My heart chooses

Blindless Love

Authors point of view 

"Are we there yet," asked Jiyeon. 
"You've asked me this every five minutes," Chanyeol said while stealing glances at her but tried focusing on the road.
"Because I want to know where you are taking me," said Jiyeon constantly.
"Okay we're here," Chanyeol said while smiling at her. 
"Now tell me," said Jiyeon all hyper. 
"Wait let's go inside first," said Chanyeol. 
Chanyeol got out of the car to open the door for Jiyeon. They both walked into the place holding hands. 
"Now use your other senses to guess where we are," Chanyeol says as he let's go of her hand. 
Jiyeon taks a deep breath in and starts laughing. 
"We are at Strawberry Bakery," Jiyeon says as a smile appears on her face.
"Wow, you're so good at guessing," Chanyeol says shockingly.
"Well this was my favorite bakery when I was younger, why did you bring me here anyways," asked Jiyeon. 
"So you can eat a lot before your surgery and I know it's your favorite bakery," Chanyeol says as he walks to Jiyeon.
"How did you know," ask Jiyeon. 
"Well let's just say a little birdy told me," Chanyeol says as he seats Jiyeon down. 
He goes around searching for all kinds of bread for Jiyeon to taste. As he pays for them he goes back to sit with Jiyeon. 
"Here try this," Chanyeol says as he stuffs with bread. 
"This is delicious, you should taste some too," Jiyeon says as she eats the bread. 
After they finished eating the bread, they headed out. 
"Are we going back home," ask Jiyeon. 
"No we're going to walk to somewhere first," says Chanyeol. 
"Where are we going to now," ask Jiyeon. 
"Somewhere," says Chanyeol.
"Are we going to the park that's near a lake," ask Jiyeon happily. 
"Awhh man, how did you know," ask Chanyeol.
"Let me guess that little birdy was Eunjung," said Jiyeon. 
"Yeah haha, you're quite the guesser," Chanyeol says as he intwines his fingers with hers. 
"Not really, Eunjung unni and I would always go to the bakery and then to the park when we were younger," said Jiyeon leading the way, remembering the directions to the park from when she was younger. 
"We're here," Chanyeol says as he looks at the view. 
"It's nice to be back here," Jiyeon says as she takes a deep breath in. 
"The view here is beautiful," Chanyeol says as he stares at Jiyeon. 
"Hopefully I'll get to be able to see this beautiful view too," Jiyeon says as she stares straight down at the ground. 
"You will soon," Chanyeol says as he hugs her. 
"I miss your hug so much," Jiyeon says as she hugs back. 
"Let's go swing," Chanyeol says as he drags Jiyeon along. 
Chanyeol seats Jiyeon on the swing and pushes her, after a while he sat on the swing besides her. 
"Chanyeol," Jiyeon says quietly. 
"Ne," Chanyeol replies.
"What does Hyuna mean to you," ask Jiyeon. 
"Uhh well Hyuna is uhm my first love, the one who understood me, the one who loved me for who I was, the very first girl I fell for and I guess that's why it's so hard to forget her," Chanyeol says as he looks up to the sky. 
Jiyeon just sits there quietly *everything you say about her, tells me that you are still in love with her, I really wish it was me who you love*
"Who was your first love," ask Chanyeol while looking at Jiyeon. 
"My first love, was a guy who made me cry more than just several times, but he is very caring and helpful, in some weird way he understands me, and says the right things to make me feel better but," Jiyeon pauses as she takes a deep breath.
"But what," Chanyeol says as he is anticipated to hear what Jiyeon has to say.
"But he is in love with someone else, but at the same time he has feelings for me," Jiyeon says as her eyes starts to get watery. 
"Ouhh I see," Chanyeol says as he realizes it was him. 
"He doesn't realize it, he thinks that his love for her is already gone and that the memories of them are the only ones haunting him, he says he has feelings for me but I feel like it's not true,"Jiyeon says a tear drops down. 
"Why do you say it's not true," Chanyeol said as it gets harder for him to talk. 
"Because Hyuna means to much to you, you see her as treasure, something very valuable, something to keep forever, something to always remember, even when it's gone," Jiyeon says as tears start to rush down her cheeks. 
"Jiyeon-ah," Chanyeol said as tear drops start falling from his eyes. 
"As for me, I'm like a puppy in your eyes, something that's helpless, something to play with when you're lonely, I'm only there when you need me, but even though I can't see, you were always the apple of my eye, I really wish I was that girl in your heart," Jiyeon said as Chanyeol starts to get up from his swing. 
"Chanyeol, thank you for at least letting me try to replace that girl in your heart, I can tell that the thought of loving a blind girl stills scares you til this day, but I'm finally going to see again, give me another chance to replace her," Jiyeon said as she closes her eyes to stop the tears from falling down. 
Chanyeol kneels down in front of her and wipes her tears. He passionately kisses her on the lips.
"You've already replaced her, you're right she was like treasure to me, but I learned to accept that the treasure is no longer mine it's gone and it will be gone forever," Chanyeol says as he stares into her eyes. 
"Chanyeol," Jiyeon said as tears start to rush down. 
"You are right when Hyuna came back you were just like a puppy to me, I only went to you when I was feeling lonely," Chanyeol says as he wipes Jiyeon's tears. 
"Chanyeol just please stop," Jiyeon says as her heart starts to ache. 
"But in this love, you weren't the blind one, I was, Hyuna was so hard to let go that I was caught back in the past and remained there, but now I finally realized that you weren't just a puppy, you were my guardian angel, you guided me back to reality, you healed all those scars that were left behind by Hyuna, blind or not blind Jiyeon I have fallen for you, my heart chooses you, and I'm fine with that, it just took me this long to realize it, Jiyeon-ah, I'm sorry," Chanyeol said as he stands up and walks away. 
Jiyeon sat there on the swing set all alone, her tears started rushing down her eyes nonstop. 
Chanyeol took a walk, to think by himself for a bit *All this time it finally took me this long to realize what Jiyeon really meant to me, urghh I am so selfish* 

Jiyeon's point of view

        Hearing him say that made me happy but for some reason it was all so upsetting. Why am I so stupid? Why did I even ask him that? Now he is hurt by my words, I should have just kept my mouth shut. He probably really left this time, he won't come back for me anything more. Some time has past now, the wind is starting to blow, the temperature is dropping, and it's getting darker and darker. "He isn't coming back anymore," I said out as I start to cry even more. "Jiyeon-ahh." 

Chanyeol's point of view 

        I walked away to think to myself, and to take a breather away from Jiyeon. Everything she said was right, but why did I only realize it now. I've hurt her so bad, the worst thing of all is that I was her first love. Her first love should be fresh, innocent, young, happy, and stupid. Not sad, upsetting, heart breaking, or hurtful. I soon came to realize that I was thinking to myself for too long, the sun was going down, the wind was blowing, and it was getting colder and colder. I have to go find Jiyeon before she wanders off to somewhere else, I thought to myself. I went back and saw Jiyeon in the same spot crying out her eyes. She must of thought that I left her here all alone. 

Author's point of view 

"Jiyeon-ah," Chanyeol says as he walks to Jiyeon. 
"Chanyeol is that you," Jiyeon says as she stands up. 
"Let's go, it's getting really cold," Chanyeol said as he puts his jacket on Jiyeon. 
Chanyeol grabs Jiyeon's wrist and starts walking back to the car. 
"Chanyeol are you okay," Jiyeon says as she follows him. 
"I'm fine," Chanyeol says as he keeps walking. 
The walk back to the car was very quiet, no one spoke a word. And thoughts started floating around Jiyeon's head. *Is he still mad at me, does he hate me now, will he go back to Hyuna * Jiyeon quickly pulls her wrist away from Chanyeol.
"What now Jiyeon," Chanyeol said as he looks back at her.
"Chanyeol, you're still mad at me aren't you," ask Jiyeon.
"No I'm not now let's go," Chanyeol said as he grabs Jiyeon's wrist again. 
"No," Jiyeon says as she pulls her wrist away.
"Alright then," Chanyeol says as he lifts Jiyeon up.
"Chanyeol let go of me," Jiyeon screams out. 
Chanyeol doesn't answer, he just keeps on walking. When he reached the car he opened the door and put Jiyeon in. When he seated Jiyeon down, he saw that her eyes were filled with tears. 
"I'm sorry Jiyeon," Chanyeol said as he wipes her tears.
"It's not your fault," Jiyeon says as she pulls his hand away.
"Yes it is, I caused you so much pain, I was mad at myself, all this time when I caused you pain, I never even asked you to be mines," Chanyeol says as he takes Jiyeon's hand into his. 
"Chanyeol," Jiyeon says as she faces her face to his. 
"I promise that after your surgery, you will be mine, well if you still want too," Chanyeol says as he puts his hand on Jiyeon's cheek. 
"I would love that," Jiyeon says as she smiles. 
Chanyeol hugs her tightly and says," I'm very sorry that I caused you so much pain." 
"It was all worth it, as long as I got to be with you," Jiyeon says as she hugs him back.
"Let's go," Chanyeol says as he pulls away. 
(Back to Eunjung and Baekhyun)

They were both at Eunjung's apartment and decided to watch a movie, but half way through the movie they were fast asleep. Baekhyun opens his eyes and finds Eunjung sleeping in his arms. 
"My angel, you're so beautiful, I'm very lucky to have someone as amazing as you in my life," Baekhyun said as he places a kiss on Eunjung's forehead. 
Eunjung slowly opens her eyes and Baekhyun quickly closes his.
"Urghh we must of fallen asleep," Eunjung says as she looks at Baekhyun. 
"You're so peaceful and innocent when you're sleeping, but when you're awake you're so childish," Eunjung says as she touches his face.
"Ya, I am not childish," Baekhyun screams out which made Eunjung scared.
"Ouhh you were awake this whole time," Eunjung says as she stares at him.
"Yeah, I pretended to go to sleep to see what you would say, I thought you would say something amazing but you called me childish," Baekhyun says as he crosses his arms. 
"Haha I'm sorry, but I love the childish you," Eunjung says as he kisses Baekhyun on the cheek. 
Baekhyun turns to face Eunjung and goes closer to her. She goes father away from him until her back was layed flat on the couch. 
"Eunjung," Baekhyun says as he is on top of her. 
"Ne," Eunjung answer hesitantly. 
"I love you," Baekhyun says as he stares in her eyes. 
"Haha love you too my little baby," Eunjung said as she stares into his eyes. 
"Kissy kiss," Baekhyun says as he perks up his lips. 
"Muahhh," Eunjung gives him a peck on the lips. 
"Uhh hi," Jiyeon says as she is at the door with Chanyeol. 
"Ouh you guys are back," Eunjung says as she pushes Baekhyun off of her. 
"So what was going on here," Chanyeol says as he give Baekhyun a seductive look. 
"Uhh nothing, we were just talking," Baekhyun says as sweat starts falling from his forehead. 
"Haha sure you guys were," Jiyeon says as she covers to prevent herself from laughing. 
"Anyways where did you guys go, and why did you guys come back so late," Eunjung says as she hugs Jiyeon. 
"Ouhh we went to the hospital and then went to the bakery, here unni this is for you," Jiyeon says as she hands Eunjung a box. 
Eunjung takes it to the dinner table, Baekhyun following and opens it.
"Oh my gosh," Eunjung screams out happily. 
"What it's only bread," Baekhyun says as he looks at the opened box. 
Chanyeol takes Jiyeon to sit down on the couch. 
"Are you going to tell them about your surgery," Chanyeol whispers to Jiyeon while sitting next to her. 
"Yeahh but in a bit," Jiyeon says as she sits there quietly. 
"It's like the best bread in the world, here try it," Eunjung says as she puts the bread into his mouth. 
"Ouh this is really good," Baekhyun says as he stuffs more bread into his mouth. 
"Ouhh my phone is ringing, hold on I'll be back," Eunjung said as she goes into her room. 
"So where did you guys go," ask Baekhyun as he comes to sit down with Chanyeol and Jiyeon. 
"I took her to the hospital, then her favorite bakery, and then we went to the park," Chanyeol says as he held Jiyeon's hand. 
"Wow seems like you guys had fun," Baekhyun says as he stuffs his mouth with bread. 
"Not as much fun as you and Eunjung unni," Chanyeol said jokingly. 
"Haha no we just slept," Baekhyun said while embarrassed. 
Eunjung comes out of her room and comes to sit next to Baekhyun. 
"Ouhh what was the phone call about," ask Baekhyun. 
"Ouhh just work," Eunjung says as she plays with her fingers. 
"Unni I have something to tell you," said Jiyeon.
"Ouhh what is it Jiyeon," Eunjung asked curiously. 
"Well I'm finally going to be able to see again," Jiyeon says happily. 
"That amazing," Baekhyun says out. 
"Yeahhh, and everything is free, the eyes, the surgery," Jiyeon says as she smiles. 
"That amazing jiyeon-ah, I'm so happy for you, you deserve it," Eunjung says as she walks to Jiyeon and gives her a big hug. 
"Thanks unni," Jiyeon says as she hugs Eunjung back. 
"Ouh do you know when you surgery is," Eunjung says as she goes back to sit with Baekhyun. 
"It's on Monday," said Jiyeon. 
"Wait this coming up Monday," ask Eunjung shockingly. 
"Yeahh this coming up Monday," Jiyeon says as she leans her head on Chanyeol's shoulder. 
"Are you okay, you seemed shocked," Baekhyun whispers into Eunjung's ear. 
"Jiyeon I'm going to China on Sunday," Eunjung says as she stares at the ground. 
"Why are you going there and why didn't you tell me earlier," Baekhyun says as he jumps out of his seat. 
"For work and I just got the call today, there is a hospital that needs a lot of help so they choose some people to go there for three months or maybe even longer," Eunjung says as her face becomes very pale. 
"So that means I only have a couple days left with you," Baekhyun says as he becomes very sad. 
"Jiyeon are you going to say anything to Eunjung," Chanyeol whispers into Jiyeon's ear. 
"Unni go, it was always your dream to go help out sick kids," Jiyeon says as she just sits there. 
"But what about your surgery," Eunjung ask as she puts Jiyeon's hand in hers. 
"Don't worry unni I still have Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they'll help me," Jiyeon says as she smiles at her unni. 
"Don't worry Eunjung, I'll be there for Jiyeon no matter what," Chanyeol says as he smiles at Eunjung. 
Eunjung walks to Baekhyun and holds his hand. 
"Are you going to be okay," Eunjung ask Baekhyun. 
"Let's go,"Baekhyun says as he drags Eunjung. 
"Where are we going," Eunjung says as she follows. 
"I have to spend time with you before you leave," Baekhyun says as he opens the door. 
"Bye guys have fun," says Eunjung as she leaves with Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun's point of view 

        When Eunjung told us that she will be leaving for china, I was super shock. She is going to leave me alone for a couple of months, maybe even more she doesn't know yet. I'm going to miss her like crazy, I already miss her a lot right now, I don't think I'll be able to survive without her. But I can't ask her to stay because it's her dream to go and help sick kids. I'll just have to spend these couple of days with her wisely. It has to be very romantic so the only guy she will be thinking about is me the whole time when she is gone.

Eunjung's point of view

        I can't believe I'll be leaving on Sunday to go to China to help the sick kids there. But then I'll be away from the two people I care about the most, Jiyeon and Baekhyun. I know I'll be gone for only a couple of months maybe, but the thought of not being with them for a day, kills me inside. I feel sad that I can't be there for Jiyeon's surgery, but I hope Chanyeol will be with her every step of the way. And as for my dear Baekhyun, I hope he will be able to survive without me, oh I'm going to miss him so much. I guess I'll have to spend these days with him wisely before I leave. I really wish that he would ask me to stay with him, but he won't because he knows it's my dream to help sick kids. Baekhyun I really don't want to go, I'm going to miss you so much when I leave.

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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Hyedaa #2
Chapter 23: Update please<3<3
Augbuhabyu #3
Chapter 14: Please update more!!!
Augbuhabyu #4
Please update
Vyeon_ #5
Chapter 23: OMY!! UD soon authornim. fighting!
trasua #6
Chapter 23: Why don´t you continue updating? Ít is going well. But I don´t think Eunjung is suitable with Baekhyun. Maybe she suits with someone like Chanyeol or Kris more than Baek. And I truely said that I´m a bít disappointed when you take too much lines for Eunjung and Baek bc I think Ji and Chan is the most important in your story
T-araFans #7
Chapter 23: Owh...Chanyeol don't make Jiyeon hurt again...
Nice update...
Please update this story...Please...
Chapter 22: woah,i wait for the next know jiyeon condition..please update soon author-nim:)
Chapter 21: woah,update soon author-nim....:)
xielai #10
Chapter 21: Who's guy that bumped eunjung..
I hope he is luhan or sehun.. haha...