Chapter 7

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

When I woke up I was still beside Ye Sung. I couldn’t help but stare at his sleeping face – It was so cute! Suddenly, the alarm clock went of. Ye Sung’s eyes flicked open. But I didn’t move. “Good moring.” He said yawning and stretching his arms. I giggled. “What now?” he asked raising one eyebrow. “Oppa, It’s ‘good MORNING’. Not ‘good MORING!’” I continued to laugh while Ye Sung sat up. “At least I was close!” he continued. Then he looked around. “Oh. Did you stay with me all night?” I nodded, not knowing how else to respond. He laughed. “We were probably so tired.” “Yeah”. I replied, standing up. “Hey, Kids! Time to get up! It’s school remember!” “Yeah, We’re coming mum!” I turned to Ye Sung. “You ready for your first day of school, then?” Ye Sung jumped up as well. “I sure am!”


I was worried what my other friends might think of Ye Sung. And even worse – What about Aidan? Was he going to spread rumours about me because of what happened the other night!? I just wish I could get out of this situation! And with Jen obviously going to follow whatever Aidan does…then…Who do I turn to!? I tried not to cry from my fear. I know it’s a very minor thing to cry over but it’s the worry that makes you feel ill and want to cry! And I think most girls who have been in a situation like this would understand how I feel. But I wasn’t going to back down either. HE was in the wrong, Not ME! Though, I knew deep down that probably every person in class would choose Aidan over me…And I couldn’t do anything about that, sadly.



When me and Ye Sung walked up the road to school, everyone looked. I could just about hear the rumours about to start. ‘I saw Joanna Cho with another Asian guy! They have to be dating.’, ‘I heard Joanna Cho turned Aidan Smith down for some Korean guy. She’s so stupid’ …

They were building up in my head. And I couldn’t get rid of them! When we walked into the class room they were still there! Eating away at my sanity! Then I saw Jen. She was looking out the window…maybe she hadn’t heard yet…maybe she was still my friend! I left Ye Sung with the teacher so he could find him some work and walked over to her. She turned around before I got there. She must of heard me approaching. She looked at me with what I described as disgust. After eyeing me up and down she glared back out the window. Looks like Aidan beat me to it.

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