Chapter Forty Three

You Who Came From Heaven

"Hello?" Jessica open the door and there was a guy standing infront of her...the guy turn out to be the mailman coming here to give her the things she ordered.

"Miss Jessica-ssi?" He took out a pen and some papers..

"Ah yes, I am."

"Miss Jessica-ssi..I'm here to deliver the stuffs you order...Please sign here.." 

"Ah, that..." Jessica remember back to when she order some of the cloth samplse to use in her sketch and sign the papers..

"Thank you." She smile to him and carry the box back inside...

"No prob." The mailman politely bow and left..




"Hi." The young man smile as the door finally open after a long time.

"Huh?...Oh my god!.." The girl infront of him can't keep close after realizing who he is..."Umma! Appa! Look who is outside our door.." She drag her parents out to where he is and they also were suprise like their daughter was..

"Uh...You live here?" The young man look at them wierdly and scratch his head..."This is the right house though.." He mumble to himself

"Yes, this is our house..Omo, what an honor to have the CEO of G9 Company here...Mr.Taeng..right? May I ask why you came here?" The dad held out his hand wanting a hand shake...The young man they are talking to is, Choi Taeng, the current CEO of G9 Company...

"Ah...Yes I am..." The young man shake his hand and smile.."Sorry for the bother...I'm trying to find guys live here?...Isn't it-.." 

"Hehe...We just moved in 3 years ago...The old owner move away already." They honestly told the guy and smile.

"Ah....I see...Well sorry for bothering you guys..Sorry...I thought they still live here.." He politely bow to the family and smile...

"Ah no worries..It's such an honor to meet you though..Mr.Choi." 

"Kamsamida....I guess I'll be leaving then..Bye." He bow to them one more time before quickly running out to his car...

"Ah! So cool and handsome!!! I wanted to talk to him too, appa!" The girl inside the house couldn't stop staring at him as he left...



"Arghh that was so embarassing!! Stupid Taeng!! You should have come earlier...Great timing, they moved out 3 years ago already!!!! Gahhh Stupid Kim Taeng...What about SSStyle.." The young man talk to himself again as he start the engine and drove off...

Wait...Wasn't his name Choi Taeng?...Why is he saying Kim Taeng??? Who exactly is the handsome young man???????? And the house that he went to earlier was Jessica and Tiffany's old house...they had moved out about 3 years ago already...How do he know them?....Is he Taeng???



"No!! Hyung!!!" Yoong scream out and stop his appa from making Taeng disappear...Yoong then kneel down next to Taeng and look at the GFG statue..

"Father, can't you just let hyung go??? He is still young??? Why is falling in love so bad??? He has been nice for all this years...Just one mistake and you want to make him disappear??? He never commit any crimes...I don't get it...I won't let you do that either...If you want to punish hyung, then you should punish me too. I was the one that broke the bracelet..It was never hyung's fault in the beginning." 

"Yoong!" Taeng look at his brother angrily for blurting out random thing...
"I'm not kidding hyung...I'll support you...You can punish me too, father." Yoong proudly said and look at the statue...



"Noo!! Father, if you punish the two of them...I have no desire to live anymore...Please punish me instead.." This time, their umma kneel down together beside then and held their hands...

"Umma...Yoong, don't do this.." Taeng shake his head telling them to leave him..

"You three...tsk tsk.." The statue have no idea what to do now...

"Please don't punish Taeng and Yoong.." This time Soneon ahjussi kneel down at his spot and beg the statue...

"Father! I can't take this anymore...Even though I am the king..." Even the king threw away his wand and kneel down afterward...showing that he doesn't want to punish Taeng....the palace is all mess up now...

After seeing that even the king kneel by one...everyone in the palace kneel down infront of the statue...they felt sad to see Taeng getting punish...he is such a good kid after all..

"Please don't punish Taeng wangjanim.." They said all together..

"You guys don't need to do this for me.." Taeng look at everyone and tell them to stand up..

"No sir, we don't want you to disappear, seriously..." Even the guards, Ponyo and Jonyo kneel down showing that they feel bad for Taeng..

"Aish, this heaven is really mess up..haizz.." The statue sigh and pause for a bit..."Seem like, you have gotten a lot of people to support you..Everyone is telling me not to punish you..." The statue sigh again and suddenly become quiet...



"Kim Taeng...You are a nice kid after all...I will feel guilty if I punish you despite everyone kneeling down trying to beg for you..You are really lucky...You are the first angel to break the rule..but yet everyone still like you..Arraso arraso..I got it...You won't disappear...but the rule is still the rule...You are now not consider as an angel anymore...You will turn into a normal human being and will live forever down in Earth...You can not come back to Heaven anymore...The Heaven will just think that Kim Taeng, the oldest son of the King, will never exist..Alright?" Wow, even the GFG felt bad about Taeng...he is really lucky...

"Ah Yeah." Taeng bow to the statue and stood up, everyone follow after him and stood up also..."Umma! I'm not disappearing. Yoong!!" He hug his mom and his brother to celebrate the happiness..

"Taeng!! My son!! will no long be an angel...I won't get to see you anymore.." His mom start to cry but Taeng wipe away her tears..

"Don't can always look at me from up here...haha...I will always remember you...You can tell Yoong to come down there and visit me any time...haha..."

"Hyung!" The brother hug each other one last time before Taeng leave...

"Appa!" Taeng went over and hug his dad...
" son.." The king smile and patted his son on the back.."I'll miss you.."
"Me too...Thank you everyone.." Taeng bow to everyone in palace showing his happiness..."I hope everyone live a happy life.."

After saying goodbye and such, he follow the guards down to the drop off place...

"I'm going to the same place right?" He ask them and look down..

"We don't know sir...I mean Taeng...It's just at random really.." They said.

"Oh...alright..." After saying he disappear down to Earth forever..

Hoping that he will again fall into Jessica's house and tell her the happy news...but too bad..instead of falling into Jessica's house...Taeng, this time, fall down into a jungle/woods place...everywhere was trees and grass and dirt...Aigoo...poor thing..he fell into an empty nobody place.



"What the..?" Taeng look around the place and find that everywhere is trees and trees..

"Great..." he said to himself and walk around the place carefully, not wanting to slip...



"Help!! Anybody!!" He hear an old voice somewhere near him...he try to look around to see who is it...After searching around the place, he came across an old man holding a small branch tightly...seem like the old has slip and almost fall down to the steep hill..

"Ah, are you okay?" Taeng quickly help the old man up and walk him to a more safer place...

"Thank you." The old man said and smile to Taeng...he was in his 70's...His appearance doesn't look like a normal old man...the clothes he wears is worth about the price of a house...and he seem very intelligent..But Taeng had no idea about that...he just thought he was a normal old man..

"Ahjussi...why are you here in this empty place? Where is your family??" 

"Ah.." The old man look at Taeng wierdly..."He doesn't know who I he lying?"...Who was the old man?...."I accidentally slip because I can't find my family..Why are you here?" The old man pretend that he got lost and ask Taeng.

" lost...this place is wierd.." Taeng made up an excuse since he can't say he is from heaven...

"Oh...can you help me...find my way out?" The old man stood up and smile at Taeng...judging from Taeng expression...he seem to trust Taeng..

"Okay..." They slowly find their way out of the trees and slowly approach a big giant house...

"There's a house! They can help us.." Taeng quickly to the door and try to ring the bell...the old man follow behind him...

"Yes?-....Oh god, boss!" The maids and guards bow as they see the old man infront of them...hmm..

"Eh?.." Taeng look at them wierdly then at the old man...

"Where have you guys been?!?..Aish...Get the dinner ready...There will be another guest joining me..Get him all the stuffs he need and a room to sleep in..He is my life saver." The man told Taeng to follow him inside house and smile...the house was fill with maids and rich, high class stuffs...Taeng has no idea where he is...

The old man turn out to be Mr.Choi...The CEO of the G9 Company, very famous in Korea...He also own many other small but successful companies...Taeng has fall down onto Jeju-do..the place he been before...While Mr.Choi was taking a break here at the island, he suddenly feel like going hiking and told the guards to go back home to grab his stuffs...After waiting and suddenly loose his balance, Mr.Choi has slip and almost fall down the steep hill...luckily, he held onto a branch, and met Taeng..who help him, or like he said, his life saver.

The man didn't have any kids...He lived alone...After thinking that Taeng is a "lost kid" or an "orphan"...he decided to let Taeng stay with him, since he feel like Taeng is such a nice young man...and trusted him...He trusted Taeng that he didn't came here or help him because of his money...Since Taeng has no idea who he was...

After coming back to Seoul, the old man treats Taeng like his own grandson...Even teaching him business skills and such...Taeng felt that the old man was so nice that he need to return the favor, and so he stay there and help the old man with everything he need...He wanted to go find Jessica, but have no idea how to get there...and the old man always wanted Taeng to help him with he is stuck there..

4 years later, the man died because of old age disease...To everyone surprise, especially Taeng...Taeng thought that he would get kick out and need to find a place to stay...but the man had left all his wealth, companies, and houses to Taeng...Since he didn't have any kids, meeting Taeng was a great thing, he didn't have to be alone anymore, and he treats him like his own kid...that explain why...He told Taeng to take the last name Choi, and become Choi Taeng...The CEO of G9 Company...owning many other small companies and many houses around Korea...At first Taeng has no idea what to do...he never expect all of these...but before the old man pass away, he told Taeng to take cares G9 Company...and told Taeng that he will now be Mr.Choi's grandson...

And so...Choi Taeng or Kim is all only one person...Taeng. :)

End Flashback

Now knowing that Choi or Kim Taeng is still one person, how will Jessica react if she meet Taeng later?? :D



Update again :D...Taengoo is really lucky, from being the prince in Heaven and not get punished to being the CEO of a big company ahhaha >:D

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Chapter 46: Wow this story is really nice. I really enjoyed reading this uwu
Taeyeon2209 #2
Chapter 20: TaengSic 😍 TaeNy
could you please put the pdf version up??? >.<
js1234 #5
I am sorry for not coment in this story but to be honest i already read it more than once and i never bored about your story have a great idea and you can make me feel the story
Thank you for your story author you are amaizing ..
you are talented author fighting
Butterflyer #6
Chapter 46: Thx u... Sweet ff
gabiel #7
Chapter 46: hahahaha :) i enjoy thigs story <3
it isteresting i wish u make another story of yours !!!!!!
make taeny story please author shii
FrozenArc #8
Chapter 46: I've finished this story in 3days
chuchu4 #9
Chapter 46: After 10 years I already finish to read this hahaha...
Jingoo and Hyemi is so cute... Well great story author-nim..
Thumbs up! (y) (y) Hehehehe
Chapter 46: it is a nice chapter
please write more