My turn to cry...

With Open Arms

Here's the new chapter o.o or more like part one of the new chapter xD it's a little short, but I'm already gonna start the next part c: I just don't like putting too much stuff into one chapter xD idk why I'm weird c": Also Thank you all for the nice comments you've been leaving me despite what hapened o= I will find a way to solve this little problem while still keeping you guys updated xD so please keep reading!~


-Where am I? - I thought to remember as I opened my eyes, and saw bright lights.

There was a slight pain on my wrists as I tried desperately to move my arms.

“He’s waking up!” there was a voice coming from besides me

“Sehun?” I blurted out immediately recognizing the voice

“Kai? How are you feeling?” another voice, and this one belonged to Luhan

“Where?” My eyes flung open, and I saw all my brothers staring at me with relief in their faces

They all looked at each, and Chanyeol moved next to Luhan “Go tell mom he woke up already” he told the blonde boy. Luhan nodded and ran out of the room.

My throat felt extremely dry, and my vision was a bit blurry

“I’m thirsty” I looked at Sehun who was holding on to my hand

Lay moved towards a counter, and poured some water into a cup.

“Help me make him sit up” he ordered D.O.

The both of them made me sit up in bed, and helped me hold the cup so I could drink the water.

“Where are we?” I finally asked as I lowered the cup from my mouth

“We’re at the hospital”

“Why?” I asked suddenly realizing that there were several things connected to me.

-Ouch- I winced in pain, and tried to look down at my wrists

“Don’t” Sehun wrapped his fingers lightly over my wrists

“I’m sorry” was all I could manage to say as I remembered what had happened

“You stupid…” Sehun said “Why didn’t you tell me what you were feeling…I could have done something”

“I’m sorry” I repeated again, and bit my lip nervously

“It’s fine Kai, just try to get better” Chen said

“Yep I agree with Chen” Baekhyun smiled “We’re all here for you”

“Thanks guys” Kai smiled sadly as he looked around the room

“Where’s mom?” he asked curiously

“It was a big shock for mom….he’s the one that found you…He’s alright, but he just needed a bit of rest” Tao said

“Luhan just went to get him” Chanyeol added

“Oh…okay” I looked around the room trying to distract myself. Everyone was quiet, and it became extremely awkward. After a while Luhan finally came back with mom by his side.

“KAI!” mom exclaimed as soon as he saw me

“Hey mom” I said as he rushed to my side and hugged me tightly

I winced in pain, as mom accidently hit my wrist with his arm

“I’m sorry” he said looking at my face with his eyes wide open

“Were you crying?” I asked suddenly noticing that his eyes were puffy

“No I wasn’t” he immediately tried to deny, and I decided not to push it further

“Where’s dad?” Xiumin asked Luhan

“He wasn’t there” Luhan replied as he turned to look at mom “You want me to look for him?” he asked

I noticed mom suddenly grow tense, and he shook his head “No that’s okay Lulu”

The blonde boy looked back at Xiumin, and they all decided to leave Suho and Kai alone while they went out to get something to eat.

“We haven’t eaten all day” Lay whined

“You want us to get you something?” Chen asked both Suho and Kai

“That’s fine I’m not hungry, what about you Kai?” Suho asked as he turned around

“I’m not hungry either” I shook my head

“Okay then we’ll be right back”

After the boys had left, I sat there not knowing what to say

Mom was oddly quiet as well, and it just made it all more uncomfortable

“Hey Kai” he finally broke the silence

“Yes mom?”

“I’m so sorry” he said, and it made me curious as to why he was suddenly apologizing

“Why are you apologizing” I asked, and noticed how there were tears falling down mom’s face

“Because I’m such a horrible parent and because I didn’t know you were hiding something that was completely consuming you”

I starred at mom for a moment trying to figure out what he meant

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked

“What do you mean?”

“Kai please…I know everything already”

-Oh God- I tried to pretend not to know what he was talking about

“Narae came to the hospital, and she told me everything” Suho looked down at the floor

“She…she came to the hospital?” I could feel my anger rising

“Afterwards Kris came by, and I confronted him. In the end he admitted everything”

-I’m going to kill them both-

“You should have said something Kai instead of keeping it hidden”

“I didn’t want you to get hurt”

“I’m not that weak”

“I know you’re not”

“Then why didn’t you say anything? Was it because Kris told you not to?”


“Then what was it that made you keep quiet?”

Kai looked down at his wrists, there were white bandages wrapped around them, but they were also filled with blood stains.

“I just didn’t want to lose my family” he whispered sadly

Author’s POV

“Ah what to eat?” Sehun asked looking around once they had walked to the restaurants across the hospital.

“Well there are some chicken vendors over there” Xiumin pointed out

“Hmm chicken sounds nice” Lay said as he began walking towards the small street store.

They all followed behind already anticipating the taste of the chicken.

Halfway through their food, they talked about a few things that kept bothering them.

“Didn’t mom act weird today?” Luhan asked in hopes that he wasn’t the only one that had noticed

To his surprise he wasn’t the only one

“Yeah he was acting strange, but he wasn’t the only one. Did you guys notice how dad got mad when he got that message?” Baekhyun ate a piece of chicken

“Who was that anyways?” Chen asked curiously

“I couldn’t see even thought I was closest to him” Sehun said

They all tried to ignore what had happened, and instead focused on finishing their lunch.

Luhan was eating a piece of bread, before he looked up and noticed someone familiar standing across the street.

“Oh hey guys isn’t that Narae?” he asked

“It is, but what is she still doing here?” Tao looked up

“Maybe she didn’t have a ride back home?” Chanyeol offered

They all stared curiously at the brown haired girl who seemed to be impatiently waiting for something. After a bit, they saw another person approaching her.

“Isn’t that…” Sehun said, and they all froze

“Isn’t that dad?” Baekhyun finished off the sentence

They all saw Kris walk up to Narae who began acting strangely once she saw him. Suddenly she seemed more confident of herself.  She walked up to Kris and smiled up at him.

Their dad seemed to tense up when she got closer to him, and the boys starred curiously from across the street.

“What’s going on?” Ximuin asked not knowing what else to say

Suddenly they all felt their heart sink when they saw Narae stand up on her toes so she could give Kris a kiss. Not just any kiss, but a mouth kiss, and when she finally let go there was a smile on her lips.

“What the …” Chen blurted out

They all stood there unable to move, until they suddenly saw Lay begin to walk towards the both people who stood across the street.

“” Tao whispered under his breath, as they all realized what was happening.

Lay walked up to Kris who turned around surprised, and without further notice, he punched the blonde man so hard that he had trouble keeping his balance.

“What the are you doing here” Lay hissed as he gripped Kris’s shirt in his hand

“Lay….Lay wait” Kris managed to choke out as blood dripped down his mouth

“You son of a , I’m going to kill you” Lay hissed again

But before Lay could punch Kris again, Luhan suddenly held his arm.

“Let go!”

“No!” Luhan cried out

“Lay stop!” Baekhyun said nervously

“Let go! I’M GOING TO KILL HIM!” Lay struggled to break free as Tao and Xiumin joined Luhan in holding him back.

Narae rolled her eyes at them, and smiled.

“Boys I can explain” Kris said desperately

“Shut up” Chanyeol hissed “Is she your lover?” he asked angrily

“I’m more than that” Narae responded still smiling

“Shut the up you ” Luhan hissed

“Guys calm down” Chen pleaded

Lay had finally managed to calm down a bit, but Xiumin and Tao didn’t dare let go of him.

“If you ever try to get near mom…” Sehun said “I will not hold back”

Kris stared wide eyed at the boys, and saw their eyes filled with hatred

Narae turned around and began walking away quickly noticing how it was getting a bit out of hand.

Without much options left Kris also left, but not before trying to explain to the boys.

“We don’t want to hear you” Tao and Chanyeol said

They saw their father leave, and then they all turned to look at each other.

“You should have let me kill him!” Lay hissed

 “And then what?! You think going to jail for killing some piece of trash is worth it?” Sehun said angrily

“Is this why…is this why Kai…” Xiumin looked concerned

“We need to check on mom”

They all looked at each other again before running off towards the hospital
“Please let this be a nightmare” Luhan pleaded as they reached the glass doors

However this didn’t seem like a dream, because they could all feel themselves slowly crushing as they hurried to reach Kai’s room.


Oh Damn o-o

So guys as always please let me know what you guys thought c= and all so yeah thanks~

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2451 streak #1
Chapter 24: for real, not everyone is given 2nd chances, Kris was very lucky to have one ang nice to see that he hasn't wasted it so far... he got his family back, that's nice too :)

i love this story, i love that it tackled forgiveness and all, in the end, the choices you make are yours, whether you'd regret it or not would be all on you... but those that we'll surely regret are the choices we don't make :)
2451 streak #2
Chapter 23: Suho and Kris asking for permission to go on dates from the kids! HIHIHIHI
and Suho acting like a teenager as he retells what he's done with Kris to the kids

as much as there may be other people who disagree with Suho's decision to forgive Kris, but nothing we can do since the Suho of this au chose to forgive him, after loving him still after all this time and feeling and seeing the change in Kris and believing that Kris wouldn't dare do that to him again... it's his choice and since the Suho of this au is the one who'd live with it, in the end, it's really all up to him

Kris saying that he was so stupid and that Suho was too good for him... better late than never idiot! and not all are given 2nd chances, please don't waste it ever again
2451 streak #3
Chapter 22: Lay's "oh no... you deserved more than that" resonates with me so much in this fic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

never knew he had that of a special connection with Kris tho... idk if i commented on it before, but if not, i just wanna say that this chapter's title is so beautifully apt :)
2451 streak #4
for squeezing out something much more meaningful than an apology from Kris

in the end, time apart was what they needed for Kris to atone for his sins and get his together, the rest of the family also needed to get over the initial anger then sort out their feelings for Kris as well... Suho has said himself that he still loves Kris, but he's gotta have to work much harder to get that trust that he broke back...
2451 streak #5
Chapter 20: Suho thinking if that was the same way he held the mistress before, things as serious as that when left hanging can haunt you for a long time...

Kris's way of apologizing, if that was ever considered one,
2451 streak #6
Chapter 19: years later, the make me forget abt him part still affects me so damn much... i knew they would take that route, and just... ugh thank god nothing further than kisses and making out happened... just, i don't feel like it's the wisest decision
2451 streak #7
Chapter 17: as much as i pity the state Kris has been in since he left Suho and the kids, what can we do, he did it himself... but istg, taking anti depressants with alcohol, he's really just waiting for death then huh?
2451 streak #8
Chapter 15: oh Kai... precious Kai
2451 streak #9
Chapter 14: Kris is lucky Narae's parents only sent her far away and didn't sue him lol

at this moment, Kris sure deserved to wallow is the misery and emptiness he's feeling coz of everything he did

idk if i mentioned it when i read this before, but Kai's desire to not lose his family, is what made him forgive Kris instantly... should be surprising that out of all the kids, he was the one most affected by the issue, yet he was the only one who wanted to keep contact with Kris... but Kai's love for the family that they had was above everything else for him... such a sweet child
2451 streak #10
Chapter 10: yup, this Narae has got to be the most despicable character to ever grace the KrisHo au...

and yes, seems like Suho isn't as weak as Kris thought... if anything, Kris was the weaker between the two since it was him who couldn't even stop his wrongdoings and be honest to his husband... he took the coward way of hiding... and look what it did to Kai and now, the prolonged affair gave some sort of courage to this little girl... Kris should've known better