Chapter 5

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

Soon after Aidan and Danny went of to play soccer. Typical boys! I decided I’d made Ye Sung suffer enough and It was time to go home. As we walked his spirits seemed lifted. “It was nice meeting your friends! Though, I don’t think The Ay-Dan-Su guy liked me.” I laughed. “Aidan” I repeated it very slowly so that Ye Sung could catch the pronunciation. Ye Sung glanced at me. “Sorry.” He murmured. I smiled. “Don’t worry about it!”



I worried for the next day. I felt…well, I wasn’t sure how I felt about going to the dance with Aidan. But if I had turned him down Jen would probably have never spoke to me again. That night, the night of the dance I was up in my room. I had my pretty black mini dress on with my favourite jacket, nice shoes and tights. I fiddled with one of my necklaces, trying to put it on. Isn’t it annoying when you can’t get it right!? Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Come In!” I called in English. Even if it was Ye Sung he would get the point. The door opened and…It was Ye Sung.He smiled before moving behind me. With one quick action he clipped my necklace on for me. “Thanks.” I said to him. “No problem.” He replied. “Wow.” He put his hands on my shoulders as he glared into my mirror. “You look so pretty!” he complemented. I bit my lip – “Do you think?” He nodded instantly. “Of course you do.” I started to calm down, hearing this.



But my mood changed as soon as I heard the door bell rang. “That’s him!”-I panicked. Ye Sung watched as I flattered round the room. Eventually I grabbed my bag and walked towards my bedroom door. I paused and took a deep breath. “You’ll be fine!” Ye Sung reassured me, pushing me out the door. I nodded and swallowed hard. Rushing down the stairs, Aidan rung the door bell again impatiently. I opened the door. “Hey” I said not knowing what else to add. “Hi.” He replied. “Wow! You look so pretty.” He said admiring my outfit. I thought – Those were the exact words Ye Sung used…Only in Korean. I didn’t mention it. Aida somehow gave of the impression he didn’t like Ye Sung. Even though he didn’t really know him. I shut the door behind me – I wanted to get this night over and done with. But, I guess I could enjoy being with the most popular boy in school for a little while.



The light’s glittered and the music boomed. I loved this sensation. Partying was something I enjoyed to the full. The only thing I was nervous about was when the slow dances came on. That made me very nervous. But I couldn’t escape it and when it did come on, as expected, Aidan rapped his arms around me. But that wasn’t the bothered me the most! As the song went on his hand slowly moved down my back when he got too far I pulled away. He looked at me, surprised. “What’s wrong?” he asked me. “I’m – I’m fine!” I managed to stutter. “I just need a bit of fresh air. That’s all.” He smiled and put his arm round me. “Well, let’s go outside then.” We walked past all the other dancing couples and made our way out the door, into the dark garden. Aidan led me over to one of the seats and sat down next to me. “You alright?” he asked me. I nodded in response. I smiled as he nudged closer to me. It made me feel so uncomfortable. “You know” he started, putting his arm around my shoulders. “You are amazingly beautiful for a Chinese girl.” “Korean.” I corrected. “Whatever, Korean.” He repeated. “I mean you are so clever too! You can even speak Japanese.” I looked up at him. “Korean!” I corrected him again sounding slightly angry. He rolled his eyes. “it’s the same thing!” I stood up. “It’s not!” I was offended deeply. “Jeez you all have small eyes don’t you!? Black hair, writing that looks like scribbles…” “Stop!” I interrupted before he could list anymore. “That is so racist!!” I shouted in his face. He shrugged his shoulders, not really bothered.



“Calm down, baby.” He moved closer to me. “I don’t think of you like all those other Chinese or Korean girls.” He moved his hands round to the front of my body. “Your s are a lot better then that! They’re like Japanese manga!” I pushed his hands away from my body and slapped him hard round the face. “Don’t touch me!” I screamed - He just laughed at me. “But still you’re shy like the other Asian girls. Too bad.” I glared at him. I was really mad. I couldn’t take this! “Don’t you EVER, EVER come near me again, Aidan! Or I will give you an injury so bad you wont be able to sit down for a month! After all, I’m Korean, aren’t I? I know TaeKwonDo!” He smirked as I pushed past him. I felt a tear build up in my eye. But I forced it back. I wasn’t going to cry over someone as ignorant and racist as him!!

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