Chapter 4

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

>>>Joanna’s point of view< <<



I sat with Ye Sung unpacking. We talked about things. Just random things. Our school, our friends. As I said - Just random things. Then suddenly I heard my door squeak. I looked up to see my mother looming. “Hey, guys.” She said. “Getting along well?” I glared at my mother knowing Ye Sung couldn’t see my expression. “I’ll be right back.” I said to Ye Sung before pushing my mother out the door and closing it. “What the hell are you doing!?” I hissed at my mother. “Why is Ye Sung in my room!?” My mother smiled. “I think you’re old enough to be given a little responsibility.” My mother chuckled. “Responsibility? What for?” my mother smiled again and pinched my cheek. “For Ye Sung of course.” I groaned and walked back into my room. “You better help me with English, Hyun Ah.” Ye Sung started as I walked back into the room. “If I’m going to start at your school, I’ll need a little help.” I looked at him shocked. “You’re the Korean boy starting at my school?” He smiled. “Well, I’m only staying for a few months but yeah. Yeah, I am that guy” I nodded in response. “That’s nice.” He smiled. It was a very uncomfortable conversation.




The next day Joanna woke up before anyone else did so. She looked down from her bed to see Ye Sung fast asleep in his sleeping bag. She got up slowly and creeped out the room. She went downstairs and made herself some breakfast. As she ate she grabbed her cell phone. She had a message from Jen. ‘Jo, You’ll never guess! I was Just talking to Danny, Aidan’s friend and…He said Aidan mentioned he liked you! Come meet me today. We’ll talk then ;)’ Joanna didn’t bother replying. She knew Jen would be there at that time-The same time as always. But she wasn’t looking forward to it. Aidan was one of the most popular boys in school but Joanna didn’t really have much interest in him. It was all forced on her by her friends. “Ay-Ay-dan-su?” Joanna spun around to find Ye Sung reading over her shoulder. He smiled at her expression. “Don’t worry. I can’t understand it. I was just trying to sound it out and read.” Joanna laughed. “You were close!”


Later on when everyone was up Joanna was left with Ye Sung. Her mother and father went out to work. “Ye Sung-ah~ You want to come meet my friends today?” She asked while they sat watching TV. Even though Ye Sung had no idea of what was going on. He nodded enthusiastically. “I really would!” She smiled back. “That’s good.” Joanna and Ye Sing left for the park where Jen always met Joanna at the week end. It was almost mid-day but very cold. Ye Sung didn’t speak a single word while they walked there and it was about a 10 minute walk. The awkwardness hadn’t disappeared between them and it was starting to annoy Joana. When they got to the park there was more people then expected. And someone she didn’t want to see at the moment was there too – Aidan. “Hey, Joanna.” Aidan called as she walked over to them, Ye Sung close behind. Aidan frowned. “Who’s this guy?” he peered round me to look at Ye Sung. Ye Sung was slightly taller then Aidan and he looked a lot stronger but his expression gave of a ‘lost little boy’ feel. I pulled Ye Sung forward. “This is my friend, He’s from Seoul. Where I come from.” Aidan nodded showing little interest. “So, anyways, Joanna.” “Who are they!?” Ye Sung interrupted in Korean. “Ah, Sorry, Ye Sung Oppa. These are my friends Aidan, Jenny, Danny and Karen.” I pointed at my friends as I said there names. Aidan didn’t seem to pleased that he had interrupted him. “Anyways,” he continued with a tint of anger in his voice. “There is a dance tomorrow. I was wondering if you might like to come to me.” She smiled a little uncomfortably. “Ummm…” she paused. “What did he say?” Ye Sung asked noticing her feeling. “He asked me out to the dance tomorrow.” she replied in Korean. He rolled his eyes. “Well, say ‘yes’ then.” He encouraged. Joanna realized her friends were a little irritated that she was speaking Korean and they couldn’t understand. she smiled, imbarressed. “Thank, Aidan. That’ll be nice.”

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