Shopping with boys couldn't be anymore weirder...

Another Fairy Tale


So we are walking around New York and going in to stores that we found interesting. 


"M&M store we must go in." Jonghyun spotted. We spent a lot of time there. When we came out, Key carried four bags. Jonghyun bought a big bag of M&Ms, Taemin bought a few hats, Onew got a sweater, and I got a ring, a bracelet, and a bag. Minho didn't want anything.


Next store was all about Minho. He got new sneakers and a sweat shirt. Time passed and we lost track. I looked at me watch. 


"Do you guys want to get something to eat? It's around 2 o'clock." I suggested.


"Yes! I'm Starving!" Taemin shouted. "Where's a nice place to eat in New York?"


"Um... Does anyone like sushi?" I asked.


"we will eat anything." Minho said.


"Well, There's the East Restaurant on 2nd street. It's quite a long walk. You up for it?"


"sure." They unison.




"This is delicious!" Jonghyun exclaimed.


"You come here often?" Onew asked.


"Yes i do with my friends. We can go to PinkBerry after." I said. "Its frozen yogurt."


"Sure." Taemin said. We paid and headed outside. We walked down the street to Pinkberry.


"Do you see the police?" Minho asked.


"Nope." Jonghyun responed. We walked further down the street, and found that Minho has a very sharp eye.


"Hey. Minho was right. The police are here." Onew said.


"What are they doing here. Whoa dêja vú." Key said. we walked up to the scene in the alley way. 


"Be careful now. We want the body intacted for exmaination." The police officer told the people who lifted the body.


"ewww.... It smells..." a person from behind said. the body wasn't fully decomposed like the one on the highway but you could see the maggots falling off the body.


"I'm gonna asked what happened." Taemin said. He walked over to the officer. They were talking and the talking turned Taemin's curious face to a sad remorse face. He noded and bowed. He walked over. "Do you remember the night we met? And the body in the highway? They think that it's linked to this one."


"Yeah I remember. Is it the same officer?" I asked.


"I think so."


"But how that one in the highway was decomposed. And this one still has flesh on it." Minho confused.


"I don't know he said it was linked. Also the officer remembers you. So he said that he needs your help again." Taemin said in his matter-in-fact voice.


"okay." I walked over to the officer. "you need me sir?"


"You the girl from the highway?" He said without looking at me.


"yes sir." i said.


"Please tell us what you know."


"Sure." I put on the gloves and slowly exaimed the body. "There is an entry wound on the left side of the victim's neck."


"It could be a bullet." The officer suggested.


"No it could'nt. Because if there was, there would be an exit wound on the right side of the neck." I looked closer. "She looks so familiar...What's her name officer?"


"Her name is Bethany Hills. She goes to East Hampton High School. She is approximately 17 years old." The officer read.


"Bethany. Bethany." I whispered to myself. "Bethany. BETHANY! Crap! The SWIM TEAM! How could I forget Bethany!"


"Do you know her?"


"Yeah. She goes to the same high school. And...and..."




"And She's my co-captain on the swim team. She was a lovely person. She had purple-grey eyes and platium blonde hair to match. She had spirit in every swim meet, even when someone was slow for try-outs, she would always make them feel better. Oh Bethany what have you gotten yourself into?" I said the myself.


"I'm sorry. She's now in a better place. If you don't mind, is there anything else that you could help solve her murder?" the officer asked.


"UM...Check underneath her finger nails. She likes to keep them long because it helps pull the water back when she swims. Also, for something like this happens to her. She's smarter than she looks." I smiled and said bye. When I was walking back, I thought I saw Ty, June, and Katelyn. I shook my head and continued walking to my friends.


"I'll take that you knew the girl?" Onew asked.


"Yeah. She was my co-captain on the swim team." I expained. 


"Oh were you close?" Key asked.


"not as close as your hyungs but we were pretty close. We shared a lot of laughs." I said.


"I'm sorry for your loss." Minho said.


"I know that this is off topic, but...." Taemin paused. 


"But?" Minho asked.


"But Snow got her spotlight...for the second time. And the first time for me to say it to you!" Taemin finished excitedly.


"Thank you." I smiled embrassed.


"We should get going be----" Key was interruped.


"Well look what the cat dragged in." Ty came out of nowhere.


"Oh hi Ty." I said.


"Hi Snow. So these are the friends that you made plans with this morning, right? Don't answer because I'm always right." Ty was mad. "i thought that we were together. And being together means that we tell each other everything right? Of course right!"


"Ty calm down..." Katelyn tried to calm Ty down. He shoved her to the ground. June and Minho helped her up.


"Your cheating on me Snow!" He shouted.


"I never knew that we were a couple in the first place." i confirmed.


"I kissed you! Doesn't that mean anything to you?" Ty said.


"Calm down!" June and Minho shouted at Ty. They looked at each other and smiled.


"Don't tell me that you like him. Don't you remember that you have a boyfriend named Andy? and how could you like him? He has a small face, big eyes, big muscles, and probably no brain inside that empty skull of his. He's just a dumb jock." Ty yelled at June.


"First, Andy is not her boyfriend. he's just a family friend. Second, she could like anybody she wants. Third, If you had a brain then you would know all of this without me explaining." Katelyn defended her friend.


"Also I was a honors student in high school. What about you." MInho defended himself.


"Shut up you're all giving me a headache!" Onew and Key shouted at the two jocks.


"Oh and what about you drag queen? you considering a change?" Ty smirked. 


"THAT'S ENOUGH!!! PLEASE JUST STOP!" Katelyn screamed. I was tuning out and wondered why are there only 4 SHINee members here? where's Jonghyun?


"Where's Jonghyun?" I whispered to Taemin because he seemed to be tuning out as well.


"I was about to ask you the same question." We slowly backed away from the comotion. "You know the shouting and jealousy is about you."


"Yeah I know but that isn't my scene." I confessed.


"Mine either...So what is your scene?" He asked with a slight humor towards it.


"I don't know...maybe walking down the shore line and listening to music...yours?" 


"As in a romantic scene...I would put my arms around her, walk down a quiet street sharing my music with her...As in my scene...hmmm...probably go to dance rehersal..." He explained. When he finished, a bid gust of wind blew against us. I shivered. "Are you cold?" He put his around me and instantly I melted away in his arms...


A few blocks passed by and We found Jonghyun in an alley way. I tapped on his shoulder. 


"What the Hell? Can't you see I'm busy?" It wasn't Jonghyun. It was a guy and his giving each other a hicky.


"I'm sorry I thought you were a friend I knew." I apologized.


"whatever..." the guy went back to his girlfriend.


More stores passed and we finally had a chance to really talk to each other. His arm is still around me and after awhile my right arm felt akaward so i put my arm around his waist. We finally came to this cute coffee shop.


"I think that's Jonghyun" I whispered. He was ending his conversation on the phone.


"Maybe you shouldn't think, you should know.... he has a very distinctive look to him." Taemin said back.


"alright smart-." I teased. We waited till he put his phone down, then creeped up on him.


"BOO!" The whole street stared at us like What-the-hell-are-they-doing look. Jonghyun jumped 2 inches in his seat and almost spilled his coffee.


"Wha-" He was shocked. we high-fived each other and laughed. He turned around and gave us the bird.


"Why are you here?" Taemin started the conversation.


"No offense to Snow. I saw your friends aproching us and I didn't want to be caught in a fight cause it looked like the guy Ty was furious. So I walked as far as I could to get away from it all." He explained.


"None taken. Plus we should have followed you. it wasn't pretty over there." I said.


"What did he fight about?" Jonghyun said before he sipped his drink.


"Whether or not Snow and him are a couple." Taemin answered before I got a chance to speak. Jonghyun almost choked. He laughed instead.


"Really? The guy that gave the kiss? *>laughs<* *>coughs<* You and Taemin look better as a couple than you and Ty." Jonghyun confessed.


"Do you need help hal-abeoji?" Taemin teased.


"No." He laughed. "Coffee went down the wrong way."


"okay so who were you talking to on the phone?" I asked.


"Oh. It was my girlfriend back in Korea."


"Okay then--" I was interrupted.

"Yo. Its SHINee's Jonghyun, Taemin, Onew, Key, and Minho. So pick up the phone.~" It rang. I gave them a motherly stare as in who-is-responsible-for-this?.


"It wasn't me I swear I was crying when this happened." Taemin said. I stared at Jonghyun.


"Okay so we were bored while we were driving back the hotel to get Taemin, so we found the record app and that's what happened. I thought it turned out pretty good." Jonghyun confessed. I giggled and picked up the phone. Caller ID check. Katelyn?




"Where are you? the guys started to fight and now June and I are trapped. Come asap as in NOW!" She screamed in to the phone and hung up.


"Who was that?" Taemin asked.


"It was Katelyn. She said to go there ASAP as in now"


"What happened that was so urgent." Jonghyun asked.


"Well there's Ty and they're fighting." I explained. Jonghyun threw his cup away and we started to run back to where we left our friends. When we were almost there, I stopped. And saw the shock of a life time.



A/N The East Restaurant is really in 3rd Ave. NY and it's really sushi and Pinkberry is aslo down the street too. So go i reccomend it. Also I don't know what she saw I'm still thinking. Okay I promised the goreish and he fluff but there's more to come. Comment please don't have to subscribe. Thank Youheart

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KandyLand #1
Chapter 13: Update soon please? Love your fanfic!
xxkpopxx #2
@music4life sorry, I didn't see that you asked my opinion on grammar. The grammar is good but idk which chap you were asking about. The one I'm talking about right now is chap13
Lol. just skimmed this.<br />
But Whoooo another chapter against the writers block! <br />
Imma sleep now... GOOD NIGHT
oh.... I wanna know! TXT ME WHO IT WAS!!!!!<br />
LOL, I'll watch it!
NO....she was....damn i think thats too much of a give away......oh well u should know...And Bones on Thursday was really really funny....
Why can't you tell me???<br />
It's someone in our "group" right?<br />
OH hahahaha...<br />
You could've said that! <br />
Dangit... I'll watch it online!
I can't ell u but I'll make hints... And no Ka***** is not in this story....nononononononono Business as like brushing teeth, contacts, and those stuff......heheheeee U missed the last was pretty interesting...
Who is June? Now I'm curious!<br />
Is Ka***** in this story too as Katelyn?<br />
Lol, "went to the bathroom and did my business."<br />
@xXLostAndLonelyXx yea I had too lol....<br />
@xxkpopxx Oh is the grammar bad.....heheheeeee
xxkpopxx #10
haha, lol! kwangmin's question is funny