Chapter 6

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

I walked well away from the building where that dance was being held. I kept darting my head back to make sure he wasn’t following me. I felt uncomfortable and unsafe. It was horrible! I’d been walking for ten minutes and decided to sit down for a little while. It was dark – nobody would notice if I sat on their garden wall for a few minutes. I bit my lip…’I’m NOT going to cry!’ I told myself over and over again. Suddenly a dark figure appeared in front of me. “Hello?” I said clueless. “Yo. Don’t you know me better then that? I can’t understand English.” Relief came over me as I recognized the friendly Korean voice. “Ye Sung Oppa, how did you come here? Why are you here? How did you know i…?” “How can I answer the first question if you keep shooting new ones at me?” I lowered my head. “Sorry.” He sighed and moved over to sit next to me. He put his arm round me for comfort. “Your friend called me, you gave her my number. It was hard to understand her but I got the main point. Y’know?” I looked at him confused. “You can’t speak Engliah.” I implied. He rolled his eyes. “Yeah you’re right but I can understand ‘Joanna’, ‘Cry’, ‘Sad’, ‘Come’, ‘Dance’. I’m not completely stupid.” I laughed. “Wow. You’re so clever!” “Ok. No need to patronize me!” he replied.



“Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong now?” he asked me a couple of minutes later. “It’s nothing really, Oppa. I just never want to talk to that ert, Aidan ever again!” After blinking a few times Ye Sung continued to smile. “You have a funny idea of ‘nothing’.” He joked. I smiled too and then leaned into his side. “Oppa, can we go home now?” He glanced down at me and laughed. “Of course we can.” I felt safer being walked home by Ye Sung, that was obvious. I still couldn’t believe it though. Ye Sung My best friend from my childhood – or the first part of my childhood, who I hadn’t talked to for ages was suddenly at my side caring for me again.



When we reached home we went straight up to my room – Our room. But if felt weird calling it ‘Our room’. If you know what I mean. Anyway, we sat there in ‘our room’ in our pajamas. It was kind of like when I had sleep overs with Jenny. But Ye Sung was a guy. For some reason…that fact didn’t actually bother me too much. Then, thinking about it…if it was any other guy I would probably be feeling so much more uncomfortable. “It’s almost 1am.” Ye Sung eventually stated. “Oh. We better sleep then. We’ve got school tomorrow after all.” I said snuggling down into my duvet covers. “It’s so cold in winter – I hate it.” Ye Sung Moaned soon after. “You’re cold?” I asked concerned. “Ummm…Yeah. A little.” He admitted.


I moved up of my bed. “Where are you going?” he asked confused. I sat down on the floor next to his sleeping bag. I dragged my cover over both of us. “Is it warmer now?” I asked innocently. Ye Sung smiled. “It sure is.”

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