
Another Fairy Tale

I wake for the second time that day. I checked my clock. " 7:45"

okay. I tried to recap on what happened earlier this morning. Right something i don't want to remember. A unwanted kiss, a massive fight, and a missing $200 phone.

*>sigh<* I dragged myself to my bathroom and washed my face. 

I opened my closet door adn the light. I stripped off my day clothes and picked out my swim suit. I tied my hair back and put on my cap. I found a towel and went down the stairs to the basement. yea. it's weird. a pool in the basement but my parents didn't want a pool outdoors cause they thought it would be much maintains.

so i opened the door and the a whish of humid chlorine air entered my nose. i put my towel down and stepped on to the diving block. I dived and swam for what felt like hours was only a few minutes. when i stopped and took a break, the phone rang.

"hello?" I checked the caller ID. My phone?

"Is this Snow?"

"yes. I am and my i ask who you are? calling from my phone?" I questioned confused.

"This is some one from Starbucks earlier this morning." the guy answered.

"Taemin? Is that you?" I asked wanting to apologize.

"uhhhhh...." the guy hesitated.

"YOU HESITATED! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU HAVE MY PHONE?" I shouted in to the phone scared.

"No need to shout."

"I want to know who you first." calming down.

"I'm Jonghyun. I went to pick up Taemin this morning and i found a phone that i think would be yours. also, I need to know where yo live so i can give it back to you." he revealed himself.

"oh sorry. Um i live near the beach. go to the East Hamptons beach and meet me there with my phone at 8:30 if that's okay?"

"yeah. sure. could I ask something?"

"yeah anything."

"When I picked up Taemin this morning, he was in tears. Why?"

"I don't know. Did you ask him?" I lied again.

"I did and he said to ask you. I have never seen him in tears before. Well except the time when we had to Thank our parents over a radio bradcast but that was once."

"are you alone?" I asked. I wanted to tell him the story but it was too painful to relive that moment.

"No I'm in the car on my way back to our home."

"Is Taemin there?" I wanted this to be as private as possible.

"No his at home. He's rolled up in his blanket on his bed." he explained.

"okay. wait your in a car driving?"

"yea why?"

"It's illegal to drive and talk on the phone at the same time." I explained.

"who said i was talking on the phone? You're on the speaker phone."

"Oh!" I totally forgot that my phone had speakers in it.

"Hey!" Minho, Key, and Onew said in unison.

"hey. How have you guys been?"

"We've been fine. But we want to know what happened to our Taeminnie?" Key asked.

"I'll tell you when you get here." I hung up. not wanting to live the past anymore. I'm really not a big fan of googd-byes.

I dried myself off and walked up the stairs. I went to the bathroom and peeled off my swim suit. I took a nice hot shower. when i was in the shower, I thought of every different way to tell Taemin's hyungs what happened but all of the ways seemed to put me as the suspect.

when i came out, the phone rang again.

"Hello?" I hoped it was my phone.

"Hi this is the police. Are you Snow Chung?"

"Yes this is her."

"I'm am sorry but your parents died in a car accident this morning at 5."

"Oh where are they now?." I was sobbing, but hopefully the police couldn't hear. "Is there anything I need to know about their death?"

"THey are in the morguary and yes. I am afraid that they were drunk when they were driving. The tox screen showed that they had a 8.0. they were full of alcohol."

"Oh I see." My parents always go to the bars in their free time.

"Is their anyone that is looking after you?"

"no all my relatives live half way across the world. I am also old enough to look after myself. But i do have a Godmother."

"Her name? so we can contact her?"

"Sung Li. She is a nurse so she might be working right now." I looked at the clock. . I was already 8:30. "can I call you back while you make the call?"

"Sure." I hung up.

I grabbed my coat and ran out the door to the beach.


I stepped on to the soft white sand. When i left the house, my clock read "8:33". The sand wasn't warm yet 'cause it was still in the morning. I walked up to the point where the sand met the ocean. I loved how the tide pulls away and it feels like the sea is drawing you further and further in to the depths.

"I hope you know where to find me." I whispered to myself.

"I don't want to go! Let me go! She asked for you not me!" I turned to see that they arrived. I ran to them.

"thanks for my phone. I have---" 

"No you are not going anywhere until you and Taemin settled your argument out." Onew declared. Minho, Key, Onew, and Jonghyun sat us both down on the sand. In front of each other.

"I rather not." Taemin and I said in unison.

"We ain't leaving till you fix this." Key said.

"Fine I'll start. THis morning, at Starbucks, I was surprised by a kiss from an old friend, whom i crushed on since grade school." I explained.

"And her parents doesn't like him." Taemin said.

"You don't know anything about my parents." I got up and ran home. I ran up the stairs and hid in my closet. I cried and cried.

"Whoa. this is where she lives? It's huge. I wonder why she has a job then?" I think it was Minho who said that.

"i wonder why she left like that?" that voice definately belonged to Key.

"I'll go look for her." Jonghyun i think.

"Okay sure. then Key should go and talk to her." Onew sugguested.

"I agree." Minho and his really deep voice.




A/N I had to stop. the chapter was going on and on. Comment don't have to subscribe. definatley more to come. Thank you.

and the house you see is Kimora Lee Simmons' house in Saddle River.

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KandyLand #1
Chapter 13: Update soon please? Love your fanfic!
xxkpopxx #2
@music4life sorry, I didn't see that you asked my opinion on grammar. The grammar is good but idk which chap you were asking about. The one I'm talking about right now is chap13
Lol. just skimmed this.<br />
But Whoooo another chapter against the writers block! <br />
Imma sleep now... GOOD NIGHT
oh.... I wanna know! TXT ME WHO IT WAS!!!!!<br />
LOL, I'll watch it!
NO....she was....damn i think thats too much of a give away......oh well u should know...And Bones on Thursday was really really funny....
Why can't you tell me???<br />
It's someone in our "group" right?<br />
OH hahahaha...<br />
You could've said that! <br />
Dangit... I'll watch it online!
I can't ell u but I'll make hints... And no Ka***** is not in this story....nononononononono Business as like brushing teeth, contacts, and those stuff......heheheeee U missed the last was pretty interesting...
Who is June? Now I'm curious!<br />
Is Ka***** in this story too as Katelyn?<br />
Lol, "went to the bathroom and did my business."<br />
@xXLostAndLonelyXx yea I had too lol....<br />
@xxkpopxx Oh is the grammar bad.....heheheeeee
xxkpopxx #10
haha, lol! kwangmin's question is funny