Chapter 10

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

The bell rang but my eyes were still filled with tears. I didn’t want to go back to class in this state! Jenny would of thought she had won…but I wont let her! I don’t hate her, I hate HIM! AIDAN! All of this is his fault! But…I guess I have to take some blame as well…I did hide things from Ye Sung. But…Why is he so interested in my business anyway!? It’s not as if he has to get involved or anything! This is so confusing! Forget last lesson…I’m going home. Or rather, not home, somewhere until school ends, by then I should of calmed down and be ready to face Ye Sung again. That’s if I was strong enough. I’d noticed in the last week or so that I’ve become weaker. Not in physical strength, Mental. Does that even make sense!? I mean…I cry easier! It seems like everything can set me of in water works! And it’s the most frustrating thing in the world! Knowing you can’t control your emotions…It frightening! It doesn’t sound so, but it is!


I pulled myself from the ground on my knees and made a dash for the school gates before anyone saw me – success! School was my last priority in times like this and besides, one history lesson was not going to effect my whole future. I kept running, The park seemed like the obvious place. Not many people would be there. All I wanted was to be alone, to think things through, to decide what I was going to do next. Though, I couldn’t see any possible options at this very moment. I reached the park and swung the gate open. Slamming it shut straight after with anger. I pushed my hair out of my face and shouted at the top of my lungs. Then, I suddenly sealed my mouth with my hands and looked around to see if anyone actually was there ad had heard me. Nope. I was lucky.


I sat on the swings slowly pushing myself backwards and forwards, still crying. Did I have any friends now? It seems as if I’ve lost everyone! It’s all my fault! If I’d kept quite, none of this would of happened! I jumped when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Ye Sung. I cancelled it quickly and chucked it on the floor. I wasn’t ready to talk to him yet! Soon after it vibrated again. I glanced down at it. Should I answer? Or not? I bit my lip and slid down onto my knees next to the phone. I slowly reached out and picked it up. Looking at the caller I saw It was Ye Sung again. I’d guessed that, but it was just to make sure. Still, in my mind, I was debating whether or not to answer. My makeup had run and my eyes were stinging from the chemicals smudging into them. I couldn’t let anyone see me like this! And no doubt the first thing he would ask would be something like ‘Where are you!?’ It wasn’t worth it. He could wait. He was angry with me anyway. Now wasn’t the right time to talk with him, I’d probably burst out into tears on the first word anyway. I didn’t want that. No way!

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