Chapter 1

Reunited (A YeSung Love Story)

12 years ago in Seoul, South Korea…


“Ye Sung-ah!”A young girl chanted as she ran to a boy sitting on one of the swings at the park. He slowly pushed himself backwards and forwards, hardly lifting his feet of the ground when he did so. “Ye Sung-ah!, mummy says it’s your birthday today”The young boy nodded. “Happy Birthday!”He smiled at her and went back to what appeared to be sulking. She pouted and then cupped his face in her hands. His chubby cheeks squashed together. “It’s you birthday! You have to be happy!”The boy looked up at her. “Will you play with me then?”. He asked. “Sure!”The girl replied sounding overjoyed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the sand pit area. They sat in the sand playing while their mothers watched over them from a park bench the other side of the park. “Hyun-Ah and Ye Sung really get along well together.”one of the mothers said. “I know”the other agreed. “I can’t bear to see their little faces when they find out we’re moving.”



Present day in Glasgow, Scotland…


“Try the pink! That would suit you a lot more!”a girl said passing her friend a lip-gloss tube. “Do you think so?”She asked looking at it. “Of course!”The girl smiled and unscrewed the lid. She went into the bathroom to change and applied the rest of her make up. When she came out she saw her friend was already finished. “Omo! You’re so pretty, Joanna!”The girl said looking at her friend when they were ready. “I’m so envious!”She pouted. “You’re pretty, too, Jen!”The girl shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, right!”she said sarcastically. “Of course you are! Now, come on! We’re going to be late for the party!”The two girls rushed downstairs to meet Joanna’s mother standing at the bottom. “You girls look pretty.”Her mother exclaimed smiling. “Oh, by the way, JoJo, Do you remember a boy called Sung Min?”Joanna frowned obviously not. “He was your best friend when we used to live in Korea. “Oh! Him~”It suddenly came to her. “Yeah, what about him, mum?”“I’ve just been in contact with his mother. He’s coming over here in a couple of months and I said we would look after him. He’ll be here for around 3 to 4 months.”“Great!”Joanna chirped. “It’ll be nice to see him again. And he’ll be here for my 16th birthday party.”Joanna smiled at her friend and looked back at her mum. “But, can we please leave for the party now?”Her mother rolled her eyes and picked up her keys from the table beside her. “Let’s go then”



As the girls chatted in the car they noticed a familiar face outside of the window. “Oh-My-God”Jen started grinning at Joanna. “What?”She asked bewildered by what was so amazing. “Aidan Smith just winked at you!”she excitedly whispered into Joanna’s ear. But she just shook her head in disbelief. “No. He must have had something in his eye.”She explained. Jen rolled her eyes and continued to look out her own window. Finally, the car come to a stop. “Well girls, have fun!”“Thanks Mrs. Cho!”Jen said getting out the back door. “Yeah, thanks mum.”Joanna added doing the same.


“So, who is this mate of yours that’s coming to stay?”Jen asked as they walked into the community centre where the party was being held. “Oh, he was like my best friend before I came to Scotland. I last visited him when I was about 8 years old. He was more interested in playing soccer and video games then talking to me. We used to be so close. But we’ve grown apart.”Joanna made a bit of a sad face. “Well, hopefully now you guys are older you will get along better. I mean, come on! All 8 year old boys think girls have germs. It’s just the way it is.”The two girls laughed. “Yeah, guess you’re right.”



>>> Ye Sung’s Point of View < <<




“She’s pretty”Kang In said looking over Ye Sung’s shoulder. Ye Sung looked down at the photos he was holding. One was of him and Hyun-Ah when they were about 3 or 4 years old. And the other was them again but aged around 8. “I haven’t seen her for so long. She’s 16 now!”He took a deep sigh. “I bet she can’t even remember me. I bet she can’t even speak Korean anymore. She’s changed so much. She doesn’t even use her Korean name anymore!”“Why are you so worried anyway?”Kang In asked interrupting him. “I’m going to stay with her in about a month and a half.”“Oh.”Kang In let out a smile. “You’re going to England and you can’t even speak English?”“It’s not England I’m going to! It’s Scotland.”Kang In laughed even harder. “Even worse! You can’t speak Scottish! In fact, I’ve never even heard of that language!”Ye Sung rolled his eyes. ‘I wonder why.’He thought sarcastically to himself.

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