Chapter 9

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

I looked up at them, scared. However, I tried to hide that in front of them. “He’s not my boyfriend. And I haven’t ditched you, you ditched me!” She laughed. “Whatever! Do you think that if you talked about us to other people that we wouldn’t find out!?” I stood up and faced them. “I NEVER talked behind your back!” I screamed at them. Jen pushed me back against the wall. “Don’t try and lie! Aidan told me himself! And like he would lie!” I shook my head at them. “Well, If you believed him over me then maybe you weren’t really my friend in the first place.” I informed her calmly. She sneered at me again. “What are you saying!?” She paused, breathing heavily. “We were always best friends! Then you went and told Aidan I was a loner! That I couldn’t get a boyfriend, that I was desperate! But, of course, Aidan didn’t believe all thought lies! He knew what a stupid, jealous cow you are!” I put my hands on her shoulders. “No, Jenny! I’d never say stuff like that about you! You know I wouldn’t!” She hit my arms away from her. “I trust Aidan.” She said looking down. “Him!? You don’t know what that disgusting guy did to me the other night!” I suddenly blurted out. She looked up at him with angry eyes. “What did you say?” I didn’t reply and took a step back. “You’re just jealous! Because he dumped you after one night! And now that he’s with me you can’t handle it!” I frowned. With Jenny? – That was fast… “That’s not it at all! And he didn’t dump me!” Jenny laughed again. “Of course you’d say that!” I decided to give up there. What was the point in fighting with people like that? They always find another thing to accuse to of! I should wait and settle it when she was in a better mood and had time to calm down.



“Well,” I said preparing to walk away. “I wish you luck. With that guy, your going to need it.” As I started to walk away she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face her again. The she raised her hand and slapped me hard across the face. “Stupid…” she didn’t get to finish what she was saying, she was interrupted by someone loudly yelling “STOP!” We both looked over to the door. There, standing firmly, was Ye Sung. He marched over to us and grabbed my arm. He pulled me behind him in a defensive manner and faced Jenny. “What are you doing!?” He shouted in English with his heavy coated Korean accent. “Stay out of this! It has nothing to do with you!” she growled back at him. Before making a dash and trying to slap me again. But Ye Sung moved and managed to stop her. “No!” he looked at her angrily. “No hurt her!” he said as well as he could in English. Jenny just glared at me with hatred and stormed off, the other girl close behind her.


When they had left, Ye Sung turned to me. “What was that about?” he asked comfortably in Korean. I looked down at the floor, ashamed that he was seeing me like this. “It’s nothing, Oppa. Don’t worry.” Ye Sung angry expression returned to his face. “Your doing it again!” he said sounding disappointed. “Doing what?” I replied innocently. Ye Sung glanced up into the tree tops. “I’ve said before! You can trust me! But still you hide things from me!” He looked my in the eyes. I remained silent, not saying a word. “Well, it’s obvious you don’t want to trust me. So, I don’t see the point anymore! Ye Sung let go of my arm and walked away. I watched until I couldn’t see him any more. I dropped to the ground, on my knees as tears slid down my cheeks. ”Y-Ye Sung Oppa”.

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