Finally Over But Not The Best Ending

Children of the Night

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Canine teeth utterly concealed under a thick, crimson liquid that tasted lethal and bitter to us but divine to their senses. They were clawing at the enemies' head, drawing more of that deadly fluid, but who were the enemies and the allies? Who was truly at fault and who was the one to blame and take full responsibility? 

A hand knitted perfectly into mine, a reassurance that everything was going to play out for the best, whatever happens happens. His warmth comforted me for what felt like the last time, his health didn't permit him to any action to say the least but risking his life was something he thought as a priority. I attempted to convince him, begging and sobbing for this God forsaken punishment I was receiving to dissipate. If his breath didn't return to his lungs, it was all my fault and my world would collapse until the point I will shatter with it; with no self-control or mercy my life would cease just as his. All for my safety, for a person with no importance or drive in life. 

"I'll be back." 
Lies, all fables written by storytellers, he wasn't coming back, not in this lifetime. I wanted to grasp onto him one final time, to hold him close to me and smell his aroma, but he slipped away so simply and swiftly I couldn't comprehend the words that I was going to shout; the entire English alphabet was a fabrication, how couldn't there be words to describe the utter internal torment that was corrupting my organs, only time knew when my heart will stop beating. 
"I'll come back when it's all over, just stay here and hide." This phrase was the only thing in my head, repeating each syllable until it formed into common words but I still didn't want to believe them. It was effortless to comply to any demand, to invest in hopeless things, believe useless and false statements but it was someone like me that denied everything, to not easily trust someone's words, to think that they will only betray me in the end. 
The moonlight cascaded onto the scene below me, a few stories down where the massacre and bloodshed was occurring. Fireflies illuminated the sky, maybe they were stars themselves but seeing them float in the vast darkness made me feel small in this giant world. I've never been to places farther than my house, only a few miles I have truly experienced but there were millions and tons of land that I will never witness. My life really contained nothing besides a sob and insane story that now I couldn't depict if it was the real world or if I was in one drawn out dream. But their shrieks, howls, and grunts were too realistic to easily place a fake label. I had to wake up, blink my eyes hard enough to transfer to my bedroom back home but it wasn't working, I was still viewing twelve creatures clawing the other's eyes out. My eyes wanted to throw themselves in a fire but I couldn't avert from this tragedy. 
Three bodies were motionless on the damp grass, my heart dropping when my eyes roamed each of their features that I knew would never be filled with life again. They were people I've grown to love and familiarize myself with, but now they were only thriving in my memories with them and it was anything but easy to accept. 
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Ignore how late I am. I'm six years late and is trying to find some good read.
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 55: Awesome fic =)
Em1412 #3
Chapter 10: Not even past Ch.10- heck go back to Ch.5 and I'm so confused. What the heck is supposed to be happening here? Clarification please?
Chapter 55: No... it can't be just like that... i honestly think you should give us EXO-K's point of view.. like from the very beginning... if EXO-M was the bad one and EXO-K really tried to save her, it would really break many hearts... their sacrifices... OMG... just thinking about it makes me want to cry *sniffs*
Chapter 55: If only i knew how wrong i was about them... that's why i don't believe in my judgement...
Thank you Author-nim. I really enjoyed reading this story :)))
Chapter 47: Sooooo he knew... and my squishy is not guilty...
Chapter 44: What happened? why? he was just fine yesterday, right? it's not Kyungsoo's doing, right? even if so, i refuse to believe... he maybe called Satansoo for reason, but for me he's squishy cutie
Chapter 41: so is EXO-K really bad? *cries in a corner*
Chapter 40: threatened Kyungsoo? they did?