The Car Rain Music And Traffic

Another Fairy Tale

It's around midnight and it's starting to rain, no pour. My window is down and I'm shouting out the lyrics to SHINee's "A-yo." Listining to my iPod, watching the rain come down, and waiting in traffic is perfect. As in heaven perfect, and nothing could ruin the moment.  Until, a silver, minivan looking, Toyota comes driving, in the next lane, along side my parents BMW. They're rolling down the window and said something like "hello" but i couldn't hear very well because of the rain and my music.

I'm not going to leave the guy unanswered  because #1 we r in Traffic, #2 his voice seemed sooooo familiar, and #3 it looks like we r going to be side by side for awhile. "Hello!" I shout back unable to hear my own voice.

"So u know the band SHINee, huh?" they're asking without a accent. By now my music is turned off and put away.

"Yeah. Umm.... They are a pretty popular kpop band even in the U.S. Why are you asking?!" I ask/shout back.

"Oh. nothing i was just asking. Anyway i'm---," before the guy had a chance to finish his sentence, the car's headlights behind the Toyota revealed the guy's face. "---Kibum or you can call me Key."

"Oh! you're one of the guys in the band SHINee, right?" I asked confused. "oh and before i forget I'm Snow. I have no nicknames. Snow is my one and only name."

"Annyoseyo Snow" he answered repectfully.

"annoyseyo Key" I bowed and hit my hit on the door handle, and he giggled.

"Oh wait here I'll introduce you to the rest of the group."

"okay, but i think i have no choice to leave." 

"Alright, this is our Tofu leader and the oldest, Onew."

"hello I'm Onew like Key just said." 

"hi I'm Snow"

"okay and this is our Bling Bling Jonghyun." key continues to introduce me to his friends.

"HI." He begins to lift his hat and it also looks like he just woke up from a restful nap.

"hi" i try to end that convo fast 'cause it was getting awkward.

"And this is our flaming charisma Minho." he sound like he was finished.

"Hello" He spoke with his smile and his big round eyes. He also had a really deep voice.

"hi, wow you've got crew in there."

"yes and you're forgetting our last and youngest member."

"oh I'm so sorry." i said sheepishly.

"This is our mushroom makanae, Taemin" he finishes for the last time.

His smile was the first thing i noticed about him, what a dazzaling smile. Then I thought to myself, "You're so handsome." It made my chest hurt, it might have been my heart melting. I've dated many of my crushes, well only 3 and all ended very badly, and I've never felt like this with my 3 boyfriends. "hello..........-----" and taemin begins and starts to ramble on and on about how the band SHINee came to be and how he learned so many languages and how he begin playing instruments. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.........


So that's how we spend 3 hours waiting in traffic and in the rain.



A/n so i hope you all liked this first chapter and there is more to come. Please comment you don't need to subscribe just comment. and the gore, well that's coming upp. Thank you. p.s. I'm still proof reading...

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KandyLand #1
Chapter 13: Update soon please? Love your fanfic!
xxkpopxx #2
@music4life sorry, I didn't see that you asked my opinion on grammar. The grammar is good but idk which chap you were asking about. The one I'm talking about right now is chap13
Lol. just skimmed this.<br />
But Whoooo another chapter against the writers block! <br />
Imma sleep now... GOOD NIGHT
oh.... I wanna know! TXT ME WHO IT WAS!!!!!<br />
LOL, I'll watch it!
NO....she was....damn i think thats too much of a give away......oh well u should know...And Bones on Thursday was really really funny....
Why can't you tell me???<br />
It's someone in our "group" right?<br />
OH hahahaha...<br />
You could've said that! <br />
Dangit... I'll watch it online!
I can't ell u but I'll make hints... And no Ka***** is not in this story....nononononononono Business as like brushing teeth, contacts, and those stuff......heheheeee U missed the last was pretty interesting...
Who is June? Now I'm curious!<br />
Is Ka***** in this story too as Katelyn?<br />
Lol, "went to the bathroom and did my business."<br />
@xXLostAndLonelyXx yea I had too lol....<br />
@xxkpopxx Oh is the grammar bad.....heheheeeee
xxkpopxx #10
haha, lol! kwangmin's question is funny