Stop, While We Can

Children of the Night
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"It stings," he stated through gritted teeth, attempting to hold his pain in. "A lot."
I blushed, I realized I was witnessing each movement of his features and left the pad on his skin for too long. "Sorry." I meekly grinned to myself as I removed the pin that kept the medical rap in place, rapping two layers around his arms. Blood still seeped to the top but it will have to do for now until we could have access to a better treatment. 
"I'll go upstairs to see if I could gather any clothes." He nodded and I made my way upstairs, cautiously watching each placement of steps to not slip or wake anyone up, that was the last thing I needed at the moment. I glanced around the hall to expect something to have altered but all the doors were still sealed shut. 
"Thank goodness." 
Silently, I crept into Yifan's bedroom to congregate some clothes that would have a lose fit and wouldn't apply pressure to his body. With the slim luck I had, no one had stirred awake which I thanked the heavens and stars for listening to my distressed calls. I trailed back downstairs where Kyungsoo was slightly dozing off, his head hung and the sweet melody of sleep beckoning for his mind. He must've been immensely exhausted from the venture from Korea to China, a lone wolf trotting the woods with no pack to fortify against possible threats. 
"I found these," I whispered so I wouldn't frighten him. "There's a bathroom near the entrance, if you need a towel or soap, call for me." 
I accompanied him, accommodating him to his feet so he could get changed from those damp, bloody clothes. There was no way I was allowing him to retain such material that was tattered and reminded him of the past. My heart ached just gazing into his sullen eyes, a frown tugging his lips down, his bruised cheeks that God knows what they did to him. 
I glanced up, meeting his eyes; slightly crescent due to his mirthless smile. At least he was grinning a bit, more than none. "Hm?" 
"Thank you-" He cleared his throat, avoided eye contact to gaze deeply to the grouting bonding the tiles together. "For helping me, I mean. And for other things." 
"No, I owe you for letting me go. Big time." 
"I only wanted to see you smile, one more time. The things that they said they wanted to do to you just disgusted me and I couldn't take it anymore. I was trying to protect you.." he trailed off. 
"But you did." 
Everything happened rapidly, my heart was beating through my ears, my hands were quiver. The proximity between are bodies were gradually and slowing closing, his body molded into mine. I didn't feel uncomfortable, on the very contrary. My veins were sparked with heat and electricity, I didn't acknowledge myself reacting the way it was until after the moment ended. 
His lips fitted into mine, his hands steadying my trembling body, his touch was just enough. With Yifan, I wanted to be in his arms for an eternity, but with Kyungsoo, my heart pounded a different way. Out of longing, yearning, with Yifan it was love and affection. I was wanting this, requiring his hands on me-
I pulled away before anything else would ignite. Yifan would display the cold shoulder until I learned my lesson, he wouldn't be too pleased to discover. 
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.." Kyungsoo's eyes were anywhere but mine. 
"I shouldn't have reacted that way. Just go take a shower." I stated, or attempted to, nonchalantly but it sounded strained and anxious. I was dead meat not only for letting him in their territory and dwelling, but this little situation. I was praying for no cameras. 
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Ignore how late I am. I'm six years late and is trying to find some good read.
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 55: Awesome fic =)
Em1412 #3
Chapter 10: Not even past Ch.10- heck go back to Ch.5 and I'm so confused. What the heck is supposed to be happening here? Clarification please?
Chapter 55: No... it can't be just like that... i honestly think you should give us EXO-K's point of view.. like from the very beginning... if EXO-M was the bad one and EXO-K really tried to save her, it would really break many hearts... their sacrifices... OMG... just thinking about it makes me want to cry *sniffs*
Chapter 55: If only i knew how wrong i was about them... that's why i don't believe in my judgement...
Thank you Author-nim. I really enjoyed reading this story :)))
Chapter 47: Sooooo he knew... and my squishy is not guilty...
Chapter 44: What happened? why? he was just fine yesterday, right? it's not Kyungsoo's doing, right? even if so, i refuse to believe... he maybe called Satansoo for reason, but for me he's squishy cutie
Chapter 41: so is EXO-K really bad? *cries in a corner*
Chapter 40: threatened Kyungsoo? they did?