Facing The Truth.

Can You Hear Me ?

The sun was up and the day looked promising today.Arron has planned a day with Yuna again,but Amy seems has something planned on her sleeves today.She stopped him on his way out.

"Arron,where do you think you are going?" she asked.

"Out ,where els? And since when did you become my guard?" Arron asked,as he looked at her sister.

"Just now." as she smiled at him."Can I go with you?I have not seen much of you lately." she said.

"Mei.We have been together for two weeks now.You have seen more of me here than the whole year last year,so tell me what is in your mind?" he asked,as he frowned at her.

"Alright, I just want to know if you are going to spend time with Yuna again." she said."I don't think you should be spending time with her.You just got yourself in trouble lately and now this." she added.

"What are you talking about?The other girl, I have nothing to do with her.But Yuna is something special to me.And there is nothing wrong if we ever dateed or go out.I am of age now." Arron said in explanation.

"But Arron,she is also very young.Do you know her age at all.Do you even know who she is?" Amy asked.

"I know enough of her to love her.I really do like her a lot Amy.She is not just one of the girls out there." Arron said.

Amy stared at her brother's expression and she can see the sincerity in his words.Her brother has really fallen to this girl.He has fallen in love with Yuna."But Arron she is from korea and we are,you are world apart.And your fans,they will not accept her."

"If they love me,they have to accept her.I won't be hiding our relationship forever and i intend to continue our relationship,even after our vacation." Arron said.Amy could not say anything,so it is true ,she could feel it and now is the confirmations,straight from Arron...and just then her Mom came out of the room and looked at Arron.

"Young man,you better not leave right now.Your manager is coming,for some reasons I don't know.So you better stay around." Mrs Yan said.

"Mom,just call me when he arrives.I have to meet somebody." Arron said as he hurriedly left his Mom and his sister staring at his back.His mom just shook her head...as his sister grinned at their Mom.

Yuna was at the lobby waiting for him.She got this sad look at her eyes,when he saw her sitting in one of the chair.He wondered where is the sadness in her eyes is coming from...

"Arron,I have been waiting for you.But we cannot go far.My Mom said she might call on me anytime." Yuna said.

"Me too,I can't leave that far, My manager is coming over.I really don't know why.Maybe just a briefing and thta we may go back home soon." Arron said.

"Me too,we might have to go home soon." as she stared at Arron and again the sadness and the fear in her eyes can be seen.

He hold her hand,"Don't worry,even if we have to part ,we are still going to see each other.I won't let you go that easy." Arron said as he smiled at her,and pulled her closer in his arms.Yuna forced a smile in her face.Her heart is beating different today....and why is it that the fear won't go away....She just wants to hold on to Arron forever....

Arron and Yuna stayed in the hotel and as they walked to the nearby beach and hang out together.Somehow the laughter today is more subdue and shorter.They used to laugh together with such abandonment....and now,as the stress of the forthcoming tomorrow,seems to be a threat for their togetherness....

It was lunchtime when Yuna's manager arrived in the Island as he checked in in the same hotel as Yuna and her Mom.he need to talk to her soon....it is lucnchtime already,he will have lunch and then talk to Yuna and her Mom and have them get  ready to go home first thing in the morning.He already purchased a ticket for both of them...

Arron's manager arrived as he headed straight to Arron's rented condo.He rang the bell and soon enough,Arron's Mom opened  the door for him,as he took a deep breath and smiled at her,as she let him in....And Arron is not even around....

Arron and Yuna decided to go to the burger joint for lunch.The place where they had their first date.Their first meal together.Yuna can still remember it all.She can;'t help but felt sad thinking that all of this will be just a memory soon....She will miss Arron and she will miss everything that this whole place represents..Just now and she felt like crying already.She stared at Arron as Arron looked at her and saw the sadness in her eyes..he wished ,he could just take it away but he himself felt it too.

And then Arron's cell phone rang and as he looked and it is his Mom.His manager is here and he has to go back in being Mr arron yan once again.

"We have to go.My manager is here,and he wants to talk to me." as he took her hand....

As Arron was about to drop Yuna in the lobby,Yuna has this surprised look in her face when she saw her Mom and an elderly looking male with her.

"Manager Mao,what are you doing here?" Yuna asked.She looked at her Mom and her look is something unfathomable.She is clearly upset but she was not angry or anything but more like there was a pity in her eyes,which she could not understand.

"Yuna ,we have to talk and you better bring that young man with you in our room." Her manager said,as he walked calmly to the elevator not wanting to catch attention from the passerby.Yuna and Arron can only looked at each other.

"My manager is here and wants to talk to me," Arron explained.

"Then you better tell him to come too and also your parents if ever they are here." he said.Yuna looked at Arron,he doesn't know,who she really is and he is going to find out today.She should be the one telling him,not them.This is so wrong,as panic came to her....


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
Totaly goung yo read thus
Visiting old fics!