Chapter 2

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

“Hey, you could send her a e-mail or something. Re-introduce yourself again. Ask her a few questions.”Ye Sung nodded. “That’s a good idea.”



>>> Hyun Ah’s (Joanna’s) point of view < <<



“Mabey it would be nice if you e-mailed him, Hyun ah.”Joanna’s mother said after they had finished dinner later that day. “Who?”“Ye Sung.”Joanna looked up at her mother suspiciously. “Why do want us to get along so much? Anyways, I don’t have his e-mail.”Her mother walked over to her and held out a piece of paper for her. “Well, I do.”Joanna was shocked. She took the paper and stood up. “You haven’t already arrainged our marriage, have you?”Her mother laughed. “No, I haven’t. But, that wouldn’t be a bad idea.”Joanna stormed out the room not wanting to hear anymore of her mum’s awful jokes.



Pulling out the chair and switching the computer on, she sighed. ‘I don’t know what to say.’She thought to herself. As the computer loaded she sat down and stared at the piece of paper. Then her eyes followed up the wall to a photo frame –Her and Ye Sung. She stared back at the PC and went into her e-mails. To her surprise she already had one from Ye Sung. She opened it to find it was all wrote in Korean and read it.


‘Dear Hyun Ah,


It’s been a while. And I’m not sure if you remember me as well as I may do you. How have you been? It’s been around 8 years since we met last.


Do you still speak Korean? That subject is actually worrying me a lot.

I look forward to coming to stay with you – and meeting you again.


Hey, do you remember these?


Please e-mail me back soon!



Your friend Ye Sung.’


Joanna scrolled down to reveal some pictures of them. One was the same one in the photo frame. ‘I remember’ she thought while smiling.



‘Dear Ye Sung-ah,


Did you really think I would forget?

I have all these photos already on my wall.

And of course I still speak Korean.

Anyways, I’m fine thank you. And how about you?

How’s your family now days? Your brother still as annoying as ever?



Take care!

Love, Hyun Ah’


When Joanna sent the message for some weird reason she felt better with herself. She felt better about Ye Sung coming to stay. Maybe now he was 16 (and she was about to turn 16 as well) he had gotten over the whole ‘Ewww girls!’ stage. Maybe they could rebuild their friendship again. That would be great.



It was surprising how fast Ye Sung’s arrival came around for Joanna. As she worked at school with her friends she couldn’t concentrate. “Jo!” Jen shouted noticing Joanna had gone into one of her day dreams again for about the 7th time of the day. “Oh! Errr…sorry.” She mumbled snapping out of it. Jen rolled her eyes. “So, what do you think?” Joanna bit her lip. “Ummm…what were we talking about again?” Jen groaned just as the bell went. “Don’t worry, it’s lunch now.” She said as she stood up and packed her stuff away. Flipping her bag over her back she smiled at Joanna. “Let’s go eat!” she said strangely excited.

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