Last Chapter :)

You Who Came From Heaven

_Taeng's House_(Lol, it's so pretty. I found it on google xDD)



The address that Taeng wrote down was actually the place where he lives, as he drove his car straight inside his garage where many other cars is parked, there were servants and guards to greet him...The house was 3 story high and very big....It's not even consider to be a house anyway, somewhat more like a mansion/villa...It was known as the largest house in the place where he is living...

"Boss." The guards bow to him as he got out of the car...

"Uh, you guys don't have to bow to me everytime..."

"It's our rules sir, we don't want to get in trouble." They smile slightly still trying to be polite..

"Ohm. Ah! If later, a girl name Jessica Jung come, let her in alright?" Before leaving inside, Taeng turn around to remind the guards about Jessica..

"Yes sir." They bow to him as he left...



"GAH! Will she come???" Taeng lie flat down on the couch and frown.

"Sir, would you like something to drink?" A maid came out to the living room and ask Taeng politely..

"Water please." He answer her back politely also.



"Boss, Mr.Yoong is here." The guards came inside to the house follow behind is Yoong..They left after safely "escorting" Yoong inside the house..

"Ugh, I thought it was..." Taeng turn around uninterested in Yoong after knowing that he is not Jessica.

"You think I was noona huh? I told you to go find her earlier and stop complaining now!!!" Yoong went over and smack his hyung in the back making Taeng glare at him.

"Yah, I want to but I just can't go and expect to know where she is and how do I leave this place?? I told you to go find her for me, but you don't listen!!" 

"Blame appa, he said I can't use my magics when I'm down here anymore." Yoong shrugg his shoulders and sat down on one of the couch.

"Ahjumma! Can you make me some foods?" Yoong call out to the maids in the house and smile.

"Yah, my house is not your refrigerator. Don't make foods for him." After the maid came out, Taeng shake his head signaling to not follow Yoong's order..

"I'm being nice, coming to visit you and now you're not feeding me?? Ahjumma, go make the foods!" Yoong smile to the ahjumma and tell her to ignore Taeng..

"I'm the boss in this house though!!"

"If it wasn't for who, how will you be here?" Yoong make a puppy face and point to himself while laughing..

"Aish!! Arraso arraso, go make foods for him.." Taeng got tired of argueing back and forth with Yoong and signal the maid to make foods for Yoong..



"3090...." Jessica look at the house as she drove around the street...."Here?" She look at the paper then at the house in front of her...



After parking her car near the house, she walk to the front entrance and meet 2 guards standing there...

"Excuse me, is this Mr.Choi Taeng's house?" She politely ask them and smile.

"Yes ma'am, and may we know who are you ma'am?" Their deep voice made Jessica shiver a bit plus they were twice her size.

"Jessica Jung."

"Ah yes, the boss is waiting for you." After acknowledging that she is Jessica, the guards quickly open the gates and politely signal Jessica to go inside...

"Oh, thanks." She awkwardly smile to them and walk inside slowly...

", he lives in here?" Her eyes wander from left to right and high up to observe the beautiful and big house right in front of her.

Totally forgetting that she have to meet Taeng, Jessica slowly walk around the place and observe her surrounding..



"Yah yah yah!!" Taeng repeatedly smack Yoong on the shoulder as he trying to eat his food..

"Hyung!!" Yoong glare at his hyung for making his noodle fall down to the table

"This isn't the time to be eating!! SHE HERE!" Taeng excitedly scream out and quickly cover his mouth after noticing he was quite loud.

"Arraso arraso..Do whatever you want...3rd floor is mine for right now." After saying, Yoong grab his foods and disappear up stairs to the last floor.



"Is this where you go in?" After observing, she finally find the entrance place next to the pool and approach it.

"Aw, the pool...This make me want to the beach sometime later on...hehe.." She close her eyes and smile...As she keep on walking slowly, Jessica accidentally slip and lose her balance.."Ahh!!"

"Yah." A handsome guy suddenly appear infront of her and quickly held onto her hand and waist helping her not fall into the water. He was Taeng, as they stood there staring at each other, Jessica can't help but think that he was "Taeng". After realizing where she is and who is infront of her, she quickly move out of the way and let go of him.

"Mr.Choi." She politely bow to the person in front of her...

"You don't need to bow at me." Taeng chuckle at the cute Jessica after she look up.

"No, I can't be rude, you are the CEO of G9 Company."

"Haha, arraso..Annyeonghasyo Miss Jessica Jung." Taeng try to joke around with Jessica and bow back to her. "Nice to meet you." He said and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet-..." As Jessica hold out her hand getting ready to shake Taeng's hand, he suddenly hug her slightly, making Jessica freeze at the spot.

"What the?? Why is he hugging me when I don't even know him??? Stop tricking me with that face!! Why do they have to look so alike...Their name and even their voice???" 

"M-mr.Choi, wh-what are you doing?" Jessica move a step back away from Taeng and look at him wierdly.

"Just greeting..hehe...Welcome." He start to joke around again and open the door for her.

"Th-thanks." She quickly walk in without looking at him a bit.



"2 glass of water, juseyo!" Taeng called out to the maid after they sat down on the couch..

"Ah...I'm okay.." Jessica reply back to him awkwardly..

"Oh, no worry, you can drink it later if you want to." Taeng smile at her cooly, his smile suddenly make Jessica think back to Taeng...



"Hello?" Taeng wave his hand infront of Jessica's face after seeing her zoning out. "How cute." Taeng mumble to himself as he look at the blank Jessica.

"Huh??" After coming back to her right mind, Jessica look away again after seeing Taeng stare at her. "Sorry...So, let's get into the main subject, what is that you tell me to come here?" She coldly ask Taeng and drink a little of the water.

"Nothing..I just wanted to meet the famous designer that everyone admirer in Korea. After meeting her, she is really pretty."

"That's it??" Jessica look at him wierdly getting annoyed by his answer..."Is he flirting with me?? Woah seriously, even the CEO of G9 Company is a player?? Tsk tsk...Not again..." She has no idea that Choi Taeng would be Kim Taeng right at this moment.

"No. That's not all. I would like to tell you something...Would you mind staying here for dinner later?" Taeng pretend to be stranger again and smile brightly which making Jessica really annoyed.

"Um...sorry...I have a date with my boyfriend later already.." Jessica quickly try to brainstorm up an excuse and shake her head.

"You have a boyfriend??" Taeng look at her not wanting to believe what she just said..

"Yes. He's really sweet, really cute, really caring, and really handsome.." She pretend to name all the personalities of her "boyfriend" and smile while thinking about it.

"Ohm...I see, he must be a really nice guy." Taeng force a smile and look away trying to hide his sadness...He didn't know that Jessica already have another person who will care for her...he can't do anything now except wish her happy..

"Alright, sorry to bother you Miss Jessica Jung." He stood up and put his hand in his pocket. "I guess I won't bother you anymore...You can go if you want. Your boyfriend will not be happy if you are late...ha..ha." He manage to laugh a bit, a fake laugh trying to hide his sadness feelings.

"It's okay...hehe...I'll leave then...Bye." After bowing to him, Jessica quickly walk away outside as soon as possible..."Phew, finally got away from a player.." She then slow down after knowing that she is safe now...




"Don't go." Taeng suddenly hug Jessica tightly from the back, leaving her surprise from his sudden action. "I really miss you, can I just spend at least a little moment with you...I know you have a boyfriend now..But, I can't help it..." Still believing that Jessica have a boyfriend, Taeng didn't want to let her go either way.

"Mr.Choi, what are you doing??" Jessica quickly push him away and look at him wierdly.

"Don't go." Taeng suddenly lean in and kiss Jessica, making Jessica eyes wide open not knowing what is happening..

*Bak!* A slap went straight across Taeng's white face, leaving a huge red spot.."Please control yourself Mr.Choi." Jessica back away from him angrily.



"Sorry...arraso..I won't bother you anymore..I'm really sorry..." He then took out a bracelet on his hand and look at it..."There is no use anymore." He turn around getting ready to throw the bracelet into the pool, but someone stops was Jessica...

She grab the bracelet in his hand and look at it..."J...isn't this the bracelet me and Taeng bought together in Jeju? Why do he have it?" She notice the J carved on the bracelet and the very familiar looking style. "Who gave you this?"

"That? Its' my memories...It's all useless now, should just throw it away." He grab the bracelet that Jessica held out and try to throw it away again..

"Hajima!! Who are you?? Why do you have this??" She took off her bracelet and held the pair up to Taeng while looking at him curiously.

"Kim Taeng."

His words was like thunder straight to her ears...."Kim...Taeng??...Andwae, you're Choi Taeng!"

"Choi Taeng and Kim Taeng are one person. This is why I wanted to meet you...I've finally found you after 4 years...Finally, too late." Taeng look at her sadly and force out a half smile.

"You're Taeng?? This bracelet...only one person have it...You're Taeng!!" Jessica suddenly hug Taeng without saying another words. "Oh my god, where were you Taeng!! I thought you disappear!! How did you become Choi Taeng!!" She hug him tightly and happily while Taeng is still sad.

"Long story..-" He went on telling what happen of the whole 4 years before meeting her again now, here.



"I'm glad you found someone that care for you these 4 years...I envy of him." Still having no ideas, he smile at her and shake her hand.

"Ani-yah!! I thought you were a player and so I just make up a lie so you can go away!! I'm still single like 4 years before...Because...I still can't forget you." She look at him and frown.

"Chinja?!? Seriously??...So, I still have a chance??" Taeng excitedly jump up and down like a little kid after hearing the good news..

"Babo-yah..what chance are you talking about...I miss you like crazy over these 4 years...I hate you for disappearing and not finding me for 4 years." She playfully hit him and pout.

"I miss you too!! Because you moved house! I actually got to know where you are after bumping into Tiffany...I promise, I won't leave you anymore." He smile and hug her tightly..

"I won't let you leave me anymore too." She smile..."Ah!" Taeng surprisingly pull her in for a deep long kiss without saying anymore...After 4 years, they are together again...They finally found each other...All the misunderstanding has cleared up...Now, it's will be left with only happy memories.

"Saranghae...Do you still love me?" After parting away from the kiss, Taeng stare closely into Jessica's eyes and whisper to her.

"If I don't love you, I would probably be with someone else already..hehe."

"Andwae! I won't let you!" He say and pull her in for another kiss...



"Wait here.." He suddenly let go of Jessica and zoom inside the house....

"Babo.." She smile seeing his cute action inside the house seem to be searching for something.



"Close your eyes." He finally came out with his hands behind his back hiding something..

"What??...Arraso..Don't try to do anything wierd.." She smile and close her eyes..



"Haha, this is so embarassing..I hope no one is watching...Ahem!" He suddenly kneel down infront of Jessica and clear his throat before going on.."Open your eyes." 

Jessica open her eyes and look down at him blankly..."What are you doing?"

"Jessica Jung! I don't want to waste any more time...So....Will you marry me?" He held out a small red box and inside it was a shiny diamond ring...

"Haha...Yes." Without hesitating, Jessica nod her head and laugh...

"Woohoo!!!!" He quickly stood up and pick her up, spinning Jessica in a circle..."Jessica Jung is now my wife!!!" 

"Ah, I'm going to fall!"



"Ms.Kim?" He finally put her down and look at her.

"Yes, Mr.Kim?...hehe" She chuckle after the cheesy words..

"Let be together forever from now on. I love you!" He said and pull her in for a deep passionate kiss without hesitating.




*Clap clap* "Finally I don't have to here hyung nagging anymore!!! Noona! Hyung! I'll be looking forward to your wedding hhahaah!" Yoong came out of nowhere and yell out to Taeng and Jessica while standing on the 3rd floor.

"Yoong!!" Jessica look up and laugh after seeing the childish Yoong again.

"Noona!! I miss you!!" Yoong smile while looking down at Jessica.

"Haha, I miss you too Yoongie!"

"Yah! Who said you can miss my wife?!" Taeng look up at Yoong and pretend to form a fist with his hand..

"I miss you more Taengoo ah!" Jessica laugh at her jealous Taeng beside her...

"Eh, you ruin it hyung...I'm not gonna watch the romantic drama by you guys anymore.." Yoong shake his head and walk away..

"Haha...who cares about him..." Taeng said and they laugh..."Jessica Jung!!!!" He suddenly pick her up and run around the yard while carrying her happily...

"Wae-oh?" She answer him back while holding onto him.

"Lets have one boy and one girl! Maybe even one more kid!!"

"YAH! BYUNTAE!" She pinch his cheeks and laugh...




And so they have reunited with each other...Everyone is happy...After many hardships, the two have finally be together...

Kim Taeng and Jessica Jung, the perfect two!


So the story ended <33333 How cute...ah thank you everyone for enjoying the story, I love you all smileysmileysmiley Guess this is the end, I might be making more stories if I'm in the mood...xDDD  How was the story? :D

Anyway, Kamsamida and annyeonghasyo :)

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Chapter 46: Wow this story is really nice. I really enjoyed reading this uwu
Taeyeon2209 #2
Chapter 20: TaengSic 😍 TaeNy
could you please put the pdf version up??? >.<
js1234 #5
I am sorry for not coment in this story but to be honest i already read it more than once and i never bored about your story have a great idea and you can make me feel the story
Thank you for your story author you are amaizing ..
you are talented author fighting
Butterflyer #6
Chapter 46: Thx u... Sweet ff
gabiel #7
Chapter 46: hahahaha :) i enjoy thigs story <3
it isteresting i wish u make another story of yours !!!!!!
make taeny story please author shii
FrozenArc #8
Chapter 46: I've finished this story in 3days
chuchu4 #9
Chapter 46: After 10 years I already finish to read this hahaha...
Jingoo and Hyemi is so cute... Well great story author-nim..
Thumbs up! (y) (y) Hehehehe
Chapter 46: it is a nice chapter
please write more