Chapter Thirty One

You Who Came From Heaven

"He hasn't came back yet..." Jessica pout while walking by herself to her car in the parking she walk, she turn around when she thought she heard a sound, or someone...

"What the..." She mumble to herself and walk faster wanting to find her car..

*Poof* Yoong suddenly appear and drag Jessica down behind the cars parking, so that nobody can see them...

"Huh?" She look at him wierdly..."Shh." He told her and look out outside

"What the..she was right here.." They see two people wearing white clothes running up near them, looking around...the person they seem to be finding is Jessica...

"I told you that it's not here!" One of them smack the other on the head while scolding him.

"Aish, let's go somewhere else.." They disappear into the air...

"They're gone.." Yoong stood up and wipe his hands from all the dust that was on the car near them...."Noona!" Yoong turn around to help Jessica up.

"Eh? What are you doing? Who are they? Where's Taeng?" Jessica ask him a bunch of questions and not letting him speak.

"Hyung.....he's.....locked up.." Yoong look down after talking about Taeng..

"Locked up???" 
"Uh...aish, long is the short one...Noona, the one that have this bracelet..." Yoong grab Jessica's wrist and point to the gem bracelet..."This is a powerful bracelet...noona need to wear it always and don't let anyone take it...And hyung, the one who got locked up because of noona, tell me to come down here to protect noona...the guards earlier are going around looking for noona.." He shake his head and look around to see if the guards come back or not.

"What??? bracelet?? Taeng?? Me???" Jessica look at Yoong blankly and wierdly.

"Aigoo...arraso arraso I'll explain.." Yoong fold his hands getting ready to tell Jessica the whole story..."So, according to our human book, I guess, noona have to died today....but you didn't..."

"WHAT? DIED?.....what are you talking about?" Jessica freak out but then quiet down after noticing she is too loud.

"Yes, it's your fate...but babo hyung saved you and now that you have this bracelet.." He point to the bracelet on her hand.."You will never died...tsk tsk.." Jessica's can't close now after hearing Yoong talking about wierd stuffs..."Hyung is locked up because he got in troubles for that..and now he told me to go down here to guard you...aigoo.." Yoong shake his head and pout.

"Alright...all you said is true right?...You didn't just get this from a random movie right?" Jessica still don't want to believe whatever Yoong had said.

"Yes it's true..I can show you-...oh can't go up there..." 

"Is Taeng okay? Why don't I just give you this bracelet? Here." Jessica still didn't understand the idea of the bracelet and try to take it off..but Yoong stoped her before she can.

"No need to put it on if you don't want to died...and hyung is alright...wait no...he's not.." 

"Aish, I want to see Taeng...what is going on...your world is really complicated.." Jessica frown and look up to the sky.

"I know...Hyung broke the biggest rule didn't you know that?? And he change your fate in the book.." 

"Huh? What rule?"

"He likes you...alot! And this can't happen because-..." Yoong try to explain everything to the slow Jessica.

"Because I'm a human?" Yoong nodded to Jessica's answer and went on again with his explaination..."Aigoo...he said he didn't regret it...he only making this hard for himself...babo hyung...he will died!!" 

"I want to meet Taeng...can you help me?" Jessica put her hands together and beg Yoong.

"What's up with you two...always begging me to help you guys see each other..aigoo.."......"Let see...the thing noona need to do right now is avoid those two people earlier and go home...then I will try to find a way to help hyung and noona...Appa is really going to kill me for sure." He look down and pout while thinking about the king.

"Oh...arraso...thanks..." Jessica smile slightly to Yoong and got inside her car...
"Oh my god.." She mumble to herself after starting the engine and driving away..

"Taeng...where are you?...Are you okay?...why did you do that?...Taeng..." 




_A Week Later_

Jessica have been safe all these days since Yoong has been quietly kicking away the guards like he was told to by Taeng...everyday she sadly goes to work and go home without Taeng...nothing to do...she always look out to see if Taeng has come down or not...but he haven't...

As for poor Taeng...he is just sitting in the room hopelessly...he tries to escape again but it is impossible without his powers...nothing had work...he had broken a bunch of windows and doors, yet he still can't escape...





"Open the door, please." Yoong smile at the two guards outside Taeng's room waiting for them to open the door.




"Hyung....I'm doom.." Yoong walk over to Taeng and look at him...

"Huh? You're doom? What happen?? What happen to Jessica?" 

"Not's just that...I'm doom.." Yoong let out a sigh while pulling out something he's been hiding inside his shirt..

It was a small tube bottle with a glowing liquid inside it..."My powers?" Taeng look at the bottle surprisingly..."You stole it from appa??.." 

"This is why I'm doom.." Yoong nodded and gave the bottle to Taeng..."I feel like hyung is going to died if you stay any longer in here...haiz, you're cool..having someone to be with and being the hero..haha.." Yoong laugh a bit while sitting in one of chair look at his hyung who is opening the bottle.

Taeng drank the whole thing in one go and smile..."Thanks're the best.." he hug Yoong and pat him on the back.

"Ah, finally I'm back.." Taeng then point his hand toward a chair and pick it up making it float in the air by itself..

"Are you going right now?" Yoong whisper quietly to Taeng, making sure the guards outside can't hear them.

"Uh..I need to.." Taeng put on his shoes and fix his outfit before going..

*Poof* He suddenly disappear...."Haizz...good luck hyung."



_In Front of Their house_

Jessica has arrived home from works and is getting ready to go inside her house when Taeng pop out infront of her.

"Taeng!!" Jessica excitedly scream out and hug him tightly..."Where were you....I....miss you."

"I was up there." Taeng point up to the sky and smile.

"Your brother told me everything...wae-oh?..Why did you do that?" Jessica hit him slightly and epressing her worry about him.

"Do what?...Don't listen to him..he's crazy.." Taeng try to look away because he doesn't want Jessica to worry more about him...he doesn't want to deal with it anyway.

"No, you're the crazy one..Why did you break whatever the rules was...and why didn't you just take this bracelet thingy back.." She held up her hand showing the glowing bracelet is still on her..

"Take it back and see you died?" Taeng shake his head showing that he doesn't want that to happen..

"But you are going to get in trouble!" 

"I don't care..the only thing I care about right now, is you." They stare into each other eyes and Jessica can sense that Taeng is being serious...he isn't joking about anything he said.

"Didn't your brother were locked did you get down here?" Jessica look at Taeng curiously, they're still standing infront of the house, not going anywhere.

"I got out, thanks to Yoong, I got my magics back." He smile brightly at her.

"Magics? You escaped?" 

"Yea, look.....Ta da!" Taeng held out his hand and a rose suddenly pop out of no where onto his hand..."Here." He gave it to her and smile..

"Yah! This isn't the time to be joking around." Jessica hit him on the arm and frown.

"I told you to don't worry about that...ah, I'm there anything to eat inside.." Taeng try to change the subject and grab Jessica's hand and drag her inside...



"Tell me, he didn't just pop out from the air right?" Actually, Tiffany and Yul had arrived home no more later then Jessica, wanting to talk to Jessica about why she seem so depressed lately and about Taeng disappearing...they then suddenly witness everything from when Taeng pop out from the air and when he made a rose appear...

"I want to know too...that flower didn't just appear into Taeng's hand right?" Tiffany look at Yul with her eyes wide open..

"Are we seeing things?" He try to blink a few time and rub his eyes.

"Maybe it's was just our eyes..."

"Yah, then you need to go to the doctor and check your eyes again!" Yul again try to tease Tiffany and chuckle a bit.

"You too!" She slap him on the arm and glare at him.

"Ow! Well I guess we're wrong...aren't you going to go inside?" 

"No...It will be quite awkward now.." Tiffany look down and pouted.

"You're still worrying about that??...haizz.." Yul start his engine and suddenly zoom off slowly.

"Where are you going?"

"You said you are not going I'm going can stay in the car if you want...haha.." Yul laugh out loud but quiet down after receiving a glare from Tiffany..

"Seriously, I'm going kick you some day, Kwon Yul." 

"In your dream..haha.." They keep on argueing with each other and totally forgotten about Taeng and Jessica....




End Chap heart

Taeng trying to be a badass and break the rules hahaha xDD...I'm doing double updates quite alot lately...but anyway, hope everyone enjoys it :X heartheart

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Chapter 46: Wow this story is really nice. I really enjoyed reading this uwu
Taeyeon2209 #2
Chapter 20: TaengSic 😍 TaeNy
could you please put the pdf version up??? >.<
js1234 #5
I am sorry for not coment in this story but to be honest i already read it more than once and i never bored about your story have a great idea and you can make me feel the story
Thank you for your story author you are amaizing ..
you are talented author fighting
Butterflyer #6
Chapter 46: Thx u... Sweet ff
gabiel #7
Chapter 46: hahahaha :) i enjoy thigs story <3
it isteresting i wish u make another story of yours !!!!!!
make taeny story please author shii
FrozenArc #8
Chapter 46: I've finished this story in 3days
chuchu4 #9
Chapter 46: After 10 years I already finish to read this hahaha...
Jingoo and Hyemi is so cute... Well great story author-nim..
Thumbs up! (y) (y) Hehehehe
Chapter 46: it is a nice chapter
please write more