
Children of the Night

My heart rapidly increased, I clutched onto the his leather jacket I wore to assure myself I had some sanity left, that I still was on planet Earth instead of a dream drenched in utter desire. Desire to be loved, touched, kissed, teased, wanted. He knew this, that I required attention, I was never to be left alone from past memories. I could drive the car to my own insanity, from my history not only with creatures but with my family. Ever since Yifan and I were reunited, my memory has been gradually returning. Whether it was me or another child, it was still outstandingly cruel to treat anyone that way. In abuse, through their anger and clenched teeth, they took it out on us. We were just a toy that they could vent their steam to, we weren't even considered their breath of life anymore, that thought was long gone. Thrown away, down the gutters. 
I managed to breathe out a shaky, "I love you too." Those four words felt melodic and sweet on my tongue, leaving a delicate honey taste I was itching for. But what I urged for the most was his lips on mine, to feel his warmth, to truly feel his feelings course through me. I wanted to know how he sincerely felt, words could mean anything and might deceive me. I made the first move, clutching fistfuls of the fabric he wore, tugging him in my direction which he instinctively claimed me. Some of his digits played with the ends of my hair while his other hand was tilting my head at an angle. 
I was going to implode. My insides were rumbling from immense emotional experience, I couldn't internally control myself. He gradually pulled back, leaving me dosed with a light ringing in my head. I was dizzy, my breath was lost in the depths of the universe, but in his eyes I found it right again. 
"Get a room," Jongdae irritatedly glared in the rear view mirror. 
"Couldn't help it." Yifan's focus remained glued on me, my lips, then tenderly my hair. His voice was hoarse, y and raspy. "She's irresistible." 
"Yeah, yeah." 
"How long do we have left?" 
Yifan's arm was tracing circles on my waist, not aiding my head that was still spinning from impact. His breath was crashing against my neck, our hearts beating in unison; were we meant to be? Was I worthy or did I deserve someone as genuine as him? Jongdae snapped me out of deep thoughts, stating that we were almost there. But that was impossible. North Korea wouldn't allow us to easily slip through their security, and driving through the jam-packed streets of China was also accomplishing the unthinkable in such a short time period. I read the clock; 1:57 AM. The previous time I glanced at the time was a little before eleven. 
"Lies," I hissed. "That is not possible."
"Twenty minutes away, hun." 
Yifan spoke with uneven breathing, jumbled words that I thought the either of us couldn't comprehend. Was he becoming drained? "You slept for two days. I didn't want to wake you when we transfered vans, so I just carried you into this one. Not to mention, you didn't protest, wrapping your arms tightly around my neck." My cheeks were radiating heat and he knew he was the cause of all these corruptions in me. 

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Ignore how late I am. I'm six years late and is trying to find some good read.
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 55: Awesome fic =)
Em1412 #3
Chapter 10: Not even past Ch.10- heck go back to Ch.5 and I'm so confused. What the heck is supposed to be happening here? Clarification please?
Chapter 55: No... it can't be just like that... i honestly think you should give us EXO-K's point of view.. like from the very beginning... if EXO-M was the bad one and EXO-K really tried to save her, it would really break many hearts... their sacrifices... OMG... just thinking about it makes me want to cry *sniffs*
Chapter 55: If only i knew how wrong i was about them... that's why i don't believe in my judgement...
Thank you Author-nim. I really enjoyed reading this story :)))
Chapter 47: Sooooo he knew... and my squishy is not guilty...
Chapter 44: What happened? why? he was just fine yesterday, right? it's not Kyungsoo's doing, right? even if so, i refuse to believe... he maybe called Satansoo for reason, but for me he's squishy cutie
Chapter 41: so is EXO-K really bad? *cries in a corner*
Chapter 40: threatened Kyungsoo? they did?