Chapter 11

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

I’d been sitting here for over an hour. School had almost finished and I guess the right thing to do was walk home. Mom would think I’d have gone to school. And Ye Sung couldn’t really say anything around my mother. Maybe it was the safest idea. But I couldn’t stay home all the time! I still had to think of a way to get myself out of this situation.


I quietly opened the front door and sneaked in – no one heard me. I tip-toed upstairs and ran to my room. I’d made it! Closing and locking the door, I knew I was safe from questions for a while. I felt a little dizzy and I was still red eyed, with make up smudged all over my face from crying. I slumped down on the floor where I was, still facing the door. “Why do you hide these things from me?” I jumped when I heard the calm voice. I knew who it was. I turned around still sitting on the floor. He was looking down at me. Concerned, as always. I hesitated, not knowing what to say or do next. Then I reached out for the door, trying to get out the room. But as I did Ye Sung grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I struggled, but he grabbed my arms and got in between me and the door. My crying started again. He hushed me and eventually I gave up the struggle and he loosened the grip on my wrists. “I’m not asking anything of you”. He assured me. “I just want you to trust me.” I pulled me arms away from him completely. He pushed my back and led me over to my bed and sat me down. “I was wrong.” He started, feeling a little guilty. “I shouldn’t of done that to you. It’s just…” he paused. I looked into his eyes. “It’s just it hurts me, I feel like you don’t want to trust me.” I shook my head frantically and he stopped speaking. “It’s not that.” I mumbled. “Then what?” he asked innocently.


I said it all. Every last thing. Every little detail. And he didn’t like it. I wont recall everything he said. Half of the words couldn’t even be said on television until after 11pm. They should of rated our conversation around and 18 . But what could I expect? I saw the anger build up in his eyes. “That’s sick”. He huffed under his breath. “I’m not standing for this! Give me my dictionary!” Now I think about it,,,I line like that seems funny if you don’t know the situation. But I did as he said. I didn’t want to get on his bad side when he was in a mood. He flipped through the pocket-sized book. “What are you looking for?” I asked innocently. He looked at me. “We’re going to tell the principle about this!” he said sternly then turning the book upside down so I could see he pointed at a word. “Ha-Las-man-tu” I paused. “Harassment?” He nodded. “That’s what you call it.” I shook my head. “No, I can’t do that! Aidan will get in trouble and it will just make things worse.” He glared at me. “Make what things worse?” I bit my lip. “Well…” He rolled his eyes. “No! It’s not like that! I trust you I just don’t know how to explain!” I panicked. “Calm down!” he alost shouted. It was clear he was trying to take control. “If the problems that serious. Maybe you should try and talk to Jenny one more time and see what the outcome is..” I nodded. “Ok”.

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