for you .And you think that I won't be able to find you even if I looked for you in the end." his voice is full of bitterness now...

"Arron please try to understand.I am just suppose to have a rest and have fun.I never meant to fall in love with you.The first time i saw you,I thought that you are just this cute guy,and it will be nice to go out with that cute guy even for once .And for you to notice me,and ask me out.All of that happens only in my dreams.I never have the chance of meeting a nice young  man,who will like me for just me.And you fulfilling that dream is something else." she can feel herself crying now,trying to explain to him everything....

"And so when we started going out and me  falling for you.For the first time,I have fallen for a guy, a very special guy and it does feel great .I am happy really happy for the first time in my life .....The first time I thought of somebody else besides myself,my family and my country.I told myself that I can fall in love with you and then I can just walk away and go back to my old life.Your memories will be enough for me.My memories of my first love is with you Arron and I am grateful to you because of that.You may believe it or not,but I really do love you very much ." Yuna said as tears came falling now.

"And so what will happen now? This is goodbye,isn't it?" Arron asked as Yuna looked at his eyes and she can also tears in there.Yuna nodded her head,

"You know that it will be next to impossible to let us continue." Yuna said."We have to forget each other Arron after today.I have to forget you."

"But what if I can't forget you? What if I continue on loving you ?" Arron asked.

"You have to forget me and move on with your life,just like me..Maybe someday our path will cross again,and maybe at that time you will still remember me..the Korean girl who fell for you in the Island paradise." Yuna said as she forced a smile."Don't hate me nor be mad at me.I just want you to understand me,Understand me ,why I did this.I am so sorry for hurting you."

Arron forced a smile on his face."You were hurt too.And I am so sorry too  for hurting you." he said.

"No,don't say that.I am just grateful for giving me such a wonderful time...and for giving me the memory of my first ever kiss.To me it will be something special.You will always be this special person to me Arron." Yuna said through all her tears.Arron smiled at her and took her in his arms for the last time and yes gave her a kiss for the last their Moms and their managers looked on.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Totaly goung yo read thus
Visiting old fics!