Chapter 15

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

“Can you,,,think about it?”Ye Sung’s eyes were wide.

“I will.”

He smiled.

“Thanks. I’ll let you sleep, now.”

I nodded. “Yes, that’s probably best.”

He left the room.

I dragged myself into bed, deep in thought.

What was I going to do?

I liked Ye Sung. In fact, I could even say I love him.

But…wasn’t it too early.

What if our feelings changed? We were still too young.

And I know some young teenagers say ‘Oh, we’re so much in love. Nothing will break us up!’That’s just being childish!

I haven’t lived my life yet!

I want to have fun before I get married and what not…

I needed to think deep.

Nothing like this happened to kids in England…

Jenny wouldn’t understand…

Could I talk to my mother about it?

But she’s already said to Ye Sung…It was my decision.

I have to make the decision on my own.

That was going to take some thinking, for sure.


It took me a while to sleep.

Of course with thoughts like mine it could make some people depressed, even!

Though, by now, I think I have made the right choice.

I didn’t know how it was going to work out.

But, everything happens for a reason, right?

Let’s hope it works out well.


I woke up around 10pm-ish.

That was one hell of a nap.

I rubbed m eyes.

I could hear from downstairs everyone was still awake.

I edged out the door.

And then I saw him!

There, sitting on the top of the stairs, was Ye Sung.

I took a step.

The creaky floor boards gave away my presence.

Ye Sung’s eyes dashed towards me.

“I’ve thought about it.”

I told him directly.

He took a deep breath.


I explained to him all the problems I had with it.

Ye Sung nodded,, understandingly.

“Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have shot it at you like that.”

He sighed.

“We’re only 18 after all. You don’t want to get engaged and tied down just yet…”

He sounded very low. His voice was edgy.

I felt awful with myself. But deep down I knew it wasn’t just my fault!

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