I know it's over...

With Open Arms

Hello guys :D so here's the new chapter! o.o um so yeah I kind of had trouble writing this one because I just couldn't get my feelings under control QwQ like idk why but I have to be calmed so I can write a good fanfic or in this case angry, but I couldn't D= so please I'm sorry if it's not the best chapter =c as always please let me know what you think and thank you so much for all the comments QwQ I was crying because you guys leave so many comments and it makes me happy <3 

Kris POV

It had been a tough night for Kris, starting with the fact that he had to hold Kai while the ambulance got there. At one point, Kai ended up fainting, and Kris had no idea what to do except cry, something that obviously didn’t help.

Approximately 25 minutes later, the ambulance finally got there, and Kris watched as the paramedics dragged Kai out. Kris carried Suho in his arms, and put him safely in the back seat of his car as he followed the ambulance to the hospital.

He decided to stay next to Kai, because he knew Suho would want that, and at exactly one in the morning, the boys came rushing in one after the other.

“What happened?!” Luhan had asked in horror as he saw Kai connected to several machines

“KAI!” Sehun ran to Kai’s side, and held on to his hand as he sobbed violently

“Boys it’s alright, he’s just tired so let him rest” Kris told them as he got up and checked his phone

1 New Message

Narae 11:24 pm

I just heard the news…Sad…How’s Kai and your precious wife doing? . You do remember I told you, that you would lose everything right? Now I’m just waiting for you to come back… I love you

Kris stared at the screen, and began shaking in anger.

“What’s wrong?” Lay asked as he noticed how Kris bit his lip angrily

“Nothing, just stay here for a bit. I need to call someone” Kris said, and the boys nodded

“We’ll stay here don’t worry dad” Xiumin reassured him

After leaving the room, Kris walked outside where he called Narae.

“Well that was earlier than I imagined” she said as soon as she picked up

“Are you having fun?” Kris hissed

“Of course I am. You should have learned not to play with a girl’s heart” Kris could tell she was smiling on the other side of the line

“You’re a ”

“Haha if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been called that…”

“What did I ever see in you…why did I have to fall into your little game” Kris whispered as he shook his head

“It’s a little too late for that don’t you think”

“I’ll make it up to Suho and the kids. Don’t ever call me again; I don’t ever want to see you near me or my family”

“Oh so suddenly they’re your family?”

“Shut the hell up” Kris hissed before he hung up

He stayed there a bit longer as he tried to calm himself down.

-Just breathe Kris- he kept repeating in his head until he finally seemed to calm down a bit

Finally after a while, Kris decided to return to Kai’s room where he fell asleep on the chair after sending the kids home.

“I’ll stay with him and Suho until they wake up” He promised before sending them off

The next morning, Kris woke up only to find the boys where already there.

“Don’t you boys have school?” he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes

“We all asked for the day off. We told the principal what had happened” Chen told Kris, and the others just nodded silently

“Ah…okay” Kris looked at Kai who was still sleeping deeply and then back at the boys “Where’s the rest of you?” he asked noticing that Luhan,Xiumin,Tao, and Chanyeol were missing.

“They went to check on mom. Tao texted me and said he just woke up” Baekhyun said with a sad smile “He’s panicking about Kai”

Kris bit his lip lightly “Tell them that I’m on my way and that they should probably come here instead” he stood up and took his coat from the chair.

“Okay” Baekhyun responded before tapping rapidly on his phone

Kris left the room, and decided to go get some things for Suho before heading there.

Inside the hospital, there was a small store where they sold gifts, and Kris bought Suho roses that were neatly placed in a glass vase and tied with a pretty white ribbon. Then he bought some candies that he knew Suho loved. Finally he decided to head towards the room.

Suho’s room was located to the other side at the very end of the hospital.

-Aish why did they have to place him all the way here- Kris thought as he reached the door and placed his hand on the handle. He slowly turned the knob and walked inside.

“Suho?” he called out as he looked around the white room.

Kris noticed that Suho was standing near the window looking outside as if lost in thought

“Ah there you are” Kris sighted with a smile

Suho turned around and stared at him before walking towards where Kris was standing holding the flower vase.

“I’m glad you’re okay…I got you these” he said as he handed the vase to Suho “Kai’s okay, he hasn’t woken up yet but…” Kris began, but stopped as he noticed that Suho was acting strangely

“Are you okay?...Do you want me to call a doctor?” Kris asked concerned at how Suho seemed absorbed by the flowers.

Suho didn’t seem to have listened to Kris, and he decided to ask again as he reached out for the black haired boy’s arm, but stopped half way.

“I don’t like roses” was all he answered without even looking up

Kris stood there not knowing what to say. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know” was all he could reply

Suho finally looked up, but his gaze seemed still distant “Sorry about what?” he asked

“About the roses.”

Strangely, Suho began to laugh, however his laugh seemed a bit forced.

“Suho…are you sure you’re okay?” Kris asked as he shifted uncomfortably

“I don’t want this” Suho said looking down at the flower vase, and then holding it out for Kris to take

“Suho I…” Kris murmured nervously without moving to take it

“I don’t ing want this!” Suho suddenly hissed, and he threw the vase against the wall.

The vase shattered, and the roses went flying in different directions. Kris stood there, his eyes wide not knowing what had just happened.

“Su…Suho?” his voice trembled as he looked up from the shattered vase to the boy who was now shaking lightly

“You…” he began, and Kris felt a cold shiver at the way Suho was looking at him

“Your friend came to visit…Narae….I believe that was her name” Suho’s lips curled up into a smile

“Narae…” Kris choked out at the mention of the girl’s name

“How long have you two?” Kris could hear the slight break in Suho’s voice, but the black haired boy seemed to have taken control.

“Suho I can explain” Kris blurted out

“Don’t even try to explain. I don’t want to hear you.”

“Suho please, Narae was just…she was just”

“DON’T ING MENTION THAT !” Suho snapped in anger, Kris could see his hands shaking

“Suho, please calm down, we need to talk about this”

“Whatever the reason was that you decided to cheat on me, I might have forgiven you Kris. Believe it or not, I love you, but what I won’t ever forgive…” Suho’s voice broke, and Kris knew that he was about to burst out in tears

“Suho” Kris whispered worriedly

After composing himself, Suho continued “What I won’t forgive… is that you’re the reason my baby got hurt. You might not give a about the boys, but I do, and I ing swear that if you get near them again…I WILL kill you”

Kris stood there frozen, and he felt like he had just been stabbed repeatedly in the chest.

“Get the out of here” Suho said, as he turned his back at Kris

Kris took this chance, and walked up to Suho before wrapping his arms around the boy. He immediately felt Suho tense up completely, and he stepped back unwrapping his arms.

Suho turned around furiously, and without any warning, slapped Kris across the face.

“I should of known” he whispered “That you were completely full of ” with that, he took the wedding ring ,Kris had given him, off and threw it at a wide eyed Kris who held a hand to the side of his face.

Suho bumped angrily into Kris as he walked towards the small restroom inside the room and slammed the door behind himself.

It took a few minutes before Kris could process what had just happened. He looked down at the ring that was lying on the floor, and felt another series of stabs to his chest.

His lower lip trembled a bit, and he suddenly remembered what Kai had said some time ago.

“Mom isn’t as weak as you think”

Kris had definitely misjudged Suho. The black boy was not weak at all; in fact this side of him scared Kris so much that it sent shivers down his spine.

Suho POV


“My husband?” Suho asked curiously, and Narae looked up at him


“Why do you want to talk about him?”

She smiled, and moved closer to Suho.

“You know, I was actually with Kai before he went to see his father”

Suho shifted uncomfortably in bed.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Aren’t you curious about what they talked about? Isn’t that the reason that Kai became so distant?”

“Yes, I’m curious, but why would you know what they talked about?” Suho did feel curious about everything, but there was a nagging at the back of his head.

“Kai” she continued still giving off a sort of sarcasm “Found out about something, and Kris ordered him not to say anything therefore it slowly consumed him until…Well you know the rest.” Her lips curled up into a smile again, and Suho froze for a moment

“What…what did Kai find out about?” he asked as the nagging kept growing more and more at the back of his head but he tried to ignore it

“Kris has been hiding several things…He’s obviously never told you about what he does once he leaves his office” she bit her lip “Instead of going home, he goes straight to a hotel room, where he spends the night…with me”

Suho starred at Narae for a moment, and his head began feeling lighter by the second

“What?...” he asked in a whisper

“Kris loves me” she continued “He was even planning on leaving you and the boys before Kai found out”

There was a knot in Suho’s throat and he tried to desperately swallow it down before it choked him.

“You’re lying” Suho hissed suddenly feeling angry

“Why don’t you ask Kris then? Why don’t you ask him about how many nights we spent togheter, and how when you called, he pretended to still be at the office working so he could keep you and the boys living comfortably?”

Pain ran through Suho’s chest as he remembered all the times he had called Kris hoping he would come home, but was immediately let down as he said there was still too much work.

How could Suho be so stupid? Why hadn’t he noticed that what Kris said didn’t match up?

“Kris is also the reason that Kai tried to kill himself” she added before getting up from the chair

“Wait!” Suho said as he tried to get up from the bed

“Just ask him, you’ll see that I’m not lying” she said before walking out of the room.

Suho paced around the room for a while, before he decided to stare out the window

-Anything to keep me busy- he thought as he tried to avoid the anger that kept bubbling up inside him -Maybe she’s lying…-

He saw a few birds flying around, and he tried to remember the last time Kris had told him ‘I love you’, it had been a very long time.

Suho was so absorbed in thought, that he didn’t notice Kris had walked into the room until he heard his name.

Slowly he turned around, and saw Kris standing there with a flower vase in his hands.

-Roses- he thought as he remembered the discussion he had earlier with Narae

He walked up to Kris who eagerly handed him the vase, and began blabbering about several things, most of which Suho didn’t hear because so many things were crossing through his mind at once.

“I don’t like roses” Was all Suho could say as he looked up to see Kris’s expression change to surprise

Kris began apologizing about the roses, but honestly Suho could care less about that right now. What he really wanted was the truth, and he knew Kris wouldn’t admit to it easily.

If Suho wanted the truth from Kris, then he would have to force it out.

Trying his best not to stutter, he told Kris to take the roses, and when the blonde boy hadn’t budged Suho decided to throw it against the wall where it shattered completely. He looked up to see Kris standing there with his eyes wide.

“Your friend came to visit…Narae….I believe that was her name” Suho’s said, still keeping a slight hope that Kris wouldn’t react to the mention of that name, but he suddenly felt all his anger coming loose as Kris immediately tensed up.

“Narae…” he heard Kris choke out

It took a moment for Suho to realize that Narae hadn’t been lying, and he could now feel the pain in his chest spreading to his whole body.

“How long have you two?”

“Suho I can explain” Kris blurted out

“Don’t even try to explain. I don’t want to hear you.” Suho wanted to run out of the room

“Suho please, Narae was just…she was just”

-She was just what?!-

“DON’T ING MENTION THAT !” he snapped without realizing it

“Suho, please calm down, we need to talk about this” Kris begged

“Whatever the reason was that you decided to cheat on me, I might have forgiven you Kris. Believe it or not, I love you, but what I won’t ever forgive…” his voice broke, and he tried to fight off the tears

“Suho” Kris whispered worriedly

He took a moment before being able to continue “What I won’t forgive… is that you’re the reason my baby got hurt. You might not give a about the boys, but I do, and I ing swear that if you get near them again…I WILL kill you” Suho felt surprise at how threatening he sounded, but he didn’t care as long as his boys were okay

Kris didn’t say anything; he just stood there frozen with shock clearly on his face.

Suho felt on edge and all he wanted was for Kris to leave immediately.

“Get the out of here” he hissed turning around to avoid Kris

However, his threat didn’t seem effective as Kris suddenly wrapped his arms around him. He tensed up a bit before letting his anger out completely.

Angry and hurt, he turned around and slapped Kris across the face, only feeling a bit guilty after he had done it however he managed to let his anger crush that tiny bit of guilt.

“I should of known” he whispered “That you were completely full of ” Suho took off the wedding ring that Kris had given him, and threw it.

-It doesn’t mean anything- He tried to convince himself as he heard the small silver ring hit the floor

Suho pushed Kris out of the way as he ran into the small restroom complex. He slammed the door and made sure to lock it before sliding down to sit against one of the walls. His chest felt like it was being crushed, and thoughts kept filling his head.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, he finally let a few tears far down before he wrapped his arms around his legs and began sobbing violently. After about an hour, his whole body shook lightly because of how much he had cried, yet it didn’t seem as enough because his chest still felt like it was being crushed.

There was a slight knock on the door, and he froze wondering if Kris might still possibly be there. He stood up slowly and walked towards it.

“Mom? Mom are you in there?” he heard Luhan call through the other side of the white door.

Quickly, he wiped his tears off, and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were puffy from crying, and his hair was a complete mess, but he ignored that and opened the door.

“What happened?” Luhan asked worriedly as he pointed to the glass on the floor.

“Nothing happened” Suho assured the blonde boy with a forced smile “I just dropped a vase”

“Are you hurt anywhere?” Luhan pressed taking Suho’s arms to look for cuts

“I’m alright Lulu” Suho said

“Ah that’s right!” Luhan suddenly exclaimed looking up at Suho


Luhan smiled widely before continuing “Kai just woke up”



Dun dun dun =o so yes what did you guys think QwQ let me know okay c= I hope this chapter ddin't QwQ haha 3 well see you guys tomorrow xD now I'm gonna go sleep or something :3

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2455 streak #1
Chapter 24: for real, not everyone is given 2nd chances, Kris was very lucky to have one ang nice to see that he hasn't wasted it so far... he got his family back, that's nice too :)

i love this story, i love that it tackled forgiveness and all, in the end, the choices you make are yours, whether you'd regret it or not would be all on you... but those that we'll surely regret are the choices we don't make :)
2455 streak #2
Chapter 23: Suho and Kris asking for permission to go on dates from the kids! HIHIHIHI
and Suho acting like a teenager as he retells what he's done with Kris to the kids

as much as there may be other people who disagree with Suho's decision to forgive Kris, but nothing we can do since the Suho of this au chose to forgive him, after loving him still after all this time and feeling and seeing the change in Kris and believing that Kris wouldn't dare do that to him again... it's his choice and since the Suho of this au is the one who'd live with it, in the end, it's really all up to him

Kris saying that he was so stupid and that Suho was too good for him... better late than never idiot! and not all are given 2nd chances, please don't waste it ever again
2455 streak #3
Chapter 22: Lay's "oh no... you deserved more than that" resonates with me so much in this fic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

never knew he had that of a special connection with Kris tho... idk if i commented on it before, but if not, i just wanna say that this chapter's title is so beautifully apt :)
2455 streak #4
for squeezing out something much more meaningful than an apology from Kris

in the end, time apart was what they needed for Kris to atone for his sins and get his together, the rest of the family also needed to get over the initial anger then sort out their feelings for Kris as well... Suho has said himself that he still loves Kris, but he's gotta have to work much harder to get that trust that he broke back...
2455 streak #5
Chapter 20: Suho thinking if that was the same way he held the mistress before, things as serious as that when left hanging can haunt you for a long time...

Kris's way of apologizing, if that was ever considered one,
2455 streak #6
Chapter 19: years later, the make me forget abt him part still affects me so damn much... i knew they would take that route, and just... ugh thank god nothing further than kisses and making out happened... just, i don't feel like it's the wisest decision
2455 streak #7
Chapter 17: as much as i pity the state Kris has been in since he left Suho and the kids, what can we do, he did it himself... but istg, taking anti depressants with alcohol, he's really just waiting for death then huh?
2455 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh Kai... precious Kai
2455 streak #9
Chapter 14: Kris is lucky Narae's parents only sent her far away and didn't sue him lol

at this moment, Kris sure deserved to wallow is the misery and emptiness he's feeling coz of everything he did

idk if i mentioned it when i read this before, but Kai's desire to not lose his family, is what made him forgive Kris instantly... should be surprising that out of all the kids, he was the one most affected by the issue, yet he was the only one who wanted to keep contact with Kris... but Kai's love for the family that they had was above everything else for him... such a sweet child
2455 streak #10
Chapter 10: yup, this Narae has got to be the most despicable character to ever grace the KrisHo au...

and yes, seems like Suho isn't as weak as Kris thought... if anything, Kris was the weaker between the two since it was him who couldn't even stop his wrongdoings and be honest to his husband... he took the coward way of hiding... and look what it did to Kai and now, the prolonged affair gave some sort of courage to this little girl... Kris should've known better