Chapter Five

You Who Came From Heaven

"Oh my godddd...what was I's all because of that blond hair...aishhh!!!" Jessica is hiding in the bathroom stall so that nobody can find her right now, her photoshoot is ruin, and what is she going to said to Mr.Won about that...



"It smell good here. ahh..." Taeng sniff the scent inside the restroom and look around...he sees that the place is decorated with much flower and light pink outline..."Does the angel restroom have to be so girly...aigoo."....."Be careful, you might slip." Taeng read the yellow sign place on the shiny floor and carefully move around..


"Who is that.." Jessica try to peak outside to see who...


*POOF* "Ah UMMA!" Yoong scream out after slipping and falling flat on the slippery floor..

"Yoong? HAHAHA" Taeng laugh out loud after seeing his brother slip and fall down to the floor..

"Shut up. You're not even helping me up hyung." Yoong got up quickly and wipe his back cleanly because of the still not dry water..

"Aye. You sneak down here again?? I wonder why appa never caught you.." 

"Cuz I'm smart. And appa went to a ceremony somewhere in the other place. So it is only me at home, woohoo!"...Yoong float in the air because of joyness..."Aish, this place is so small." His wings fold up quickly and disappear into his back while Yoong take a look around the place..."You sleep here now?"

"No. It's the restroom. The angel restroom."

"Angel restroom???" Yoong observe around the place and notice how girly it is in here...."HYUNG! Why are you in here?????? What angel restroom are you talking you see any angels in here babo???" Yoong hit his hyung slightly on the head and frown.

"Yah! There is. You and me." Taeng point to Yoong then to himself.

*facepalm* "BESIDE US. Aish..sometime I wonder if you're really the prince of the angel's world...You look more like the fool of the angel's world. HYUNG! THIS IS THE GIRL RESTROOM!! Byuntae seriously!!" 


*eeccckk* Suddenly one of the stall door slightly open...getting Yoong and Taeng's attention

"Oh god. why did it open...what did I just see...djkflkadkjbkladjfk.." Jessica's brain can't function after what she just saw...from the time Yoong pop out in the middle of the air til now...she suddenly think that she is going crazy

"What was that?...Is there a ghost in the middle of the day??" Yoong hid behind Taeng while they slowly walk to the stall...

surprisesurprisesurprise This is how the three people faces are right now...witnessing each other...on Taeng and Yoong's side...they didn't know that there is a human here...they thought it was empty....for Jessica's side...she didn't want to believe this..."You..." Taeng eyes wide open after seeing the girl that he called "witch" in here...."We're doom. Aish...I don't want to be here anymore. Hyung, goodluck." Yoong tap his hyung on the shoulder and quickly disappear infront of Jessica and Taeng...this make Jessica even move shocks and frozen.."Stupid Yoong, why did you run away..I will kill you if you pop up later." Taeng mumble to himself after seeing Yoong disappear.

She try to blink a few time to see if she wasn't dreaming..."Tell me, that person, just disppear in the air right?" She cluelessly ask Taeng..."Yah...what are you blond hair?? Are you an alien?..." She back away from Taeng, still shock..."Aish, what?? Even an alien is a byuntae??" She notice that they are still in the girl's restroom and shake her head..


"Hey, let's go to the movie, did you do the thing-" Suddenly, both of them hear the sound of people talking getting closer and closer to them...

"Oh...what now...I'm still in the girl restroom...I don't want to get slap...gahhh!!!!" Taeng quickly went inside the stall that Jessica is at and close the door..."Yah!" Jessica glare at Taeng, who is standing infront of her right now inside the tiny little stall..."Shh!" He tell her to be quiet...this is like the first time anybody tell the ice princess to be quiet...



"Be careful, it's wet. Aye, it's so tiring working in here." Two women walk inside the restroom and wash their hands...not knowing that Taeng and Jessica is hiding in behind them..

"I know I have copy the papers that Jessica gave me...aish.."

"I didn't think that her outfits for the photoshoot today was look normal...but the model that was in the dressing room before...he's cute...haha" The gossip about their works, and everything else that girls gossip about...

"Aish, how can they said my clothes is normal!!" Jessica mumble to herself quietly, Taeng notice that she is talking and quickly cover with his hand....this make Jessica elbow him back in the stomach....

" stomach..." Taeng really wanted to scream out because of the pain, he quickly move far away from Jessica, making sure that she won't hit him again...


"Are you done? Let's go.." The womens left after checking their face in the mirror....the restroom became quiet again...

*THUK!* The stall door open quickly after they left, and out Taeng fly to the sink because of Jessica's harsh push.

"BYUNTAE! ALIEN! WIERDO! STUPID BLOND HAIR! YOU BLOND HAIR ERT ALIEN!" Jessica hit Taeng with her purse as soon as she got out of the stall.

"YAH STOP IT! I'M NOT AN ALIEN!" Taeng grab Jessica's purse angrily and look at her..."Stop."

Jessica just rolled her eyes and drag Taeng outside the restroom...she quickly drag him up to the roof balcony and glare at him..."Who are you? What are you doing? Why did you come to Earth? Are you an alien? Did you come here to take over the Earth? Do you have weapons with you? What planet did you come from? Why am I even asking this? Oh god..."...So now it might be Jessica, who has also watch to much movie...but instead of making a melodrama like Tiffany, Jessica turn it into a sci-fi/fantasy movie where Taeng is the main character...she still can't believe what she just saw...



"Haizz..." Taeng sigh..."Fine. I'm not an alien. No aliens...I'm Kim Taeng, the oldest son of the King angel up in Heaven...I'm down here because I got punished...happy?" Taeng calmly told Jessica...who is zone out again after hearing his story..."Angel? Cupid? Heaven? Wings? Punish? Say whatttt????" A lot of things is going inside Jessica's head right now..

"Yo.." Taeng wave a hand infront of Jessica, making sure she didn't turn into a statue....

"You're wierd." Jessica look at Taeng weirdly

"You too." He reply back...this is also the first time somebody ever tell the ice princess that she is wierd...nobody ever dare to...."Can this as a secret?...And don't tell anyone...I'll do whatever in return." Taeng change into the serious mode when asking Jessica...not like his usual self...

"Why is he being so serious...I thought he was dumb...what am I doing...why am I helping him????? the blond hair byuntae alien....I mean angel...bleh..." Jessica head nod slightly without her permission...where is the cold icy Jessica right now???....why is it the clueless nice Jessica...

"Thanks." Taeng smile at Jessica, a serious smile, not the babo expression he always do before.

"Ahem!" Jessica grab her purse quickly and walk away without saying another words...leaving Taeng standing cluelessly in the top...

"Ah! It's so high up here!" Taeng look down to the city below him and freak out...he is in the tallest place of this building, which all together have 59 floors.



"Where is's been like hour...and what happen to Jessi??...." Tiffany run around the place to look for Taeng..


"Huh? Jessi? She found Jessica in the elvator while going pass it...Jessica step out slowly...not saying anything...turn back to her normal ice princess mode...

"Did you see Taeng?" Tiffany ask Jessica...

Taeng is here...somehow manage to get inside the elevator..."What is this?...Aye, the door close...gah! I'm stuck in here???" Taeng look at the colorful buttons on the side next to the door...

"1,2,3--....57, 58, 59..." He try to press all of the numbers from one to 59.."Somebody help me!!" Taeng bang on the door as the elevator went down...

*Ding* The elevator open at floor 39 after awhile going up and down from Taeng's command..Taeng jump outside quickly before the elevator close up...he is like a lost child right now, wandering around area...


Tiffany, on the other hand, is running around like crazy trying to find the lost Taeng...not seeing her surrounding, TIffany bump into someone making her fall backward..."Ah!"

"Ohh!" That person quickly catch Tiffany by the waist but let go after she stood up normally again...

"TAENG!" Tiffany is so happy to find out the person she bump into is Taeng again..

"Oh, Tip....pany." Taeng forgot TIffany name for a moment but then quickly remember it...

"Where did you go? I was finding you everywhere.."

"I uh....I don't know.." Taeng pretend to act clueless and shake his head.

" got lost didn't you.." Tiffany frown at Taeng blank expression but then smile again.

"It's okay, lets go..I need to tell Jessica something." Tiffany quickly drag Taeng down back to wear the waiting room is at....poor's barely his first day in the building...and he have been drag to a lot of place by Tiffany and Jessica....and even getting lost...


"Ani ani Jessica. He's just wierd..don't listen to him...the things you saw before is just your been watching to much of Tiffany's fantasy movies..." Jessica is sitting in the waiting room playing with her phone and thinking back about what Taeng said.."Grr...I'm still mad at him for ruining my photoshoot.."



"Jessi-ah!!" Tiffany came running inside and hug her best friend who is sitting on the chair. "I have something to tell you..."

"What now..." Jessica glance over at Taeng who follow in after Tiffany and Taeng quickly pretend to look somewhere else.

"You know, the thing I was telling you before you ran away from me...and...I wonder if you tell the boss...if Taeng can work here...or something like that..."  Tiffany pout and look at Jessica with the puppy eyes

Jessica glance over at Taeng again before answering Tiffany..."I don't even know why I'm agreeing to this...aish...but one thing, if he's going to stay in our house...he need to do something in return...what do you think our house is?...a shelter?...well...I guess we can have a servant in our house for awhile.." Jessica laugh out loud while Tiffany just stare at her..."Servant? Really Jess? That's so mean.." 

"If he want to stay...but if he doesn't..then tell him to go somewhere else..." 

"I'll do it." Taeng blurted out and smile..."WHAT? SHE'S TELLING ME TO BE A SERVANT..OH GOD...WHY DO I HAVE TO BE HERE....Haizz..I should have been quiet in the beginning and let Yoong go down here..atleast he love living here...evil Yoong, he even left me in the most dangerous situation.." While outside is smiling, inside Taeng is heaven...he have many servant that he can order around...and now...he have to turn into one down in Earth...then he blame Yoong for all this mess...

"Huh?" Tiffany blankly look at Taeng after he said yes..

"I'll do whatever you want." He glance over at Jessica..and Jessica know what he is talking about.



Now that Jessica know who he is..but doesn't want to admit it...while Tiffany doesn't know anything...and...where is the Gem bracelet at?....more and more drama will come Taeng live together in the house..


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Chapter 46: Wow this story is really nice. I really enjoyed reading this uwu
Taeyeon2209 #2
Chapter 20: TaengSic 😍 TaeNy
could you please put the pdf version up??? >.<
js1234 #5
I am sorry for not coment in this story but to be honest i already read it more than once and i never bored about your story have a great idea and you can make me feel the story
Thank you for your story author you are amaizing ..
you are talented author fighting
Butterflyer #6
Chapter 46: Thx u... Sweet ff
gabiel #7
Chapter 46: hahahaha :) i enjoy thigs story <3
it isteresting i wish u make another story of yours !!!!!!
make taeny story please author shii
FrozenArc #8
Chapter 46: I've finished this story in 3days
chuchu4 #9
Chapter 46: After 10 years I already finish to read this hahaha...
Jingoo and Hyemi is so cute... Well great story author-nim..
Thumbs up! (y) (y) Hehehehe
Chapter 46: it is a nice chapter
please write more