
Children of the Night

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My head was pounding harder than my heart that I wondered if he could hear my internal destruction. Ever since the morning he had been acting not like himself, strange even, this answered my pondering inquires that were too curious to be spoken easily of. Ever since lunch I thought he was talking of a woman, a person more to his interest; a figure that was beautiful, intelligent, and empowering. But a girl such as myself, a weakling that couldn't stand up for herself, him as enticing? I almost wanted to beg him to search for other people, maybe someone that could protect him as well, someone that wouldn't keep secrets shadowed to themselves. A woman that was selfless and mature. I wanted him to fall in love with someone great, have a family that would be just as loving as he was, a life that he wouldn't regret. 
"" I choked out. The beatings in my body barely allowed those simple words escape. 
"Because you're everything I find in someone. Sarcastic, beautiful, intelligent, just plain amazing." He captured my hand that was preoccupied at picking at the muffin crumbs on the table. 
I took note of the feeling of heat traveling to my cheeks, burning like the sun was beating down on them. The only thing that was missing was a grin that would appreciate his compliment; where was it? I couldn't find it, I pitied him. 
"You can have anyone you want. For all I know, you could be with a model wrapped around your waist," I stated, attempting to kick out the tremble in my voice. "Someone perfect and-"
"The things you think are perfect, like plastic beauty, are nothing to me. I want someone human, natural, you." 
In that moment, his eyes flickered with something frightening. I must've offended him, that was the rearmost thing I ever wanted to do. Through my eyes, I wanted him to witness he was wasting his time with a naive girl that was damaged. My life was burnt from my eyes, I was abducted by beasts, I will forever have markings of pain and torture on my body no matter how hard either of us desired to avert from it. Scars of the past engraved into my skin until the day the candle light in me extinguishes. 
"So.." He rubbed the back of his neck to ward off the awkwardness. "Are you going to be mine?" 
"Just say yes!" A couple of voices shrieked, sounding younger than us, from the table behind me. I turned around to be greeted by a mountain of used tissues and teenage girls with puffy eyes. They were watching us closely, listening to our conversation. 
I slightly bowed to them and confronted Yifan again. "Under one condition." I beckoned him closer with my index finger. He leaned in, his ear put to my lips almost too much for me to handle; his cologne was husky and making my head spin. I had to clutch onto the edge of the table to balance myself. 
"That you have to believe what I say when I tell you." 
"I will always have your back until death separates us and even after that," with that he laid a gentle peck on my cheek. My entire face roared with electricity and his fingertips brushing against my knuckles were set aflame. His touch was like setting fire to dry grass. 
Later, during the wee hours of the evening, Yifan parked the car into an unfamiliar parking lot. When I exited the car, I knew immediately where he had taken us; the beach. I doubted that the admission booth was open at this time in day so we snuck in, abandoning our school blazers, ties, and sneakers. We were sprinting to the dark waters, the first one there wins. The both of us, partners in crime, acknowledged how to play dirty- attempting to trip or shove each other to claim the title as champion. 
"I won!" I cheered and threw a miniature party to myself while stomping into the cold sand. The water had to be freezing so I decided to run and cling into Yifan's arms when the waves came chasing. He caught me, hoisting me up so he could carry me away from the shore, holding me securely. When he settled down in a crater in the sand with me sitting in his lap, observing his deep vibrant eyes, he captured my lips. He was passionate yet delicate, it was if he was frightened I would diverge into pieces. 
"Yifan," my throat was hoarse from screaming into the sweet air. "I need to tell you something. This is where you have to believe me." 
He nodded his head as he shifted the both of us so we were facing the night's gleaming lights. I already knew he was admiring the full moon, they were reflecting off his eyes. Yifan, ever since he was a child, would inform me endlessly about the constellations to the point I decided to memorize them. His eyes shone brighter than anything I've ever seen when he spoke of the billions of galaxies existing in this universe, creating me to feel tiny compared to the vast majority of space. Memories ago, I would trace his features with my fingers on the table, making sure I caught the way his eyes curved when he beamed at me- assuring himself that I was still paying attention by glancing ever so often- and the shape of his straight teeth. 
"Last week, I wasn't sick with the flu. I kinda lied about that," I wanted to halt my words but they flowed out of my mouth as the guilt consuming me was gradually dimming. He his side to gaze at me, it was already difficult enough to speak but his intense, fixed gaze created my hands to tremble a bit. "I was kidnapped by werewolves, six of them and I just wanted to die. They held me at their place but I managed to run away. They're probably chasing me and I'm scared, Yifan, I'm scared. I didn't-" 
"I know." He embraced me in his arms, my head resting on his chest as I felt I was about to sob with fear. He rubbed my arms to warm me yet comfort me from all that has happened.
"I missed my parents and my brother and you-" What? He knew? "Wait, how do you..?" 
"I'm one of them." He was a werewolf. He was one of the creatures that kept my eyes peeled open from nightmares for so many evenings; almost too many. "I haven't said anything because I was afraid I would lose you. But I knew they took you and I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry, it's been eating me alive." He felt weakened and abashed that he couldn't do anything in regards to my safety. 
"But how?" 
He heaved a sigh as he finally met my eyes again. "I smelled their scent on you."


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Ignore how late I am. I'm six years late and is trying to find some good read.
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 55: Awesome fic =)
Em1412 #3
Chapter 10: Not even past Ch.10- heck go back to Ch.5 and I'm so confused. What the heck is supposed to be happening here? Clarification please?
Chapter 55: No... it can't be just like that... i honestly think you should give us EXO-K's point of view.. like from the very beginning... if EXO-M was the bad one and EXO-K really tried to save her, it would really break many hearts... their sacrifices... OMG... just thinking about it makes me want to cry *sniffs*
Chapter 55: If only i knew how wrong i was about them... that's why i don't believe in my judgement...
Thank you Author-nim. I really enjoyed reading this story :)))
Chapter 47: Sooooo he knew... and my squishy is not guilty...
Chapter 44: What happened? why? he was just fine yesterday, right? it's not Kyungsoo's doing, right? even if so, i refuse to believe... he maybe called Satansoo for reason, but for me he's squishy cutie
Chapter 41: so is EXO-K really bad? *cries in a corner*
Chapter 40: threatened Kyungsoo? they did?