
Blindless Love

Author's point of view

        Months have past, Chanyeol and Jiyeon has grown closer to each other. Whenever Chanyeol had free time, he would always spend it with Jiyeon, and Jiyeon would always be there waiting for him. Even though, Chanyeol never asked Jiyeon to be his, as long as he never left her than she was fine. As for Baekhyun and Eunjung, they were a happy couple as always, they don't have much time for each other anymore, but their love was still very stong. 

Hyuna's point of view 

        Months have past and I still haven't found Chanyeol yet. Whenever I went to his shop, they would always tell me that he wasn't there or he had other things to attend too. "Chanyeol I will find you no matter how long it will take, I am determined," I said while looking at our childhood picture. I look out the widow of my apartment and saw this tall, browned hair guy on the side walk and turned out he was very handsome. As I looked closer it was Chanyeol, here goes my chance I thought. I ran out of my apartment, and started walking towards Chanyeol, but then I took a couple steps back. He was with another girl, she was not to tall not to short, she had long brown hair, and she was pretty, but not as pretty as me. I hid behind the tree, listening to their conversation. 

"So where do you want to go," asked Chanyeol. 
"Hmm uhh I don't know," she replied.
"Let's go to the mall," suggested Chanyeol. 
"But uhh are you sure, there's a lot of people there," she said. 
"You'll be fine, I'm right here next to you," Chanyeol said and kissed her cheek. 

        I can't believe Chanyeol would do that, from what I heard he turned into a cold hearted man. So what is he doing here, being all lovey dovey with a girl? What's this pain in my heart? Why is it hurting so much? I put my hand on my heart, no it can't be, I am not jealous. "Chanyeol watch out, I'm coming for you, not you but for your money," I said while heading back into my apartment.

Jiyeon's point of view

"So where do you want to go," asked Chanyeol. 
"Hmm uhh I don't know," I replied.
"Let's go to the mall," suggested Chanyeol. 
"But uhh are you sure, there's a lot of people there," I replied. I was scared of going to the mall because there are a lot of people and whenever I went alone people there would pity me because I was blind. 
"You'll be fine, I'm right here next to you," Chanyeol said and kissed me on the cheek.
I nodded and immediately looked down while my cheeks started to redden.

        We went in the car and about thirty minutes later we arrived at the mall. When we were in the mall, Chanyeol held my hand. "Stay close," he whispered in my ear. Causing a smile to form on my face. While walking around I could hear people whispereing things about us. "He is too handsome for her, they do not fit each other"...... "Don't listen to all that nonsense," Chanyeol said. It made me smile, knowing that other peoples' thought don't matter to him anymore. But then I heard a girl say "Oh my gosh you guys it's the famous fashion designer Chanyeol." 
        A lot of people were surrounding us, I could feel all the people pushing and shoving. Chanyeol was holding onto me tightly to make sure he wouldn't loose me. All of a sudden, I was pushed to the ground and the crowd got quiet. "Hyuna," Chanyeol said out.

Hyuna's point of view 

       I decided to go to the mall to buy some new clothes and then something caught my eye. There was a crowd and I went towards to see what was going on. I pushed and shoved my way into the middle. As I got to the middle I met eyes with Chanyeol and then saw him holding the girl next to him. My heart started to ache, I pushed the girl next to him down and the crowd got quiet. 

Chanyeol's point of view

        While walking around I could tell Jiyeon was getting upset about what people were saying about us. I told her not to listen to all that nonsense and it cheered her up, I could see that bright beautiful smile of hers. A random girl screamed out my name and before I knew it all these people were surrounding me and Jiyeon. I held onto Jiyeon tightly to make sure I didn't loose her, but then I met eyes with someone. She pushed Jiyeon down and stared at me with anger in her face. 

Author's point of view 

"Hyuna," Chanyeol said with a shock face. 
"So you still remember me," Hyuna said with a smirk. 
"Who wouldn't remember you," Chanyeol said with disgust in my face.
"I miss you so much," Hyuna said while hugging Chanyeol. 
Chanyeol and Hyuna stayed like that quietly, while the crowd was taking pictures.
Jiyeon was on ground listenly, when Hyuna told Chanyeol that she missed him Jiyeon slowly got up and started walking the other way. As she was about to leave Chanyeol grabbed her hand. "Don't go," Chanyeol said. 
"Don't ever touch me again," Chanyeol said to Hyuna while taking her off of him.
"Is that a threat," she said with a shock face. "You don't miss me," Hyuna asked. 
"The only person I miss is her," Chanyeol said while pulling Jiyeon closer to him. 
"And what makes her better than me," Hyuna said with a mad expression.
"She as a beautiful heart, and you don't even have a heart," Chanyeol said while taking Jiyeon's hand and leaving the mall.

Chanyeol's point of view 

        I took Jiyeon and drove back to my condo. As I was driving, tears started to form in my eyes, and for some reason Hyuna's face appeared in my mind. How can she just come back like that after the way she left me. How dare she hug me and tell me that she misses me, I thought to myself. Instead of driving back to my condo, I drove to the park, it was dark and the stars were out. I got out of the car and screamed out all of my anger. I fell to the ground and tears started to fall from my eyes. "Chanyeol are you okay," asked Jiyeon while standing behind me. 

Jiyeon's point of view

        The ride back was really quiet, but I could tell that after seeing Hyuna, it was to emotional for him to talk. Chanyeol stopped the car and got out, but I sat there in confusion wondering where we were. While thinking I heard Chanyeol scream, I got out of the car and followed his scream. 

"Chanyeol are you okay," I asked not really knowing where he was. 
"I'm fine," he said while hugging me. 
"Where are we," I asked.
"Ouhh we are at the park, I just needed to get some steam out," he said while still hugging me but this time tightly. 
"Ouhh okay and Chanyeol you are hugging me to tight," I said while having trouble breathing. 
"I'm sorry for today," Chanyeol said while one of his tears fell down on me.
"Chanyeol don't cry, whatever is hurting you, tell me about maybe I can help," I said while hugging him tightly. 
"It's nothing," he said while dragging me to the car. 
I stopped him and asked," when you saw Hyuna all those memories you had with her came back, didn't it?"
"No just the way she left me, now you know, so let's go," he said while dragging me to the car again.
I stopped him and said," no you have to tell me what happened between you and Hyuna and then I'll leave." 
"I'll tell you some other time, let's go," he replied. 
I sat on the cold ground and said," no you have to tell me now or I'm not going to leave with you. 
"Fine stay, I'm leaving," he said and left. 
Listening to his footsteps back, made me a bit sad, he actually really left me here. 

Author's point of view 

Chanyeol walked back to his car, but after a few minutes just standing there, he walked back to Jiyeon. 
"Jiyeon it's really cold we should go," Chanyeol said with a worried face. 
Jiyeon stood up with tears in her eyes. 
"Jiyeon-ah are you okay," Chanyeol asked while hugging her. 
"I really thought that you were going to leave me," Jiyeon said while tears rushed down her cheeks. 
"No, I just needed time to think to myself, I'm sorry," said Chanyeol. 
"It's okay," Jiyeon said while tightly hugging Chanyeol. 
Chanyeol seated both of them on a nearby bench and put his jacket on Jiyeon. 
"So do you really want to know what happened between me and Hyuna," asked Chanyeol. 
"Of course, but if it's too emotional for you than you don't have to tell me," said Jiyeon with a sad face.
"Well you know how I told you we were best friends and I fell in love with her," Chanyeol said while putting his arms around Jiyeon's waist.
"Yes I know," Jiyeon said.
"Well on her 19th birthday I confessed and turned out she liked me to, that day was the happiest day of my life," Chanyeol said while starring at the empy park. 
"What else happened," Jiyeon said with an aching pain in her heart.
"We dated for a year, and on our anniversary I got an unknown phone call," Chanyeol said while slowly taking a breath. 


"Hello, who is this," Chanyeol asked. 
"If you want to ever see your precious girlfriend Hyuna again, bring me ten thousand  won to XXX place within thirty minutes, don't bring anyone with you, Chanyeol  help me (Hyuna screaming in the background of the call)."
"Hyuna hold on a little longer I'm coming for you," Chanyeol said while taking the money his mother saved for him before leaving him. "Those bastards better not hurt you, or they'll die," said Chanyeol while putting his hand into a fist. 
When Chanyeol got there Hyuna was tied on a car, sitting there and screaming. 
"Hyuna don't worry I'm here I'll save you," Chanyeol said while trying to untie her. 
Before Chanyeol knew it these guys came and jumped him, with metal bats and sticks. He fought back but was hit hard on the head with a bat, causing blood to drip down his face. 
"That's enough," said the voice from the phone. 
"So she really means that much to you," asked the guy. 
"She is the one I love," Chanyeol said while having trouble breathing.
He grabbed Hyuna and took out a knife and asked Chanyeol,"are you willing to die for her?" "Let her go," screamed Chanyeol while running towards the guy. He stabbed Chanyeol in the stomach and said," so you are willing to die for her, but she isn't willing to die for you." Chanyeol fell to the ground and started to feel his eyes closing. Before his eyes were closed shut, he saw Hyuna happily leaving with the guy and the money he brought with him. 
"You said you would never leave, but there you are walking with a man that just took all of money, how could you," Chanyeol said before being unconscious. 

Flashback end---

"And that's how she left," Chanyeol said while a tear came down his eye. 
"How did you survive," asked Jiyeon. 
"Well when I woke up I was in the hospital, Baekhyun told me that a lady brought me in but wasn't sure who," said Chanyeol. 
"Sounds like Hyuna meant a lot to you huh," Jiyeon said while staring down. 
"Yeah she did because she was the only one who understood me," Chanyeol said. 
"Ouh okay," Jiyeon said with disappointment in her voice. 
Chanyeol kissed Jiyeon on her lips and then whispered," but now you're the only thing that matters to me." 

Eunjung's point of view 

        After work I walked home, it was dark and really cold tonight I thought to myself. Walking home by myself was quiet, Baekhyun I miss you so much I thought to myself. "Baekhyun, where are you, I miss you," I said out with no one around. 
"I'm right here," a voice said behind me. 
I turned around and it was Baekhyun, I ran to him and hugged him. 
"So I heard that you miss me," he said while smiling at me. 
"Pshh don't be so cocky, I just haven't seen you in like years," I said while hitting him hard on the chest. 
"Oww, well did you see the video of Chanyeol and Jiyeon," he asked. 
"What video, there's a video of them," I asked. 
"Here watch it," he said as he took out his phone. 
After watching it, I said ," awhh poor Jiyeon but it was so cute when Chanyeol didn't let her leave." 
"Yeah, whatever," said Baekhyun. 
"How come you don't do cute things for me huh," I said while hitting him. 
"Oww I don't do things like that because you don't deserve it," he said while sticking out his tongue. 
"So I guess I'll just leave," I said and left. 
He chased after me, pulled my arm causing me to turn around and hugged me. 
"You know I was just playing around right," he said.
"Yeah I know," I said while placing a kiss on his cheek. 
"Come on let's go, it's getting late," I said while dragging him along.

Authors point of view

Eunjung and Baekhyun was walking to Eunjung's apartment, but then Baekhyun stopped whiling walking past the park. 
"Why did you stop," Eunjung asked Baekhyun.
"Isn't that Jiyeon and Chanyeol," asked Baekhyun while pointing to the bench they were sitting at. 
"Oh right, jiiiyee...," screamed Eunjung but couldn't finish her sentence. 
"Shhh, let's go scare them," Baekhyun said while covering Eunjung's mouth.
She moved his hands and followed him. They creeped up to Jiyeon and Chanyeol. 
They jumped out and screamed,"BOO!" 
"Sh**," screamed Chanyeol . "Oh my," screamed out Jiyeon. 
"Haha we scared you didn't we," laughed Baekhyun. 
"I swear I will kill you if you ever do that again," screamed Chanyeol. 
"What are you guys doing here," Eunjung asked Jiyeon. 
"Ouhh just to get some fresh air," Jiyeon said while smiling. 
"Well it's getting late, we should all go," said Baekhyun. 
"Alright well get in my car and I'll send you guys home," said Chanyeol. 
After that they all left and went to their homes. 



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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Hyedaa #2
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Augbuhabyu #3
Chapter 14: Please update more!!!
Augbuhabyu #4
Please update
Vyeon_ #5
Chapter 23: OMY!! UD soon authornim. fighting!
trasua #6
Chapter 23: Why don´t you continue updating? Ít is going well. But I don´t think Eunjung is suitable with Baekhyun. Maybe she suits with someone like Chanyeol or Kris more than Baek. And I truely said that I´m a bít disappointed when you take too much lines for Eunjung and Baek bc I think Ji and Chan is the most important in your story
T-araFans #7
Chapter 23: Owh...Chanyeol don't make Jiyeon hurt again...
Nice update...
Please update this story...Please...
Chapter 22: woah,i wait for the next chapter..to know jiyeon condition..please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 21: woah,update soon author-nim....:)
xielai #10
Chapter 21: Who's guy that bumped eunjung..
I hope he is luhan or sehun.. haha...