With Open Arms

With Open Arms

Final Chapter!!

I just want to sincerely thank all of you who have stuck with my story despite the whole drama and all haha ^^ I really appreciated all the comments, and I am deeply sorry if I was not able to fully write some scenes due to the fact that I honestly at writing /.\ I had never actually finished a story before because I would leave them either halfway or just never had the courage so this is such a huge meaningful story for me c': thank you for upvotes,comments, and subs <3 I hope I don't leave you hanging with my lousy ending QwQ and if I did please forgive me 3 xD I was happy to write this story for you guys and hope that I will see you when I begin my next one (Well I already began it but haven't uploaded it yet) and without further a due please enjoy the last chapter :D as always comments are much appreciated.

Suho POV

“Kris where are we going?” I asked as we were both driving somewhere I'd never been at

The blonde looked at me and smiled “We're almost there” he said

I nodded and looked out through the window. Without realizing it, I fell asleep and was woken up a few minutes later by a light kiss on the lips.

My eyes fluttered open, and Kris was standing there “We're here” he whispered

“Eh...where?” Suho looked up and noticed that they were at the beach “Kris there's no one here...why are we here?” he looked around curiously

“Just follow me” he said and took Suho's hand before closing the car's door

They both walked around for a bit before he noticed something in the distance

“What's that?” Suho asked squinting to take a better look

Kris stopped walking “Oh I almost forgot!” he took a black cloth and walked behind Suho. Carefully, he blindfolded Suho, even though the black haired boy whined, and took his hand leading him.

“I'm going to fall” Suho said as he stumbled through the sand, but every time he was sure he'd fall, Kris's arms would immediately wrap around him securely.

“Don't worry, I won't let you fall down, besides we're here” he said, and Suho could hear excitement in his voice

Kris took the blindfold off, and in front of me I could see a pretty table with candles all around. It was so beautiful that I held my breath for a moment.

“Oh my God Kris” I whispered, and he smiled while taking out the chair for me to sit

He circled around, and sat on the chair opposite of mine “I hope it's not too...you know...” he said

“No, no, it's perfect” I looked at the water, and how the moon was reflecting prettily off of it “Wait...why are we here?” I looked back at Kris

He was looking around, but I couldn't figure out why he was looking around until I spotted someone walking towards us. After a closer look, I noticed it was actually two people walking towards us.

“Hello, good evening, my name is Baekhyun and I will be your waiter for this fine evening” the boy smiled widely. He was even dressed the part, and both Suho and Kris couldn't help but laugh

“This is my assistant Chen” the boy continued while Chen began pouring wine on glass cups.

Both Kris and Suho looked at each other, and laughed a bit more.

“What is all this?” I asked confused as the two boys walked away only being replaced by both Luhan and Xiumin who brought glass plates filled with food

“I just thought that maybe this would be nice” he said

The night was passing nicely, and the boys kept bringing food and other things up until Suho just couldn't eat another bite.

“It's time for desert” Sehun announced cheerfully placing a pretty piece of cake for each one

“Ah but I'm so full” Suho whined, and it made Kris chuckle lightly

“The cake's really good” he said with a smile

Suho took a sip of water before taking his fork, he was about to poke at the cake when he noticed that Sehun had also placed a small blue box next to the cake.

“What?...” Suho whispered looking down curiously at the box

Kris stood up and walked next to him taking the blue box and slowly opening it.

He was so confused until he realized that Kris had kneel down, a beautiful diamond ring in his hand

Suho held his breath for a second.

Kris smiled “Suho” he began “These past years, I haven't been a good person to you, and I am so very sorry for all the pain I put you through. However, I am convinced that if you just give me a second chance, I will do everything I can to make you and the boys happy. I'll be the person I never was before, the one who you first met that day at the so very boring party my father was hosting” he laughed lightly, and Suho could feel his eyes begin to water. “I will make make it up to you, and I will only love you, and never let you go again.” he continued

Tears began streaming down Suho's face, but this time they were happy tears instead of the usual sad ones.

“Kris...” he choked out between sobs

“So please just...please give me a second chance. Would you marry me?”

-Oh my God...Oh my God- Suho held his breath again creating an air of suspense as Kris awaited an answer. After a bit, Suho broke out into a wide smile

“Yes. Yes I'll marry you Kris” he blurted out way too fast that he wondered if Kris had even catched that, but it seemed he had because he gently put the ring on Suho's finger and then pulled him into a lovely kiss.

They both heard applause and cheers, and they turned around only to see all ten boys smiling widely at them.

“Way to go dad!” Chanyeol cheered loudly, and they all laughed

It was a beautiful evening, and Suho just couldn't have asked for more. The people he loved most in the world were there, and he could just feel happiness running through his whole self.

Kris POV

Suho had said yes, and I still couldn't believe it until we began discussing about the wedding the very next day.

“No roses” he said with a small frown

I nodded “No roses, but what flowers do you want?”

He thought for a moment “Sunflowers!” he said with a smile

“Okay sunflowers” I nodded again

The boys came all running down the stairs “Mom, Dad!”

We both turned and looked at them confused

“Which one is better?” they showed us ties

Suho told each one which one was better, and they all ran back up

“Are they nervous?” I asked with a light laugh

Suho shook his head “No, but they're excited, after all they're finally graduating” he smiled widely

Everything was going perfect, the boys were graduating, and both Suho and I were getting married

2 Weeks later

The boys were called one by one as they happily received their diploma. Both Kris and Suho cheered proudly, and immediately after ran to hug all of them.

“Ah mom you're squishing me” Luhan whined as Suho hugged him even tighter

“My babies are all grown up” he said with tears

Kris hugged him, and smiled at the boys.

“So who wants to go eat something good?” he asked and Lay smiled widely

They ate, and talked about future plans, then moved to the wedding

“So is everything ready?” Sehun asked as he stuffed some food into his mouth

Suho nodded “I just need...” he said and all the boys looked up at him “To invite everyone” he said exhausted

They all chuckled “We'll take care of that” Kai said, and the boys agreed

“Hey Suho” Kris looked at the black haired boy


“Are we going to invite...Amy and...”

Suho bit his lip “Yes let's invite them”

Suho POV (1 month later)

“How do I look boys?” I asked twirling around

“Perfect!” Chen smiled widely

“Aww I love you all!” I pulled them all into a hug, and they whined loudly

“Dad was all nervous when I went to check on him” Chanyeol laughed

Suho looked up curiously “Oh was he?” he laughed as well

“Yeah, in fact he was like freaking out because he thought he'd be late. Even grandma was telling him to slow down a bit because of how fast he was getting dressed”

Suho chuckled lightly before turning around and fixing his tie

“Is there many people?” he asked curiously

Luhan and Sehun looked at each other “Uh sort of”

There were more than 300 people, and Suho probably didn't know half of them, and he was sure that Kris didn't have these much friends

“Who are these people?” Suho turned around to look at Sehun who smiled widely at him

“Uh we kind of just...invited people...”

Suho face palmed but couldn't help a laugh

“All right” he said as he closed the door again.

After a while, they finally announced that both of them had to walk in, and he eagerly ran up to Kris and took his hand.

Kris was literally shaking so much that Suho had to give his hand a light squeeze of reassurance

“I'm not nervous...” Kris kept whispering to himself, and Suho laughed

“Yes you are” he whispered with a smile

They both walked into the room, and were met with smiles and cheers as they made their way to the very front of the room.

After saying their vows, they both took turns to put on the rings.

Kris leaned down and gently placed a kiss on Suho's lips “I love you” he whispered

“I love you too...babo” Suho whispered back, and Kris couldn't help but smile widely

The rest of the evening progressed slowly, and the dinner was actually fun.

Both Kris and I joked around a bit while the kids danced along to the music blasting from the speakers.

Kai was especially thrilled about the dancing, and he seemed so happy that it made Suho smile inside

Kris wrapped his fingers tenderly around Suho's and they stayed holding hands for a while before they spotted a familiar red head girl walking towards them and smiling widely, behind her Daniel gave them a shy smile.

“Hello Mr. Wu, and Mr. Kim...or actually both of you are Mr. Wu now” she said happily “Congratulations to both of you”

Suho smiled back at the girl and then turned to look at Daniel “Hello Daniel” he smiled

The boy looked up and smiled back, all traces of shyness now leaving as they all talked about what had been going on.

“Daniel got engaged” Amy chanted happily

“Oh that's awesome! Congratulations Daniel”

He nodded “I'm getting married soon, and I would appreciate if you two come” he said

Kris nodded “Sure” and then turned to look at Amy

“What about you Amy?” he asked curiously

The girl laughed “I haven't found the right one yet, but I have a feeling that I will soon enough”

The party continued even after Suho and Kris left.

“You think the boys will be okay?” Suho asked worriedly once Kris opened the car door for him

“They'll be fine, I warned them about drinking” he smiled “Besides, after the whole hotel room experience they're kind of scared of you”

Suho laughed “I'm not scary...or am I?”

“I just won't answer that”

They laughed.

Both of them would be spending a whole week in France, and they went straight home to shower and pick up their luggage.

After boarding the plane, Suho shivered a bit at the coldness, and Kris began digging through his bag

“What are you looking for?” Suho asked curiously, and smiled when he saw Kris pull out a familiar red and black scarf

“Here” he said gently wrapping it around Suho's neck

It wasn't long before Suho fell asleep on Kris's shoulder, but the blonde didn't seem to mind because he was too busy playing with his lover's fingers.

France was absolutely beautiful, and Suho ran around waving his arms up and down like crazy, behind him Kris chuckled lightly

“Yah Kris this is beautiful!!” he began spinning around which just earned him more laughter from the blonde

“We can come live here with the kids if you like?” he said

Suho stopped spinning “Seriously?” his face lit up, and he ran to hug Kris

“Mhm” Kris nodded wrapping his arms around the petite boy

After eating and shopping for a while, they both ended up at their hotel.

The room was huge, and it looked extremely expensive, but Kris had been extremely stubborn about getting the room.

In the end Suho had agreed, and now he flopped himself on the couch exhausted.

He heard Kris whine “Don't tell me you're already exhausted?”

Suho laughed and sat up “Why? Did you have anything better in mind rather than sleeping?” he said jokingly and it surprised him when Kris nodded

“Well I did have something in mind, but if you're too tired then it can wait”

Suho stood up and took the blond's hand “Let's go” he whispered with a smile as he dragged his husband to the bedroom

Luhan POV

“So who wants to throw a party” Luhan smiled widely when he spotted his siblings sitting in the living room bored

Chanyeol looked up “Yah! Are you crazy?!”

Sehun's eyes widened “Nope. Throw one yourself if you want to” the blonde turned around

Luhan couldn't help but chuckle knowing that they would never be throwing some crazy party again.

“He's just saying that because he wasn't scolded by mom” Tao shook nervously “Mom is so scary when he's mad”

They all laughed and decided it best to order pizza and watch a movie

Halfway through the movie Baekhyun looked up “Eh so are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?”

They all turned to look at him

“Passports,money, and luggage” he said with a grin, but ended up getting hit by a flying pillow that Xiumin had thrown at him

“Don't even think about it” Chen hissed

Baekhyun pouted “Hey! It worked when Sehun did it!” he whined

They all burst out laughing “But keep in mind that Sehun isn't normal” D.O. Joked and Sehun punched him softly in the arm.

A phone vibrated and they turned to look at Kai who had been oddly quiet this whole time.

He smiled widely once he looked at his phone's screen, and they all began trying to look as well but ended up being pushed away.

“So...I'll be back” he said getting up and picking up his sweater from the floor

“Where are you going?” Luhan asked curiously

“I have a date...” he smiled widely, before running out.

2 Years Later

Suho POV

1:35 am

The phone began to ring, and I slowly turned in bed waiting for Kris to pick up, but when he didn't I sleepily stretched my arm until I could feel the cold plastic.

“Hello?” I said groggily, and I sat up in bed once I heard Luhan's worried voice

“Mom! It's time!” he said, and I quickly jumped out of bed before forcing Kris up.

“Ah...Suho just five more...” he began whining but I pulled on his arm until he was standing up and rubbing his eyes “What happened?” he asked curiously

Suho smiled widely “She's having the baby!”

They both rushed to the hospital where they met up with the boys, and after a small greet, Luhan told them what was happening.

“Kai had to rush her here because she was in labor pain, and well you know”

Suho nodded “What about Kai?” he asked

“He's in there with her right now” Chanyeol smiled

“We're going to be uncle's!” Sehun jumped up excitedly

“Oh God I'm old” Suho said suddenly realizing that he was now going to be a grandma “Eh but you're old too” he said playfully poking Kris on the side

The blonde laughed and wrapped his arms around the others tiny waist

“Grandma and Grandpa..” he whispered “Who would have imagined that?”

It took about four whole hours before the doctor finally came out and informed them that in fact they were now grandparents to a beautiful, and healthy baby girl.

“Mom, Dad!” Kai smiled widely once he saw them enter the room followed by the nine other curious boys

“How is she?” Kris asked trying to look at the girl who was smiling brightly at them.

Her red hair was tied up in a bun, and her green eyes were shinning excitedly as she held her baby for the first time.

Kai smiled again “She's okay...and so is Se Mi” he said

Suho's eyes were filled with excitement “Oh My God! Se Min...aww Kris our granddaughter is called Se Min” he hugged Kai tightly and then moved towards the proud mother

Kris followed behind after giving Kai a hug as well

Amy smiled at both of them, and gently held Se Mi up for them to see.

“Daniel, Aileen, and Hayi will be here soon” Lay informed Amy who in return thanked him before turning back to let Suho hold his granddaughter.

“She has Kai's nose, and your eyes” Kris smiled

After a while, they all decided it best to let Amy rest so they ended up going home.

Kris sat down on the couch, and with open arms invited Suho to come cuddle with him.

The black haired boy overly willing accepted the offer, and let the blond wrap his arms around him.

“So I guess we're grandparents now” Kris whispered as he gently intertwined his fingers with Suho's

Suho looked up and smiled “I guess we are” he laughed lightly

The blonde leaned down and pressed his lips against his lover's and then whispered “I love you”

Suho could feel happiness course through his whole body as he inched up and stole a kiss from Kris “I love you too” he whispered, and he knew that it was true. He loved Kris with every inch of himself. Every single one.  

I'm crying because I finally finished a story lol QwQ and I'm sorry if it wasn't too good guys >_< I tried my best lol c: Thank you all for reading and sincerely from the bottom of my heart I love you all >w< hehe <3 This ending I tried to make it as happy as I could o-o but yeah xD hehe please tell me what you guys think of the ending...I probably need to practice my writing more ._. so yeah <3 LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH <3 ~Alma

Also special thanks to Psychedelic (My cousin) because without her I would of dropped the story from the first chapter xD and she kept pushing me to update so I would and now I'm so happy that I listened to her QwQ I love you my bes friend xD haha and D8< you better not push me for the next one because I will throw my alive album at you even if it isn't the metal version one =w= hehe <3 c8

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2455 streak #1
Chapter 24: for real, not everyone is given 2nd chances, Kris was very lucky to have one ang nice to see that he hasn't wasted it so far... he got his family back, that's nice too :)

i love this story, i love that it tackled forgiveness and all, in the end, the choices you make are yours, whether you'd regret it or not would be all on you... but those that we'll surely regret are the choices we don't make :)
2455 streak #2
Chapter 23: Suho and Kris asking for permission to go on dates from the kids! HIHIHIHI
and Suho acting like a teenager as he retells what he's done with Kris to the kids

as much as there may be other people who disagree with Suho's decision to forgive Kris, but nothing we can do since the Suho of this au chose to forgive him, after loving him still after all this time and feeling and seeing the change in Kris and believing that Kris wouldn't dare do that to him again... it's his choice and since the Suho of this au is the one who'd live with it, in the end, it's really all up to him

Kris saying that he was so stupid and that Suho was too good for him... better late than never idiot! and not all are given 2nd chances, please don't waste it ever again
2455 streak #3
Chapter 22: Lay's "oh no... you deserved more than that" resonates with me so much in this fic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

never knew he had that of a special connection with Kris tho... idk if i commented on it before, but if not, i just wanna say that this chapter's title is so beautifully apt :)
2455 streak #4
for squeezing out something much more meaningful than an apology from Kris

in the end, time apart was what they needed for Kris to atone for his sins and get his together, the rest of the family also needed to get over the initial anger then sort out their feelings for Kris as well... Suho has said himself that he still loves Kris, but he's gotta have to work much harder to get that trust that he broke back...
2455 streak #5
Chapter 20: Suho thinking if that was the same way he held the mistress before, things as serious as that when left hanging can haunt you for a long time...

Kris's way of apologizing, if that was ever considered one,
2455 streak #6
Chapter 19: years later, the make me forget abt him part still affects me so damn much... i knew they would take that route, and just... ugh thank god nothing further than kisses and making out happened... just, i don't feel like it's the wisest decision
2455 streak #7
Chapter 17: as much as i pity the state Kris has been in since he left Suho and the kids, what can we do, he did it himself... but istg, taking anti depressants with alcohol, he's really just waiting for death then huh?
2455 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh Kai... precious Kai
2455 streak #9
Chapter 14: Kris is lucky Narae's parents only sent her far away and didn't sue him lol

at this moment, Kris sure deserved to wallow is the misery and emptiness he's feeling coz of everything he did

idk if i mentioned it when i read this before, but Kai's desire to not lose his family, is what made him forgive Kris instantly... should be surprising that out of all the kids, he was the one most affected by the issue, yet he was the only one who wanted to keep contact with Kris... but Kai's love for the family that they had was above everything else for him... such a sweet child
2455 streak #10
Chapter 10: yup, this Narae has got to be the most despicable character to ever grace the KrisHo au...

and yes, seems like Suho isn't as weak as Kris thought... if anything, Kris was the weaker between the two since it was him who couldn't even stop his wrongdoings and be honest to his husband... he took the coward way of hiding... and look what it did to Kai and now, the prolonged affair gave some sort of courage to this little girl... Kris should've known better