SnowFlake Carnival

Blindless Love

Author's point of view

Chanyel walked out of his room, and closed the door. Leaving Jiyeon, who was sitting on his bed in tears.


"Chanyeol please open up, its really cold, I'm starting to freeze here," Hyuna screams out.

Right in front of Chanyeol was the door where Hyuna was standing behind. And behind Chanyeol was the door where Jiyeon was behind. He knew that which ever door he chooses there would be the girl he would be spending his future with. * Infront of me there is Hyuna who is freezing, behind me there is Jiyeon, who is in tears, who do I go to, which door do I open* Chanyeol stays in the same position thinking and thinking about what he should do. If he opens the door in front of him, he would choose Hyuna his first love who put many scars in his heart. But there was still the sweet hearted Jiyeon, who cared, who helped healed his scars, even though she told hm to open the door, its killing her inside.


"Chanyeol opeen up *cough cough* please," Hyuna screamed out weakly.

"It can't be" Jiyeon said as she weeps out in tears.

Chanyeol heard everything as his head was being clustered with thoughts.*I have to choose, the longer I take the more pain I will bring to the both of them*

Jiyeon's point of view

As I listened to Chanyeol's footsteps out of the room, my eyes were filled with tears, and it got harder and harder for me to speak. Even though I told him to open the door, I didn't really mean it, I wanted him to stay. How stupid am I? I actually thought he was going to stay with me. I actually thought that I finally had his heart. Why did I lie to myself? I knew from the very start that it was always Hyuna. As tears start to rush down my eyes, all I could think of was why why did he go? The more I wipe my tears, the more it fell. I finally gave up and let my eyes cry out, as I knew I couldn't do anything. *Be strong Jiyeon, he made his choice now, you can't do anything about it anymore*

As I sit there on the side of his bed, more and more tears start to rush down my cheeks. Letting it fall for the night, and hoping that I could cry myself to sleep. So I would not be able to hear Chanyeol and Hyuna's conversation. As I was so caught up in my own thoughts, a hand was suddenly upon my face, wiping my tears away. My tears stop and I sit there in utter shock. "Chanyeol"

Chanyeol's point of view

What do I do? Should I just sit here and let both of them suffer? But that won't be right? I don't want to hurt them, but I know that I have too. But who do I leave and who do I choose? Urghh why tonight? Why out of all nights, do I have to make my actuall decision tonight? I can't make up my mind like this. *You know what, feet this is up to you, which ever door you walk too, thats the door I'm opening*


Author's point of view

Chanyeol turns around and opens the door, where Jiyeon was sitting there in tears. He went to her, kneel down, and put his hand on her face. With his fingers he wiped her tears away. *So my heart chooses you, I'm so glad, good choice heart*



"Is that really you?"

"Yes its really me"

"Wheres Hyuna?"

Chanyeol quickly pulled Jiyeon into his embrace. "I'm sorry I didn't do what you wanted, I didn't open the door for her, she is still outside."

"Its okay, that wasn't actually what I wanted." Jiyeon tightly hugs Chanyeol. *I'm glad you came back*

"What did you want me to do then?"

"Well you already did it"

"Ouhh well then, dang I'm good" *Haha turns out you really wantd me to stay*

"Haha Chanyeol stop being so cocky"

"Awhhs fine I'll stop"


"Chanyeol open the door please." Tears start to form in Hyuna' s eyes. *He is really going to leave me out here to freeze, but he can't*

Chanyeol softly lays Jiyeon down on the bed.

"You should sleep"

"But what about Hyuna"

"Don't worry about her she will leave soon"

"Alright I guess so then"

As Chanyeol turns around, Jiyeon quickly pulls on Chanyeol's hand.

"Are you going to sleep too?"

"Yeahh, now go to sleep"

Chanyeol placed a passionate kiss on Jiyeon's forehead and walked to the other side of the bed. He went under the covers, laid down, and turned off the lamp. Chanyeol and Jiyeon both faced each other as they laid on the bed. Chanyeol took Jiyeon's hand into his. "Good night" As those words went into Jiyeon's ear, a smile was spread across her face. "Sweet dreams my Chanyeol"


Jiyeon quickly wakes from the loud bang from the door outside. *Hyuna must still be there, she must be freezing now, even though she is inside, they turn the heat off out there at night, well at least thats what Chanyeol told me*

"Chanyeol, are you sleeping?"

Chanyeol did not anwer Jiyeon, which she figured that he was asleep. Jiyeon got out of bed and slowly walked straight, her hands were infront in case she bumped into something. Opening the door, she tries to make her way to the door, where Hyuna was still there. As she finally gets to the door she opens its, and all she heard was a loud thump. She quickly kneeled down and found out that Hyuna was resting her head on the door. Jiyeon touched Hyuna's forehead and realized that she was in fact freezing. "Ouh Hyuna you're freezing"

Some how Jiyeon was able to stand both her and Hyuna up but Hyuna was unconsicous. Jiyeon closed the door, and went to the couch with Hyuna leaning on her. She removed Hyuna's coat and pursed, and placed it on the table. Jiyeon placed Hyuna nicely on the couch and went to Chanyeol's room. There she took the blanket and the pillow that she was sleeping with and placed the blanket on top of Hyuna. And then placed the pillow under her head.

"There you go, you'll be warm tonight and hopefully tomorrow you'll be alright"

Jiyeon walks back into Chanyeol's room. She went back to sleep and tugged on Chanyeol's blanket to keep herself warm.

(Morning comes)

"Oww my head"

Hyuna wakes up and finds herself in Chanyeol's condo.

"How did I get here, I was so sure I was outside and not in here"

Trying to remember what had happened last night. All she could remember was being unconsicious from freezing and hearing a girl's voice talking to her.

"Wait no way it can't be"

Hyuna sits there in shock.

"But how and why did she do this, she even got me a blanket and pillow,"

"No no it can't be"

Hyuna quietly opened the door to Chanyeol's room, trying not to wake them. She peeks her head through the door and finds Jiyeon sleeping in the same bed as Chanyeol. That sight made her furious. She entered the room, ready to scream out to wake Jiyeon and Chanyeol up. But she only find out that Jiyeon didn't have a pillow or blanket. Hyuna walked back into the living room. *How could she be so nice to a person who only treated her like crap, even Chanyeol didn't open the door for me, I guess Chanyeol is right, she does have a heart* Hyuna went back into the room with the blanket and the pillow. She put the pillow on the ground and the blanket ontop of Jiyeon.

She took one last glance at the both of them before she closed the bedroom door. Hyuna took her purse and coat. She walked to the door and before she walked out she glanced back at the condo. * I guess I'm done for now, but I'm still not done with you Chanyeol, I will be back for you* Hyuna walked out and closed the door.

Jiyeon quickly woke from the loud noise. She woke up to find that the blanket she gave Hyuna yesterday was now on top of her. As Jiyeon got out of bed, she stepped on the pillow that Hyuna placed on the ground.

"Ohhh did Hyuna alreay leave"

Jiyeon quickly walked out of the room with her arms leading first. As she got to the living room she patted the whole couch that she placed Hyuna on. But there was no sign of Hyuna at all.

"Are you looking for something" 

"Ouh Chanyeol you're awake, no I'm just checking something "

"Yeahh, well I'm going to wash up"

Chanyeol walked into the bathroom and washed up.

"I guess she left"

As Chanyeol got out, he helped Jiyeon to the bathroom. He handed her a toothbrush and sat on the toliet seat watching her wash up. *She is so cute when she brushes her teeth* After Jiyeon washed up she handed Chanyeol back the toothbrush.

"Uhh do you have a brush"

"Ouhh yeah, hold on"

Chanyeol took out a brush and started brushing her hair.

"Chanyeol I can do it myself," Jiyeon trying to take the brush from Chanyeol's hand.

"I want to do it before you get you sight back,"

Chanyeol lightly brushes Jiyeon's hair.

"So you don't want to brush my hair after my surgey '

"Well I do but I thought that by that time you would want to do it on your own,"

"True, but I like it better when you do it,"

"Alright I'm done,"


"Wow beautiful," Chanyeol stares at Jiyeon.

"Haha Chanyeol stop," Jiyeon's face redens from the compliment.

"I didn't do anything," CHanyeol still staring at Jiyeon.

"You're being all,"

"All what"

Chanyeol goes behind Jiyeon and caries her bridal way

"Oh my gosh Chanyeol," Jiyeon in utter shock

Seeing the shock on Jiyeon's face, Chanyeol twirled the both of them out of the bathroom.

"Haha, this is so fun" Jiyeon happily going along with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol stops and places Jiyeon softly on the couch. He puts on his coat and walks to Jiyeon. He starts putting Jiyeon's coat on her.

"Haha Chanyeol I can do it by myself,"

"I know but once you can see again I won't be able to do it again,"

Those words made Jiyeon smile, so she let him put on her coat. Chanyeol puts the coat on Jiyeon fulling and takes Jiyeon's hand.

"Ouhh where are we going"

"To meet up with Eunjung Unni,"

"Awwhh you called her Eunjung Unni, like I do, how cute,"

Chanyeol's face starts to get red from embarassment.

"Let's just go"

They both walk to the door and Chanyeol slowly opens the door. 

"See I told you Hyuna would leave," Chanyeol comes out with Jiyeon.

"Yeahh you're right " *You have no clue*

Baekhyun's point of view

As I open my eyes, I realized it was morning, I looked to the side of me and there was Eunjung sleeping like an angel. Why did it have to be morning already? That means that I only have two whole days left with my princess. Man this is so totally unfair! I got out of bed and went to wash up. As I was bruhing my teeth, I planned out the whole day. I quickly washed up and texted Chanyeol.

To: Yeollie

From: Lovely Baek

Heyy Yeollie, so today for breakfast meet me and Eunjung at that pancake place we used to love going too. Bring Jiyeon too!!!!

Reply---- Stop calling me that. Aright but why?

Reply----- I'll explain to you lates byyyeeeeee Yeollie see you LATERRRR :D :D

Replly---- Whatever............

Author's point of view

"Ouhh you're awake my princess" Baekhyun looks at Eunjung

"Good morning"

Eunjung went into the bathroom and washed up.

Baekhyun went to sit on the couch and waited for Eunjung * I can't wait until we get started with today, I'm so excited* As Eunjung got out of the bathroom, Baekhyun quickly gave her, her jacket.

"Where are we going"

"You'll see"

Baekhyun quickly pulled Eunjung's hand and left.


(At the pancake place Baehyun and Chanyeol loves going too)

Chanyeol and Jiyeon arrived first and sat on the swirly chairs that were close to the kitchen. The old lady came to get their order.

"Omo you guys are such a cute couple"

"Haha thank you"

"So what will it be for you too love birds"

"Uhh just pancakes"

"Alright I''l be right back"

Eunjung and Baekhyun soon arrived.

"Hey Baekhyun"

"Ouh heyy Chanyeol"

As soon as Eunjung got there she went to Jiyeon and gave her a big hug.


"Ohh Eunjung unni"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat a couple seats away from Eunjung and Jiyeon.

"So why did you tell me to come here"

"Today I'm going to take Eunjung to the Snowflake Carnival and wanted you guys to come"

"Wow, Hyung I thought you said you would only go there with your future wife"

"Yeahh I know but she is worth it"

"Wow hyung, you're going to miss her, aren't you"

"Yeahh, a lot"

"Well don't think to much, lets go eat some pancakes"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun walks back and finds that Eunjung was feeding pancakes to Jiyeon.

"Eat up Jiyeon-ah, so you can be full "

"Ne Unni, you eat some too"

"Excuse ma'am can we get some more pancakes"

"Omo theres another cute couple, I'll be right back with more"

After they stuffed their stomachs with pancakes they were on their way to SnowFlake Carnival. When they arrived Eunjung could not believe her eyes.

"Its beautiful" Eunjung jumps up and down.

"I know, just like you" Baekhyun's gazed focused on Eunjung.

Jiyeon was a bit confused on where they were so she whisphered to Chanyeol "where are we?"

"At SnowFlake Festival" Chanyeol whisphered back.

"Wow, I heard its beautiful, only if I could see it" Jiyeon pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back here, when you get your sight back"

"Oh my gosh really oppa you're the best," Jiyeon quickly hugs Chanyeol.

Chanyeol hugged back and smiled like an idoit.

"Bye Jiyeon-ah, see you later" Eunjung being dragged by Baekhyun.

Chanyeol took Jiyeon and held her hand and started walking.

"So where do you want to go,"

"Uhhh on a ride, but not a scary ride,"

"Then what about uhhh the ferrous wheel," Chanyeol stares directly at the big circle ride.

"Ouhh that sounds fun," Jiyeon jumps up and down.

"Haha okay lets go," Chanyeol says as he drags Jiyeon along

(Back to Eunjung and Baekhyun)

Baekhyun dragged Eunjung to somewhere not letting her know, but something caught her eye. Eunjung quickly stopped.

"Waee," Baekhyun turned back to Eunjung.

"I want that," Eunjung pointing to the big stuffed unicorn.

"Okay I'll play for you," Baekhyun goes to the stand.

The first time was a total fail.

"Man the game is cheating," Baekhyun started getting mad.

"Haha its okay," Eunjung patted Baekhyun's shoulder.

"No I have to win it," Baekhyun being determined.

After more than five tries Baekhyun finally gave up.

"Its okay my little baby"

"No fair" Baekhyun pouted.

"I want to try" Eunjung paid for her try.

On the first try Eunjung won.

"Yayy I won" Eunjung jumped in joy. 

"No fair,' Baekhyun pouted even more.

"Here thi is for you," Eunjung hands him a sutffed princess.

"Waee, I don't want that," Baekhyun said like a little kid.

"To remember me by since I'm your little Princess"

"Haha okay" Baekhyun happily takes it.

Baekhyun checks his watch and realized he was late. He took Eunjung's hand and went.

"Where are we going," Eunjung trying to catch her breath.

"Somewhere you'll see," Baekhyun focused.

Aftr running through the crowd of people they were finally there.

"Oh My Gosh Baekhyun! "


Thank you guys for reading. How was this chapter? Comment to let me know? Thank you, love you guys ;)

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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Hyedaa #2
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Augbuhabyu #3
Chapter 14: Please update more!!!
Augbuhabyu #4
Please update
Vyeon_ #5
Chapter 23: OMY!! UD soon authornim. fighting!
trasua #6
Chapter 23: Why don´t you continue updating? Ít is going well. But I don´t think Eunjung is suitable with Baekhyun. Maybe she suits with someone like Chanyeol or Kris more than Baek. And I truely said that I´m a bít disappointed when you take too much lines for Eunjung and Baek bc I think Ji and Chan is the most important in your story
T-araFans #7
Chapter 23: Owh...Chanyeol don't make Jiyeon hurt again...
Nice update...
Please update this story...Please...
Chapter 22: woah,i wait for the next know jiyeon condition..please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 21: woah,update soon author-nim....:)
xielai #10
Chapter 21: Who's guy that bumped eunjung..
I hope he is luhan or sehun.. haha...