Friends Again...

Another Fairy Tale

After a few minutes, the closet door opened. Jonghyun stepped in and the lights.

"So you've been hiding here, huh?" he found me. he wiped the tears away from my eyes and sat next to me. A few seconds later Key comes running in.

"Okay. You need to talk?" Key asked caring. I shook my head. And then Jonghyun left. I watched him leave.

"Right before you came to give back my phone, the police called and said that my parents died in a car accident." I spoke inbetween sobs."and when Taemin mentioned my parents..." I continued but stopped at the thought of my parents.

"I see. Come." he got up and held out his hand for me to take.

"All right." I took his soft smooth hand. he brought me down the stairs to the mud room. Key whispered something to his friends. After he was done, he took Taemin and talked to him alone. when they were done Onew, Jonghyun, Minho and Key left, leaving Taemin and me alone.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything." I apologized.

"Sorry for what?" he asked.

"I'm sorry for..." I stopped.

"Stop. Please. I should be the one apologizing. I got mad for no reason. And he was a person you liked for a long time so you two deserved to, you know." He apologized.

"Awwww....they should...HUG HUG HUG HUG HUG!!!!!" Jonghyun screamed joyfully. 

"Yeah!" Onew and Minho yelled. 

I looked up and smiled shyly. He looked up as well and smiled.

"Come on just hug!" Key sounded impateint.

Onew and Minho pushed us together, making my arms wrap around Taemin's turso and his arms around my shoulders. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours.

When we stepped back, I told him about Ty.

"who's Ty?" they asked.

"Ty is a old friend." i explained. "Anyway I used to love him and he kissed me this morning. But I never wanted to kiss him. Ever since i met you guys I didn't have anymore feelings for Ty. I wanted to tell him about you all, but he, yeah." I i was finished my Godmother walked into the house.

"oh! Hello." She said confused. "When the police called me. I rushed here. I am so sorry about your parents." She ran and gave me a tight and short hug. "But i didn't know that you had boys over." My Godmother is single and she lives in an apartment near the East Hamptons Hospital. She's easy going but she sometimes needs to act like a parent.

"UH...Hi. It's all right. And these are friends. This is Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, Onew, and Minho. This is my Godmother, Sung Li. They just came by to return my phone." I explained.

"Nice to meet you all, *>they bowed<*, but you know your parents rules." She acted like a parent.

"No boys in the house without permission. I know Sung." I finished her speech. "Thank you for coming to check up on my but you really could go back to work."

"All right but if you need anything or need a rescue,*>giving the guys a stare<* you've got my number." With that she left.

"She seems nice." Taemin commented.

"Yeah. She's all i have now."

"No. You have us, your friends and Ty." Minho said.

"So Ty doesn't fit in the catagory 'friends'?" I asked.

"Nope. Actually I don't know what catagory he fits in." Jonghyun said. We all giggled at Jonghyun's comment.

"Hey do you guys want to go somewhere?" Key offered.

"sure where?" said Onew.

"How about Shopping?" Key responded. "Do you want to go shopping, Snow?"

"Sure. But its only 9:26 in the morning."

"so it would be fun and the shops won't be that crowded." minho sounded excited.

"Yeah and I need new hats hehe..." Taemin was ready to leave.

"Okay. let me just get my bag and then we can go. Who's car?"

"Mine of course!" Jonghyun offered.

"okay. I'll meet you outside." I ran up the stairs and grabbed my favorite bag, my hot pink coach wallet, my Hello Kitty umbrella (just in case it rains), my iPod, my white pom pom scarf, my navy blue hat, and my clear and black Raybean sunglasses. My bag was burgundy with white letters that read "Live life to the fullest with no regrets." "Life does not always end like fairy tales, you just need to make your life one." all around the bag.

I ran down stairs. to my surprise Ty was standing by the door.

"hey so there you are. I need to talk to you now." Ty said.

"I can't i made plans with my friends and they're waiting for me now."

"I thought that I was your boyfriend. And as your boyfriend you need to listen to me!" He was mad now.

"I need to go. I'm sorry but i can talk to you tonight okay." I ran to the back door and put my purple and white Converse on. I ran to the beach to find Jonghyun's car. I didn't know what car he had so i kept looking.

"Over here!" I turned to my right to find a black KIA SOUL on the beach's parking lot.

"hey!" I ran over and got in. "so where are we going?"

"I don't know. I'm not very familiar with the area. any suggestions?" Asked Jonghyun.

"Times Square? Its about a hour drive. Plus it's very famous, right?" Key suggested.

"Yeah. it is famous, but do you know how to get there?" I asked.

"No, do you?" Jonghyun asked back.

"yeah. pull over, I'll drive." he pulled over and we switched places.


It's only been 30 minutes and I the local radio station, Z100.

They started to sing along to one of Ke$ha's songs. Damn they are good. Key is a little off key and Minho fell asleep but they were a lively group.


Another 30 minutes passed and we were looking for a parking spot. I gave up and entered an underground parking lot where you had to pay a fee per hour.

"So where to first?" Taemin asked.

"hmmmm......" Key was lost in thought. "Since its only 10:42, Not many stores are open so maybe we should walk around?"

"Fine with me." i confirmed.

"Yeah same." jonghyun replied.

"whatever works" Onew said.

"*>yawn<* sure....*>yawns again<*" Minho waking up from his nap.



A/N I'm tired and i think its pretty long....Friends not from the east coast East Hamptons is in Long Island, NY and Times Square is Manhattan, NY or aka NY,NY. Hope you enjoyed and there is not a whole lt of drama here... more gore in the next chapter.... more fluff with Taemin, Key, and Minho....please comment don't have to subscribe.... thank you..... more to comeheart

 another pic i thought was cute....

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KandyLand #1
Chapter 13: Update soon please? Love your fanfic!
xxkpopxx #2
@music4life sorry, I didn't see that you asked my opinion on grammar. The grammar is good but idk which chap you were asking about. The one I'm talking about right now is chap13
Lol. just skimmed this.<br />
But Whoooo another chapter against the writers block! <br />
Imma sleep now... GOOD NIGHT
oh.... I wanna know! TXT ME WHO IT WAS!!!!!<br />
LOL, I'll watch it!
NO....she was....damn i think thats too much of a give away......oh well u should know...And Bones on Thursday was really really funny....
Why can't you tell me???<br />
It's someone in our "group" right?<br />
OH hahahaha...<br />
You could've said that! <br />
Dangit... I'll watch it online!
I can't ell u but I'll make hints... And no Ka***** is not in this story....nononononononono Business as like brushing teeth, contacts, and those stuff......heheheeee U missed the last was pretty interesting...
Who is June? Now I'm curious!<br />
Is Ka***** in this story too as Katelyn?<br />
Lol, "went to the bathroom and did my business."<br />
@xXLostAndLonelyXx yea I had too lol....<br />
@xxkpopxx Oh is the grammar bad.....heheheeeee
xxkpopxx #10
haha, lol! kwangmin's question is funny