The Body

Another Fairy Tale

So 3 hours passed and the traffic is finally going somewhere, but stopped again. Taemin is still talking and i wonder when he would ever stop so i can comment. But listening to him talk was fine too.

"hey Taemin you might want to stop talking." Key finally interrupted Taemin.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I got carried away. My mom says i talk too much, Snow would you like to speak?" Taemin finally says my name and i blush a little, but hopefully he didn't see.

"ahhh.......Yea do you know why the traffic isn't moving?" I questioned.

"i have no clue. But it looks like there is something up ahead 'cause i see red and blue lights flashing." Key answers.

"Yea i saw them too but i thought that it was just a car accident, but there's an extra vehicle." Onew said.

"why are people sooo curious? Haven't they heard the proverb 'Curiosity Killed the Cat'?"  Jonghyun said, a little groggy, while waking up for the second time in the traffic. And you could hear it in his voice that he does not want to be disrupted from his nap/sleep again.

"Wait....." Minho cautiously holds our conversation.

"We have to wait Minho, I think that's the point of 'traffic'" I respond sarcasticly.

"Yea yea but not only are the police involved but also the hospital people, too!" Minho taking my sarcasm seriously.

"That's odd everyone in front of us aren't in their cars." My mom finally speaks for the first time after meeting SHINee. "why don't you 6 go check it out. 'Cause I think your dad is fast asleep anyway."

"okay. My mom said if you guys want to check out the situation, so are you up for it?"

"Yeah, sure a little mystery to go with the weather don't you guys think?" Taemin asks his friends.

"sure" the rest of the 3 guys said.

"Mmmmmmm...... you guys can go. I really don't like mystery type stuff. So umm.... you guys go check it out." Onew confessed his dislike.

"Awwwww Onew don't be a chicken." Taemin teased playfully. But Onew seem like he didn't understand his tease.

"Just because i'm a little afraid of curiously peeking, what the police are involved with, doesn't mean you can call me a chicken." Onew defending his fear.

"Okay stay here then. We'll go see and if we don't come back call the police......Oh wait you don't have to because they are right there. Come on you'll be fine. Let's go." I encouraged.

After a long time waiting for Onew's decision, he finally gave in. I took my huge Hello Kitty Umbrella and they took their umbrellas that only fit one, while mine can fit all of us. I slammed the door of my parents BMW, and met up with them in front of the car and walked to the scene.


"whoa!......So this is what they call a crime scene." Key shocked.

"this is sweet.....wait here I'm gonna ask what happened." Me excited. this is my first crime scene ever! "Umm... Officer? May I ask, What happened here?"

"Don't you see that this is a crime scene, miss? Someone was murdered and buried here. And he*>Points at the person who found the body<* was a witness of this murder." the officer confirmed.

"so where is the body? 'cause i don't see a body here, sir?" I questioned.

"I never said that there was a body. There are remaining parts of the body."

"May I see, I could confirm the cause of death?"

"I'm sorry miss but this investigation is private. So you can run along and mind your own business and have a life without any death."

that officer lied i can't mind my own business and a life without death is no life at all.

"fine." I went back to guys, furious that i didn't get the answer i wanted. "the officer was no help at all. All he said was that someone was buried on the side of the highway and that there are only skeletal pieces left of the body. And he won't let me examine the pieces so i could tell them the cause of death."

"you could determine the cause of death just by looking at the remaining pieces? That's amazzzzzzing!!!" Taemin exclaimed.

"yea but they won't let me.Grrrr......" I pouted.

"calm down. You'll get your spotlight soon." Taemin encouraged and rubbed my right arm to calm me down. having his arm around me made my body sweat even though it's around 62°F without humidity.

"are you really that smart and how old are you?" Minho ask curiously.

"i guess I'm smart, but only in Biology and I'm in the last year of high school i think that answers the questions." I responded.

"WHOA!!!!! senior year wow....that reminds me that Taemin is also in his last year of high school too." Minho exclaimed

 "really?! I always thought that you were too old for me."

"......."Taemin speechless for the first time.

"Miss can you come over here for a sec." the officer inturrupted.

"yeah sure" i replied. I smiled at Taemin and followed the officer. Taemin mouthed, "I told you would get your spotlight." and smiled.

"we need your help."

"Help with what? I thought you had it under control and you didn't need my help?" I was annoyed.

"Well I'm sorry. But we need your help." he pleaded. When I walked to the site where the body was found, a foul odor smashed into my face. Most of the flesh is already decomposed but there was enough flesh to determine the time the person's death.

"Okay." I pointed to the eye socket. "you see the the eye socket? well there's consist groove marks indicating that the person's eyes were gawged out after the person died."

"Okay I'll add that in."

"Am i done?" I'm annoyed.

"NO you said that you can determine the cause of death."

"Yeah and you said that I can live a life without death. So we both lied, Officer. WE ARE EVEN!" i left without another word to the officer.

I went back to my new friends, but they were engulfed by screaming and crying(?) fans. So i went back to my parents car. And before I knew it the lights went out.




A/n so you guys like it? I'm sorry it's not that long. comment please don't have to subscribe. more to come. Thanks

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KandyLand #1
Chapter 13: Update soon please? Love your fanfic!
xxkpopxx #2
@music4life sorry, I didn't see that you asked my opinion on grammar. The grammar is good but idk which chap you were asking about. The one I'm talking about right now is chap13
Lol. just skimmed this.<br />
But Whoooo another chapter against the writers block! <br />
Imma sleep now... GOOD NIGHT
oh.... I wanna know! TXT ME WHO IT WAS!!!!!<br />
LOL, I'll watch it!
NO....she was....damn i think thats too much of a give away......oh well u should know...And Bones on Thursday was really really funny....
Why can't you tell me???<br />
It's someone in our "group" right?<br />
OH hahahaha...<br />
You could've said that! <br />
Dangit... I'll watch it online!
I can't ell u but I'll make hints... And no Ka***** is not in this story....nononononononono Business as like brushing teeth, contacts, and those stuff......heheheeee U missed the last was pretty interesting...
Who is June? Now I'm curious!<br />
Is Ka***** in this story too as Katelyn?<br />
Lol, "went to the bathroom and did my business."<br />
@xXLostAndLonelyXx yea I had too lol....<br />
@xxkpopxx Oh is the grammar bad.....heheheeeee
xxkpopxx #10
haha, lol! kwangmin's question is funny